***June 2019 Mummies***

Yeah I’ve had a few off days recently too. I honestly feel I could sleep all day! Had a pretty chilled day today as got things planned tomorrow & Wednesday. Took dogs for a long walk & watched films with kids today but I had to stop myself from falling asleep on sofa god knows how many times! Well we actually got up at about 6.30-7 & I’d fallen asleep on sofa from about 8 till 9.30 when I thought right you need to shower & get dressed or I will actually sleep all day! I’ve felt a bit sicky again too. Usually depends on things I’ve eaten I think or if I haven’t eaten much at all but deff feeling very similar to when I was first pregnant at the minute.

My next appointment should be 25 weeks but midwife said she’d rather it be closer to 26 for some reason so another 4 weeks for me. Excited to start having bump measured. Everything seems more “pregnant” when those things start happening lol
It seems like a lot of us are feeling bad at the moment. I have horrible sinus pain that I can feel through my teeth on one side every time I take a step. If it doesn't get better soon I'm going to have to go back to the doctor and see what I can do because saline spray and steam is just doing nothing for it and having to breathe through my mouth is making me retch constantly. I keep hoping it will get better on its own because my doctor works at the hospital and there isn't really GP care here so I would feel silly going to the hospital for a blocked nose but I would normally go to the pharmacy and just take something for it but obviously can't while I'm pregnant. DH is terrible at taking care of me too, he gets annoyed that I'm not well but I think that's his reaction to not being able to instantly make me better and me refusing all his suggestions of medicine since most of them say ask a doctor first. He's an engineer so he's used to problems having a solution!
Morning ladies and bumps

I booked my 28 week mw appointment yesterday. Trying to get hold of her wasn't easy lol. She asked if I wanted a 25 week appointment. Turned her down tho as no point really.

A friend brought round loads of baby clothes yesterday... Crikey this baby already owns more clothes than me haha
Also got my carseat yesterday. Getting pram on Sunday. Getting organised now.
Haha we haven’t brought anything since getting our pram. Still holding out for some good deals at the baby show & where it’s my third I seem to have a very different mindset this time. I literally only want the essentials at first. I brought loads for my first & second but this time I’m not as fussed to go mad because we just don’t need to. Think it’s also because hubbys the earner & I’ve only recently started up my own home beauty salon & monies only coming in in dribs & drabs so I’m very conscious of how much every costs this time lol. As long as I get my next 2 me crib, vests/babygrows, nappies & the car seat baby will be fine lol. I’m Breastfeeding so saving there. Might invest in an electric breast pump but I might wait till he/she is born first. A lot more laid back this time lol
Marvellous, you have really got organised with the stuff you need. I'm tryi g to get sorted too but I'm not sure what I actually need now I have the basics. So far we have bought:
Pram and bassinet: uppababy vista
We also got the bassinet stand so we can use it as a moses basket alternative and keep baby near the bed at night as its suitable for overnight sleep. Plus 2 extra mattress cover sheets incase we need to change them (I can't imagine a poo that will go through a nappy, 2 onesies and a sleep sack but I'm sure I will learn all about that soon enough)
Carseat and base: maxicosi 2 way isofix base, pebble plus infant seat and 2 way pearl toddler seat. The toddler seat was 2nd hand and I'm just washing the covers and carseat now
Carrier: babybjorn my friend gave me hers now her boys are 3 and 5
Sleepsacks and swaddles: 2 grosnug convertible swaddles for the newborn stage and 2 Snuzpouches for the 'Arms out' stage
Muslin blanket and swaddles: aden and anais in seafaring. These are so cute I just had to have them. I think I'll use the blanket for tummy time and the swaddle as breastfeeding covers/sick cloths
Clothes: a whole heap from Next (0-1 month) and Frugi (0-3 months) currently waiting to get some baby detergent to wash them. I think my MIL will bring us a bunch of stuff in newborn too but I'm trying to avoid buying to much in the teenie sizes as everyone keeps telling me I'll have a big baby as me and DH are both tall!
Owlet heart and blood oxygen monitor I found this 2nd hand too, never used as it was an unwanted gift so it was a bargain!
I also think I'll get the pacapod saunton as my nappy bag and baby's hospital bag but I haven't ordered yet.

