***June 2019 Mummies***

Yeah, the 7 seater is the only thing we're purchasing really this time Bubbles, we've just got a sling and some bedding to get other than that. I've gone wild on clothes but still need to get toiletries etc xx
I had my midwife appointment today, I really don't see the point in them and I now don't get more than 3 weeks between appointments either with midwife or consultant and most of the time they're every week! I totally appreciate the consultant appointments but my midwife is a bit useless really and the appointments with her just seem like a complete waste of time! Xx
What 7 seater are you looking at unicorn?? I really want a 4x4 but the MPVs are a lot better in regards to miles per gallon, space and price. We have been looking at Citroen Grand Picasso but think we need to go and look at some xx
We've gone for a Hyundai Sante Fe and we're really pleased with it - there's loads of space and being higher up makes it much easier to get the kids and car seats in and out! Xx
Glad everyone else is lacking in energy/ motivation! I keep reading on my apps that I should be full of energy! I feel like the first few weeks of pregnancy again!

Does anyone else on here work as a carer? If so what do your work advise with patients that are prone to falling? Re standing transfers.

Is anyone else still in the after Christmas rut of living hand to mouth? We managed an ikea shop last month to get little mans room sorted, but we got paid last week and seem to be skint already! Haven’t even brought anything for baby yet! X
Hey all. I just feel a bit out of everything so just saying hi and I'm still here. Just started half term which is good but it can get a bit lonely around the house so trying to keep busy. Everyone seems to be getting along nicely, I have midwife appointment tomorrow then going away for a few days with OH. Everything seems to have come to a halt but time is flying by which freaks me out. Need to get a move on buying more stuff soon.
Hope everyone’s well. Yep we the same money just goes so quickly we brought a few bits from ikea - as needed more storage.
I had my 25 wk mw app earlier and baby heart beat was 180 and my pulse was very high- she thought we both tacky cardiac and dehydrated so she called hospital and we had to go back a bit later to be rechecked - luckily baby’s heart beat had decreased slightly and my pulse had gone down which was such a relief - so back on Monday just to be monitored x
Just had an hour sitting at the dentist.... I can't feel my blooming face lol. The baby literally danced the whole time haha.
Glad you ok now Caz.

Ooh marvellous that doesn’t sound nice!! Hope you aren’t in too much pain this evening.

I’m really suffering from heartburn last few days, never had it with previous pregnancies. This must be a hairy baby!

Also annoyed with oh. We have had two names now where he says he loves it and so I begin imagining it, naming her it in my head, writing her name out, writing the family names.... then he will say “oh I don’t like it now” ahhhh!!! First it was Ivy which he went off cause he is a tree surgeon and did a tree with a load of ivy on which annoyed him, then Darcy- which now apparently is “too American”! Xx
Glad you ok now Caz.

Ooh marvellous that doesn’t sound nice!! Hope you aren’t in too much pain this evening.

I’m really suffering from heartburn last few days, never had it with previous pregnancies. This must be a hairy baby!

Also annoyed with oh. We have had two names now where he says he loves it and so I begin imagining it, naming her it in my head, writing her name out, writing the family names.... then he will say “oh I don’t like it now” ahhhh!!! First it was Ivy which he went off cause he is a tree surgeon and did a tree with a load of ivy on which annoyed him, then Darcy- which now apparently is “too American”! Xx

Haha! We have both of those names on our list bubbles. It currently has about 25 names on as I just write down the names I see & like. No definites yet, think we’ll wait till he/she is born for the exact reason you described - that our minds would change way to much by the time baby is born lol. Maybe just don’t mention the names & when she’s born say “so which one, Ivy or Darcy?!” And then she’ll be here & he’ll naturally be drawn to one or sge’ll look like neither & you’ll come up with something totally different like we did with our son lol
Yes I'm fine. Just hate that numb feeling.
Darcy is not American. Far from it infact. My son has a very American name, and if this baby had been a boy his would have been very American too lol.
Hopefully Youl agree on one soon. We found naming our girls really easy. Naming our son took a long time. Lots of writing the name out and trying to work which worked best.
My husband rejected a few of the names on my list because they sounded too American too including Archie and Harvey. He also rejected Sophia for a girl because it sounded too Spanish. I think Sophia is the only one I would have fought for but since we are having a boy and my sister wants the name anyway it's worked out rather well. My main issue with names was that all our cousins had already taken loads of names I liked including Oliver, Sam and Toby and as a teacher there were lots of names I had to veto as I had taught children with those names that drove me insane. I guess I was the picky one! Luckily we seem to have settled on Rory which we both love.

Has anyone been hit with the nesting instinct yet? I have been waking up between 4 and 5:30 every morning and as DH is working away I can't get back to sleep so I get up and clean. I had already done the full Marie Kondo thing a year back so we don't have a lot of clutter but but I went through my wardrobe and put anything that doesn't fit anymore into storage. I wont throw anything away because I live in hope of getting back into most of my old clothes! But I have cleared 2 big drawers to put the baby stuff in. I've also done the bathroom cabinets and the storage in the living room and this morning I cleaned out the fridge and freezer. If I'm not completely exhausted I'm going to do the rest of the kitchen and utility room after work. I feel completely insane, it's such a strong compulsion to get everything tidy for the baby! Who isn't due for another good few months hopefully!
My husband rejected a few of the names on my list because they sounded too American too including Archie and Harvey. He also rejected Sophia for a girl because it sounded too Spanish. I think Sophia is the only one I would have fought for but since we are having a boy and my sister wants the name anyway it's worked out rather well. My main issue with names was that all our cousins had already taken loads of names I liked including Oliver, Sam and Toby and as a teacher there were lots of names I had to veto as I had taught children with those names that drove me insane. I guess I was the picky one! Luckily we seem to have settled on Rory which we both love.

