***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Sorry not been around much ladies, but had a few mad weeks, with BILs big fat Indian wedding and then nieces blessing and 5th birthday, all 2 hours away up north! Plus the house is still getting renovated!
Just relaxing today, been mad couple of days, finishing the kitchen off in time for my baby shower this sunday��
Think I overdid, been feeling faint, so just chilling before the mad rush tomorrow to
Do the final touches and waiting for some of my family to arrive...
Will be happy on Monday, as this is the last big event before the baby's arrival hopefully within the next 7 weeks!!
Though still got whole house to decorate and joinery to finish upstairs ������!!
Just caught up on everyone's news and glad that everyone's doing well...can't believe how close we are to holding our babies!!

Totally jealous of anybody due before me lol!
Hey Ladies! I started leave about three weeks ago and really enjoying it :) how's everyone feeling?? Can't believe I'm 35 weeks!! It's getting close xx
Kuku, sounds like a busy time! Hope you have a great baby shower tomorrow, and then have a rest - I was the same at that time, flitting about like a manic nutter, then hit 33 weeks and was suddenly exhausted lol

Sjenkins, gorgeous bump :-) glad leave's treating you well! I have 9 more days to work of the day job what with the bank holiday :-o still going to teach a couple of evenings a week for a while after, but that'll be easy! (So long as I can fit at the piano with bump ahaha)

Look out for in the club starting next... Tuesday I think? Just finished working on the series, talk about cutting it fine lol

Having a horrible time with a stitch like pain on the left at the moment which has been lingering since yesterday evening, and I'm sure babe has a leg in an awkward position as it's murder when it pokes its knee out! The stitch is round the back and my belly on the side, anybody had that before? I don't think it's labour or anything serious really, is just bothering me! That and the damn heartburn lol
My belly skin is so painful, along with everything else. I swear my stomach is going to burst open!
Lovely bump sjenkins!

Here's mine....34+4 today.

19more working days for me. It's flying by.
My belly skin is so painful, along with everything else. I swear my stomach is going to burst open!
This is me too. Her kicks and wiggles are so painful now! I physically jump every time she kicks or yelp out.

I'm 36 weeks today! 4 more weeks and I'm really hoping she comes early.

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My belly skin is so painful, along with everything else. I swear my stomach is going to burst open!
This is me too. Her kicks and wiggles are so painful now! I physically jump every time she kicks or yelp out.

I'm 36 weeks today! 4 more weeks and I'm really hoping she comes early.

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Did your due date change as your ticker says 35+3? Can't believe how close we are all getting now xx
Hey Kuku, sounds like you have been really busy and still have plenty to do. Enjoy your baby shower this weekend.

Sjenkins Yay for finishing up work and fab bump. Looks like your busy decorating too!

Yorkslass not long at work for you either. I never watched in the club, is this the 2nd series? It's about pregnancy isn't it?

Lovely bump overthemoon.

I'm 36+2 weeks and could have baby as early as 37+5 after my next growth scan, eek! Depends if he is still growing below the 10th centile and if I keep getting reduced movements. Consultants and mw's have already been talking induction may be safer just in case he isn't getting everything he needs from the placenta. Last weight was 4lb 12oz at 35+4wk and roughly 3 weeks behind in growth xx
Query... I've never been waxed before, but looking to book in a full wax before giving birth (so needed!). How long does the hairlessness last? If you don't know when to expect baby, how do you know when to book it in for?
I really think (hope), she'll be here earlier than my due date.
Thanks ladies!! And lovely bump overthemoo, I also feel like I'm going to burst out of my skin and keep getting on and off sharp pains and my tummy is so hard!! I'm getting waxed in three weeks as I can't really reach some areas haha xx
Yorkslass not long at work for you either. I never watched in the club, is this the 2nd series? It's about pregnancy isn't it?

It is 2nd series and all about pregnancy, parenthood etc... bit of a soapy drama, not to my usual taste tbh ahaha... has been a terrible thing to work on while pregnant lol - I'm truly desensitised to the screams of women in labour now! This series is a year on (I think) from series 1, but they have some new pregnant characters. They also film it where I'm going to be giving birth o.o
Happy bank holiday weekend everyone :-)

Oops, may have overdone things this week with all my energy as I lost 2 lbs (have been gaining 2 lbs a week up to now!). Today have had a Danish pastry, filthily fattening chocolate milkshake (made with milk, ice cream, choc sauce, a flake and cream on top!!) and syrup sponge with custard to make up for it, lol.

