***June 2019 Mummies***

Oh Marvellous Mum that is no fun! I've had terrible pain under my bump which when I DrGoogled it sounds suspiciously like pelvic girdle pain. Is this what you're feeling or is it more IBS? Mine feels like pms cramps and like I've been doing sit ups all day long and if I move certain positions it is a sharp pain. I also have it in my lower back.
I listened to baby heartbeat this morning, still good and strong and like I said before my midwife wasn't concerned. Hope you feel a bit better soon. How's your back after your tumble?
Apart from that had my flu vaccine today and whooping cough in 2 weeks. Feel like my life revolves around the hospital, surgery and needles atm haha
Oh Marvellous Mum that is no fun! I've had terrible pain under my bump which when I DrGoogled it sounds suspiciously like pelvic girdle pain. Is this what you're feeling or is it more IBS? Mine feels like pms cramps and like I've been doing sit ups all day long and if I move certain positions it is a sharp pain. I also have it in my lower back.
I listened to baby heartbeat this morning, still good and strong and like I said before my midwife wasn't concerned. Hope you feel a bit better soon. How's your back after your tumble?
Apart from that had my flu vaccine today and whooping cough in 2 weeks. Feel like my life revolves around the hospital, surgery and needles atm haha
Defo ibs. I had pgp with my 2nd and that pain is something I'd rather not endure again. Was bloody awful.
My back is better, still stiff but nothing I can't handle (have no choice with these 2 monkeys lol)
I'm just living for Monday when they go back to school and i can get a few hours quiet lol bliss.
Loving all the bump pics.

Question. This morning i got quite lightheaded while doing yoga (going from floor to standing) so I took it easy. Then about an hour later I got really hot so went outside and started seeing stars. Like little white lights floating around my vision. Any ideas?

Like marvellous mum says, it's most probably blood pressure. Would be good to mention this to your midwife, even if it only happens the once. At least they will be aware of it if it becomes a regular occurance in later pregnancy. Xxx
Upset stomach. I have ibs so suffer sometimes.
Just need to relax. My kids won't let me tho lol.

I don't personally suffer with IBS but my partner does and I've seen him doubled over with pain from it. So I really feel for you having to cope with it in pregnancy too!

I don't suppose you can take anything for it while pregnant either?

Hope it alleviates itself soon xxx
Oh Marvellous Mum that is no fun! I've had terrible pain under my bump which when I DrGoogled it sounds suspiciously like pelvic girdle pain. Is this what you're feeling or is it more IBS? Mine feels like pms cramps and like I've been doing sit ups all day long and if I move certain positions it is a sharp pain. I also have it in my lower back.
I listened to baby heartbeat this morning, still good and strong and like I said before my midwife wasn't concerned. Hope you feel a bit better soon. How's your back after your tumble?
Apart from that had my flu vaccine today and whooping cough in 2 weeks. Feel like my life revolves around the hospital, surgery and needles atm haha

Urgh PGP, or SPD as its otherwise know, is awful. I had it in my last pregnancy and ended up on crutches, next step would have been a wheelchair but I gave birth before that happened. Mine kicked in at about 19weeks with slight aches and pains. I'm hoping it'll spare me this pregnancy but apparently if you've had it in previous pregnancies then it's likely to occur in further pregnancies :(

I had to use my doppler again today, had a mild 'I haven't felt her' moment which I know can be normal as she's so small still. As soon as I popped the doppler on it picked her up moving about, and found her little heartbeat.

I have my anomaly scan on Thursday, can't wait to see her again :)

Hope everyone is doing OK. Nearly half way there ladies!!
Lots to catch up on!

Debbie, I fainted at 12wks.. I had a shower think it was too hot and my partner had been running shower for ages before I decided I was going for one so think the room was just too hot. Luckily I know when I’m gonna go so managed to shout him and get a drink and he caught me. Since then any time I’ve felt dizzy I’ve just made sure I’ve got lots of sweets or drink around me.

I’ve also had a few tinges from my abdominal I think it is today and yesterday, just under my bump, only every so often.

Still don’t think I’ve felt baby move yet. I’m sure when I had my gender and well-being scan the other week the lady said my placenta was at the front, so maybe that’s why? And cos it’s first baby aswell I’m guessing? I had a moment in work other day where I thought I felt bubbles that weren’t wind but not sure.

