***June 2019 Mummies***

I'm surprised this picture looks so small I feel so much bigger on person lol

15 weeks.
Aww cute bump.
Urgh, I don't think I have heard a single positive birth story from anyone. Trying not to think about it too much right now. Will deal with that when I have to.
Vaginal stings like hell haha.

My Vaginal birth was lovely, as far as labour goes. Text book really and recovery was soooo easy afterwards. I was discharged 12 hours later, and that was only becausr they couldnt discharge me at 10.30pm lol x
I don’t remember it hurting me going to the toilet after. I had a very positive water birth Smithy. It was so peaceful, which is why I want a home birth this time round.
I dont remember it hurting to pee either. I had alot of stitches with my first, my worry was going to number 2. Thankfully that didn't hurt either.

Labour is the most painful thing in the world, a man could never do it, but I assure you the second your baby is out and handed to you, the pain disappears. It becomes a distant memory aswell. I wouldn't be having number 3 if that was the case lol
Sorry ladies I wasn't being rude, I meant people in work all had horror stories from emergency c sections to clamps and forceps, tearing, bleeding out and nearly dying. Literally no one said anything remotely positive. I'm glad some of you had good births that weren't too traumatic and I'm hoping we all have smooth deliveries.
I expect painful but I am just so worried about all the things that can go wrong. Probably past fears haunting me but I just always think the worst.
It’s so hard when all your hear is negative stories. I definitely recommend checking out the Positive Birth Company. She has an online course but also some videos on her YouTube channel for free to see if you like that sort of thing. I’ve been doing the course and the science bit (about hormones and how the muscles work) is really interesting. She recommended just listening to positive stories.
I tried reading the Ina May Gaskin book for some positive stories but here the only option is hospital delivery anyway so while those births sound lovely they aren't particularly realavent to me sadly. Still worth a read for its positivity although DH calls it the 'crazy hippy baby book' !
My husband called it hippy too. But when he read the science he changed his mind, he likes things backed by evidence.

The good thing about the digital course I’m doing is it covers all about interventions, inductions and c-sections which is good. I believe it teaches you the little things you can do to keep calm in whatever situation birth throws at you.
I’ve not thought much about the labour, still doesn’t seem real I’m going through all this!

So all my symptoms have gone now, no morning sickness anymore. I just feel normal apart from now having a bump. Apart from the odd few tinges in my belly sometimes and needing to wee constantly. Every time I walk past a mirror at home I’m constantly checking and looking at my bump haha

Anyone else like this? Or is everyone still having there symptoms? X
All of my symptoms have pretty much gone too. I still need a nap every now and again but that could be my toddler knackering me out!
Smcx, I'm still randomly throwing up. Not often though, maybe once every 2 days. Still got tender boobies too, some days more than others. But on a whole I feel pretty normal, and often forget I have bump/baby in there. Although she's beginning to correct that now as I'm getting lots of little movements on a daily basis.

Still checking the toilet paper like a crazy lady though lol
I’m forever checking the toilet paper haha! I don’t know if it’s just because I can’t feel him yet and I feel normal that it’s making me paranoid :sad:
I’m forever checking the toilet paper haha! I don’t know if it’s just because I can’t feel him yet and I feel normal that it’s making me paranoid :sad:

I do this too! I’ve done it with all 3 of mine. Just a quick glance before I put it down the loo lol. Think it’s very common & just becomes part of the toilet routine :)
Love seeing the bump pics. Here’s mine this morning. Anyone else on the 3rd & find they appreciate their bodies / pregnancy more this time? I was 21 & 25 when I had my others & don’t feel I really valued my pregnancy as I should. Could also be because this might be the last one too.

Ah ladies, you all look so neat and lovely, look how bloody huge I am at 17 weeks!
We went to a friend's party yesterday and there was someone there who's 19 weeks, hardly showing and in her normal jeans. I was putting my hugeness down to the fact that our son is only 2 and a half - but her son was only 15 months, and that this one is a girl - but she was also having a girl! I think I've just got to come to terms with the fact that my uterus is completely knackered and has therefore just expanded to capacity immediately! At least I probably won't grow much more - someone at the party asked if I'd finished work yet!?

17 weeks.jpg
Regarding the labour, I'm afraid mine was pretty horrific but it was definitely unusual and I'm back here again so that must say a lot! I had done a lot of hypno-birthing etc in preparation and the only advice I would give is to stay open-minded. I think as long as you're prepared for all eventualities and don't put too much pressure on yourself about how it 'should' go, whatever happens you will have your gorgeous little baby in your arms at the end of it and that's what matters! It makes it all so worth it xx
My symptoms have definitely eased but the sickness had gone completely for a couple of weeks but has creeped back in the last week! My boobs have remained painful for the whole time though and I am super horny, which is a right pain seeing as that is a total no-go at the moment, very frustrating! xx
My symptoms have all gone now but didn’t really have any to start with to be honest.

First birth I did hypnobirthing cds and really helped, did end in forceps in theatre but I dealt with it all really well, induced. Second was very quick 2.5 hours, 2 pushes. I did find it more painful as think I had hidden worries from number one and they said I was 3cm and bad positioning and I freaked. But 2 hours later and she had turned right round and came out! So I know this time my body can do it and when they say baby can turn in labour (from right side, back to back to left side) and things can change so quick. Just go with flow and you never know what will happen :) xx
Wow so much to catch up on!! I love hearing people’s labour and birth stories!
I had a good labour with my little girl, although very long! Waters broke at 12.00am on the dot on her due date, contractions then became painful about an and she was born at 9.21pm
They were thinking about taking me for forceps or suction cup, but like bubbles said very quickly she decided to come out, no stitches, which I couldn’t believe!!

Take the oramorph! It’s very good and makes you feel like you’re on cloud 9! I had gas and air for the rest, then felt sick when I got to 8cm so had nothing at all!

Then they put the placenta in what I can only describe as a happy meal box!

I can’t wait for the birth! Im looking forward to it although it is very painful, it’s the most amazing feeling to go through. And as it’s the second hopefully I’ll be more prepared. Hoping for a waterbirth this time x

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