***June 2019 Mummies***

OMG I'm really struggling - can't get off the sofa - I have no idea how I'm going to get through today :sad: xx
Is it still the low blood pressure unicorn or have you got a bug too? Can you get an appointment with a GP? It seems odd that they aren't too concerned with low blood pressure but maybe if they know how rough you're feeling they might help you more? Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you. I don't know really, it definitely feels like low blood pressure but I'm in a vicious cycle of being sick as well, which obviously isn't helping! I'm not sure if I've got a bug, maybe! But this is how I felt for a few days early on in pregnancy and I went to the gp then because I felt so bad and they just said they thought I was anxious and wanted to sign me off work and refer me to the perimental health team - he wasn't even going to do bloods or anything and I think by then I'd got myself so worked up that my blood pressure was higher so all the results were fine! I honestly don't feel up for going through all that again so I think I'm just going to try and ride it out! Xx
I find that stress sets me off being sick again too. Lavender oil is safe now we are well into 2nd tri (nearly tri 3... How did that happen!) and I find it helps to relax me.
They are awlful with low blood pressure. I’ve had lots of issues with it before pregnancy and now where it makes me feel so faint and dizzy I am bed ridden. So completely feel for you. One doctor told me just to eat more salt and recommended salty crisps and to be fair sometimes if I do eat a pack it does help, maybe you could try this. hope you feel better soon.

Good luck with appt Smcx! :) let us know what happens

I am so unprepared, brought some second hand clothes and that is it. We really need to go up to loft and check what we have from other two I can’t remember what we got rid of when we moved. House needs a complete sort out too but with my leg it’s all up to my oh and I will have to just ‘suprrvise’ Haha Xxx
Yeah, low salt in a drink helps but I'm struggling to keep anything down so just seem to be in a vicious cycle! I've managed to get little one down for a nap though - after what was probably a little bit too warm of a bath! So I'm back in bed and will hopefully feel a bit better after some sleep. If not I'm going to have to call the cavalry in the form of my mum to help! Xx
Oh no unicorn hope your feeling abit better now!

Everything went well with midwife, told her about my aches down below feeling like Ive been on a bike ride and she said it’s just everything readjusting and not to worry as it’s not my hips hurting.
Got to hear baby’s heartbeat which was amazing, even though I’ve heard it before at private scans. She said she could hear through the Doppler that he was moving around and she could see him kicking too as he was moving it up and down. So that was reassuring too. I’m back again in 3weeks where she’ll do my bloods see how my iron levels are doing and measure me too. Midwife asked me if I’d booked on any antenatal classes which I haven’t, I’ve asked my partner about going to them but he’s saying no. Have any of you ladies done them or doing them?

I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going we’ll soon be in tri 3!!
Thank you Smcx, I am feeling a lot better now, which is a relief, I was really struggling earlier!
Last time I wanted to do some antenatal classes, mainly to meet people because none of my friends were having babies at the same time and it is so nice to have people you can chat to when you're feeding at 3 in the morning So we did NCT - which I think is really hit or miss depending on the group you get! Our group wasn't great but we did all support each other in those first few months and it was good to have people locally who are all off work so available to pop to the park for a walk at the same time you are! I think hubby also got a lot from it in terms of what to expect from labour and the first few months, it's pretty expensive though! I also did pregnancy yoga from 13 weeks last time which I didn't find that useful in terms of exercise but again was great for meeting people and I'm still really good friends with one of the girls I met there whose son is the same age as our little boy so we have a play date with every week. I then did a breastfeeding course, which I found really useful! And a few classes once little one was born, like baby massage and baby signing, which were really good for getting us out of the house and meeting new people in the same situation!
I'm not really sure what to do this time as it would be really nice to have those people I can talk to at 3 in the morning again and meet at the park but I don't really want to pay to do NCT again and don't really feel like I have time to do yoga or anything at the moment! Xx
I never really did any antenatal classes. The local hospital did a birthing class, where you got to look round the ward (it was newly built unit), go through techniques, pain relief options and ask questions. I only really went o have a nosey round the new unit lol.

