***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I've been having a cheeky coffee every now and again! Somebody said it's fine to have up to 200mg of caffeine per day :)
Apparently a strong cafe bought style coffee is worth about 100-150... tea is about 75... but watch out, because chocolate has some too! (And obviously coke and other fizzy drinks)
I know what you mean about to inability to breathe too before it drops - I was singing in concert in a trio about a month ago and just couldn't regulate the breathing at all o.o felt like my lungs were being crushed!
Now I can breathe better, just the pain... oh god the pelvis pain... my partner wants me to call somebody about it, but I reckon it's one of those things that will just be there now til the end!
Iv had a Pepsi today too but I guess it's ok if it's not every day
Sounds like baby is definitely engaging your so lucky. Though you don't feel it lol. It hurts breathing when I lay on my sides does anyone have that?x
Not been on for a while! Congrats kanga! He's adorable...hope ur enjoying lots of cuddles xx
I have a serious ice lolly addiction, its just this heat. given up on pj's and duvets.
When I was pregnant with my 2nd baby I was addicted to icelollies in the last few weeks and she was a November baby! Haha :D

Anyone else find it hard to believe they will actually have their babies in a few weeks?

The pregnancy has seemed to have dragged so much, but now it's just a matter of weeks it's crazy. I still need to buy stuff lol.

I'm due the 5th of July so officially I have just over 7 weeks left, but my other two both came at 37 weeks (induced but only needed one pessary each time and both were born only a few hours later)... so there's a good chance this baby will be a June baby and could come in as little as 4 weeks!
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That's scary phoenix85 - could be mummies in June!!! Lol xx
Yay - come join us June mums haha
Finally on the home stretch now - SHOULD be my last week of the day job, unless I get talked into more again like a sucker... definitely feel like I can't go on much more though. Especially on 2 hrs sleep a night lol - I'm gone loopy! Painful sitting down this morning, gonna alternate between the chair and the company birthing ball hehe
Morning session I'm not the only one not sleeping lol. Had my growth scan today she weighs around 6lb at the min. I feel like I dis in tri if I don't eat regularly I start feeling like I'm going to be sick, going to have to carry snacks around around.
For a few mins this morning I felt lots of pressure in my pelvis it hurt to walk lol. It was only a few mins and I thought must be coz I need the loo but once I got there it was the smallest wee ever. X
Ooh - could be baby dropping then blueclass! I'm in the loo every bloody half hour at work for trickles of nothing lol
I can never wee properly anymore. Think baby has been sat on my bladder for weeks. Such lovely conversations we pregnant ladies have, lol!

I'm in my last week of work too. 3rd tri seems to be going on forever but I'm sure once I leave work it'll rush by.
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Can't Believe we will have our babies so soon. Feels like yesterday we were in tri1 now here we are on the home stretch. I feel crap, I'm exhausted as I was up all night with cramps in my tummy and back. Must have been wind as it's buggered off now.
I cannot stop peeing either, it's every 20 to 30 mins, I'm exhausted from climbing up and down the stairs!!!

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I know, pregnancy has blown by even if iv not enjoyed it I don't know where the time has gone. The lady who did my scan showed me our babies face and was so cute to see her lips and nose. I just want her here now though I'm still unsure about induction. I have mw tomorrow and then consultant on Wednesday morning to discuss it. I am happy to have a sweep early if my cervix is ok. Although I'm thinking I might wait till at least June. I don't want her to early and a sweep doesn't seem to bad. I'm also back to work on Wednesday for 8 days so been busy today. Dropped some baby stuff of which a friend gave but we don't need. Iv cleaned the bathroom and dusted and about to hoover. I will ask my OH to do the kitchen as there's bits I can't reach and therefore I can't be arsed.
Iv been very forgetful recently so iv not started to make lists of jobs I need to do lol. X
Let us know what they decide to do blueclass!
Man, this day has draggggged... roll on Friday :-o
I have been too organised at work and have run out of things to do with two days still to go. Think might sneak some extended lunch breaks in. Had thought we'd have a department lunch out on my last day but half the department are off so it doesn't look like we're doing anything. Bit disappointed to be honest.
Will do yorklass. I think il ask for a sweep once my cervix is ready ad I don't fancy an induction.

Maud- can you not do it the day before? I know it's not the same but still it would be nice. X
I think it's too late to organise anything now. Things are so different here to my last place (where they arranged a 'baby shower' with lots of presents and I took in cream cakes for everyone). I'm taking them a big box of chocs on my last day anyway so they can eat them after I've gone instead.
That's sad. My class and I are going to have a little party. X
I hadn't even thought of that! I should take some chocolates round or something... trouble is, I'm not working at my usual place, I'm at the studio down the road - but the folks who work there are cool too, I'll have to bring chocs for both places!
We go out on Fri mornings so we will get some party food and either go to the park or stay in and eat with some music. I'm rather looking forward to it x

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