***June 2019 Mummies***

I’ve not even been to get any stuff still might just have to ask my partner nicely when he’s home if he’ll go Asda haha :)

Really want Nutella and strawberries on them, now I’m just craving them even more haha
Yeah, we are not fans of Peppa pig either, stick to Hey Duggy I say ;-)
Shit, that's scary Abi, have they not been able to identify where the bleed came from? Xx
Hope you’re ok Abi, how scary!!

We’ve just had pancakes. My little one had Nutella, banana and raspberries with hers, and stole most of my raspberries.

She’s in a terrible mood this evening and I’m really wondering how I’ll cope with 2!
They say you can even have runny eggs now as long as they have the lion mark on them. Yay!

Now enjoying pancakes made by the girls.... bit of a messy kitchen but worth it.

I banned my eldest from peppa but didn’t get away with it with my youngest. She loves it but luckily she doesn’t copy any of her behaviour. Xx
I got my pancakes and more haha! Don’t know if I can even blame this on pregnancy or me just being greedy ;-)

Wow, good effort Smcx! We had pancakes for breakfast but soon regretted it because the sugar sent little one insane! Luckily we were off to the beach after so he could run it off!
I definitely eat runny eggs! The only things I really avoid are pate, alcohol, uncooked meats, unpasteurised or blue cheeses and drinks and ice-creams from milkshake machine things. I eat rare steak as long as it's completely sealed because as long as things are cooked the heat would kill anything dangerous and it's not as if there'd be any bacteria in the middle of a steak!
If you're still struggling with heartburn Smithy ranitadine is loads more effective than gaviscon and you only have to take one tiny tablet for it to eliminate it for the whole day! It's perfectly safe in pregnancy but a pharmacist may be reluctant to sell it to you, as they are most things to pregnant women so you may need to get someone else to buy it for you or you can get it off the shelf in a supermarket.
My bump is really solid and sore this evening! Xx
Abi that bleed sounds so scary. Glad your home and resting now. Make sure hubby does all the running around once he's home!

Pepper pig is the devil I swear. She's the most annoying, self centred carton I've ever seen!. My little boy never really got into watching her thank god but my niece did. And some of her behaviour after watching that stupid pig was unbelievable!

Chrissi How's things with your little girl today? Sometimes they can say and do the most hurtful things, it really is cutting. But I think what you've described sounds like a normal kinda phase? I remember by youngest use to be awful to his dad. Woukd never show him any affection, never told him he loved him, use to get upset if his dad attempted bedtime or bath time. It was awful, but he grew out of it. I'm guessing your little girl is doing the same, the only difference being is that the other parent doesn't live under the same roof. I think just keep calming and telling her that you still love her is the way forward. It's hard going but I'm sure she'll come round eventually. Sorry it's so testing at the min :(

Linnett How's the cold today? Hope you feel better soon.

Smithy, I had heartburn in my last pregnancy. Its bloody awful so I feel your pain. I kept gaviscon afloat I think lol.

Ummmm eggs! My midwife told me eggs are fine to eat as long as they have the lion mark. Can even have runny egg and soldiers without hiding them haha.

I'm so tired today, I'm currently getting ready for bed. I spent most of the night tossing and turning in bed. Took me ages to get comfy, then woke 3 times for a wee! 3 bloody times, and not just little trickles either.
Thankyou ladies. She’s been better today. Partner came home from work too as I text this morning to say disappointed I was with his lack of support. So we had a nice breakfast of pancakes this morning and spent the day vegging at at his parents.

Peppa Pig is pure evil. My little girl takes quotes from it, slits her eyes and stomps her feet. And is just generally very bossy.
She absorbs things like a sponge, and seems to be very intelligent like her father!
We had words today about listening and that rewards will be removed.
I too don’t know how I’ll cope with two if my little angel keeps this shirade up!
She seems to be in love with her little brother already though, and frequently asks if I’ll show her how he’ll pop out!

Glad you’re resting abi, keep your feet up and milk your hubby for everything it’s worth! Tell him they said you need feet and back rubs now to keep blood circulating well haha!

Smcx those doughnuts look gorgeous!!!!
Yeah, we are not fans of Peppa pig either, stick to Hey Duggy I say ;-)
Shit, that's scary Abi, have they not been able to identify where the bleed came from? Xx

They still think it was the placenta but were surprised because although my placenta is low it isn't covering the cervix so shouldn't have been too much of an issue and they were/still are expecting it to move up over time. I was dusting quite vigorously the day before it happened and even doing things like skirting boards so I probably over did it. But then I look at some of these super fit mummies doing vigorous exercise and think i wasn't doing anything near as much as that and I was fit before I got pregnant. It has given me a bit of a reality check on my birth plan though. I thought I could stay active to have an easy a birth as possible and ideally a water birth but now I can't even go for walks and a C-section is looking more likely. But its also reassuring that I can do it. I was so focused on keeping my baby safe that I would have gone with anything to do that and I'm sure I'll get that crazy rush when it comes to giving birth. I've never felt anything that powerful before! Just hopefully not yet! I didn't bleed last night so every day is a victory!

