Wish I had finished today still one week for me can't believe I'm working till 38 weeks. I was also told I will have to go back for one day after the half term. In talk with bosses trying to get out of going in as that will be the 8th and dd is 10th and if hospital get their way il be induced on the 3rd. I'm so tired today and really can not be arsed to do another week. I am going to go for a pedicure tomorrow I think and iv booked a pregnancy massage for Thursday after work to refresh me for my last day. My friend also does reflexology so hoping I can get her to see me in the half term.
Hi girls! Hope ur all well, I've not been on for a few days, been a busy week... Just resting now, after taking ds2 to bowling with his friends for his 10th birthday! Absolutely shattered!
36 weeks today, had a scan last week, as they thought she had stopped growing, but all ok, and then was back in for reduced movements on Friday, but think she was just hiding low down...
Been told they don't want me to go over, so next consultant appt is at 39 weeks to discuss induction...
Boys were both couple of days later so never been induced.... But I'm ready for her to be out...
Off to buy epo and raspberry tea capsules tomorrow...
Fingers crossed she come herself xx
My skin is terrible at the moment. I never suffer with spots but my chin is appalling now. Lovely bump and I would say she defiantly dropped. XHow is everyone's skin at the min? Iv got lots of spots!