Harrison is 11lb 7oz! My little munchkin isn't so little anymore. Still following the 25th centile.
Hvs confirmed what I thought.. he's teething! At 10wks old! Its his back right molar too so really sore for him. She gave me the name of something he can have as he can't have a lot as hes too young. She said try putting dummys in the fridge aswell.
I've never known anything like it! Explains the restless nights & explosive nappies though x
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4
Dani I think you should become a personal shopper lol
Harrison is 11lb 7oz! My little munchkin isn't so little anymore. Still following the 25th centile.
Hvs confirmed what I thought.. he's teething! At 10wks old! Its his back right molar too so really sore for him. She gave me the name of something he can have as he can't have a lot as hes too young. She said try putting dummys in the fridge aswell.
I've never known anything like it! Explains the restless nights & explosive nappies though x
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4
I thought babies got the two bottom teeth first, what are the signs and how did your hv know for sure? I have had lots of explosive nappies and dribbling xx