***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I'm 2/5 engaged and waddling like a duck. 2 more days of work and its nesting time.

hats of too any of you ladies working to 37/38 weeks, I'll be 36 on Friday and I am done.
Let us know how you get on baby maker. I also have a scan again but next week.

Can I please have some advice on this:
We told hubby's family about my induction date should I turn up and my sweeps. They said let us know when she is on her way so they can come down. Now they live 2 hrs away and if I have induction It can take 5 days or end in a section. Also the risk of assisted delivery goes up. Now this is first and I feel like I don't want people there if I have a really tough time.. my family are 1 min away from hospital so if they came they would leave again if I asked even after say 30 mins as there so close. His family will obviously want to stay longer, the day probably. Which I understand as it's a long way to come. I just feel it means I have to entertain or even talk to them when all I may want to do is sleep or I might be in pain. I feel I'm being selfish but I feel it's my right to say who comes and goes.y hubby says if my parents see baby then his family should be able to. I agreed but tried explaining that my family will leave pretty fast as it won't bother them only coming for a short time. I can't ask someone who travelled 2hrs to leave after 30 mins. So now we are having words lol and I feel his not taking my well being into consideration. Also if induction takes 5 days I might just want to get home and if they come the first day we are back I feel we have no time as a family. I'd also like to have a shower here and chill out a bit. Am I being in unreasonable in saying I don't want people to come straight away especially his family. It's purely as they will stay so much longer and I want peace not lots of noise and all that.
As I say this is our 1st so maybe I'm wrong in how I will feel after that's why I'm asking for your opinions. This is slowly turning Into a row.x

I don't think 2 hours is that far away really, it might be their ok with staying for just an hour but your OH needs to make it clear to them that's what 'WE' want, or you know pretend to fall asleep... I would say call them straight after the birth so as they don't think your playing favorites, maybe play down the induction a bit.

Would they expect to stay over at your house?

This is the wrong argument to make to husband but I do think there's a difference between the mother's parents visting and inlaws. Birth is such a raw and intimate experience and as close as you can be to your oh parents there's a second language you can have with your own mother and father that allows you to be more open about what you need.
Also my mum may be at the birth il see how it goes. I just said il see how I am after the birth. I said a lot of people have tears and things like that but if I had a really long labour I might just want to rest. I'm happy for them to come for a bit and leave but I don't want them there all day. Hubby said they will come in afternoon then aging in the eve and stay at ours and come back the next day. Again that's ok but that's when il be coming home and I know they will want to come back. We are going away with them in July so I'd like to have our baby to ourself for a while.
I wouldn't want anyone at hospital during the birth or straight after!

Last time we didn't tell anyone when I went into labour as we didn't want anyone worrying. I didn't want any visitors in hospital afterwards either but had to let my in-laws in for a short visit the next day as they acted as taxi service for my OH. He then controlled the visitor diary once we were home so I wasn't overloaded as I was seriously exhausted and just wanted to be left alone. This time I will be more welcoming of visitors at home, provided they help entertain our daughter or bring me food, lol, and will allow visitors in hospital if we have to stay in, but it will still all be only by prior arrangement.

You need to make your OH understand that you don't know how you'll feel after labour and he has to support you in limiting visits and ensuring people don't outstay their welcome. The first days are all about you two and baby - we had entire days spent in bed with our first. Grandparents etc will get plenty of time with baby later. You can always use the midwife visits at home as cover for not letting them come round.
Iv tried telling him not sure how I will be feeling but he seems to think it's ok for them to come when we are in hospital even for a short visit. I know his family and I do love them but they will not go after say an hour. I will have to say I'm tired or something. Iv not liked being pregnant as iv spent the whole time worrying, I now can't have the birth I wanted and just feel when she is out I want her just for us for a bit. I'm dreading the family holiday in July as we are all in one house. I know I'm going to struggle so just feel like I want to enjoy being a family for a bit. I love the idea of just laying in bed for a few days after and relaxing whilst looking at our baby. Arg we are not going to agree on this not now anyway so I will see but if I don't feel up to it and he let's them in I will lose shit. Knowing a date is great but now means everything has to be ready and I'm feeling a little stressed x
I honestly don't know how I might be pregnant for another 4 weeks, I can't cross my legs or anything it just feels like she's ready to come out. I have the carpet fitter coming on the 25th but anytime after and I'll be ready lol.