However, I did go to baby classes like unicorn mentioned. I went to baby massage, baby signing and rhyme time classes. These helped in those first few months, not only did I meet new mums, I learnt new techniques for calming baby and it helped me get into a routine.

This time I'll likely do the same and I plan on attending breastfeeding support groups before baby arrives and continue to use them once baby is here. Hopefully I'll nail breastfeeding this time hahaha

Oh also, last time I was on here with my little boy the women from my due date group set up a WhatsApp group. It helped becasue there was always someone on the end of a text or call to help if you needed a little advice or support. Or was just needing someone to talk to during the 3am night feed. Nearly 6years later and the majority of use still talk via WhatsApp and a few of us have met up for days out. We also do a secret santa every year and open xmad eve. Its been awesome watching our babies grow. We could do something similar if anyone wanted too?

Unicorn, glad your feeling better. I've felt a bit off today also. Started off full of beans but by the time I'd got home from my mw app I felt like crap! My tummy has really been aching today. Had a really uncomfortable BH just before going into my app, then most of the afternoon I've been dealing with stitch like pains in my sides and round my lower back. I'm having a bath now then I think I'll l have an early night.

Also my me app went much like your Smcx, she tested my urine, did BP, listened to heartbeat, and a feel of uterus but didn't measure. Apparently they don't start to measure until 28 weeks. I'm now booked in for a additional check up at 31 weeks as well as the glucose test in 2 wks time. Can't believe that in 2 wks I'll be in tri 3! The first 12 wks of this pregnancy drag so badly I wished the weeks away. Now, I can't keep up! The weeks are literally flying by!
I think that’d be really good to do a what’s app group baby, if everyone else wants to.

I’ve got a lot of friends with children but only really one who’s going through it all first time so I can go to her for advice, her baby will be 6 months by time mine is here so we’re definitely planning on doing classes together.

I think the antenatal classes are just at hospital and just tell you what to expect and stuff, I think it’d be good for my other half to come and realise it’s not gonna be just like you see in films haha! I’m going to ring tomorrow and see if I can get a place on any firstly!
I still meet up nearly every week with the mums I did infant massage with with my 5 year old and her best friend is one of them. It’s such a lovely bond. I actually work at a children’s centre and run the course as well and see so many little friendship groups that form. Highly recommend. I did yoga with my second and loved that and was planning with this one but can’t with knee now. I wasn’t gutted!

All appointments sound positive :)

We have been up to a and e, again!! I just feel like it’s one thing after another this year, it makes me worry about baby which is stupid. But been the worst year ever so far with so many illnesses and things breaking and accidents, I keep thinking something is going to happen to baby. My youngest got knocked by my mum with a door as she didn’t realise she was there and she managed to slice her finger on a nail sticking out of my mums boot rack! Sliced a chunk off her little finger, doctor wouldn’t touch it as too deep. Luckily paediatrian at hospital was able to steri strip it and he is hopeful if they stay on for a week it should be fine. Xx
Bubbles that must have been so stressful, I'm glad your LO is OK now!

Ladies who breastfed before, this is probably a stupid question but what happens when you want to reduce but not stop? I'm thinking of the 6 month mark when baby is getting some real foods but still bf sometimes. Does your body make less milk? Or do you have to pump and freeze? What about when baby starts sleeping through the night? And what about when you want to stop completely? How can you stop without getting blocked ducts and infections? I know this is ages away and might not happen anyway but I don't really have anyone to ask who managed to breastfeed that long and it's been playing on my mind.

