***June 2019 Mummies***

Aww chrissi look at that bump, it's so neat. I feel and look 9months pregnant already :(

I flipped my mattress and bought a memory foam mattress topper yesterday. Last night it took me a while to get to sleep, but I woke in less pain this morning. So fingers crossed this helps for a while.

Smithy, funny you should mention the lower abdo pain. I had the same all day yesterday. It wasn't cramping or anything like that, just a constant tender pain, like bruising along the whole bottom of my abdomen. I hardly felt her yesterday too, had to get the doppler out for a bit of reassurance. I've woken up fine this morning and I've felt her loads! So I can only put it down to where or how she was laid yesterday. She must have been comfy but me, not so much lol
I’ve had a cold since Boxing Day and since then my sickness has completely gone!
I can wake up once or twice in the night for a wee, I’ve become a pro at getting round the bedroom in pitch black now going to the toilet haha! I’ve also really suffered with my skin this past week I’ve really broken out in spots which is so annoying I just feel proper ew! Hoping having my hair done and changing my colour tomorrow will help me feel better!

I’m not sure if I felt baby today, it just felt like bubbles. It definitely wasn’t wind but it wasn’t anything major so I don’t know. I’m still getting the odd twinges in my sides too.

I’m starting to feel a lot bigger now aswell, I’m very slim and never been able to put it weight on so it’s really starting to show now but I’m loving it!! Here’s my bump pic today 18wks 2 days :preg:


I was bending down today getting my camera equipment out, and I lost my footing and fell back onto my bum onto the concrete . Completely jarred my back, I'm in so much pain. Gotta get my 7 year old to help me up haha.
Thatl teach me for bending down to quickly.
Wow smc! That's quite a bump you got there! Mine's not as big as you ladies but it's getting there. Here's mine (please excuse the rest of me was taken late at night a week or so ago) I'm a teeny bit bigger now I think.

Love seeing all the bumps! All beautiful!! Here is mine

Ouch marvellous, sounds painful.

My sister in law had a c section today and had a little boy, so I have another little nephew. Makes me more excited to meet my baby!! But only when it’s ready! Xx

Hope you all lovely Christmas and New year!

Love all the bump pics, I don’t really show yet just that bloated feeling. I had a 16 week scan just before Xmas - baby was still lying in awkward position.

Wonderful News bubbles - hope their both doing well xx
It’ll be fab too see all our bump pics in a few weeks again and how we’ve grown :smile:

Ouch Marvellous, hope your okay! X
Loving all the bump pics!

Smcx, I wish I had become a pro in moving around the bedroom in the dark! I keep smashing my shin on the corner of the bed, it has a built in ottoman but that protrudes. You'd think I'd have learnt by now to avoid it, but nope, not yet lol.

Marvellous_mum, that's sound extremely painful :( hope it eases up for you soon. You can take paracetamol in pregnancy, it might help. Try alternating between hot and cold compress to help any trapped nerves or bruising too.

Bubbles, congratulations to you and your family. Having a new nephew, how exciting! Have you met him yet? Bet it's lovely to have snuggly newborn cuddles. I can't wait for mine!

Hi Caz, how are you? Sounds like baby is keeping you on your toes already! Lol. Is this a follow up scan or an attempt at finding out gender?

I'll have to upload my bump photo tomorrow, I'm on my phone and it's saying the file is too large. So I'll crop etc and post tomorrow xx
No she only had the section late this afternoon, hoping to meet him soon for cuddles!!

Caz will you get another scan soon?? Xx
All such neat bumps. I look like I ate all the pies lol. I'm try take a pic later if I can roll outta bed lol
Hi ladies, in hospital, stitch done, I'm sore but me and baby are currently doing fine. I'm being pumped full of antibiotics and being kept in overnight for monitoring and will then be in bed rest for 2 weeks. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well. We've got our gender scan on the 30th, pretty sure it's a little boy xx

Hi @Unicorn, just been told I might need a cervical stitch too and remember seeing you mention you had one put it too. Was told this morning my cervix is only 3cm (I had 2.5cm removed in a cone biopsy for abnormal cells and a D&C after my mc in June which might have also affected it). They want me to go back for another scan in 2 weeks to see if it’s shortened or started funnelling. Did they monitor you fortnightly or did you get told you needed the stitch straight away? I think the cervix shortens as the pregnancy goes on so I’m assuming at the mo that I will end up needing one, and trying to prepare myself for it in case that is the outcome. Have you had any issues since you had yours? x
Loving the bump pics, very exciting! I’m taking my first one on Sunday at 17 weeks as pretty sure it’s just been Christmas food bloat up until this week!
Hi, my cervix measured 2.1cm at 13 weeks so I had to have the stitch done immediately. 2.5cm is the threshold for what they consider viable but as you said it's likely to shorten as pregnancy develops and there's more pressure on the cervix. From what I've read I think 4cm is about average for this stage. I was advised to be on pretty much bed rest for 2 weeks following the surgery but that really wasn't easy with a toddler and Christmas so I did end up going back in with a bit of bleeding but my cervix was still closed. I see my consultant on Monday to see how everything is but so far so good. I felt really unprepared prior to the procedure due to it being done quickly and being pretty rare so please ask anything you want xx
Lovely bump pics ladies, I honestly look at least 7 months, with my bump starting right from under my boobs, it's crazy! I'll try and upload some pics when I'm on my computer xx
Loving all the bump pics.

Question. This morning i got quite lightheaded while doing yoga (going from floor to standing) so I took it easy. Then about an hour later I got really hot so went outside and started seeing stars. Like little white lights floating around my vision. Any ideas?
Blood pressure.
I used to suffer terribly with dizziness in 2nd tri with my other 2.
Ask mw to check it next time you see her. Make sure you always have a sweetie or sweet drink with you as that can help.

I'm having a horror of a day so far. Got such a bad upset tummy. My tummy is so sore and my bump had decreased in size I'm sure.
I was starting to feel great, full of energy and no sickness, but my anxiety is now telling me something is wrong.
Damn anxiety is awful.
I find my bump is more or less obvious depending on the day too. Yesterday I felt it was quite big and today its not as noticeable. Its probably down to what i have been eating and drinking. Is the soreness like an upset stomach or more sharp pains?
I find my bump is more or less obvious depending on the day too. Yesterday I felt it was quite big and today its not as noticeable. Its probably down to what i have been eating and drinking. Is the soreness like an upset stomach or more sharp pains?
Upset stomach. I have ibs so suffer sometimes.
Just need to relax. My kids won't let me tho lol.
She much to catch up on!

Yeah my 16 week scan was just a growth scan and to check babies stomach- just need to go back for my 20 week scan in couple weeks. I got consultant appointment today - as I’m having another c/section x

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