***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

That's great blueclass, how much did they say she weighs now?

I'm planning on just gas and air, it's all I had with Harry prior to my c section and I had it for the last 10mins of labour with James. Not sure I could do the pushing bit without the high of gas and air getting me through lol I would only have an epidural if my sciatica was really playing up and making labour worse xx
She did say but it's in grams and i'm not good at working it out into pounds. Il ask hubby to work it out when he calls me his good at maths. X
Yeah I use a website online to convert from grams to pounds as I can't do it xx
It says 1891g son think it's 4.1 lb. Is that big for 32 weeks??
Have any of you thought about pain relief?

Last time I had an unplanned home birth so pain relief wasn't an option. Apparently the MW offered me G&A towards the end but I don't remember. As I'm expecting it to happen faster this time I'm worried we won't get there in time at all so I'm assuming I won't have any pain relief again. To be honest I'm glad I went without last time, painful though it was. I think it would be different if I'd had a long labour though. Will have to wait and see how it goes.

I definitely wouldn't want an epidural. I laboured on all fours last time so having full control of my legs is important to me! I had to have an epidural afterwards for stitches and hated being stuck immobile in bed until it wore off.

On another note, I realised today that I only have 5 weeks left at work and, as I only work 3 days a week and there's a bank holiday, that is just 14 days in the office! No idea how I am going to get all my work done and sort out handover notes; so much to do, so very little time!!
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It says 1891g son think it's 4.1 lb. Is that big for 32 weeks??
I don't think so, my dink was 4lb 1oz (1854g) at 33+5wks and he is measuring about about 2-3 weeks behind xx

OK then. On the growth scan it looks normal so that's good. I think she is around that weight when I converted it, it said 41.. something something so I just took the first two numbers. I could have done it wrong. X
Sounds like baby is growing well :) this is what I get for you on the website I found xx
Hopefully she will be good from now on and won't make me go in again. Having alot of growing pains for the last 2 weeks. Constant dull belly ache and getting so so so hot all the time and i'm really uncomfortable x
Just sort of catching up a bit now back in the UK...
Many congrats BunnyM, it's great to see you pop in here, and so happy to hear your news :) Wish you all the best!
Glad to hear the scan was good Blueclass, all sounds good with weight! It is a worry time, especially when they seem to go quiet every now and again. Mine was really still after the flight the other day which worried me no end, but since they were so active while we were in the air, I figured they were sleeping it off! Sure enough, they were back to bouncing about the next day.

As for pain relief... I suppose I'm hoping I can do it all with G&A and a water pool - I come from a long line of tough-as-ol'-boots women, so it's a matter of pride lol - of course, being our first, I have no idea what it'll be like, so may change my mind!

I'm just recovering from walking for miles on the Prague cobblestones at the moment - pelvis is in ruins! Back to work Monday, then just 4 weeks (although I might hang in there for a bit longer if I feel I can) before mat leave ;)

Hope you're all having good weekends - I'm washing all the baby stuff now. My partner is insisting I must pack for hospital this weekend too, as he's panicking lol
It says 1891g son think it's 4.1 lb. Is that big for 32 weeks??
That's a good weight blueclass! It's about right for your gestation. I was told 4lb 12oz at 32 weeks which she said was just slightly above average.

Yorkslass- get plenty of rest, so glad you had a good getaway. So jealous I would love to have a mini break before baby comes but it's not going to happen.

This baby loves my ribs and pelvis today and some of her punches are sore! Ouch! 6 weeks left and feels like 6 years.

