Scan went ok earlier, despite baby insisting on having its arm in the way of a clear view of the good kidney - the nephrologist and his student had me rolling about to try to get it to move, and he was pressing so hard with the thing I'm really uncomfortable now
he shoved the baby right down and now I have agony in the crotch! He's convinced the left kidney is doing well though, despite lack of view, since there's plenty fluid.
The belly is a little large, but apparently the cysts from the dysplastic kidney are pushing it out a little, but it should be ok. Weight estimated at 5lb13, so should be a healthy grand weight at full term!
We then went to a water birthing class in the evening, where we found a corridor full of pregnant women all standing waiting... the heat was unbearable there too... half an hour passed and they finally announced it was cancelled. A bit pissed off about that - partner and I both have to cancel evening lessons to attend these things and lose the money if we can't rearrange - so we won't be getting that class!
Meh... think the lack of sleep's finally getting to me. Tried the sofa last night so I could prop myself up more to help with the aches and pains and heartburn. Didn't work! At least my partner got some kip though - I keep him awake half the night too usually!