I think my plug is starting to go too, getting a lot of discharge but nothing I would consider a show.
That's exciting stephylou, I'm also walking kinda funny as well haha!! I started the nesting about three weeks ago also love the smell of the cleaning things I use xxx
Mine is head down but not engaged nor do I have signs of my plug. I have been bouncing on my ball today and that's what I'm going to keep doing till she comes x
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I've had a show as well, doesn't mean a lot..... I need him to move back, as I don't want to be giving birth to him back to back xx
Just got back from growth scan and I'm soooo relieved!
1st growth scan: 38th centile
2nd scan: 15th centile
Today: 44th centile!!!!
Either the measurements were off at the 2nd scan or she's had a massive growth spurt. Currently estimated at 6lbs 15 which is exactly what our DS was when he was born at 39 weeks. Got MW in 30 min. Feels like baby is engaged so will be interesting to see if i'm right. The sonographer couldnt tell if she's engaged (apparently that can only be felt) but she did say baby is literally lying on my bladder...and I can defo feel that! It's been a worrying 2 weeks but feel so much better now. Hope everyone is well? xx
Let us know how you get on baby maker. I also have a scan again but next week.

Can I please have some advice on this:
We told hubby's family about my induction date should I turn up and my sweeps. They said let us know when she is on her way so they can come down. Now they live 2 hrs away and if I have induction It can take 5 days or end in a section. Also the risk of assisted delivery goes up. Now this is first and I feel like I don't want people there if I have a really tough time.. my family are 1 min away from hospital so if they came they would leave again if I asked even after say 30 mins as there so close. His family will obviously want to stay longer, the day probably. Which I understand as it's a long way to come. I just feel it means I have to entertain or even talk to them when all I may want to do is sleep or I might be in pain. I feel I'm being selfish but I feel it's my right to say who comes and goes.y hubby says if my parents see baby then his family should be able to. I agreed but tried explaining that my family will leave pretty fast as it won't bother them only coming for a short time. I can't ask someone who travelled 2hrs to leave after 30 mins. So now we are having words lol and I feel his not taking my well being into consideration. Also if induction takes 5 days I might just want to get home and if they come the first day we are back I feel we have no time as a family. I'd also like to have a shower here and chill out a bit. Am I being in unreasonable in saying I don't want people to come straight away especially his family. It's purely as they will stay so much longer and I want peace not lots of noise and all that.
As I say this is our 1st so maybe I'm wrong in how I will feel after that's why I'm asking for your opinions. This is slowly turning Into a row.x

Hopping in from May Mummies.

You are not obliged to entertain his family or play hostess. Your priority will be baby and you. His family is his problem - not yours - and he should be the one to set out the rules and tell them to leave when its time for them to go. He should be the one worrying about how to organise and limit their visits, not you. If he won't support you, then that gives you permission to wash your hands of the problem. If they outstay their welcome, demand entertainment, feeding etc - then that is for your partner to deal with. If you want a shower while they are there? Go ahead and take that shower! If you want to go upstairs and take a nap? Go ahead and take a nap! Don't make excuses, just say 'I'm going to take a shower/nap/go upstairs and feed the baby now' and do it. Practice this in your head, or even outloud with a trusted friend, in advance of the baby coming.

Most women are raised to believe that taking care of ourselves is 'selfish'. It is NOT. You absolutely should focus on yourself and the baby. You will, no doubt, feel awfully guilty if you go ahead and do that. But you should also feel a spark of thriumph for looking after your own and baby's needs. Latch on to that triumph. You are not being rude. They are being rude for not considering that labour is called that for a reason. It's hard! Not only will you have the physical consequences of going through childbirth, you'll have all the hormonal and emotional impact of it too. Keep reminding yourself that if they make it about them, they are the rude and inconsderate ones - not you.

