Thanks, yeah I feel fine now- it was really worrying at the time xCrikey Caz hope you're both ok. Must have been scary.
Glad you ok now Caz.
Ooh marvellous that doesn’t sound nice!! Hope you aren’t in too much pain this evening.
I’m really suffering from heartburn last few days, never had it with previous pregnancies. This must be a hairy baby!
Also annoyed with oh. We have had two names now where he says he loves it and so I begin imagining it, naming her it in my head, writing her name out, writing the family names.... then he will say “oh I don’t like it now” ahhhh!!! First it was Ivy which he went off cause he is a tree surgeon and did a tree with a load of ivy on which annoyed him, then Darcy- which now apparently is “too American”! Xx
My husband rejected a few of the names on my list because they sounded too American too including Archie and Harvey. He also rejected Sophia for a girl because it sounded too Spanish. I think Sophia is the only one I would have fought for but since we are having a boy and my sister wants the name anyway it's worked out rather well. My main issue with names was that all our cousins had already taken loads of names I liked including Oliver, Sam and Toby and as a teacher there were lots of names I had to veto as I had taught children with those names that drove me insane. I guess I was the picky one! Luckily we seem to have settled on Rory which we both love.
Has anyone been hit with the nesting instinct yet? I have been waking up between 4 and 5:30 every morning and as DH is working away I can't get back to sleep so I get up and clean. I had already done the full Marie Kondo thing a year back so we don't have a lot of clutter but but I went through my wardrobe and put anything that doesn't fit anymore into storage. I wont throw anything away because I live in hope of getting back into most of my old clothes! But I have cleared 2 big drawers to put the baby stuff in. I've also done the bathroom cabinets and the storage in the living room and this morning I cleaned out the fridge and freezer. If I'm not completely exhausted I'm going to do the rest of the kitchen and utility room after work. I feel completely insane, it's such a strong compulsion to get everything tidy for the baby! Who isn't due for another good few months hopefully!
I could of wrote this post - just brought a new sofa for our kitchen dining area- also need curtain poles for down downstairs and a few other bits - maybe it’s a new build thing- also put up a ikea pax in our bedroom so going use some draws for baby stuff. Your garden sounds exciting - we just need to extend patio and get shed in ours xLol! Abi, I was going to post the same thing yesterday. We moved in this house in June last year so like you don’t have a huge amount to sort thankfully but our airing cupboard was a mess! Quilt covers just in piles so we brought some shelves & when I seen how crinkled & creased everything was I thought I can’t put it back like that so I spent the whole day yesterday ironing about 30 duvets! Lol some of them are my daughters old single ones but I thought I need to keep some of those incase this babies a girl. I only really use one duvet on my bed, wash it & put it back on the same day but I still ironed a further 5 King duvets just so I could fold them away nicely in the cupboard haha! I’ve moved our kitchen around & brought a sofa so we have a seating area & I’m going to the range today to buy a few last bits, clock, voiles/curtain pole, some shelves etc just because I feel it all needs bringing together! My nesting instinct with my last 2 didn’t start till a few weeks before baby so this is well early ! I still want to sort out our sideboard & all kitchen/utility cupboards too. Hubbys doing our garden this/next week so everything should be in order well in time it baby![]()