***June 2019 Mummies***

Is anyone else experiencing braxton hicks?

I've just had one in the kitchen while prepping dinner and it was fairly painful. I had to stop and breath through it, bump went so tight and the pain travelled round to my back. Had to stand while rocking my hips and breathing. OH walked in and his poor face was a picture, but honestly it bloody hurt!
yeah quite frequently. Theyv left me feeling quite sore. Nearly rang my mw are they got very frequent but they went after I rehydrayted.
Wow Linnett, you do look much bigger than in the last picture you sent! And yes, I frequently get Braxton Hicks baby, it's really weird because I know when one is going to come before it starts! But I'm also getting a lot of low down tightenings which is worrying me more! Xx
I got Braxton Hicks after an orgasm haha! That was pretty painful and freaked me out.
I've been taking gaviscon tablets and swigging the liquid from the bottle. Seems to ease it mostly. When I haven't had it the burning is insane and doesn't really matter what I eat or drink.
Had my first prenatal yoga session today and it was amazing! Loved it! Seriously, if you get a free session I totally think you should book it. So relaxing and some lovely people. Learned some breathing and relaxing techniques on top of feeling like I've done a workout. With that and swimming I'm doing okay. Keep meaning to post a bumpie pic but I look hideous in them so delete haha. I will get round to it.
I had Braxton Hicks terrible with second but like smithy only had them after orgasm so far with this one. ;)

Today went swimming with DD2 and for first time as I got out I suddenly felt a massive weight as I could feel bump again.

Love seeing all the bumps! I find mine changes all the time and it also depends a lot on angle and clothes. Think I can safely say I look pregnant now though. Photo from two days ago.

Wow baby and linett you both have lovely big bumps!

Struggling tonight. My almost 3 year old tells me she doesn’t like me or my partner and wants to live with daddy. I phoned my ex, surprise surprise they don’t want her at their house. (Probably cause she’ll get in the way of all their lovely plans!)
Why do children not understand how much work and effort we put in every day? I know she’ll understand when she’s older, but I don’t want her resenting me cause her father wants to have a nice life.

My ex’s partner came over for a chat. Basically said I’m too soft. Told LO off after I’d already spoken to her (this whole thing started off with LO kicking me and having her bedtime story revoked)

Since she left my partner has sat and watched breaking bad and not breathed a word to me all night.

Maybe it’s the hormones, but I’m feeling so low and tearful now I’m not really sure what to do with LO. It all just makes you feel like the worst person in the world.

Sorry it’s so long x
Wow baby and linett you both have lovely big bumps!

Struggling tonight. My almost 3 year old tells me she doesn’t like me or my partner and wants to live with daddy. I phoned my ex, surprise surprise they don’t want her at their house. (Probably cause she’ll get in the way of all their lovely plans!)
Why do children not understand how much work and effort we put in every day? I know she’ll understand when she’s older, but I don’t want her resenting me cause her father wants to have a nice life.

My ex’s partner came over for a chat. Basically said I’m too soft. Told LO off after I’d already spoken to her (this whole thing started off with LO kicking me and having her bedtime story revoked)

Since she left my partner has sat and watched breaking bad and not breathed a word to me all night.

Maybe it’s the hormones, but I’m feeling so low and tearful now I’m not really sure what to do with LO. It all just makes you feel like the worst person in the world.

Sorry it’s so long x
3 year olds, or threenagers are scary little people.
My son was like that. Would tell me he hates me and only loves daddy and hed lash out with me. It used to make me cry alot. I just told him everytime well mummy still loves you and after time he improved and now he's a loving little cutie (don't get me wrong he's the spawn of Satan too lol)
Being a parent, esp to a 3 year old is blooming hard, but things will improve.
Thanks marvellous. I think the total lack of support from my partner is what makes it worse. As he just says she always tells me she doesn’t like me.

That’s all well and good, but he wasn’t there for the three years trying for her or for the first year of her life. Plus he’s not her dad. I can appreciate it’s hurtful for him, but I put my life and soul into my little girl. To hear for the first time she wants to live with her dad is heartbreaking, making me wonder what is it I can’t give her:(
I haven't had any BH yet but I did have a big bleed last night and in now in the hospital. Baby is doing fine and the bleeding has stopped but it scared the crap out of me. I woke up thinking I was peeing myself and about had a heart attack when I saw the blood. I'm now waiting to be discharged from the hospital but as DH is away they are reluctant to send me home alone. But unless they properly admit me they can't bring me breakfast either! Looks like I'll be on bed rest for the foreseeable though and have to stop work.

Baby is a real fatty though, over 800g so 96%ile and a week and a half ahead! It was quite scary thinking he was coming bang on 24 weeks.