I’m constantly checking my bump aswell to see if it’s grown, same size or shrunk!
Roll on 2 weeks for my 20wk scan so I can see him again xx
Oh bless you, that doesn't sound like much fun Baby.3, I wouldn't want to be on crutches. I hope you don't get a repeat of that. My pain comes and goes but when it's bad I can't even drive as moving my feet while sat down makes it hurt. Then other times I am fine and happily doing the housework. Hoping it just resolves itself.
SMC, I can't wait for the next scan either (even though I only just had one a week ago!) It is sort of addictive seeing him all the time. I just want the anomaly scan done now so I can feel satisfied finally. Just 2 weeks to go!
I can feel definite kicks now, you can't feel it if you put a hand on my tummy but I can feel him kicking me in the middle of my tum. It's unmistakable. He will be my first but I have a posterior placenta so it's high and at the back so I feel a lot. I can even feel him turning too, the pressure suddenly increases where he moves to and that part of my tummy goes hard. So bizarre, feels like a dream that I have come this far sometimes after everything :)
Iv hit the must eat everything stage.

Just texted my husband and told him to bring me food or face the wrath hahaha poor bloke. Iv already had dinner. I'm hungry again tho lol
That’s like me Smithy I’m hoping I’ll feel satisfied finally after the 20wk scan even tho I only had my gender one on the 27th haha! Just checked my well-being report from my gender scan and It says my placenta is anterior.

Oh I really wish I could feel kicks! Just had the little twinges inside me again tho so I quite like feeling them so I know somethings going on in there haha!

Marvellous, that’s me 24/7 I’m skinny but I eat none stop hahaha! That’s what husbands are there for though ;) in my first few weeks I was so hungry I got in bed cos I had no energy and cried to my partner cos all I wanted was a crumpet haha!
Oh girls I wish I was that hungry but I am the opposite, I am just so turned off by food and I am not skinny haha so it's not like I don't enjoy my food normally :) although I did have a milkshake craving last week that made me so crazy.
SMC, you will feel him soon enough I am sure, a week or two ago mine felt as you described and suddenly I have started feeling the kicks properly since 1st Jan. He also likes to kick the doppler a LOT. The midwife even told him off for it lol.
Anyone else going to go to any classes or anything? I don't know anyone who is pregnant or who has a young baby so sometimes I feel a little bit alone (apart from you guys on here of course) and I don't want to feel that way when he is here. I have a lot of family but they all work full time and my partner is fab but he isn't female lol, so it's hard to describe some things to him that he just won't get.
I lost nearly a stone so far because I couldn't eat, but the last few days Iv been sooooo hungry. Hoping hel bring me something. Lol
I tried speaking to my partner about the classes..
His response ‘it’s just like pushing a massive turd out it’s fine we don’t need to go to them’
Very helpful I think not!! Men just don’t understand! I do want to go to them but i don’t think he’s keen at all so I don’t know!
I work with a bunch of girls who all have kids so I’m constantly asking them questions but I’m so clueless cos my baby will be the first in the family. My mum got me some baby books for Christmas so I’ve been reading abit hoping that’ll clue me up abit x
I had really bad spd and on crutches with first, second one I did get it again but I got myself down to physio ASAP and made sure I actually did the exercises and followed everything they said and it was so much better. Get it on and off with this one mainly if I’ve had to carry the 2.5 year old a lot or push pram so I am careful how I sit etc and will go to physio if it gets any worse. I think knowing how bad it can actually get, helped me listen to their advice and follow it! I also put on less weight with the second pregnancy and was smaller to start which I think helped too.

I think the classes are quite good, we went to them with first but oh did hate it to be honest! Second one I went to pregnancy yoga and I’m gling to do it this time as well starting in few weeks and so excited! It just gave me and baby some time together away from the other children and I could actually concentrate on the one in my tummy for a bit and bond.

My oh goes sking for a five days tomorrow! I’m dreading trying to deal with work, school runs, nursery runs, morning routine, cooking everything, cleaning etc etc with two young kids and pregnant! I have a lot of respect for single mums! Xx
I had an anterior placenta last time so didn't feel him much at all, I ended up going in a few times with reduced movements which was scary so I'm really hoping it's not anterior again this time! I also had a problem with a nerve in one of my hips which was so weird, if I walked too much it felt like someone was pouring scolding water down my leg, it was excruciating! So it would also be nice not to get that again
I did all the classes going last time, NCT, pregnancy yoga, breastfeeding support etc and I can honestly say that none of them prepared me for labour in the slightest but I did meet some lovely ladies, who I am good friends with now and have regular play dates with the kids etc xx
I'm starting pregnancy yoga on Sunday, I'm slightly nervous about it as I am not very flexible at the best of times and I havent been as active as I should in trimester one due to the HG. The only time I run is to the loo to throw up! But I have been getting bad headaches so hopefully some stretching will help as I think it's tension causeing them.

