***June 2019 Mummies***

Sorry I haven't had chance to reply to all your messages - I've just got back from the hospital following a bit of bleeding - they checked my stitch and said it's absolutely fine but they think I've still got a bit of thrush really high up and there was blood in my urine so it may be either irritation from the thrush or a UTI causing the bleeding - which had stopped when I was at the hospital. So really relieved that it's not my stitch but bleeding has started again worse since I've got home and it's definitely not from urine! It's not major, only there after I wipe when going to the toilet so going to try and get some sleep and see how things are in the morning xx
Hope your doing ok today and the bleeding as settled xx
Unicorn- sorry to hear you are bleeding. Fingers crossed it’s all stopped now and thankfully not your stitch. Stay in there baby!!!

Baby- knee is worse again. Physio said that would happen as when it tries to heal the baby will grow and put weight on it which will set me back. It’s looking more and more likely that it will just get worse admit pregnancy progresses and need surgery after birth. With being a bridesmaid three weeks after my due date in a venue 4 hour drive away even more unlikely now. It’s also really upsetting me how little I can do with my girls. Would normally do so much in holidays and just haven’t been able too. Also really annoyed with nursery who I have strict instructions to about looking after my daughters stitched finger and they have managed to get it wet and dressing fall off 3 times! And it’s filthy! A very emotional unhappy hormonal mummy! But at least it’s the weekend :) xx
Ah, sorry things are a bit rubbish at the moment Bubbles but please don't beat yourself up about not doing as much as usual with your girls, I know it's hard because I'm really struggling to take it easy as well but I think little one enjoys playing at home just as much as going out and it's only a relatively short time in the grand scheme of things - it's just a shame that it's time with just them that we're not going to have once the baby comes isn't it!

Thank you all for your kind wishes, bleeding has eased off now, just still feeling really uncomfortable! Going to try and rest as much as possible over the weekend - it's all so scary! Xx
Oh no unicorn hope your okay. Glad the bleedings eased off. I think just knowing and seeing it puts you in a crap mood and makes you worry none stop even if it eases off.

I’ve not long been home from work. My family dog had to be put to sleep today, cried my eyes out and in work and none stop since I’ve got home. These hormones are definitely not helping. Can’t wait to have my pizza delivered and just go sleep. I’ve been so busy last 2 days I’ve not felt like I’ve felt baby move much as usual but I think it’s just because I’ve not had time to just sit and chill :(
Oh bubbles, it's so hard to not feel guilty isn't it. My hips have been hell recently and I'm finding it increasingly hard to keep up with my little one. But as unicorn says, it's just a blip in time and you'll soon be on your feet and running around with them. And you don't have to be majorly active to spend time with them, maybe have a day doing craft stuff, or baking, or puzzles etc?

Unicorn, so glad to hear the bleeding has subsided. Can only imagine how unnerving things like this are for you. Hopefully your uncomfortable feeling will subside with a little rest this weekend.

So heres one for you ladies to laugh at. I just vomited so hard that I pee'd myself :oops: and not a little bit either. I've had to mop a puddle off the floor of my bathroom! In my defense I'd had two cups of tea at the inlaws and was busting for a pee, but sickness took hold as soon as I walked through the front door. Still, good by pelvic floor :roll:
Haha, yeah, I've done that a few times as well baby - although not quite a puddle :rotfl:
My pelvic floor is shit since last time!
Thanks guys. I know soon I will have baby, get knee sorted and be able to do lots of family stuff.

Glad you are better unicorn. Take it easy over weekend!

Haha! Baby. When I had my cold and cough I ended up getting some tenna pads from my nanny. Pregnancy and child birth is def not the most glamour is things to go through!! Xx
Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one this is happening to! I've dribbled before, but this was in a league of its own lol. Even tenner lady couldn't help.

Did you know you can buy little pelvic floor devices. You just pop them up there and turn it on. I'm assuming it helps strength muscle by making your muscles contract? I'm not sure but I'm beginning to think they may not be a bad idea! Haha
I have the worst heartburn tonight :cry: I knew I shouldn't have eaten that sausage roll.
Marvelous, I hope the heartburn subsided? I expected to get it also, had it horrifically in my last pregnancy. I'm sure I kept gaviscon afloat with how much I bought!

Whats everyone's plans for today? Theast day of term break for the kiddies, normal routine resumes tomorrow! Although I'll miss our lazy snuggles in bed and fun days out :( but I'll be thankful for the rest too. I was going to take my youngest swimming today, but our local pool is closed, the heater has broken! So I think it'll be a lazy day at home, will batch cook some pancakes and flapjacks, need to clean the bathrooms but then will be board games and films for the rest of the day.

Was at my nieces 4th birthday party yesterday. Did far too much helping out. Helped tidy up, crawling around throwing balls back into the ball pool, end up with horrifically sore hips! Then ate far too much and threw up in the toilets, praying I wouldn't pee myself again haha. Pregnancy is so glamorous!
It subsided about 6 hrs later. Was horrid. I was given tablets with my son as I had horrific acid the whole time. Evaded it most the time this pregnancy.

We're off to a Mothercare event to buy the pram. Sending it to my mum's tho so she can bring it down in May. Don't like having it in the house to early lol.

My eldest felt her sister properly kick last night. Her little face lit up. She's so in love with her it's adorable. My son just wants to know when the baby is being delivered in the post haha
Oh yay for pram shopping! Have you mid your mind up on the pram or just going to decide when you get there?

Aww that's so sweet about your little girl feeling the baby! Haha my son is very much like yours, not all that bothered about what's happening now. Just wants to know when she will arrive. I've tried to get him to feel for baby, but he's not patient enough to wait. If she hasn't kick in the first 5 seconds he loses interest lol
Yep my boy is the same. Just wants her to hurry up. Got annoyed she's taking to long to grow lol.

We're going to get the Mothercare journey edit. Theyv got money off for a special event so going to buy it while it's cheaper lol. Might get my baby wrap aswell depends of they have the colour I want.
My day was the same yesterday - running around at soft play as it was my daughters birthday and then it was day of celebrations for her. Birthdays are so exhausting- all of sudden my bump feels so heavy for 25 weeks- maybe it’s just babies position.

Aww Marvellious hope you enjoy pram shopping- I had a look the other day in mothercare - I did see a couple that I liked
- I would like to get a baby wrap this time.
Has anyone seen any nice changing bags?
Hope your all having a lovely Sunday x
Love to hear about purchases! I’m still trying to decide if I should buy a new pram or not. My old one is very used and I’ve lost car seat adapters when we moved and car seat has expired too. Was going to buy second hand but I really want a new one now!

Been baking with little one today. She loves “helping” in the kitchen haha! Xxx
Love to hear about purchases! I’m still trying to decide if I should buy a new pram or not. My old one is very used and I’ve lost car seat adapters when we moved and car seat has expired too. Was going to buy second hand but I really want a new one now!

Been baking with little one today. She loves “helping” in the kitchen haha! Xxx
What do you mean expired? Mine's over 5 years old lol

I didn't want to buy a new one but we stored our sons one in the garage and the garage leaked so it went mouldy. Annoying but thankfully the budget just stretched to a new one.
I read online they have an expiry so I checked mine and it was five years and we got it 6 years ago.

I am thinking I’ll treat myself! We are getting giving a wardrobe and changing unit from a friend and we have cot, Moses basket, wrap and bouncer from the other two so will be our only big purchase. Well except from the 7 seater the oh is adamant to purchase! Haha. Xx

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