I never really did any antenatal classes. The local hospital did a birthing class, where you got to look round the ward (it was newly built unit), go through techniques, pain relief options and ask questions. I only really went o have a nosey round the new unit lol.
However, I did go to baby classes like unicorn mentioned. I went to baby massage, baby signing and rhyme time classes. These helped in those first few months, not only did I meet new mums, I learnt new techniques for calming baby and it helped me get into a routine.
This time I'll likely do the same and I plan on attending breastfeeding support groups before baby arrives and continue to use them once baby is here. Hopefully I'll nail breastfeeding this time hahaha
Oh also, last time I was on here with my little boy the women from my due date group set up a WhatsApp group. It helped becasue there was always someone on the end of a text or call to help if you needed a little advice or support. Or was just needing someone to talk to during the 3am night feed. Nearly 6years later and the majority of use still talk via WhatsApp and a few of us have met up for days out. We also do a secret santa every year and open xmad eve. Its been awesome watching our babies grow. We could do something similar if anyone wanted too?
Unicorn, glad your feeling better. I've felt a bit off today also. Started off full of beans but by the time I'd got home from my mw app I felt like crap! My tummy has really been aching today. Had a really uncomfortable BH just before going into my app, then most of the afternoon I've been dealing with stitch like pains in my sides and round my lower back. I'm having a bath now then I think I'll l have an early night.
Also my me app went much like your Smcx, she tested my urine, did BP, listened to heartbeat, and a feel of uterus but didn't measure. Apparently they don't start to measure until 28 weeks. I'm now booked in for a additional check up at 31 weeks as well as the glucose test in 2 wks time. Can't believe that in 2 wks I'll be in tri 3! The first 12 wks of this pregnancy drag so badly I wished the weeks away. Now, I can't keep up! The weeks are literally flying by!