***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Nighttime is hit and miss for me whether I wake up with pain, last night was a very restless night for being in pain.

I don't have any more news as my next scan isn't til 5th May, so 2 weeks today. Although I did have another ctg for reduced movements on Tuesday. So just keeping an eye on him.

Glad your feeling positive about the birth Babymaker and had a good tour of the birth centre. My 2nd labour was very different to my 1st and alot quicker. From 1st niggles to emcs at 7-8 cm was 11 hrs with my 1st, but I class it as OMG labour at 3hrs 43mins, as that's when it really kicked off after the niggles stopped. With James from 1st niggles to baby born was 6 hrs but probably only active labour for 2 hrs and OMG labour for just 20mins! So hope you have a quicker time this time too. Sounds like she will be a lovely weight when born xx
I've got most of my hospital bag packed now or at least in the same place as I don't know if I will be induced in 2 weeks so want to be prepared. Also washed all the clothes and put them in the drawers in our bedroom. Going to get hubby to get my breastfeeding pillow, moses basket and bouncer out the loft at the weekend so I can wash all that. Then I will just need to put the bedside crib back together and next to my bed, eek! xx
Hi ladies! Sorry for the late reply!

Welcome to our group where are you from?

Thanks Blueclass! :) I'm originally from East Yorkshire but I now live in North Lincolnshire.

Hi and welcome Alrm98, you have reminded me that I need to book my whooping cough jab too.

Thanks Kanga! :) I got the jab done, didn't realise it also included being re-vaccinated against polio, diphtheria and tetanus as well! The leaflet I was given didn't tell you, but I read up about it on NHS website beforehand. Everything was fine though, no side-effects thankfully.

Welcome Alrm198 :)

Thanks YorksLass :) Bless you re the side-effects of the jab!

Tomorrow is my last day at work until late Feb 2017. I've taken a month's annual leave first and then my maternity will start officially beginning of June. I feel about ready to go off now. Little Miss seems to have grown a lot over the last couple of weeks and I'm now struggling to comfortably tie shoelaces :lol:
Glad your feeling more positive BabyMaker. Night times are horrendous like you guys if it's not my hips it's my back and then I need a wee all the time! Last night she kept me awake kept moving around felt like she was in my hip joint.
Hopefully you and kanga will have a faster and better experience this time. I'm still so scared but hoping she will come a bit early or on time I really don't want to be induced.
When are people putting there cribs up? I got mine but not sure when to put it up, do I wait till she comes as it won't take long x
Eek kanga, you could meet your littlest man in just 2 weeks!! Do you have a name yet?
Blueclass, we wont put the cot up yet. I plan to use the moses basket for about 3 months (or until she outgrows it - whichever is sooner) then use the cot. But if you mean one of those next-to-me ones you use from birth i guess have it ready from 37weeks. Or, get the OH to put it up whilst you're still at the hosp after the birth. Men feel quite useless at the birth so giving him this task might make him feel more useful;-) xx
Hope your last day at work goes well today Alrm198, it's a great feeling being on maternity leave. My jab wasn't too bad either.

I will be putting up the bedside cot the day before 37 weeks just in case I am induced, but otherwise I probably would wait til 39 weeks or so. As for the cot in the nursery James is still in it, but baby will be with us for 6 months anyway so not going to rush.

Yep it is scary to think baby could be here in 2 weeks. Although I won't want to be induced on the 5th as hubby is away on a course 4 hrs away! He will be gone from the Monday evening til Friday evening, so I'm on my own with the boys. But he needs to go as it is for a promotion and pay rise and they only run the courses at certain times.

We think he is going to be Alfie John :) We haven't settled on any other names, but I still feel a bit unsure. He may well be nameless for a bit if Alfie doesn't suit him. xx
4 weeks left at work :-)

Baby has been doing acrobatics most of today. Very off-putting when talking to clients and my belly is rippling away!

I'm resisting temptation to put the crib up and get the moses basket, rocker etc out yet. I want to get it all out well in advance of due date so Isabelle (hopefully) gets used to stuff being around, but it's going to make everything feel very cramped so don't want to do it too soon. Maybe 36 weeks, round about when I leave work. No idea yet where baby's clothes are going to go!
4 weeks left at work :-)

Baby has been doing acrobatics most of today. Very off-putting when talking to clients and my belly is rippling away!

I'm resisting temptation to put the crib up and get the moses basket, rocker etc out yet. I want to get it all out well in advance of due date so Isabelle (hopefully) gets used to stuff being around, but it's going to make everything feel very cramped so don't want to do it too soon. Maybe 36 weeks, round about when I leave work. No idea yet where baby's clothes are going to go!

