***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I'm very jealous lol. Next Monday will be my first day of and induction the Friday. Xx
I've never heard of a push present before either!
I've just been ordering the last few bits we need for bump from Amazon so hopefully they will be here at the end of the week.
36+2 atm and feeling tight! She's definitely dropped but still seems quite happy in there :)
Had a lovely long weekend away in the lakes last weekend and celebrated my DH and I's 1st year wedding anniversary and also his birthday so been quite busy! :nap:
Starting to build the nursery furniture from tonight as we delayed it abit...
And omgosh, talk about spots on my chin! :x
Yay... fully cooked today :-)

I only heard of 'push present' recently - think it's an American thing? I don't expect anything - besides my partner already stressing about money, I think the baby's enough of a present! I might get this expensive body cream I wanted for myself though... had some as a sample and it smells soooo good o.o
I don't know why but I've appreciated a bit of self pampering in the last few months - I've never cared at all about that in the past! I've been all about the scented bath oils and stuff... how weird.
My mother mentioned some theory that the kind of stuff you're into and doing in pregnancy reflects the personality of the baby, so maybe ours will come out with expensive tastes and insisting on the finer things in life! When my mum was pregnant with my much younger brother she was doing a maths a level, and now he's doing a physics PhD lol
I hadnt heard of push present until my parents bought me a beautiful necklace after the birth of our DS. DH didnt buy anything as he hadnt heard of it either. This time, however, he knows it's a "thing" but I doubt he'll buy something. When I reminded him he just laughed out loud... :-\
From what I understand it's a little something from your DH as a token of appreciation for carrying the child for 9 months (and everything that entails!) and of course for going through agony to get the baby out;-) I think we all deserve a little something at the end of our journey. Whether it's from DH or someone else close to us.
Skin wise, mine is amazing! When I'm not pregnant I take acne tablets as my skin is so bad but this pregnancy has been a blessing. And my hair has been amazing too. It's the 2 things I'll miss once my body settles back to normality. And I reckon I'll miss my bump after a while
Where is the day going?? Have been on the go all day but not even got half ticked off my list and OH and toddler will be home in just over 3 hours! Needing a sit down at the moment though.
Hey ladies, how's everyone feeling? I've started feeling how I did at the start of my pregnancy!! Headache and bad stomach..... will be 39 weeks tomorrow!! Going so fast xxx
Yay... fully cooked today :-)

My mother mentioned some theory that the kind of stuff you're into and doing in pregnancy reflects the personality of the baby, so maybe ours will come out with expensive tastes and insisting on the finer things in life! When my mum was pregnant with my much younger brother she was doing a maths a level, and now he's doing a physics PhD lol

Good stuff YorksLass :yay: This Friday for me!

That's an interesting theory... Hoping bump likes the outdoors and being active then because I'm still going! My DH and I walked 2.2 miles yesterday and I walked around Aira Force last weekend too. I think she might be a carb fiend like me as well though :P All I keep wanting is carbs :lol: (and ice-cream...)
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I love carbs but always have. I also brought ice cream last night which I will have more of tonight. My feet hurt today feel like iv done non stop walking at work and I'm tired. I don't think il get much of a push present as money will be tight but to be honest he has been amazing this whole pregnancy and I couldn't have asked for him to do anymore than he has. X
I read a similar thing a while back about what you eat in pregnancy affecting how your child eats in later life. Hope not as I've eaten way too much chocolate and cake in this pregnancy (chocolate cheesecake cooling on the fridge)! Not sure what it would mean for this baby activity wise. I slept a lot in my first pregnancy but am much more active this time, mainly due to having a toddler.
I wish I could sleep but I can never get comfortable and I need a wee the whole time. Iv ate lots of garlic and spicy food but I'd eat that anyway. My mum says she feels sorry for our baby x
Hey ladies, just checking in. Sorry I've not been around, life us crazy with 3 boys to look after, but I am popping on to read how you are all getting on. Can't believe soon all the June babies will be making their appearance :)

My little man is 2 weeks old tomorrow!! Crazy how fast the time is going.
Awwww he looks so chilled out x Can't believe he's 2 weeks already!
Ah he's adorable kanga!!

So clinic today and because of the reduced movements they wanted me in to start induction but sweep done but cervix not favourable so I agreed to daily monitoring until Friday and the induction Friday if I'm still not completely happy with movements, so hard to know if what your doing is for the best, was really hoping for a normal delivery this time and feel like if my cervix isn't ready am I already steering away from that normal delivery? But because of the diabetes they won't let me go much over due date anyway .... Decisions decisions! Esp as they put me on the monitor today and she went crazy-wouldn't stop moving and hasn't moved that way on a good 6 days, typical!! Xx
2 weeks already! Wow! I agree, he looks so chilled. Hope you're also doing good Kanga? :)
His so cute!! Two weeks have gone so fast how are the boys with him? Glad your doing well and enjoying lots of cuddles. I can't wait for mine x
Thank you ladies, I cant believe he is nearly 2 weeks old but he certainly is a chilled out little man. Sometimes a little too much as still struggling to get him to feed during the day. He is being weighed tomorrow so hopefully he is back up to his birth weight.

I'm doing great, I feel better than I have in ages. The tiredness is a real killer though but my pgp/sciatica is almost gone and the numbness in my foot is slowly returning to normal so I can move about easier. It is hard work looking after 3 kiddies but I wouldn't change anything. Both boys are besotted with him and smother him in kisses constantly, they do get jealous for cuddles though so I'm trying to juggle my time between them all so they don't feel left out.

CCbunny I understand the fear of induction and Alfie moved so much on the monitor the morning of my induction but I still went ahead with it because my cervix was favourable for my waters to be broken. But I did have a sweep just 3 days prior and my cervix was too far up to even so the sweep so so much can change in a short space of time. Hope you reach a decision about induction or not, but exciting that you could have your baby by the weekend xx
Cute! Love that baygrow in the second picture too. I like rainbow colours & bright clothes.
Ccbunny I know how u feel I have a sweep this Fri and induction next. All because of movements. I do however think it's her positioning which prevents me from feeling her. They did offer extra monitoring so I'm going to ask if I cancel the induction and have that can I go naturally into labour and have the birth pool? Part of me thinks just have the induction get her out so I can stop worrying. Plus I have no idea what it will be like so I could end up thinking it's to painful and not have the water birth anyway. It's such a hard decision I think if my cervix is favourable then maybe il have it. I'm just scared if it isn't then it will take longer and be worse. Hope you can come to a decision xx

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