Has anyone been hit with the nesting instinct yet? I have been waking up between 4 and 5:30 every morning and as DH is working away I can't get back to sleep so I get up and clean. I had already done the full Marie Kondo thing a year back so we don't have a lot of clutter but but I went through my wardrobe and put anything that doesn't fit anymore into storage. I wont throw anything away because I live in hope of getting back into most of my old clothes! But I have cleared 2 big drawers to put the baby stuff in. I've also done the bathroom cabinets and the storage in the living room and this morning I cleaned out the fridge and freezer. If I'm not completely exhausted I'm going to do the rest of the kitchen and utility room after work. I feel completely insane, it's such a strong compulsion to get everything tidy for the baby! Who isn't due for another good few months hopefully!

Lol! Abi, I was going to post the same thing yesterday. We moved in this house in June last year so like you don’t have a huge amount to sort thankfully but our airing cupboard was a mess! Quilt covers just in piles so we brought some shelves & when I seen how crinkled & creased everything was I thought I can’t put it back like that so I spent the whole day yesterday ironing about 30 duvets! Lol some of them are my daughters old single ones but I thought I need to keep some of those incase this babies a girl. I only really use one duvet on my bed, wash it & put it back on the same day but I still ironed a further 5 King duvets just so I could fold them away nicely in the cupboard haha! I’ve moved our kitchen around & brought a sofa so we have a seating area & I’m going to the range today to buy a few last bits, clock, voiles/curtain pole, some shelves etc just because I feel it all needs bringing together! My nesting instinct with my last 2 didn’t start till a few weeks before baby so this is well early ! I still want to sort out our sideboard & all kitchen/utility cupboards too. Hubbys doing our garden this/next week so everything should be in order well in time it baby :)
Lol! Abi, I was going to post the same thing yesterday. We moved in this house in June last year so like you don’t have a huge amount to sort thankfully but our airing cupboard was a mess! Quilt covers just in piles so we brought some shelves & when I seen how crinkled & creased everything was I thought I can’t put it back like that so I spent the whole day yesterday ironing about 30 duvets! Lol some of them are my daughters old single ones but I thought I need to keep some of those incase this babies a girl. I only really use one duvet on my bed, wash it & put it back on the same day but I still ironed a further 5 King duvets just so I could fold them away nicely in the cupboard haha! I’ve moved our kitchen around & brought a sofa so we have a seating area & I’m going to the range today to buy a few last bits, clock, voiles/curtain pole, some shelves etc just because I feel it all needs bringing together! My nesting instinct with my last 2 didn’t start till a few weeks before baby so this is well early ! I still want to sort out our sideboard & all kitchen/utility cupboards too. Hubbys doing our garden this/next week so everything should be in order well in time it baby :)
I could of wrote this post - just brought a new sofa for our kitchen dining area- also need curtain poles for down downstairs and a few other bits - maybe it’s a new build thing- also put up a ikea pax in our bedroom so going use some draws for baby stuff. Your garden sounds exciting - we just need to extend patio and get shed in ours x

Bubbles - I really like Darcy and Ivy - such lovely names - my oh isn’t keen on Darcy- it’s so hard to agree on names - we actually do have a name in mind now but usually like to have a couple names and decide once baby is here x
Hope your feeling ok after dentist Marvellious xx
I started waking up at that time while pregnant with my daughter Abi, however this time I’m so in love with my sleep!

We like the name Lawrence for our boy, with Rory or Ren for short.
It seems to have stuck since we found out he’s a boy, which I’m glad as can’t think of any other names that don’t remind me of someone I’d rather not be reminded of!

Has anyone else got an umbilical hernia?
Chrissi, what does an umbilical hernia look like? Slightly scared to Google! My belly button has changed a lot in the last few weeks. It was a decided innie but it's starting to get flatter and flatter. It freaks me out!
Yes! I've been nesting on and off for the last month or so!

Few weeks ago I gutted the kitchen, threw away/gave to charity things I'd not used in forever. Cleaned all the cupboards, ranged the cupboards, spring cleaned top to bottom. All appliances got clean/descaled etc. Then after that I did my bedroom, gutted the draws and wardrobes, sorted the draws under the bed. The bathrooms have had a clear out too, the amount of gift sets that was just sat gathering dust, they've all gone off to charity.

This weekend we're doing the massive walk in cupboard in the landing :) feels good to get cleared out and find more space. But can only do it in stages, I get so out of breathe! And feel knackered the rest of the day lol.

Has anyone else's morning sickness come back? It seems my milk aversion has returned and so has the sickness :(
My belly is less of an innie now, but it's definitely not an outtie yet and I don't think it's any where near hernia stages either.

I think they just disappear once baby arrives don't they?

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