**** June & July 2013 Mummies and Babies ****

Heey jules! Im good thankyouuuu! How your ok :)

This weather is disgustingggg!!! Ergh!!
2 of my friends have invited me over for a chinese next week so OH will be looking after Noah. Hes only even had himfor half hour at a time when ive popped to the shops!! Last night i was having a shower and he shouted up to hurry up cos noahs crying and needs a bottle.......!!!
I said go and make one then!!? Are u not capable of making one without me!?

Men lol! I said how do u think i manage all day when im on my own!? Make him starve!! Lol
He even asks ne to get out a nappy and wipes for him????! Ant he lay noah on the change mat and lean over to grab one himself lol. God help him!! Xxx

Sounds like ur outing will be a steep learning curve for him!!!
If anyone want to add me on Facebook I'm Amy Olszok. Will be lovely to put faces to names xxx

- now Free
Hi ladies, just got back from having the coil put in and OUCH!!!! It really blo&dy hurt!!!!! I think it may have been too soon to have stuff going on down there ;-( but at least I know I am protected now. Hope you're all doing good! Xxxx
Never had the coil, doesnt look pleasant having it done must admit!!

My bloody period has started full on proper today!! was light pink spotting on tues, nothing yest and today its the full works lol. My pill packet doesnt finish till sunday! So annoying coming on early!! Hope it doesnt hang around to long :( x
Hey girls! Ouch to the coil :( and dani he's gonna have to learn when u go out! Lol could so with a little spycam as I imagine it could be quite funny! Lol

For Facebook: Bekah Eason :)

I've been docs today, there's another thread about it :( nipped to baby clinic whilst I was there and Hallie weighs 11lb 15oz now at 11wks and 2 days. An she is teething! Knew it!!!! Felt like a loon! Lol

Ahhhh lil Hallie is teething!! gosh these babas want to all grow up fast!! xx
I can't trust myself with the pill, I'll forget to take it I know I will! Can't believe babies can start teething this early! If this baby ever gets off my boob I might have a little feel in his mouth to see if there's anything there.. Although I've not noticed any change in behaviour so I doubt it.

So what is your illness Bek? I saw your other thread but not heard of it before. Hope it's easily treated? Xxx
Hi girls! Hope everyone is well. I'm loving being a mam so much I can't wait to have another! Hopefully gonna try again around Christmas yikes I must be mad lol. Just been and had Izzy weighed and she's 10lb 14oz! Growing far too quick!

Quick question - I breastfeed but gave her a formula bottle the other day when I was out and ran out of expressed milk (I hate bf'ing in public!) and she hasn't had a poo since!! That was two days ago, do you think that's why she hasn't been yet? I'm on edge waiting for an explosion lol!

I think I have some of you already on Facebook (can't remember who's who ha) but if anyone wants to add me I'm Laura Houghton - profile pic me and my friend and cover pic is same as this :) xx
I kno, lots of early tethers! Anyone heard from Sara? Hope Harrison is ok?

I don't kno what it is Claire, I stupidly googled it and Wikipedia and few other sites mention cancer, bone marrow and white blood cells. It's defo not good! But I'm kinda clinging to the fact the doc told me it can be possible after giving birth that it shows in ur blood, and it might not show again on the retest... instead of the receptionist telling me it's showing in my blood. The doc wasn't happy he had told me this, and said yes it's showing but he shouldn't have told me over the phone and not till the retest results had come back xx
Hey Laura! Glad ur well! :) were thinking of trying again around Xmas too lol madness!
I think it's ok for them to go 2days but yh u might get an explosion when it does come lol xx
Added u laura :)

No bek ive not seen any update yet, hope lil harrison is ok :(

Question about after jabs girls...

Noah had his tues, since hes been very sleepy STILL!! Hea sleeping loads! And when hes awake hell be ok one minute then burst out crying or just restless a grizzley the next? He was even crying N seemed unsettled duing his bottle? Like he has a pain inor something?? Hes burping etc so dnt think its trapped wind? Hmmm.. Dno if its linked to his jabs or not? Xx
Amelia just went 5-6 days without going, she went yesterday and nothing since. It's common for them to go up to 9 days without going if they are BF, as long as they wee!

Julie Bailey on FB - picture of myself in sunglasses and son sitting on my knee outside. Makes me laugh when people say 'it's a picture of me' because most of the time we don't know what they look like lol

'It's a pic of me' haha so true!
I don't know dani, is his temp ok? If high maybe try a little calpol? Is he biting on the teat or just fussing around it xx
Oooo Bek we might both be pregnant at the same time again :)

Got it Dani :)

Omg 6 days?! Haha. She's put on 9oz this week and I'm sure its cause she hasn't gone! I can see her straining bless her but it just ends in a big fart lol xx

I can't find anyone on fb!! :/
Can u add me instead if u can- Bekah Eason
Me and my oh as my prof pic. X

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