Kanga, really hope they give you an induction date asap. All this worrying must be draining

I'm the same - lately I get burning feet at nighttime and it drives me mad!! Had it with my DS too. The current heat doesnt help either.
Apologies for the super long post. Need to vent my frustration re unprofessional idiots!
I had a nightmare couple of days last week. Due to my GD I've had 2 growth scans. The first one was fine and baby measured average on all measurements and on the 37th centile. Last week I had another scan and I asked them if they could look at the gender before I start my 5 loads of pink washing(!). There were 2 sonographers and their conversation went like this:
sonographer 1: Is it a boy?
sonographer 2: ummmm.... yeah....oh wait, no! that's a toe - not a willy. Sorry, baby has their foot right in front of the genitals so I cant see the sex.
I honestly thought I was going to faint! Obviously if it turns out it was a boy I wouldnt love him any less but we are all geared up for a girl now and I've bonded with the bump as a girl. After the scan I felt really angry because it was so unprofessional of them to say anything before they'd double checked. Then they printed off the measurements and she's measuring average for most things except tummy which is just below average. But she's now down to 15th centile from 37 which worried me so they're giving me another scan next week just to be on the safe side. I dont really understand how the readings can be average but the bump measures 2 weeks behind and she's dropped to 15th centile??
Anyway, the next day I had a combi appointment with the diabetic nurse and midwife. I'm controlling my diabetes through diet and the nurse was happy with my readings. Then it was the midwife's turn to do her measurements etc and when she felt my bump she said head was down, not engaged, bum under my ribs and her back on my right side. She then got her doppler out and put it on the right side of my bump. Then she went quiet and asked if I'd had movements lately. Cue me worrying but I said yes as I had felt her loads - even in the waiting room. So she moved the doppler a few centimeters and still looked concerned and asked where my regular midwife usually finds the hearbeat... FFS i dont know! By this stage i started to panic a bit. She then moved the doppler to the left side of my bump and said "ah yes, there she is". Is it just me or was that totally unprofessional?? she should've moved the doppler ALL ROUND the bump before giving any indication that she couldnt find the heartbeat.
After reading Lou's sad news last week I'm ultra aware of movements and slightly paranoid it would happen to me so mw's actions certainly didnt help the matter. And how can she confirm baby's back was on the right when it was on the left? ARGHH!! 2 days of constant worry which led to a few sleepless nights.
On a more positive note, baby will be fully cooked by the end of this week! Eeek! But she cant come this week as my inlaws are away

And she cant come next weekend as it's my mum's bday. So she needs to hang in there until the week after. Having said all that, she'll probably be late lol!
Hope everyone is well. Cant believe after all these months of waiting June bubbas are starting to pop out
