***June 2019 Mummies***

Sounds like a lot of you have been busy sorting and cleaning! I had my mum round on Tuesday blitzing my house so my nesting definitely hasn’t started hahaha!

Not sure what an umbilical hernia is, but when I was born I had an outtie and a hernia so I have a little scar under my belly button and a bigger one above from the hernia. My belly buttons starting to stick out even more now tho!

So I’m 27 weeks next Monday, and I feel like some days I’m not feeling baby as much as other days. But then I think am imagining it have I been feeling him but just been busy I’ve not noticed as much.
Does anyone else get this?
Baby my sickness came back especially badly last week when I had a cold. Its never totally gone to be honest, I still retch several times a day, brushing my teeth is a challenge as are certain foods. I had a salad which had onions in yesterday and I could taste it on my breath all day today and it made me feel a bit sick. Sometimes I can smell cigarettes from other flats at home too and that makes me feel sick too. Hope you feel better soon.
Sounds like a lot of you have been busy sorting and cleaning! I had my mum round on Tuesday blitzing my house so my nesting definitely hasn’t started hahaha!

Not sure what an umbilical hernia is, but when I was born I had an outtie and a hernia so I have a little scar under my belly button and a bigger one above from the hernia. My belly buttons starting to stick out even more now tho!

So I’m 27 weeks next Monday, and I feel like some days I’m not feeling baby as much as other days. But then I think am imagining it have I been feeling him but just been busy I’ve not noticed as much.
Does anyone else get this?

Smcx, I'm 27wks today and I feel like this too. Some days I feel her loads and she kicks up a storm. Other days not so much, and I think maybe I've just missed her active period. I'll feel little fidgeting movements but nothing major. It does make me worry a little but I think this is normal for her. She has very active period of 3-4 days then quiet for 2 days ish. If your worried though Smcx give your midwife a ring?

Abi, it's terrible isn't it, you'd think by 27wks we'd have some form of a 'glow' but I still look and feel like crap haha
Smcx, I'm 27wks today and I feel like this too. Some days I feel her loads and she kicks up a storm. Other days not so much, and I think maybe I've just missed her active period. I'll feel little fidgeting movements but nothing major. It does make me worry a little but I think this is normal for her. She has very active period of 3-4 days then quiet for 2 days ish. If your worried though Smcx give your midwife a ring?

Abi, it's terrible isn't it, you'd think by 27wks we'd have some form of a 'glow' but I still look and feel like crap haha

It’s nice to know you feel the same to it reassures me abit. As I was driving home from work today I could feel him and again now abit it’s just not as strong, but that could be cos of the placenta maybe and positioning x
Baby I have totally given up on any sort of glow. I think it's a myth!

I have only just got really strong kicks. Last night he was kicking so hard it was keeping me awake and I could feel him turning. I even felt one strong kick with my hand through my belly so when DH gets back from his work trip in a week hopefully he will be able to feel it too. I think quiet and more active days are normal. I was busy all day yesterday so I think that rocked him to sleep in the day and then he got all excited and active at night when I was laying in bed and could focus on him and really feel it.
An umbilical hernia is like a bulge around the belly button. I had a tiny one after I had my daughter, now it’s bulging above my belly button. When baby kicks me under my belly button it really pokes up like it’s only the skin there! Also when I cough my bb looks like a willy popping out, gross!

I wonder whether bowel movements have anything to do with feeing kicks too! TMI but I barely felt baby all day yesterday until after a bm then he went crazy as if he didn’t have room before.
Iv thankfully never had my BB pop out. Outies scare me lol. I just don't like belly buttons they are strange things haha sorry I'm weird I know lol.

Been struggling to sleep lately. Just can't get comfortable at all. I toss and turn alot so really struggling.

How's everyone's growing bumps coming along? I looked huge last week but she's moved up now so evened out alittle more. I think I feel bigger than I am.
I’m feeling positively huge marvellous! And getting bigger every day it feels.
Sleep isn’t too bad here, turning over is an effort and hurts sometimes. And lower back pain is awful, I feel like this is the beginning of the suffering! Only 23 weeks tomorrow! Everyone else seems weeks ahead of me!