I hate maternity and nursing bras, I can't find any cute ones out here in anything close to my size. The idea of C cup nursing bras when I was FF before pregnancy seems crazy! I'm dreaming of the day I can get my boobs back (or even smaller) and wear pretty bras again!
My body just knew and produced less milk without any problems. Babies tend to do it all gradually naturally, even when you wean them at 6 months at first they still have quite a lot of milk and gradually reduce. And when you intro solids you do a meal at a time over time so that helps with milk reduction too. I did get mastitis with my eldest but that was because I went from pumping like mad in special care to her feeding herself and she didn’t need as much as they were tube feeding. It’s amazing how our bodies and baby just react and change when it comes to breastfeeding. I’m so excited to do it again!! :)

Thanks, she is fine this morning. Finding going to toilet and feeding herself hard because bandage is so big and it’s her right hand but hopefully only be a week. Plus her big sister makes a very good nurse! :) xx
That's lovely that your eldest is being so helpful and kind! And reassuring that you're excited to do it all again with the next! I've been feeling a bit rubbish with with my cold and I'm freaking out about all sorts of things! Mostly feeling like I can't do this at all! And freaking out about how fat I feel! I might download some hypnobirthing mp3s to help me relax!

The cat that we were cat sitting for had to have an operation because he had eaten something he shouldn't and had got a blockage. Luckily he is fine now and it wasn't anything he ate with us (it was a part of his owners car .. No idea how he managed it) but I was feeling very worried and guilty about him too and how can I possibly raise a baby if I can't raise a cat!

But here is a picture of the tiny moron!

I used hypnobirthing cd and book for both of mine and really helped. With my second I wasn’t so tired I would fall sleep while listening to it but would wake up when they did the countdown so maybe just deep hypnosis?!

Aww poor cat, glad she is better now though. You will be fine with a child, accidents happen but being a parent is a bit like that. A constant worry but worth it! :) xx
Just got in bed & babies kicking & wriggling loads tonight. He/she feels so much stronger tonight. Think he/she has grown as i feel a lot bigger & so does baby! I can’t imagine how big I’ll be full term lol. I literally feel my heart smile with every moment :)
Aww linnett it's lovely to feel those big strong movements isn't it? I've been laid on the sofa and my girl has been going crazy! Her movements are so strong, hubby was amazed watching my belly bump about lol. She's got a sharp jab on her, a few of them were really sharp, eye wincing jabs lol. Absolutely love every second of it though. Just hoping she let's me sleep tonight haha.

Aww Abi, I think it's normal to go through stages of doubt. I do and this is my third, I still question my capabilities of raising a 3rd, or have concerns about how I'll cope with a mood teenager, emotional child and a baby! You'll be fine as I'm sure we all will, we just have to find a routine tgst works best for us and never mind anyone else.

Glad the cat is OK. I have a 10mth puppy who will try to eat anything that fits in her mouth. She's not as bad as she was, she'd try and eat the stones out the garden! But you still have to keep an eye on her, she loves to play ball but given half the chance she'd eat the ball too (she's tried already lol).

Oh bubbles, bless you! Glad your little girl is OK, minus the injury to her finger. Hope it heals quickly. I can see why you'd be worried about baby, seems like your having an lucky bout accidents/illnesses. But little one is tucked up nice and safe in there, try not to worry or stress, easier said thsn fine I know. How is your knee at the minute? Is it marginally better at all? Xx
Sorry I haven't had chance to reply to all your messages - I've just got back from the hospital following a bit of bleeding - they checked my stitch and said it's absolutely fine but they think I've still got a bit of thrush really high up and there was blood in my urine so it may be either irritation from the thrush or a UTI causing the bleeding - which had stopped when I was at the hospital. So really relieved that it's not my stitch but bleeding has started again worse since I've got home and it's definitely not from urine! It's not major, only there after I wipe when going to the toilet so going to try and get some sleep and see how things are in the morning xx
Unicorn, so glad it's not your stitch. Really hope the bleeding has settled this morning. Keep us posted xx
When I had my youngest we did a private FB group and 3 years on we still posting pics of our little ones and chatting to each other x

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