I'm also looking at booking some hypnobirting classes but they are quite expensive and the C-section rate is so high over here (50% on average) that I don't want to waste money on it yet until I'm more sure I will get to at least try natural birth. Otherwise the money would be better spent letting DH extend his leave after the baby is here to look after us both. I hadn't realised until I spoke to my friend the other day that you can't even lift the baby after a c-section and need someone to pass him to you so you can feed.

You can probably tell I'm freaking out about the birth already. I'm not good with pain so I'm getting myself quite stressed about it.
I can’t keep up!

We did NCT classes last time and I still see my friends from that now. I did pregnancy yoga too which I’m starting again on Monday.

I’m doing the positive birth company online digital course on hypnobirthing. I would like a home birth if I can so. I tried hypnobirthing last time but ran out of time to practise as she came at 37+4. I don’t think I’ll do any other antenatal classes in case they talk about things in a negative way.
Aww Abi don't stress about it hun. I've had a c-section and it's not as horrific as some people suggest. But I suppose it depends on your pain threshold. Personally I didn't find recovery painful, just uncomfortable. I walked all hunched over for a while as the stitching healed it felt too tight to walk straight. I didn't have my son with me for about 18 hours as I had an emergency section and he needed a little help. But after that he was with me and I was picking him up etc alone. When he was born you could pick up your baby, but anything heavier than that was a no. The only thing is your much slower at moving, so if baby is crying he'd have to cry a little longer while you managed to get up. So I'm not sure on the no lifting baby rule, what if you live alone and have no choice? Even having the stitching removed wasn't bad. And recovery wise it took about 2 weeks for me to be able to walk properly, and about 4 - 6 weeks for stitching to be removed. Oh the only thing I will say is before your discharged they will expect/wait for you to pee and poo (at least they did 15years ago). Pooing is uncomfortable after a section, I found holding my scar/wound helped. That's how I found it anyway, I suppose others experience differently just don't fret about it until you know it has to happen. And even so, it's only a few weeks of being uncomfortable. By then you'll be preoccupied with your baby though :)

I havent really looked into classes. I had a brief look at NCT classes but I got no further than looking. I might look into prenatal yoga and I'll have a peek at NCT classes again. But I'm assuming nothing changed birthing wise and breastfeeding I don't suppose changes much, so I don't really know what I'll gain from classes. Do they not become a bit redundant when it's your third baby? I'll definitely be going to mummy and baby classes though. I found with my last baby that it can get fairly lonely after having baby. Especially if all your friends and family work in the week. The weeks end up being a never ending blur of feeding, winding and changing baby. You kinda forget about you, so baby classes means you have to get showered, dressed, organised and out the house.

I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with baby, toddler and teenager when it comes to mornings and school run. That'll be fun! Lol
I'm starting pregnancy yoga on Sunday, I'm slightly nervous about it as I am not very flexible at the best of times and I havent been as active as I should in trimester one due to the HG. The only time I run is to the loo to throw up! But I have been getting bad headaches so hopefully some stretching will help as I think it's tension causeing them.

I'm also looking at booking some hypnobirting classes but they are quite expensive and the C-section rate is so high over here (50% on average) that I don't want to waste money on it yet until I'm more sure I will get to at least try natural birth. Otherwise the money would be better spent letting DH extend his leave after the baby is here to look after us both. I hadn't realised until I spoke to my friend the other day that you can't even lift the baby after a c-section and need someone to pass him to you so you can feed.

You can probably tell I'm freaking out about the birth already. I'm not good with pain so I'm getting myself quite stressed about it.
I think your friend might meant straight after birth as your numb for little while but after that your fine to pick up your baby - just no heavy lifting- I’ve had 4 sections and recovery isn’t too bad (each section is different) - I would agree going to the toilet after your catheter is removed is little bit painful and generally your given a lot pain relief - try not to worry if you do need one x
And going to toilet after a vaginal birth is bloody agony as well ;) xx

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