***June 2019 Mummies***

Mine was actually measuring at 19 weeks at my 20 week scan but if I’m honest I don’t think they can ever estimate the weight truely. I was always told I was within dates / measurements with my son & he was almost 10lb! He was clearly very well curled up in there! I think a lot of the growing happens in the final couple weeks as my son was born on the 87th centile but the whole way along they plotted him at the 50-60th centile. I’ve read so many things about babies estimated to be big/small & they’ve come out the opposite & just a nice average size. I guess it’s a “weighting” game for us all ;) lol
You'd think but in my case both mine were born under the 10th centile and this one is following the same patterns. She's on 22nd centile and mine slow at the end, I just make petite children I guess. Much to the hospitals annoyance lol
Ladies, what would you do? I’ve been signed off sick for the last two weeks as I’ve been getting constant headaches. I still have them now and I don’t know whether to get signed off for another week or not. I have 2 weeks annual leave after that which would mean 5 weeks off in total! I feel so guilty for being off but couldn’t cope in front of a computer all day. I only have 2 days to work next week so it’s not much, I just want these headaches to go!!
Personally I'd take more time. You have to think of your health.
Just had my pram delivered to my mum's.... except it wasn't due for another week, and the delivery guy (yodel) was rude to my mum saying I should have tracked it. I dont have a dispatch number to blooming track it as it's not due yet.... at least it turned up in one piece tho lol
Blooming yodel
Personally I'd take more time. You have to think of your health.
I second this!
Also, you may feel guilty but from my experience you don't get any thanks for going back sooner than you are ready to. Make sure you are well and relaxed because the better you feel, the better baby feels x
You'd think but in my case both mine were born under the 10th centile and this one is following the same patterns. She's on 22nd centile and mine slow at the end, I just make petite children I guess. Much to the hospitals annoyance lol

I don't know how big I am yet or how big baby is just that she measured my bump and I was 'perfect' and bang in the middle of where I should be. Doesn't mean much to me lol. I'm guessing it's all good though.
Yeah, I'd take the time off Debbie, there's absolutely no point in forcing yourself to go into work when you don't have to! Have they been able to diagnose the headaches at all or just think they're hormonal?
As for baby sizes, due to my uterus, last pregnancy I was in and out of hospital constantly, either having GT tests because they thought baby was too big or scans because they thought he was too small - even the sonographer said how ridiculous it was because she said trying to measure a baby from a scan is like trying to measure the size of a coin in a pint of water - it just depends what angle they get! A week before he was born we were told he had stopped growing at 4lbs, a week later he was born at 6lb8 xx
Ohh I’m not looking forward to gtt! I had it with my daughter and her father sat there eating a bacon roll!!
They don’t allow you to leave the hospital where I am, or didn’t back then. I’m going alone this time as I don’t want anyone fussing.
I’m not sure when my next midwife appt is! I have a mixture of computer and hand held notes as my care is spread across two trusts, so thinking she may have forgotten to write my next one on my notes.

My naughty munchkin has been pretty good for the rest of the week! And even been laying in past 8 every day since Wednesday!
Glad your little girl is much better Chrissi.

Yeah I got my GTT this week and being weighed at the hospital - I’m not looking forward to it either mainly cos I got be at hospital before 8 and its not ideal with getting the girls ready for school etc. The weighing should be fine as I haven’t gained any weight yet- I’m sure it will catch up soon.
I got growth scan at 34 weeks and if baby is measuring big it could cause more complications during delivery so their deliver early - so hoping for an average or smaller baby this time but I don’t think I follow a growth pattern as such.
This weeks been stressful - my dad is very ill in hospital and I’m he’s next to kin,

Hope your all well xx
Oh no Caz, really hope you dad gets out of hospital soon.

I haven’t had bump measured yet but scan was on larger side but I reckon it will be about average from experience with my last two.

It’s my birthday Monday so meant to be celebrating this weekend, had babysitter sorted tonight. Then my smallest was sick this morning! Happy birthday! If my eldest gets it then I’ll prob be spending my birthday at home with both children. This year has literally been the worst! Xx
Sorry things have been so stressful for you ladies.
Hope your dad gets well soon Caz and sorry your little ones haven't been well Chrissi and Bubbles. I want summer to get here and bring a bit of light and happiness but it also means baby will be here and I'm so not ready.
So currently my OH is ripping out one of our downstairs rooms and that's sent my stress levels rocketing. I just don't see how we are going to get all the rooms that need doing completed by June. He keeps promising they will but I keep freaking out. The most I can do is keep maniacally cleaning the rooms that are tidy. Eek!
Thanks ladies,

Hope your girls feeling better bubbles as you really deserve a night out.

Smithy the weeks are just flying by aren’t they - hope most of your home will be ready in time- definitely even more stressful with being pregnant- I’ve spent the afternoon sorting out my girls room- it’s crazy the amount I’ve secretly thrown out but it so needed doing- hope you get to relax tonight xx
Caz it feels so good to have a good clear out though doesn’t it?!! We did playroom last week and felt so much better after.

I’m sure it will all get done smithy, but def a stress, especially when hormones are at their highest! To be honest with my second though her nursery wasn’t done when she was born, they don’t go in it for 6 months anyway. X
Oh no sounds like your all not having a great time. Hope all your little ones get better soon and your dad too Caz.

