***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Wooooo... seems I've gotten so far ahead at work this week that there may be nothing left for me to do - I might be able to start my leave this week after all o.o maybe even from Thursday! Talk about efficiency lol - I been stormin' through it... one more episode of emmerdale and I may be done :-o
That's great yorkslass :-)

Our toddler announced yesterday that she wants to start using the potty. I blame the nursery as they told us we should start as soon as she was 2! She isn't remotely ready (denies when she does a poo, certainly wouldn't tell us beforehand and no idea when she's having a wee) but it was all she would talk about this morning so we had to take her potty shopping this afternoon. Really hope she will forget about it again quickly as the last thing I want is to be juggling a newborn and a potty training toddler!
Whoop whoop! Baby has turned and has their head in my pelvis :-) What a relief :-)
Oh yay Maud - good to hear! Eesh, potty training and newborn sounds horrific though... maybe if she's dead keen, she might make a big turnaround on it though and suddenly start announcing poos - friend of mine's kid started that last year, used to make me giggle when she'd shout from another room 'I done a MASSIVE poo!' Think she got the massive part from her dad saying that to her lol
Morning ladies! How is everyone doing? I can't belive I only have 14 days till my baby boy is due �� my plug came away the last few days and had a show!! I haven't slept well since I was about 30 weeks I wakeup every night and stay up for about 2-3 hours. Thank god I don't have work or it would kill me. Has everyone finished work now? Xx
This little man is also back to back!! Need him to move xx


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Ooh exciting to have a show sjenkins... sign that things are moving along :-)
I might finish work today o.o will be a huge relief if I don't find more work hidden somewhere to do! I'm not sleeping more than a couple of hours a night while I've been working - looking forward to some afternoon naps! I think sleep's gone downhill for all of us... Having said that, I'm a long term insomniac even without pregnancy, so I'm probably lucky that way - I'm used to it - I just go more and more loopy with it lol
Hope you've been well and enjoying a rest!
Oh, nice pic too - I think the on-hands-and-knees dog and cat stretching yoga poses can help with repositioning... maybe worth a try ;-)
Hi ladies, just notice this thread and thought I would join. I'm due my 2nd baby in June 29th, already have a boy who has just turned 15 months. How's everyone been keeping? Xx
Yes been getting on all 4s and I'm going swimming on Friday that's meant to help :) I've also never been good with sleeping but this something else. Anyone else finding it hard to eat? Hey fluffycat welcome to the group, I'm doing ok just can't wait to meet the little man! How you doing? Xx
Welcome fluffycat and congrats on the pregnancy ;-) been doing good - hope you're well too!
If kanga spots this, she should add your due date to the front page, but she had her little 'un already, so probably has her hands full!
Not slouching when sitting is also good for moving baby around. Sitting on a birthing ball and rocking will help.

I finish work at the end of the week.
Thanks Yorklass, just looked at the front page and I'm due the latest in the month! Will probably end up going into July.
Sjenkins, I'm good tho it's been so exhausting looking after my 15 month old as well as being pregnant. Took it for granted last time that I had no responsibilities and only worked part time!!
My back has been so sore this time round but I have put on quite a bit of weight and would appear that I am growing a big baby eeek!!
Yes my back has started hurting from baby being back to back, I think it's amazing how other mums can look after children and be pregnant at the same time!! I'm finding it hard now, my partner has two other children they are 6 and 8 but really good for me and very excited about meeting their baby brother :) I'm really hoping he comes next week I'll be 39 weeks xx
I think I'm finding the second pregnancy easier despite having a toddler to look after! Might be because I'm forced to stay active or could be because I'm only working part-time and generally less stressed this time. I am worried about having a toddler and a newborn to care for, but I keep telling myself that most mums do that so it must be possible!!
Is your little one excited about having a brother or sister on the way? I don't think I'll have anymore children but never say never haha I'm having a lazy day today as I've been doing something everyday since I've been off! I have my little business doing hair extensions and have my last clients next week xx
She talks about it all the time but I suspect the reality will be a bit of a shock for her
Well dammit, been asked to help out on another project until the end of the week now. Of course I'm a complete sucker, so said yes... I wouldn't mind, but I keep mentally preparing to take leave and then not taking it! Seriously... roll on Friday o.o
Beautiful bump sjenkins! I've lost a bit of plug the past 2 days too. We must be getting close to the end:wink:

Welcome fluffycat:wave: Do you know what you're having?

Oh Yorkslass, more work?? You are too kind;-)

I had the most horrendous stabbing pains in my cervix/bladder/nether region earlier. It went on for about 1.5 hrs! According to google it could be baby engaging, baby engaging and pressing on a nerve, or a UTI... Seriously hope it's not another UTI!!
Tomorrow I have my 3rd growth scan. She's gone from 38th to 15th centile and i'm praying she's not dropped below the 10th:shock: She's moving ok and all her other measurements so far have been pretty average. Guessing she's just skinny. My 2 worst fears are induction and c-section so i'm praying she comes on her own. xx
Let us know how you get on baby maker. I also have a scan again but next week.

Can I please have some advice on this:
We told hubby's family about my induction date should I turn up and my sweeps. They said let us know when she is on her way so they can come down. Now they live 2 hrs away and if I have induction It can take 5 days or end in a section. Also the risk of assisted delivery goes up. Now this is first and I feel like I don't want people there if I have a really tough time.. my family are 1 min away from hospital so if they came they would leave again if I asked even after say 30 mins as there so close. His family will obviously want to stay longer, the day probably. Which I understand as it's a long way to come. I just feel it means I have to entertain or even talk to them when all I may want to do is sleep or I might be in pain. I feel I'm being selfish but I feel it's my right to say who comes and goes.y hubby says if my parents see baby then his family should be able to. I agreed but tried explaining that my family will leave pretty fast as it won't bother them only coming for a short time. I can't ask someone who travelled 2hrs to leave after 30 mins. So now we are having words lol and I feel his not taking my well being into consideration. Also if induction takes 5 days I might just want to get home and if they come the first day we are back I feel we have no time as a family. I'd also like to have a shower here and chill out a bit. Am I being in unreasonable in saying I don't want people to come straight away especially his family. It's purely as they will stay so much longer and I want peace not lots of noise and all that.
As I say this is our 1st so maybe I'm wrong in how I will feel after that's why I'm asking for your opinions. This is slowly turning Into a row.x

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