Honestly I feel like I've just ordered the cute things and my job will get harder now that I have to order the less fun things. But I do want to buy most things before I stop working, possibly as soon as Easter because I don't get maternity pay so I'll have to rely on Dh's salary alone once I stop work.

Linnett I want to breastfeed too but I have no idea what I need for it! I do want to get a breast pump too as I heard they are great for before baby comes to get labour started if you're overdue. Any tips on what to get?
Any other advice on what else I should be buying. I'm a terrible list maker but I don't feel very informed about what else I need!
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Crikey you are organised hehe.
I had a carrier with my boy but hated it, so buying a wrap this time as I suffered with my back last time.
Sounds like you have all the major stuff.

Iv brought bottles and sterilizer as even tho id like to breastfeed I like to be prepared for all outcomes as sometimes it doesn't work out.
I combi fed my last 2.

Currently flat out on sofa. Blooming tired lately. Eldest has swimming later, so will need to sit in a boiling leisure centre and try not cook in the heat lol.
Wow, everyone is getting so organised! I'm total opposite, in fact linnett I'm a lot like you in the sense that I only want the essentials at first.

So for me as long as I have pram, car seat, cot, clothes, nappies and wipes I think we'll be OK. Obviously they'll be stuff that I need. But other baby stuff we can buy as we go along. I'm getting gifted a lot of stuff from the inlaws as there little one is only just a year old, so they still have a lot left.

I plan on breastfeeding too, though I might invest in a couple of bottles and sterilisers as a just incase.

Abi, in terms of breastfeeding you'll need breast pads (to catch leakage), nursing bras and lose clothing (easy access), a feeding cover if you want a little privacy, nipple cream (for those sensitive nips!). You might want to invest in a breast pump but it's not needed immediately as you'll want to establish a good latch before introducing bottled breast milk. As for the pump being useful for stimulating labour, a little play between the fingers will do the same thing... So will sex! Haha

Wow Abi, your a lot more prepared than you think. I think I’ve just learnt from my first two that you buy so many things thinking you need them when you can either deff manage without them or you don’t need them straight away. When babies are newborn all they need is milk, nappies, somewhere safe to sleep & a car seat/pram for when you go out but I don’t even plan on doing that in the first few weeks lol. Everyone can come to me haha. As we’re having our garden done soon I intend to spend most of the summer in it so I won’t be going out & about too much anyway.

Like baby said I wouldn’t get a breast pump just yet incase breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you. I BF my last two but not for that long so this time I intend to do it for longer if I can. I had a boob job after my son as they disappeared & I didn’t plan on having anymore so this time round it’s dependant on if my milk flow still comes in like it did. Fortuneatly I never had problems with latching or anything last time so fingers crossed I’ll be ok with that again but every babies different so we’ll see. I had a manual pump before but they aren’t the easiest things to use so I quite like the idea of just being able to attach the pumps, let them do the work & I can carry on doing what I need to do. I hope to BF almost exclusively but I would like hubby & kids to feel a bit more included & obvs if I’m away from baby I’ll need to express then too. You can store it for up to 5 days in the fridge which I think is really handy !
Oh gosh I couldn't be stuck in esp over the summer. We live near the beach so my kids live at the beach during the summer so wel never be in. Lol
Linnett the fact that you say your boobs disappeared breastfeeding convinces me to try even more! I was a 30FF before I got pregnant, now I'm in a 34H. I wish they would disappear once I've fed this baby!

Thanks for the tips ladies on what I need! I probably won't be going out much for the first few months due to the insane heat in summer so I probably need even less than I think I do!
Oh I'd love to be able to hang out in the garden. But our garden isn't big enough really. I'm thinking of invest in a 10ft trampoline, but that'll be all I can fit in it comfortably. Figured a trampoline would be good for those days where you just end up stuck in coz no matter how hard you try you just don't end up getting out lmao.