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I'm having a lot of pain and discomfort today. Really quite bad lower back cramps and ache, as well as period/dodgy stomach ache. Constant though, but they do come in worse waves. Have loose bowels too (sorry).
It feels different to what I've had before. I wish I knew what to expect or something to compare to. Just a painful day do you think?
I'm having a lot of pain and discomfort today. Really quite bad lower back cramps and ache, as well as period/dodgy stomach ache. Constant though, but they do come in worse waves. Have loose bowels too (sorry).
It feels different to what I've had before. I wish I knew what to expect or something to compare to. Just a painful day do you think?
Could be, I would just monitor it hun. If the pain starts to become intense or gets worse as time goes on then it would probably warrent a check up. I have days like that too. The other day I had a long hot bath as the cramps were constant and started to drive me insane. My only advise is keep an eye on it. Keep us posted. X

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3rd day of my high iron diet and I get a 24 hour cold bug, took the fun out of enjoying steak and leafy greens.

Work started making me these spinach smoothies.

I'm so low energy, I'm currently staring at two baskets of ironing willing it to jump into the closet.
I'm having a lot of pain and discomfort today. Really quite bad lower back cramps and ache, as well as period/dodgy stomach ache. Constant though, but they do come in worse waves. Have loose bowels too (sorry).
It feels different to what I've had before. I wish I knew what to expect or something to compare to. Just a painful day do you think?

Iv had the same last week, bad lower back ache and belly ache with cramps which came then went. Some was so painful they took my breath away. I also needed more trips to the loo. I called MAU and they said to come in as I had had it for 4 days by that time. They put it down to stretching even tho I said it felt different. They said to come back if the cramps get more frequent and more intense. Or if I had bleeding or if I thought my waters had gone. I did find having a bath helped but I had it fairly hot, my skin went a bit red. I also sat with a hot water bottle and took paracetamol. Hope you feel better soon.

Yorkslass it sounds like you have been busy! Make sure you rest before you go back to work or your be shattered. Yesterday I fell asleep on the sofa when I got home as I was shattered. I also went to a rubbish baby show today and after walking around for some time my back started to really hurt and I was sweating. Again when I got home I slept for almost 2 hours. I seem to be running out of energy. Your trip sounds lovely tho, a colleague went there at easter and said how lovely it was and cheap.
I think I may have some sort of pyjama day tomorrow with the dog and stick me feet up lol (the dog won't be wearing pyjamas). Amazed how easily we pregnant ladies get tired out o.o I could easily nap all day sometimes!
Prague was as lovely as I remember it from 17 years ago! (I near died when I figured out how long it had been since I was last there, aged 18 o.o) And yes - very cheap :) Had a great time, despite it knackering me out, and a couple of lovely meals out with partner... really don't want to go back to work Monday!

Sorry to hear the baby show was a bit disappointing Blueclass - crap to go along and tire yourself out for nothing!

Hope you're doing ok Kitty - keep an eye on things and if you're worried, keep pestering the docs ;)
June Mummies has been a little quiet the last few days. Hope everyone is well. I'm 35 weeks today! Can't believe baby will be here soon. In so much pain today as had to do a bit of walking to any from the nursery yesterday as hubby had my car. It's only 10mins there and back morning and afternoon but my hips certainly felt it. xx
Yes I thought it was quite. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and my back is so painful so can definitely sympathies with you. Still got 6 weeks at school and have no idea how il manage. X
Not long to go ladies! Hang in there. Nightimes are a nightmare for me and I'm up between 1-2hrs each night with hip/pelvic/groin pain:-( Luckily daytime seems much better.
Kanga, any news on whether you'll be induced early?
I had a growth scan yesterday due to the GD and little Miss is estimated at 4.9lbs and 37 centile. We also had a tour of the birth centre which looks lovely. Seems very calm and relaxing (well, as calm & relaxing as it can be in labour lol!)
I'm feeling quite positive about the birth now and I'm determined to make it a more positive experience than with my DS. I saw the consultant midwife last week to go through my previous labour and discuss the coming one. She said it wont be nearly as long this time as my cervix is already stretched out from the first time. So she said from start to finish it should be at least half as long as last time. And chances are I'll go into labour around 39weeks as that's what I did with my son. I'll hold her to that;-)
Currently washing all the baby clothes and packing my hosp bag this weekend. Then it's just a waiting game:-)
Hope everyone else is well. xx

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