***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Oh wow that's great news kanga. He will be out soon can't wait to see a pic and hear ur both ok. I'm so jel of u and kitty having ur babies lol I want mine!! Hope it all goes well xx so excited for you!xx
Good luck kanga keep us posted, so exciting to have these babies arriving already xx
OMG Babymaker how unprofessional of them all! Can't believe they ermed and arred over the gender like that! But the midwife not being able to find the heartbeat is the worst, I am in complete shock by that! She should automatically try both sides and move it about a bit before scaring you like that, it's scary enough waiting to hear that sound even when you've just been kicked!

As for the scan it is a bit of a worry that she is dropping centiles, did they check the placenta doppler and fluid levels too? Glad you have a scan next week though to keep a check on her. What we're your weights and gestation? Just curious as obviously I'm below the 10th centile for baby's weight xx

Yes, the doppler and fluid levels are both ok. At 34 weeks they estimated the weight as 2,238g and at 36 weeks they estimated 2,417g. That's a weight gain of just 180g in 2 weeks! I have another scan next week so it'll be interesting to see if she's gained any more. xx
Eeek kanga, just seen your other post. Yay you're going to meet your baby soon :yay:
Best of luck with the birth. Cant wait to see pics and hear the birth story. Oh and to hear how much he weighs after all the worry with the size. Keep us updated when you can xxx
Good luck Kanga! Xx

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Thank you ladies. Getting on the forum is quite difficult as signal intermittent. Well finally try posting either in here or may Mummies so keep an eye out. Very irregular tightenings at the mo so hopefully things pick up a bit soon xx
Read they'd broke your waters in may mums... good luck, hope it happens soon for you! ;-)
Still not much happening so just had drip put up so fingers crossed it speeds up now xx
Baby is currently breech so I have to see my midwife again next week to see if they have started to turn and if not I have to have another scan to check position. Have had hardly any appointments so far and I'm used to everything being normal, so can't help but feel a bit worried; although I know most babies will turn themselves.
So I'm on my way to hospital again... She is moving but just not as much I'm sure she is ok tho but after that really sad post I can't risk it. Also I'm getting some funny coloured discarge sorry tmi lol. It's kinda yellow but normal consistently if that makes sense. It's not my plug or anything and had it a while but it seems to have got a bit darker so Google it and it says to get checked
I called and been told to go in. X
Well just got home and all is ok. Baby is head down but not engaged yet. I'm hoping that will mean she will get engaged soon as I keep getting g something that's very uncomfortable under my right rib. They will send me for a growth scan sometime next week and also I will need to see a doctor at the hospital as this is the 4th time she has had reduced movements. Of course as soon as I got there she was moving lots so much so it hurt! I felt a right idiot.

Hope kanga is doing ok I'm so excited for her. I'm also very jel of her and kitty lol having there babies to cuddle. I want my princess x
So that ended up being a quick one! Things got more intense at 6:30 so classed as active labour. He was born at 7:08pm less than 40mins later!! Just gas and air for pushing which was about 3 pushes I think. I went into shock after and took a while to recover but we are both doing brilliantly.

Meet Alfie John born 7:08pm 10th May weighing 6lb 1oz, so great weight really although under the 10th centile like the scans suggested xx

Yay!!! Congratulations and that's so fast just 3 pushes that's amazing. Glad your both ok now and he looks so so sweet. I bet his tiny. I'm so happy for u I could cry lol!!x
Congratulations Kanga! (Tri hopping) he is gorgeous! X

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