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Chrissi your bump looks amazing! My bump seems to grow and shrink a lot! I went shopping today to try and find some clothes that make me look pregnant rather than just fat as I have been living in mostly joggers and pj's. I found a lovely skirt that even though it wasn't maternity, has an elasticated waist so fits! I've been feeling really down so I decided looking nice would help me get out of feeling so blah!

Lack of sleep is certainly not helping. My legs feel really restless at night and I can't get comfortable even with my pregnancy pillow. I still wake up on my back too which I know is bad but I don't know how to stop myself. I'm also waking up really early every morning but have been catching up with a nap in the afternoon.
Abi, about the comment about the ‘glow’ aswell, I think it is very much a boy thing! I thought mine was coming, but now full of acne! Makeup looks awful and goes cakey!

Thankyou, I definitely feel massive seeing your bump marvellous! A lady in Coop asked when I was due and look rather shocked when I said at the VERY end on June haha!

Also my bump looks like an enlarged version of my boob, stretched, veiny and with a perky belly button/nipple lol.

How’s everyone feeling today?
I feel massive but looking back at photos I am actually about same size as I was with first! I am a lot lower though so maybe that’s why I feel heavier.

Spd was playing me up last night and wasn’t up every hour with pain but got physio again Tuesday and hoping she can do a proper assessment as last time was just after accident and I couldn’t stand to show her.

Love seeing all the bumps!! :) xxx
Haha loving the bump photos ladies! I keep thinking I was big but everyone else bump seems a lot bigger than mine. I’m jealous as I can still pass as just fat! Lol deff depends on what I wear though. If I wear my low band maternity jeans I don’t really look pregnant at all but if I wear maternity leggings with a fairly tight top I look really “bumpy”. I took this pic on Wednesday when I was 23 weeks. I know some of you are further along but does anyone else feel like this middle part is really dragging! 17 weeks sounds so long to wait!!

As for the sleeping I find if I sleep in my bed with hubby (as I should lol) then I have the shittest nights sleep because when he’s dead to the world it’s like he has no idea I’m even there so I quite often get an elbow in the head or legs over me so the last couple nights I’ve slept in with my daughter & got a far better nights sleep! I’m already planning on putting a day bed in babies room as that’s where I’ll end up sleeping when he/she is here lol

Wow Chrissi, you're huge :D I thought I was massive but I don't think I'm as big as you! You look lovely - as do you marvellous and linnett xx
I’ve had to wear my bikini bra all day under my work clothes as my bras really digging in so going shopping this weekend to try find something comfy. I’m also finding right at the top of my bump just under my left boob i keep getting like a stinging feeling. It’s where I was getting the vibrations a few weeks back. Don’t know if it’s a foot or something digging in but it’s annoying me!

I’ve had to wear my bikini bra all day under my work clothes as my bras really digging in so going shopping this weekend to try find something comfy. I’m also finding right at the top of my bump just under my left boob i keep getting like a stinging feeling. It’s where I was getting the vibrations a few weeks back. Don’t know if it’s a foot or something digging in but it’s annoying me!

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Wow yours is impressive too! :) I can’t wait to get a real obvious bump! I thought with it being my third I would but i seem to be around the same size I was with my other two. I shouldn’t complain really as I know I will get huge & uncomfy so the longer it takes the better I guess lol
I expected to be alot bigger to. I was huge with my son but only tiny with my.first girl, so obviously carry smaller with girls. That or Il wake up one morning 10x the size lol.
Hey ladies. I'm back and feel like my sadness has lifted loads. I really felt like I wasn't connecting with anyone and very lonely. But I've had some time away with OH and things are much better. Had a pregnancy massage, time on the beach and just rest in general. Sad this half term is coming to an end now.
Glad you are all feeling so well and looking so beautiful with your big bumps. I will post mine at some point, it's not very impressive but touch wood no stretch marks just yet. Probably because I'm going to bed like a greasy turkey. Feeling good though, find it hard to turn over in the night now or get up if I'm doing something on the floor. The weight is definitely increasing. Prenatal yoga class on Monday so very excited for that one! Hope you all are having a fab start to your weekends xxx
I had a pregnancy massage today too Smithy. Absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to see if it helps with my hip pain and restless legs at night. I might stay asleep later than 4am if I'm lucky!

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