***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Sounds like a busy time alrm! Make sure you don't overdo it and get yer feet up ;-)
I've heard nothing from a health visitor yet, am I supposed to?
Kanga, let us know how things go after that scan x
Just noticed my ticket says baby can recognise and react to simple songs now... I already been singing it the same one every night as a sort of experiment lol
I do classical singing as a hobby, so have of course picked out a poncy one, a medieval French folk tune ahaha
With partner and I both being musicians, we'll be gutted if this baby turns out to have no rhythm or musical talent - that'd just be inevitable lol
Just noticed my ticket says baby can recognise and react to simple songs now... I already been singing it the same one every night as a sort of experiment lol
I do classical singing as a hobby, so have of course picked out a poncy one, a medieval French folk tune ahaha
With partner and I both being musicians, we'll be gutted if this baby turns out to have no rhythm or musical talent - that'd just be inevitable lol

Mine my recognise Eastenders or Masterchef at best then lol
Just noticed my ticket says baby can recognise and react to simple songs now... I already been singing it the same one every night as a sort of experiment lol
I do classical singing as a hobby, so have of course picked out a poncy one, a medieval French folk tune ahaha
With partner and I both being musicians, we'll be gutted if this baby turns out to have no rhythm or musical talent - that'd just be inevitable lol

Mine my recognise Eastenders or Masterchef at best then lol

Ahaha - mine would too! Even the dog recognises the eastenders theme around here lol
Lol mine seems to kick more during Masterchef than any other program!!
Hi ladies, should braxton hicks be really painful? Last night I had contraction like tightening and really intense pain that I had to breath through...it lasted about an hour and half before easing off....it was coming literally every five minutes...
All ok this morning though my bump is in agony xx
Hey iv only had them once and that was early on. I have read they are not meant to but my friends say they can hurt. I would say if unsure just call the mw. They will tell you and maybe invite you in. Bx iseant to ease of if you change postition things like that. Real ones are there no matter what and come regularly. An hour and a half is along time. Hope your doing ok x
Hi Kuku, BH shouldnt be painful but for me some are so uncomfortable they are on the verge of being painful. I've also had a couple of real contractions which i've had to breathe through but after googling it, it seems it's the body practicing the real deal. 1.5hrs of it seems a long time so perhaps a phone call to mw to see what they think? good luck! xx
They're Classing it as threatened early labour, though cervix is closed, been told to not work and just rest until consultant appt next week...
If I start getting pains like last night, got to come back in...
Other than that total rest for a few days xxx
Baby is doing fine, they're happy that's she's happy in there xx
Thats good they are happy that baby is ok ect. How many weeks are you again? Hopefully you will be ok id love for this one to come a little earlier x
I'm 33 and half weeks, anytime after 37 would make me happy xx
Glad they're keeping an eye on you and little Miss. Hope you manage to get plenty of rest! Xx
Yeah im jappy for her to wait till 37 then i want her to come x
Sounds like a busy time alrm! Make sure you don't overdo it and get yer feet up ;-)
I've heard nothing from a health visitor yet, am I supposed to?

Dw, my feet are up most days these days :wink:
I think its generally towards end of pg that the HV get in touch. They work closely with GP and MW, so you will probs hear from someone soon. I was expecting a visit today but she called to rearrange as something came up!

YorksLass said:
With partner and I both being musicians, we'll be gutted if this baby turns out to have no rhythm or musical talent
Heh! Same here! :lol:
Kuku I hope baby stays put for a while longer yet. I remember getting some pretty nippy BH in my 1st pregnancy at about 36 weeks and freaked out it could be labour starting, but it wasn't and he arrived 11 days late lol but glad they are keeping an eye on you and make sure you do rest.

How is everyone getting on? I'm struggling through this week on my own with the boys as hubby away on a course and man is it tough doing everything! Makes me realise just how much hubby has been helping out. The boys are really unsettled too and keep waking at night so I'm exhausted through lack of sleep as well!

Pretty much got everything organised for baby just need to wash the car seat covers as it's been under the stairs, set up the bedside cot on Sunday and either get some tiny baby clothes from my friend or buy a pack of sleepsuits and vests for my hospital bag just incase I need them on Monday after the scan! Also I'm 37 weeks today so fully cooked :) xx
You sound very organised kanga. Il be 35 weeks tomorrow still cant beleive where has the time gone. Its also been great having this forum iv found it to be a real support network so thanks girls!!
Iv not been sleeping at all again recently and im getting fed up. Last niht i was so mad i could have cried lol all because i couldnt sleep. My hips was hurting, was too hot and hubby was snoring. Im so tired iv had to go sick today in hope of some nap time. I also need to tidy my flat as its not been done and i have a very busy weekend. Babyshower on sat and a bbq on sunday. Im also thinking next week will be my last week at work. I think it will be nice to have some me time before she comes and also gives me and hubby time to do things together. I also need to finish my hospital back so am going to buy some pads and nipple cream then i think im done. I dont think iv had bh yet and worrying that will mean she will be late. We will be going on holiday so i need her on time lol! X
I know time has been flying by, yet dragging at the same time! I think I will be gutted if I'm not induced next week after getting everything so organised. I'm so ready for him to be here.

Rest up today and hope you get to nap, I'm not sure if I will get chance too but Harry is at nursery from 9:30-2:30 so will just have James to entertain. I need to tidy/hoover and putting some washing on today too but not sure I have the energy.

Glad you've made a plan about finishing up at work too, I can't imagine how hard it must be still at work, think the latest I've finished is 34 weeks but I used my holiday to reduce my hours for a few weeks before that to just 2 night shifts a week xx
If i had holiday it would be so so much easier but as im at school i cant which is very annoying. As we said i lose that time after she comes but i think its important for hunby and i to maybe enjoy our time alone for now. God knows when we will next be alone and if we was to have more children tou cant relax on mat leave as you need to do things. I need to dust, hoover, clean bathroom and kitchen but hubby is home so he will help. Hopefully il be ready for a nap after that x
Typical. We finally get some beautiful weather and our toddler has come down with chickenpox so we can't take her out anywhere! And our garden is a work in progress at the moment (turf just gone down) so limited what we can do out there too. At least she came down with it this month and not next as no idea what we'd have done!

Blueclass will your employer let you carry the holiday over to next year?

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