***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Oh wow, congratulations bunnyN. You must just be a few weeks along? Hope this is your rainbow baby.

No June babies born yet, but I may be one of the 1st as possibly being induced at 37 weeks around 5th May.

Blueclass I will explain that I want my hubby there for the induction if they spring it on me, unless there was something majorly wrong I'm sure they could wait a day or two. 3 weeks suddenly feels very close, but he maybe doing ok and kept cooking for longer but I will make sure I'm organised. Going to the shops on Friday to buy non bio washing powder and softener as haven't washed anything yet, plus need a few more bits for my hospital bag. Then will send hubby into the loft for the other bits at the weekend so I can wash them too xx
Hi girls! Just popped in to say hello. Cant believe how close you are all getting! Have any of the 'June' babies come early already? I'm pregnant again and excited to be a december mum this time.

Aww that's great news and so lovely to see you here. How far are you now then? You must be so so happy and excited. Got everything crossed for you! No none have come early yet but we're all in our 30 weeks now so I guess they could come at any point really. It has gone so fast and can't believe we are here already.
I think my work place finally realised I'm not going to be there in 5 weeks as they've amped up questions about my handover. Luckily I've been planning it since January.

Baby has caught up on the percentiles but has zapped all my iron in the process :) I'm going to try naturally rebuilding it for a couple of weeks as don't like the idea of being bunged up with the tablets.
Awww bunnyN congratulations!! Im so so happy for you and keeping everything crossed this will be your rainbow baby:-) xx
Hi girls! Just popped in to say hello. Cant believe how close you are all getting! Have any of the 'June' babies come early already? I'm pregnant again and excited to be a december mum this time.

Aww that's great news and so lovely to see you here. How far are you now then? You must be so so happy and excited. Got everything crossed for you! No none have come early yet but we're all in our 30 weeks now so I guess they could come at any point really. It has gone so fast and can't believe we are here already.

Im only 4+6 so early days but trying my best just to enjoy each day and not stress.
Yes that's all you can do hun. I had a mmc before this pregnancy and have found this one really hard. Iv struggled to bond with her so far coz I'm so worried it will go wrong again. I know I'm at a good stage now that if she came she would likely be ok but still I worry if j didn't get to hospital in time. Everyone tells me to enjoy it but It's hard. Maybe if I got pregnant again I would be better.
Well I wish you all the luck in the world that this will be your forever baby. Your going to have to come back when you have your 12 week scan xx
Thanks for your kind words. It helps that i already have 2 LOs but we are really hoping for a 3rd and i am 37 soon so it feels like the clock is ticking.
Just had my supervisor midwife visit, they were here 1.5hrs and it was so good. She was very supportive of all my choices and gave me all of the risk factors. She has basically ok'ed a homebirth with my previous section, previous retained placenta and previous gbs positive risks as long as baby is above the 10th centile at our next scan.

She was most concerned about baby measuring small and possibly not coping as well in labour, as smaller babies don't necessarily have enough reserves to get them through the contractions. She likened it to if she was to dunk me under water for the length of a contraction at each contraction then I would obviously cope with that for while but it does depend on my fitness level and it's the same with baby they can only cope with the stress of contractions for so long and in smaller babies it is usually less time.

So if baby is measuring under the 10th centile or there are any other complications then I will take the advice from the consultant team with regards to induction and being in labour ward. She did say they can still offer wireless continuous monitoring and possibly the pool on labour ward too should I wish.

So overall I feel relieved and happy to have some plans in place, it's all down to how baby grows in the next 3 weeks xx
Hi girls, sorry I was not around LO was sick again with her chest, cannot seem to get a break from it so just trying to catch up with all your news.
I had anti-natal Monday and all is good but she did say "wow a big baby" and now I'm very worried. Also my legs are killing me at night, especially my left. If I sleep on it it wakes me after and hour or so, I can't even explain the type of pain and it is still at me today. It seems to be a lot worse when I'm sitting but it's OK when I'm up and moving about. I cannot wait to have this baby and have my body back!

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Glad it was good new kanga and still sounds positive. When is your next appointment?
Love 87 must be hard having a LO and being this far into pregnancy. I can only imagine you must be shattered especially if your not sleeping great. I sleep sat up with about 6 pillows now otherwise my hips hurt.

