***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

No because its a school we only get the holiday when uts half terms ect. So we cant take leave during school time. I think i will just have to get on with it and not moan lol. I could work till 38 but i dont think i want to.
It is lucky ur daughter has it now instead of next month. Hops she is not to unwell with it. X
I'm so tired this morning and feel guilty for keeping DH awake with my snoring. I just couldn't get comfy at all last night. I snored before pg but my nasal passages are congested. I've been rubbing Vicks on like no tomorrow at bed time and I've just bought an allergy nasal spray to see if that will help. :nap:

Hopefully you will get things sorted soon blueclass xo
I have that too alrm! Have been bunged up for the whole pregnancy. I usually sleep lightly, but the last coupla nights my partner has had great fun doing impressions of the snoring - I've obviously been sleeping deeper at some points if the night... last night apparently he thought the dog was next to him growling!
It must suck about only being able to take school holidays off and not actually book any of your own time off blueclass. But I think going off a bit earlier will be good especially to spend time with hubby before baby comes. Glad hubby is home to help out with the jobs. When is your holiday?

Oh no Maud, I hope your daughter is better soon. Best for her to get it now though. Neither of my boys have had chicken pox yet so hope they avoid it whilst baby is small xx
We go away in july baby will be 4 to 6 weeks old depending when she comes. Its only to scotland but its such a long drive i want to be comfortable when sitting. Also if i needed a section the belt might be uncomfortable whilst driving. Plus id like her to be just that little older as all my hubbys family are coming and staying in the same house so i want her to myself for as long as possible before we go. I know im selfish x
Oh gosh Scotland is a fair old drive away. I understand completely about wanting baby to yourselves for longer, that's why I wanted a homebirth so that I could just be with baby, my boys and hubby without any visitors or travelling around xx
I have that too alrm! Have been bunged up for the whole pregnancy. I usually sleep lightly, but the last coupla nights my partner has had great fun doing impressions of the snoring - I've obviously been sleeping deeper at some points if the night... last night apparently he thought the dog was next to him growling!

DH kindly pushes me back over on my left side :lol: but it is getting a bit silly though, I may have to resort to propping myself up because lying flat is just not working! :whistle::roll:
I have about 6 pillows plus a 12ft pillow which i double over and still i dont sleep.

I like the idea of a home birth but not for my first im to scared!! Plus i am a big wimp when it comes to pain. If i can do it on gas and air then maybe my next baby will be a home birth, if i have another. I have told people not to come round the first day we are home as i will want to try and relax. Our parents are free to visit when im in hospital if im feeling ok but thats because i know they will not stay long due to visiting hours. X
I've never eaten so much spinach in my life as the last two weeks. My iron levels are now borderline anaemic so I'm on 2 pills a day until the end of pregnancy.

Got signed off this week as just couldn't function as need a nap during the day just to get through. totally vexed.
Aww... the extra iron should help a bit with the tiredness stephylou - keep munching that spinach! Plenty of beans too.. ;-)
Porridge with fortified iron such as ready brek or even most home brands are also good! Just check the label. I love spinach though - I have spinach and baby leaf salad with toms, cucumber and ham/cheese most days. Usually with carrot sticks and hummus. Or I cook up wholewheat pasta and spinach with broccoli and make a sauce with Philadelphia or cottage cheese.

I was told at my 28wk appointment that my iron levels had dropped so was told to eat more leafy greens. Tbh I was starting to get more tired as well and I stopped taking pg vits in 2nd trimester but I've started again to boost the iron and vit k back up.

Attended our 34wk appointment today. Heart beat fine, measuring fine on the chart. Midwife guestimates we'll be having a 7lb-er if bump goes full term! :baby:
Been put on 3 tablets a day just got a voicemail to say to pick up new prescription, high dosage as well. I had further bloods done on Wednesday so assuming its because of that but can't get hold of doctor to ask why. Bit concerned to take them as can induce headaches and I'm not looking forward to constipation.