I had this in a morning meeting, very noticeable tsunami waves across my stomach and I'm all ''so...the corporate forecast for May looks good''

19 working days till Maternity!!
Hope everyone having a good weekend? Im starting my raspberry leaf tea today and i need to start listening to my hypnobirthing cd too. Seems time is going so fast right now. I bookex a night away next weekend for hubby and i as i thought it will be nice to get away from the house before baby comes just us. Bit gutted i couldnt do two nights but ones better than none i guess.
I've had a stressful one. Been at hospital today as baby's movements aren't as strong as normal and they wanted to do a trace. It all came back fine with baby, but mw got my fundal height as 27cm at 35+3wks so wanted to chat with a doctor about it as it's shrunk since I last had it done. She said it could be because she hasn't measured my baby before or the way he was lying. But either way I'm in for an urgent scan at 8:30am tomorrow morning just to double check baby has grown since my last scan.

Time does seem to be flying by now, a night away with hubby sounds amazing blueclass. I was hoping to book one up for hubby and I but time has gotten away from us. I'm not doing raspberry leaf tea this time as I can't be bothered. I find it hard enough to remember my pregnancy vitamin and heartburn tablet everyday without adding more things lol xx
Have you guys started your antenatal classes yet? My first ones tomorrow for 6 weeks, do you know how often OH needs to attend out of those 6 as trying to work out his rota?
Have you guys started your antenatal classes yet? My first ones tomorrow for 6 weeks, do you know how often OH needs to attend out of those 6 as trying to work out his rota?

I syaryed mine 2 weeks ago only get 4 but 2 hrs long. First one was normal labour 2nd was assisted labour and pain killers. This week is feedi g and next is physio i.e positions in birth. Of course yours could be different but my oh came to first 2. Firat one was boring as wd had both read about it and both fou d the wnd much more informative. His not coming to this weeks but is to next weeks. The other ladies there their husbands came to the 1st one not the 2nd. I guess it all depends on what they will cover and what he feels will be useful. We have not done breathing or anything like that.
I've had a stressful one. Been at hospital today as baby's movements aren't as strong as normal and they wanted to do a trace. It all came back fine with baby, but mw got my fundal height as 27cm at 35+3wks so wanted to chat with a doctor about it as it's shrunk since I last had it done. She said it could be because she hasn't measured my baby before or the way he was lying. But either way I'm in for an urgent scan at 8:30am tomorrow morning just to double check baby has grown since my last scan.

Time does seem to be flying by now, a night away with hubby sounds amazing blueclass. I was hoping to book one up for hubby and I but time has gotten away from us. I'm not doing raspberry leaf tea this time as I can't be bothered. I find it hard enough to remember my pregnancy vitamin and heartburn tablet everyday without adding more things lol xx

Yes i forget that to sometimes and had the tea since last week. I only did it because i fancy a night away really lol.
Hopefully he will be ok and have grown abit. I do t get jabs anymore its just rolls really. Your have to update us on how it goes, keeping everytjing crossed for you. Xx
Have you guys started your antenatal classes yet? My first ones tomorrow for 6 weeks, do you know how often OH needs to attend out of those 6 as trying to work out his rota?

Mine finished last week, but I unfortunately had to miss the last one. The first two were utterly pointless mostly talking about smoking, diet ect. The last three were natural birth, complications and breast feeding.
Most people came with their partners every week - there was no need though really, no going through breathing techniques or anything useful for OH.
First stretch marks... Trying really hard not to be gutted by them. I had always expected it, and know it's for a fantastic reason. Though I thought I may have dodged them being this late in. Urgh
First stretch marks... Trying really hard not to be gutted by them. I had always expected it, and know it's for a fantastic reason. Though I thought I may have dodged them being this late in. Urgh

I only got mine a few weeks back. I was gutted and im going swimming next week and they will be on so.im really nervous about it.
I didn't get any until 38 weeks last time.

What kind of swimming costume do you wear blue class? I've been wearing a tankini but it's not a maternity one and no longer fits so have switched to bikini with a vest over the top as don't want my whole belly on display! Not willing to splurge on a maternity swimsuit so late in the day.

Met my new HV today. EDD starting to get very near!
Whats a hv? I have a normal bikini but i might wear a veat top over it as i dont want my belly out. I feel a little umcomfortable with people seeing it. When is your
HV is a health visitor. In some areas they will introduce themselves and the services to you before you have baby. I'm seeing mine on Wednesday xx

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