I ended up in MAU again today little mare didn't move from 7 am so went after work. They put me on the monitor and I could hear her moving but I couldn't feel it so they said maybe she was facing the back. I do need to go back tomorrow for a growth scan so they can compare it to the last one as iv had this a couple of times now. She is a difficult baby lol and likes to worry me.
It was scary as there was to ladies who both came out crying, really crying. We thought maybe it was bad news. Made me realise that no matter how stupid I felt or if I thought I was wasting their time we should go and check. We could put it of and put it of then go and it's too late. If it happens again I don't care how silly I feel I'm going to go. Seeing those wo woman was sad, I can't imagine how devastated I would be to hear bad news. I just want my LO one here so I can see her and feel her and know she is ok. Hope she comes at 37 weeks that would be amazing!! I doubt it though, got a feeling il be late. X
Oh no love87, I hope your DD is doing much better now. The pains are getting so frustrating now, I literally crawled up the stairs to bed last night as I just couldn't move.

I have a mw appt on the 26th Apr and my next scan is 3 weeks today on 5th May. So should know which plan will be going ahead then.

Little pickle causing you to go to the mau again today, as you say it is always best to get checked out and they have been badgering it into me to make sure I go at the first sign of reduced movements especially as he isn't growing that much. Good luck with your growth scan tomorrow, hopefully all is OK. I know my friend was induced due to frequent reduced movements just incase it was because baby was struggling even though her growth scans were OK. So it is possible to may be offered to you from 37 weeks if you keep getting them xx
I like the idea of her coming at 37 weeks but don't like the worrying I feel when I don't feel her. Plus induction kinda scares me, iv heard it can make labour more painful. Though I'm a control freak so if I knew when she was coming I feel I might handle it better. Guess il jut have to wait and see. They said they will check her growth and flood flow and all that. I'm sure she will be ok just likes scaring me.x
Yeah induction kind of scares me too as I've gone into labour naturally twice and quite like the known of when baby's birthday will be. I can't comment on whether it's more painful or not; but my 1st labour was worse than my 2nd but that was because he was back to back. I don't think you know how it will go. Think they say inductions are more painful because you don't get the build up to stronger contractions like you do if you go naturally. I'm sure she is fine too, but it is reassuring that they are checking to be safe though xx
I was super scared of induction for the pain reason, it's meant to happen so much quicker with no build up of contractions.
IF you were to opt for a epidural, they can administer that at the same time and you don't feel anything, even the early labour contractions..
Not sure I want an epidural, don't like the idea of a big needle in my back. However when I experience the pain I might change my mind!
Ooomph I had a dodgy belly last night which woke me up. Was having lower back pain, diarrhea and stomach cramps every hour. Was a bit worried something was going on!
I've been on the toilet a lot more frequently the last week, but too early for it to mean anything I guess!
Thank God all is OK blueclass. Never feel silly, always be checked out if you feel worried about anything. It's always best.
I cannot comment on induction as I was never induced. Was due to be induced the day after I went into labour naturally. I had an epidural which I hated ( didn't feel a thing so don't worry about the needle in your back) I just didn't like being in bed for hours afterward and not feeling in control.
Have any of you thought about pain relief? I don't want an epidural again, but I'm not so sure on pethidine as they say baby can be groggy for a while after birth. I would really love to do it on gas and air alone but as the date gets closer I'm getting nervous and doubting myself. :(

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Ooomph I had a dodgy belly last night which woke me up. Was having lower back pain, diarrhea and stomach cramps every hour. Was a bit worried something was going on!
I've been on the toilet a lot more frequently the last week, but too early for it to mean anything I guess!
Did you eat anything dodgy? I have had diarrhea for a few days now but I do have IBS which flares up every now and again so I'm not too worried. Plenty of fluids and I'm sure all will be fine. X

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Thank God all is OK blueclass. Never feel silly, always be checked out if you feel worried about anything. It's always best.
I cannot comment on induction as I was never induced. Was due to be induced the day after I went into labour naturally. I had an epidural which I hated ( didn't feel a thing so don't worry about the needle in your back) I just didn't like being in bed for hours afterward and not feeling in control.
Have any of you thought about pain relief? I don't want an epidural again, but I'm not so sure on pethidine as they say baby can be groggy for a while after birth. I would really love to do it on gas and air alone but as the date gets closer I'm getting nervous and doubting myself. :(

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Well I'd like to do it on gas and air but we will see. Yeah I heard that too and don't really want anything that will affect baby.
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Had my growth scan today and baby is fine. She is just being a little devil!!

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