I have a love/hate relationship with Peppa Pig. We use it in the nursery as a bribe to stay off of time-out all morning and they get to watch an episode at quiet time after lunch and it really does work. I just have to remind them of Peppa and they are angels! But it is like crack for toddlers. They can hear the theme music in other classrooms and you see them all lose focus on anything but that! Also while Peppa is an annoying brat what is with all the incompetent fathers in cartoons? I have already told DH that I want the baby to see him as equally competent in childcare and not as some blundering fool like daddy pig!
Wow just managed to catch up (work is always so busy first week back!) I'm glad you're okay Abi, that must have been so scary for you!!
Chrissi don't feel down on yourself, I felt so miserable and I didn't have any of what you had going on. Everything can feel so much harder when you're pregnant. I've found even the simplest things upset me or send me off in a temper.
Peeing all times of day and night now as he likes to lie on my bladder like it's his pillow. Heartburn is very on and off.
Also I'm so done with work which sounds awful. Because I'm not being kept on next year I don't feel like I want to try particularly hard anymore. I feel hurt and like the last 2 years I have put so much into this job for no reason. So I can't wait for the baby to be here to move forward with our new life as a new little family.
Hope you're all well xxx
Well here I am, sat in the hospital waiting for GTT. I'm hungry and thirst so not happy haha. Only another 2 hours or so and I'll get to eat, I'm actually looking forward to the drink just so I've something to digest lol.
Good luck with your test baby. I’ve never had one of those tests but know a few who have and said it’s not nice! Let us know how you get on! Xx
All done and currently sat in the local pub waiting for my curry and poppadoms!

The drink was awful, like overly sweet syrup only saving grace was that I only had to have two plastic cup full of the stuff. Got to go home while I waited for the next lot of blood to be due too which was good. So I plonked my bum on the sofa and watched TV for an hour. And finally remembered to get my whopping cough vaccine too, kept forgetting it!

Had my bump measured, I'm measuring a week bigger at 29wks. But baby is laying head down although not engaged thankfully.

Was told basically no news is good new regarding the GTT, but if they need to get in touch it should be within the next 3 days. So I'll guess that if I've not heard anything by next Tuesday that all is OK :)
Baby did the midwife book yours for you or did you book it yourself? My midwife told me right at the start I’d need one by 28 weeks but I haven’t had anything confirmed so now I’m thinking should I have booked it? Next midwife appointments at 26 weeks, shall I just wait till then & leave it to her to sort? Lol
Hey linnett, it was booked for me at my booking in appointment. I'd give your midwife a ring, sometimes the appointments can fill up quick. Maybe it's just policy where you are that they book at 26wk appointment?

I had my weight measured today also, apparently I've only put on 12lb since my booking in app in Nov. Which I find hard to believe as I look and feel huge. Even my bump is measuring a week ahead. So now I'm dreading the thought of it being all baby and having to try to birth a larger baby. Purely because my 1st born was 9lb 1oz and I struggled to birth him, I ended up with an emergency section.
Hey linnett, it was booked for me at my booking in appointment. I'd give your midwife a ring, sometimes the appointments can fill up quick. Maybe it's just policy where you are that they book at 26wk appointment?

I had my weight measured today also, apparently I've only put on 12lb since my booking in app in Nov. Which I find hard to believe as I look and feel huge. Even my bump is measuring a week ahead. So now I'm dreading the thought of it being all baby and having to try to birth a larger baby. Purely because my 1st born was 9lb 1oz and I struggled to birth him, I ended up with an emergency section.

Thanks Baby. Spoke to midwife, turns out she’s not sending me for it afterall. She said she’ll just keep a close eye on growth & if it appears baby is getting big later on I might need it then.

My second was 9,10lb & I lost a fair bit of bloody after him. Delivered him fine but just lost some blood with the after birth & passed out later on because I tried to get a bath thinking I felt fine lol. But shes said because there’s no family history of diabetes and my bmi isn’t over 30 she’s not worrying just yet. I measured within dates the whole way with my son, it was only when I was in labour that a midwife felt my tummy & said “that’s a big baby” had no clue until then!
That's good Linnett! I'm not looking forward to my glucose test in a couple of weeks, 3 hours in the hospital before I can eat! I'm going to be in a horrible mood! Plus I get pretty sick when I don't eat so I'm not sure I'll keep the drink down anyway. I'm not high risk so I really don't see the point but they test everyone here so I have to do it. It's probably worth it as he's measuring 96centile but I'm 5foot8 and DH is 6foot2 so we weren't expecting a small baby!
It doesn't sound pleasant, Iv thankfully never had one, think if I did id be constantly sick, I have the opposite issue of small babies.... this one was measuring small at 20 weeks too, not that my bump feels it.
It doesn't sound pleasant, Iv thankfully never had one, think if I did id be constantly sick, I have the opposite issue of small babies.... this one was measuring small at 20 weeks too, not that my bump feels it.

Mine was actually measuring at 19 weeks at my 20 week scan but if I’m honest I don’t think they can ever estimate the weight truely. I was always told I was within dates / measurements with my son & he was almost 10lb! He was clearly very well curled up in there! I think a lot of the growing happens in the final couple weeks as my son was born on the 87th centile but the whole way along they plotted him at the 50-60th centile. I’ve read so many things about babies estimated to be big/small & they’ve come out the opposite & just a nice average size. I guess it’s a “weighting” game for us all ;) lol
Ladies, what would you do? I’ve been signed off sick for the last two weeks as I’ve been getting constant headaches. I still have them now and I don’t know whether to get signed off for another week or not. I have 2 weeks annual leave after that which would mean 5 weeks off in total! I feel so guilty for being off but couldn’t cope in front of a computer all day. I only have 2 days to work next week so it’s not much, I just want these headaches to go!!

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