***June 2019 Mummies***

Oh no Linnett sorry to hear things aren’t great still, hope he makes things up to you.

I’m still struggling to sleep comfortably still so I’ve just ordered a pregnancy pillow that’ll be here tomorrow so fingers crossed I get a better sleep tomorrow night!
Smcx, I had trouble sleeping too. But I've found a memory foam mattress, a folded up double duvet under the bed sheet and a v shape pregnancy pillow is really helping, for now. Ive got a back up duvet just incase I needed additional padding, I'll end up like the Princess and the Pea at this rate hahaha
I hope he makes it up to you Linnett, that's not what you need right now.

Sorry to hear some of you ladies are in pain already. I feel huge today which has hurt while walking but I've not had to do much of that today. I expect tomorrow, with in laws visiting, I'll be doing a lot of walking (and cooking/cleaning up).
Smcx, I had trouble sleeping too. But I've found a memory foam mattress, a folded up double duvet under the bed sheet and a v shape pregnancy pillow is really helping, for now. Ive got a back up duvet just incase I needed additional padding, I'll end up like the Princess and the Pea at this rate hahaha

That sounds so comfy haha! I tried putting pillows under a blanket and sleeping on top of that but I was just losing them in the night. Doesn’t help every time I get up to go toilet in the night I then have to find a comfy position again or my partners made his way on to my side so I have less room! Hes going to have a shock tomorrow when this pillow turns up hahaha!
Does anyone know if you can have soothers or strepsils whilst pregnant? I’ve got a really tickly throat and bad cough which is causing my side to really ache :-(
Smcx, I'm not sure about strepsils etc but I think jakemans honey and lemon soothers are OK while pregnant.

When I had a cough/cold I asked the midwife if I could take anything and she basically said to ride it out with fluids and paracetamol :/ xx

Debbie, I hope tomorrow isn't too busy while entertaining the inlaws. Hopefully they'll take pity and look after you lol xx
Hey! Been a bit quiet over weekend

How is everyone?? Mine is doing flips in my stomach a lot the last few days! Keeps waking me up. I was hoping as I have an anterior placenta again like with my second I would get a full nights sleep but placenta must not be covering it as much as last time! Haha xx
I’ve been full of a cold all weekend so been feeling pretty crappy, but baby has been very active today which has been good! Hoping my pregnancy pillow gets delivered tomorrow as I missed delivery yesterday. Got 25wk midwife app on Wednesday so looking forward to hearing heartbeat this time as she didn’t do it at my 16wk one.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend xx
Oh no :( there is so much cold going round! Hope you feel better soon!

I love my pregnancy pillow! I hate having to put it away after the baby is born to be honest. Yeah my weekend was alright, got migraine today and weird blur so borrowed my dads blood pressure machine and it was really low, so much just have been one of my migranes.

I bet you are excited!! As this is my third I don’t get another midwife appt until 28 weeks. Seems like forever ago I saw anyone! X
Hey ladies

Been a busy weekend here. Visiting family yesterday. Went for a walk trough the woods today and enjoy a great big Sunday roast. I'm absolutely shattered now so I'll be heading to bed soon. Kinda get a relaxed morning tomorrow as the kids aren't at school. Stupidly promised the youngest a trip to the beach tomorrow if the weather stays nice. No doubt hell still want to go if its Gail force winds and raining!

I'm not suppose to get another MW app until my 28 wk glucose test but as I've had previous losses they've asked me to come in at 25wks. So I'll be seeing the midwife on Wednesday too, although I'll actually be 25wks 6days lol. I'm wondering if they'll listen for the heartbeat and measure the bump? Kinda hope they do as I'll have my little boy with me and it would be lovely for him to hear the babies heartbeat. But I suspect they'll just test my urine and do a BP check. Still, it's nice to know they're keeping a close eye on me :)

Baby has changed position again today, so movements are low down and not as strong as normal. But I think this pattern is just normal for her, at least it will be until she runs out of space haha

Hope you've all enjoyed your weekends. Smcx, sorry your full of cold it's not fun at the best of times least so when pregnant! Hope you recover quickly. Bubbles, I love my pregnancy pillow. I don't think its as big as yours, it's just a standard V pillow, but it's so comfy. It's like I'm being hugged all night haha
Evening ladies, glad you’re all starting to feel better apart from colds and aches and pains.