I'll hopefully be organised enough so that we do end up out most of the holidays. We don't live far from a beach either so will make full use of that!
Oh, invest in an industrial fan or air con if you dont have it.

When my youngest was born we had an immensely hot summer, and spent most the time in doors away from the heat. The fan/air con was invaluable. The amount of people I saw on social media moaning about grumpy uncomfortable babies was unreal. That's one thing I didn't have to contend with baby wise xx
We have ac everywhere here luckily. In fact I can go from my flat, to the underground car park with ac, into the car with ac and then into a mall with ac all without stepping out into the heat so I really can't complain! It's probably easier than if the UK gets a hot summer because there is no escaping it in the UK. It will just be a shame to not be able to sit on the beach or in the park until October!
Our nearest beach is atleast 3 hours away & I just find days out so expensive during the summer holidays. You’ve got 6+ weeks to get through and all those ice creams / drinks add up so I intend on investing in some new garden toys & spending most of it there to save money lol. And as baby said with a brand new newborn I very much doubt ill be going on day trips in mid summer on my own with 3 kids in tow lol why add more stress haha
Linnett the fact that you say your boobs disappeared breastfeeding convinces me to try even more! I was a 30FF before I got pregnant, now I'm in a 34H. I wish they would disappear once I've fed this baby!

Thanks for the tips ladies on what I need! I probably won't be going out much for the first few months due to the insane heat in summer so I probably need even less than I think I do!

Haha I found the problem with mine was they lost all fullness & I pretty much just had saggy skin after. I still don’t know if it was down to breastfeeding or just general pregnancy. I was a DD before & they got to an E whilst pregnant & then after pregnancy/breastfeeding & weight lost they went down to a B. I’m not sure what’ll happen this time. I’m hoping even if I do lose some of them again that because there’s an implant in there it’ll still keep some of the fullness. I guess only time will tell ah :)
We hoping to book a holiday for the end of summer- so will be buying the essentials for baby too- so far I just got a few sleepsuits and snuzpod which might swap over for next to me crib.Planning on just get a few more clothes, blankets, toiletries and car seat and going wait till nearer the time to purchase the pram ( as really don’t know what I want) I’m not going buy breastpump unless I really need it- last time I just exclusively breastfed - just didn’t have the time to express - I don’t think the size of mine changed much x
Sounds like the got everything covered with your list Abi, I'd maybe just add a baby bath and toiletries. And baby's list of what you need for breastfeeding is good - I've got the lansinoh electric breast pump from last time, which I found really good - although there's plenty of time to get a best pump as I didn't use it until feeding was well established! But I found lansinoh products and mam dummies great for breast feeding and baby had no problem with nipple confusion - although he loved feeding and would feed for 7 hours at a time when he was newborn so I don't think anything would have bothered him - we found dummies a life saver!
I went into work this morning but I've ended up at home in bed - I think my blood pressure must be through the floor - I feel awful! But no-one seems to bother about low blood pressure, they're only concerned if it's high but it's horrible feeling like I'm going to pass out all the time xx
Sounds like we’re all hoping for a warm summer like last year fingers crossed! :cheer:
And at least we have some great trashy TV to get us through the first few weeks and months of the newborn stage! Anyone else a love Island fan? I only got into it last year but I am shamelessly addicted now! Thank goodness I still can get British TV out here! Also looking forward to Bake off starting again. So plenty to watch if I'm stuck on the sofa, boobs out, all summer!

I'm feeling much more positive today, my sinuses are starting to clear and I've got the covers back on the maxi-cosi toddler seat we bought 2nd hand (thank goodness for YouTube instructions) and it has come up so nicely. All the chocolate came out of the seat belts and the dirt and biscuit crumbs came off the cover. I had been getting quite stressed about it as DH picked it up and it hadn't looked so dirty in the pictures and I was convinced it wouldn't get clean but it looks brand new!
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I’m a love island addict Abi! Can’t wait haha!

I’m just waiting to leave to go my midwife app at 9. Not sure what she does at this appointment but I do have a list of things to ask her about haha

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