Chrissi I hope your LO wakes up in a better mood. I teach nursery kids so get a taste of the bad moods but get to give them back at the end of the day!
Thanks marvellous. I think the total lack of support from my partner is what makes it worse. As he just says she always tells me she doesn’t like me.

That’s all well and good, but he wasn’t there for the three years trying for her or for the first year of her life. Plus he’s not her dad. I can appreciate it’s hurtful for him, but I put my life and soul into my little girl. To hear for the first time she wants to live with her dad is heartbreaking, making me wonder what is it I can’t give her:(
The thing is with children, esp ones that young is they say stuff and have no idea the impact it causes. It's not said our of malice, it's either something theyv heard from other kids or the tv. My boy was the same, used to cut me deep. My husband would tell him off for saying mean things but it was ok for hom, he didn't see all the tantrums and hurtful I hate you's. He's 5 soon and thankfully grew out of it. For us my husband works alot and he clung to the idea of daddy being hos hero, maybe her saying these things are just her way of expressing her want for her daddy. Please don't think it's anything you're doing, 3 year olds are very hard work. Just remind her everytime she does say things like that, that it makes you feel sad but you still love her always. It worked for us.
Chin up lovely.
I haven't had any BH yet but I did have a big bleed last night and in now in the hospital. Baby is doing fine and the bleeding has stopped but it scared the crap out of me. I woke up thinking I was peeing myself and about had a heart attack when I saw the blood. I'm now waiting to be discharged from the hospital but as DH is away they are reluctant to send me home alone. But unless they properly admit me they can't bring me breakfast either! Looks like I'll be on bed rest for the foreseeable though and have to stop work.

Baby is a real fatty though, over 800g so 96%ile and a week and a half ahead! It was quite scary thinking he was coming bang on 24 weeks.

Chrissi I hope your LO wakes up in a better mood. I teach nursery kids so get a taste of the bad moods but get to give them back at the end of the day!
Oh gosh Abi how blooming scary for you. Have they given an indication what's caused it.
Rest up
Oh no Abi! How scary for you. Can’t even imagine how you must have felt seeing that. How are you feeling today? Hopefully they will keep a close eye on you from now on. Xx
Hope you’re ok Abi, that’s not what you want at all is it?! How long is your husband away for?
Hope you’re out or get admitted soon so you can get some food in you!

Thanks marvellous. I’ve had a long chat with her this morning. And BANNED peppa Pig, as she copies her evils etc. Which is embarrassing when we’re out. She’s snuggled up this morning on my lap, probably feeling a bit bad and sad that she still hasn’t seen her dad.
Chrissi sending hugs to you, hopefully little one snaps out of it and sees everything you do for her x

Oh no Abi that sounds so scary, glad baby is okay though. Take it easy and rest up x
I'm home now although I have to go back in this afternoon to see my regular doctor and check everything again. I've been told bed rest for the next 2 weeks. Husband managed to change his flight and is now back Wednesday night. His work were really sympathetic and sorted it all for him straight away, it helps that his boss has got 2 kids under 3 so understands what its like. It still will take him nearly 24 hours to get back though as he's in Burkina Faso and has to fly via Istanbul so its not a very direct flight! But hopefully it means he wont be sent away now until after baby is here.
Hope you’re ok Abi, that’s not what you want at all is it?! How long is your husband away for?
Hope you’re out or get admitted soon so you can get some food in you!

Thanks marvellous. I’ve had a long chat with her this morning. And BANNED peppa Pig, as she copies her evils etc. Which is embarrassing when we’re out. She’s snuggled up this morning on my lap, probably feeling a bit bad and sad that she still hasn’t seen her dad.
Peppa pig is a evil little brat haha. Can't stand her lol I'm glad she's calmer today. Hope your day is better x
This might be a really daft question but as it’s pancake day I’m really craving the urge for American pancakes, can I still have them with having to put egg in the mix?
This might be a really daft question but as it’s pancake day I’m really craving the urge for American pancakes, can I still have them with having to put egg in the mix?

Yeah. They only say you shouldn’t have runny eggs (although I still have a couple times) - I’m not very strict with what you should / shouldn’t eat. But as for pancakes they are cooked so it’d be fine :)
Aw yay good! If I find the energy after I’ll go asda to get the stuff, took the dog out before and now I’m shattered my bump always feels dead heavy when I go walking :yawn:
I forgot it was pancake day! I'll have to have some tomorrow instead. What are you having on them? I'm a big fan of cream and blueberries in American pancakes but lemon and brown sugar on the English kind.
Mmmmmm pancakes. The one day I can eat my weight in pancakes with no judgment haha.

Lemon and sugar the whole way.

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