Also, 'letting them know when she is on her way' can be interpretted in many ways. Such as.... "She's here! Sorry, didn't get chance to let you know earlier because we were busy performing a miracle. We'll let you know when we're ready for visitors!"
Aww I really like that last bit and definitely going to use it I think. I am out spoken and I did tell him last night if you don't say something I will and I will be a lot ruder than I intend to be. He knows I generally don't care what or how I say things and his mum knows that. She has gone on about christening her and I told her what I thought on that subject, it's not been brought up since. It will though I'm sure but for now she is leaving it. I totally agree that we should look after ourselves and our baby. I said if they are here he will need to take them out as we are in a one bedroom flat and if I want to sleep I want it quite. X
I am ridiculously shattered today. OH has chickenpox so has been home all week but unable to do anything as he has it really bad (he is literally covered in intensely itchy spots, he has a fever, is not sleeping and is understandably a very miserable man). I am tired, my pelvis & groin hurt, my bump is sore from being squashed, elbowed etc by a toddler, today was her swimming lesson which a!ways takes it out of me more and it's now dinner time and I really don't even have energy to eat and could happily go to bed instead :-(

Feeling quite sorry for myself, combined with guilt as I know I am meant to be supporting my OH and all I want is a lie down and a cuddle but he can't bear to be touched!

Sorry for having a whinge.
Hey folks - been busy with work the last coupla days, just catching up...
Blueclass, make sure your oh is on crowd control! I'm sure you've made it clear how you feel, he needs to follow through with letting people know what you want. I'm pretty much saying we're not telling anybody what's going on til the last minute! Our folks are about an hour or so away, both sides. Have told mine their first priority is to look after my dog lol My partner is very attached to his parents (I'm sure it's a bloke thing!) but I hope he'd put me first in this situation. People can come visit, but they must be understanding about it!

Maud, sounds like a bit of a crappy day - don't be sorry for having a moan on here, is what we're here for! It's a worthy moan haha - poor oh with chicken pox! Is always worse in adulthood, those illnesses. Poor you for having to cope without him when in the last few preggers weeks too...

Just one more day of work for me - thank the gods... felt sicky all day and babe has been burrowing down all evening - showed partner my bump and he reckons it's dropped significantly just today - said he could even see my ribs at the top, which he hasn't seen for months lol
Had some cramps and belly ache too... so now he's scared that it's coming sooner than we think. I just think I've eaten something dodgy lol - but I'll let you know if I have a baby by tomorrow ahaha ;-)
Yay 37 weeks today she is finally cooked. I don't think mine has dropped people say it has but iv always had a low bump, think it's body shape. Once again I barely slept last night and wish I could lay in bed all day. Still one week at work and I have no energy what so ever.
I think we have all used this forum as a place to moan at some point, I definitely have lol. It's so nice to be able to come in and talk about things and go through this journey with others. Glad our babies will be here soon but sad to think this will end x
Thanks x

Think I've found my last week at work more emotional than I thought I would. Came in this morning to a desk decorated with pink & blue balloons, huge card and a bag full of baby gifts. Nearly blubbed!

Going for a drink with my boss at lunch as rest of department can't make it. Going to do as little work as I can get away with today!
Aww Maud that's lovely. I would have been a mess!
So glad baby is fully cooked blueclass, not long now.

I just spent the morning in the maternity unit as doctor sent me out with slightly elevated blood pressure. They didn't seem worried and sent me home again. Now I'm grumpy! What a waste of a morning. I need this baby out!! :(

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Aww I know the feeling I want my baby out. I spent the morning in there the other day was very annoyed. I'm so tired and have no idea how I will manage one more week at work. I just want to sit on my arse and do nothing lol! Glad you had a nice day Maud I think I will cry on my last day as I cry at everything!!
Just popping in to say good luck to all you June mummies, and also congratulations on the babies who have already come into the world!

I was one of the unfortunate people who had a miscarriage (June 9th was my due date), I am however 22 weeks pregnant now, so I have a little september baby on the way, Im obviously very happy and feel very fortunate to have fallen pregnant again so quickly.

But I just wanted to say hello and wish you all the best of luck, looking forward to seeing all the baby pictures xxxx
Just popping in to say good luck to all you June mummies, and also congratulations on the babies who have already come into the world!

I was one of the unfortunate people who had a miscarriage (June 9th was my due date), I am however 22 weeks pregnant now, so I have a little september baby on the way, Im obviously very happy and feel very fortunate to have fallen pregnant again so quickly.

But I just wanted to say hello and wish you all the best of luck, looking forward to seeing all the baby pictures xxxx

Hey that's such good news! There is another June mum who unfortunately mc and is pregnant again but not as far as yourself. So glad this pregnancy has worked out for you and wishing you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy and the future xx

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