Been so busy I barely felt baby today so had to guzzle a can of diet coke then a glass of cold water and lie down for a bit to wake them this afternoon. Will probably keep me up all night dancing tonight in revenge!
Kanga- ya my due date was changed to may 28th. I can't change my ticker as I'm using my phone and rarely use the computer. It doesn't matter really, what's a few days? And I bet I will go over anyway. :)

I have horrible cramps today and loose stools (sorry tmi) really not feeling great, also have no energy which is not good as I have so much to get done before baby arrives. Typical.

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No it doesn't really matter in the long run by a few days. I just didn't realise you were as close in dates to me now :) As I was changed from 1st June to 26th May and I thought I was about a week ahead of all the other June mummies. I will change the front page though, can't wait to update with the baby arrivals though.

Nothing worse than feeling rough and having no energy when you have stuff to do. I've hobbled around costco today and now I'm totally shattered and feel like I'm falling apart! I feel as though I've only got a week to get ready for baby just incase they induce me after my next scan on Monday next week. Seen far too many stories where small babies haven't grown the right amount and the lady gets admitted to be induced straight away after the scan so a bit freaked out about the possibility baby could be here next week! xx
No it doesn't really matter in the long run by a few days. I just didn't realise you were as close in dates to me now :) As I was changed from 1st June to 26th May and I thought I was about a week ahead of all the other June mummies. I will change the front page though, can't wait to update with the baby arrivals though.

Nothing worse than feeling rough and having no energy when you have stuff to do. I've hobbled around costco today and now I'm totally shattered and feel like I'm falling apart! I feel as though I've only got a week to get ready for baby just incase they induce me after my next scan on Monday next week. Seen far too many stories where small babies haven't grown the right amount and the lady gets admitted to be induced straight away after the scan so a bit freaked out about the possibility baby could be here next week! xx
Try not to worry, as they will have only induce you if really needed. Very exciting that you may be cuddling him next week. I really cannot wait for all these baby's to be born. I feel like I have been pregnant forever now. I reckon I will go over but everyone else thinks I will go early as my bump has dropped really low, and now with the loose stools and cramps DH reckons it's my body getting ready and has convinced himself that she will be here in the next couple weeks. Would be lovely but I still think it will be 40+ weeks

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Ah Kanga, going by my O dates I'm 26th May, still 2nd June EDD though...

Midwife has offered me a sweep at 38 weeks. I really didn't want any intervention to get labour going, but I think I will when it comes to it. I see her at 37 weeks - I wonder if she'd be willing to do it then or if it'll still be too early?
Offered sweeps already, i want to be offered a sweep. I agree her tirns are painful now and in only 34+2. Kanga ot is scary but so exciting that you could have your little man here so soon. X
These last few weeks waiting and wondering if anything is signs for impending labour are just awful aren't they? Especially as we don't know if we will go over too!

Kitty my date from ov is 1st June and scan 26th May so opposite to you lol I think 37 weeks may be too early and usually for a mw to offer sweeps early they need consultant approval. Hope you can get one at 38 weeks though as you are so uncomfortable.

I am trying to get myself prepared for early induction just incase, so it's not a huge shock. Although I think if they don't offer it I will be disappointed after thinking it's going to happen lol As long as the are doing what's best for baby though I'm not too worried xx
So the spare bedroom change around began this BH weekend!
DH is currently redecorating the smaller bedroom so we can move the Degus and our stuff out in to there so bump can have the bigger spare bedroom. We went to IKEA for all the nursery furniture 2 weeks ago and it is currently still flat packed. I'm going to start the painting of bumps room next week because DH has been DIY'ing non stop since Feb with us redecorating living room as well. I told him I'd paint bumps room whilst he's at work but he is only letting me do the first coat :lol: Think he is wanting to quality check me hehe.

Expecting the health visitor for the first time on Wednesday and I'm not really sure what to expect...? Also with MW on Fri for 34wk appointment. It's getting closer! Eeep! :preg:

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