I’m getting my nursery furniture delivered tomorrow. Bought it second hand from a friends family member, it’s silver cross so very excited as got a good deal. She paid £1800 for it!!! I just couldn’t justify that!
Just need the room painting so we can put it all in there.

Sooo I officially go into the third trimester on Monday eek! Midwife app on weds then 4D scan next Sunday, so fingers crossed all’s well and baby’s playing ball with everything :)

Hope you all have a good weekend x
I'm having a horrible time too. I woke up at 4am this morning and think I've got a UTI. I'm going back to the doctor today but they can't fit me in until 5pm. I drank a load of water and the pain has gone for now at least. But drinking so much water along with the progesterone I was given to stop me having another bleed meant that I was sick again. So now I'm freaking out even though its probably just a return to morning sickness thanks to the high hormone levels.

I feel so scared and upset at the moment. I really feel like my body is letting me down. I did loads of research into hypnobirthing and all the affirmations of 'my body knows what it's doing, it can keep my baby safe'. Well it doesn't feel like mine can at the moment and it feels like a betrayal. I'm really hating being pregnant at the moment, I can't wait until my baby is here so I can keep him safe, I feel like I can't trust my body to do that at the moment and it's awful. And then I'm getting stressed because I read a high anxiety pregnancy has been linked to anxiety and developmental delays in the children, but how do I stop myself being anxious.

Plus with my in-laws here I'm meant to be having a good time but I'm going back to the hospital again. I'm not sure if I'm more worried they will be scared for me or think I'm a massive hyperchondiac. And I'm so exhausted, I'm not sleeping properly because I wake up several time a night checking for blood and a 4am start hasn't helped. I might try and talk to the doctor about the anxiety as well as the UTI today but I'm not sure it will help. Mental health is one of the few areas of health care that are not so good here. This probably doesn't make a lot of sense but I felt like I needed to tell someone who understands.
Oh Abi you are having a horrible time of it. And how you are feelings is completely justified. It must have been so scary to see all that blood and UTIs are just the worst! Sounds like the sick was because of hormones as you say. It is hard when your body is just not doing what it should be, but you are doing an amazing job and try not to put yourself down. Really hope you get some help at doctors, have you tried cranberry juice as well? I had a hard pregnancy with my first and I worried so much it would affect her but she is a healthy little girl who is thriving at school now! She did have a bit of colic but I don’t know if that was pregnancy stress related or just would have anyway as is quite common and does pass. Sending you my thoughts xxx
Thank you so much bubbles, you don't know how much it means to me to hear your words and to know that even after a difficult pregnancy your little one is thriving. That's all I can hope for! Thank you so much xxx
Oh Abi, bless you lovely.

I agree with bubbles, I think the emotions you are feeling are normal considering the shock of what you've been through.

What I would say is, you might think your body is failing you, but look how far you've come. You are almost in the last tri and other than the bleed your body has done everything it's suppose to have done. Pregnancy is the hardest thing you can put your body through, all the changes that happen that we dont see is immense. I think you should forgive yourself of this bleed and know that you and your body are doing amazingly well. I totally get the anxiety though, I had heaps of it in the first few months of this pregnancy. And still to this day check the tissue for blood, and if I don't feel her move for a couple of hours my anxiety goes from 0 to through the roof in seconds! Try not to read too much into the whole 'anxiety produces an anxious baby' . You can read so many horror stories on Google, and most of them are based on opinion rather than medical evidence. Personally I think when baby is here and in your arms is when you need to think about your anxiety as I do think a calm and relaxed mama encourages and calm and relaxed baby. Just my opinion though.

As for the sickness, It could be a mixture of the anxiety and the progesterone. But it could also be normal pregnancy related. My sickness has returned and so has my aversion to dairy :/ and I recall this happening in my last pregnancy too. So I'm guessing it's normally for a few of us.

As far as UTIs, it is always better to be safe than sorry to get a UTI checked out and if you don't feel well in yourself then all the more reason. As bubbles says, cranberry juice can help, it lowers the pH of your urine which stops that heavy, burning feeling, but you'll still need antibiotics to help clear it properly.

Hope your chat with the doctor helps you today. If your close with your mother inlaw maybe you could chat with her too? Xxx
Abi, sorry things have been so tough for you. I have gone through stages of hating pregnancy and feeling depressed and anxious. All these hormones floating about definitely don't help that. It also doesn't help that you have had a tough time of it. As the other ladies have said you are doing wonderfully and don't forget that. Don't give yourself such a hard time, it's so easy to blame yourself and it can be hard to sit back and think 'you know what, I'm actually doing amazingly well'. We are all on the home straight now, this will be the toughest bit physically but there's the reward at the end, your beautiful baby. I'm sure as others have said you are not causing harm to your baby but just look after you and try to relax. It's hard I know but you will be just fine xxxx
Thanks baby and Smithy, I'm feeling a bit better after seeing the doctor. She gave me cranberry capsules to take until they get the result of the urine test back. Then I'll get antibiotics if I need them. But they have asked me to come back tomorrow to do the 3 hour glucose test as soon as possible just incase its related.
Well it's good they are seeing you soon and they have given you the cranberry tablets to help. Hopefully you will get some answers. Now try and relax today and take it easy if you can xx

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