Will try readybreak. :)

Baby doing fine though, she's happily zapping away all my minerals ha.
Iv had to take 2 aday but i didnt like them so i stopped. I now eat lots of green leafs, red meat and nuts. I also used spa tone i think its called. Its iron water and you drink it with orange juice. I feel so much better butni had bloods on tues so will wait to hear if iv done enough. X
Good morning ladies hope everyone is having a fab weekend!! I had my baby shower yesterday and it was really really lovely. Some mocktails, food and games and presents for baby was so nice to see friends. Of for a BBQ today so very busy.
Is it just me or have the last few nights been so hot. I cant sleep at all im going to go and buy a fan this morning as im getting a little stressed with no sleep xx
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Aww, sounds like a fun time blueclass, is great to see friends - you picked a weekend of glorious weather for it too if our northern sunshine up here is anything to go by! I even got the rest of the baby stuff washing done yesterday :-o
I've been up since about 3am unable to sleep lol - partly horrendous heartburn and general aches and pains. Surprised my partner slept through all my sneaking in and out, he usually wakes no matter how quiet I try to be. I'm glad - he's had a lot of work on and has been working all this weekend. Secretly want him here to help me out with stuff and get a bit lonely, but at least he's bringing in money and I have the dog for company!

Had another mega leg cramp 2 nights ago and still can't walk on it properly... grrr.. partner gave it a rub yesterday but made it worse - have to say, his massages are crap! Must teach him before labour lol
The heat isn't bothering me (I love it!) but I keep waking up overnight. It happened last time too, must be my body getting me ready for months of broken sleep, lol.

We've had a great weekend so far. Cleared out our garage, made cakes with our toddler, played in the garden. Loving the outdoor living while we can. Shame the forecast for later this week is stormy!
Eesh, getting up for work was a struggle this morning... I think the lack of sleep is making me loopy now lol
Where are you Maud, down south? I think we miss a lot of the rain up north and continue with sunshine for a bit! Bet it pees down next weekend though ahaha
I ended up making partner a 3 course meal yesterday and actually made some very successful panna cottas with a sort of strawberry sauce... I think I've watched too much master chef lately. Partner though I was nuts, but loved it when he got in at 9pm - probably why I slept bad again, eating so late!
To ease my swollen feet, he filled the baby bath with cold water and made me sit there with them submerged, claiming it was also a good chance to test out the bath. My hands have swollen too with the heat so much that my skin's cracking and I can't get bracelets off dammit! I worry about preeclampsia, but I don't seem to have any other symptoms, so I'm sure it's all good! X
Yeah we're Surrey/ Hants border. Daughter is going to hate the rain coming back as we've been out in the garden so much this weekend.

I seem to have lost my work mojo - hence posting on here when meant to be working!! 2 more weeks to go...
Sounds like you had a fab weekend blueclass and Maud. I missed out on most of the weather due to being at the hospital again. I'm still getting reduced movements so went to hospital Saturday afternoon and he didn't move much even on the ctg, they let me go home but by 8pm I still wasn't feeling anything so went back in. He finally woke up around 9pm on the monitor and kicked me loads until 11pm. Sunday he was quiet again but had a ctg booked in as I had been in twice the day before. He kicked a bit whilst monitoring and again mw let me go. I did burst into tears as I'm so worried about the lack of movements but she said just come back of I need reassurance.

Thankfully he moved about a bit more yesterday and has so far given me a few pokes this morning so I'm happy waiting it out til my scan at 4:25pm as having another ctg after that too. Hoping to see a consultant either today or tomorrow to discuss induction options as I'm getting so stressed our about the reduced movements and his size, just feel as though it's time he would do better on the outside than in.

Yorkslass keep on eye on the swelling but it could just be because of the heat the last few days. Making use of the bath bath as a foot spa sound lovely! I always seem to suffer with burning hot feet towards the end of pregnancy xx
I'm pretty sure it is just the heat with the swelling!
Really hope you get some idea of when they might induce kanga, must be day to day stress when babe's refusing to be active. He might just be really comfy and chilled out in there - no good for you though! Let us know how the scan goes and all.
Mine keeps getting hiccups and I think they get annoyed if they go on too long as they start writhing about. I think it might have turned inward too as I'm feeling more feet now (I think!) than chunky knees. It doesn't really do many violent kicks anymore, just kind of pushes bits of itself out... I think it's running out of room (certainly feels like that!) x

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