We spent the week changing bedrooms over, so my little lady has a bigger, big girl room and baby will be going into the box room. My hips, knees and feet are killing me this week though.

The lady I look after fell on Thursday and I stupidly caught all 13 stone of her! I’m only small myself, so panicked me a bit as baby wasn’t moving as much as he normally does. However since Saturday he’s not stopped and feels like he’s doing rolly polys in there!

I feel like I’m miles from everyone else! Only turned 21wks Saturday. Not sure when to start mat leave. Depends if my lady keeps falling I suppose, I may have to end up being let off on pay, as I’m her only carer and work within the family home which makes it awkward. They’ve not even done a risk assessment or anything.
Hey ladies! Pretty busy weekends all round but I’m loving this uk weather at the minute! The sun just makes everything seem better. Half term this week so it’s nice knowing I don’t have to do the usual early mornings / school runs for a week.

I’ve felt knackered the last few days. It’s like how tired I felt in early pregnancy! I’m yawning every 10 mins sometimes ! Babies moving lots though which is nice. I just find myself smiling to myself when he/she kicks :)
Yeah, I'm feeling exhausted again as well and this trapped nerve is really uncomfortable! Other than that all good here xx
Oh, and I'm wondering whether to bother with my 25 week midwife appointment because I'll be seeing my consultant at 26 weeks for steroids anyway!? Xx
Oh, and I'm wondering whether to bother with my 25 week midwife appointment because I'll be seeing my consultant at 26 weeks for steroids anyway!? Xx

I’d think you’d still have too as midwife / consultant see to different things. Ultimately they both see eachothers notes on you but they are ticking different boxes if you know what I mean :)
Unicorn, I agree with linnett. Midwife and consultant have a focus on different aspects at each appointment. Then they collaborate notes at a later date. But it's up to you, you know your body/baby :)

Funny you mention the tiredness, I thought it was just me. I feel tired all the time. I go to be tired and wake up still tired, no matter how much or little sleep I get.

On the plus side, no school here so we can have a lazy morning. Batch made pancakes yesterday so breakfast this morning was super quick haha. Its the first time batch makes pancakes, usually just make as an when. But they are OK heated for a few mins in the toaster. I'll definitely be making them again, so easy and quick and little one feels like he's getting a treat haha
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Unicorn in my experience consultants don’t measure bumps and listen to heartbeat but midwives do as well. May be different in different areas but would try and go to both if you can. I’ve got midwife on the morning I’m 28 weeks then because I’ve chosen to give birth at a hospital which isnt linked with my gp surgery and midwife I have to then drive 45 mins to hospital to have bloods, all with my 2 year old (well she will be 3 the next day!) it’s silly really cause that hospital is actually nearer time wise but the other one is closer in regards to miles.

Half term for me too, trying to think of activities with two children and on crutches.... off to park with a friend later so she can push them on swings xx
My pillows just been delivered!!! Is it bed time yet hahaha!

Hope you ladies who have half term this week have a nice week! My colds getting slightly better it just needs to go now tho x
I’m making the most of half term, will have odd lazy day as I really need it- but trying to sort out the house as we ordered some ikea wardrobes- so going be busy flat packing- also got my daughters birthday at the end week- she’s obsessed with lol’s so need to order some party bits. Baby is very active at the moment- I got 25 week mw app next week but think it’s cos I’m classed as a high risk pregnancy- otherwise I probably wouldn’t have one and also got 28 week glucose test.

Hope your all doing well, it seems like pregnancy is flying for all of us xx
Thank you, yeah, I know midwifes have different objectives to the consultant but because the 25 week is an additional appointment I'm not sure I really need that one as well as the consultant appointment at 26 weeks and midwife appointment at 28 weeks! We're away the week I'm 25 weeks anyway, so it would have to be at 24 weeks, which is next week when it's half term here so it's not really convenient in terms of cover in work! I'll ring tomorrow and see if I can make it late in the day.
Yeah, I'm really struggling with tiredness again and now the sickness is back as well! I've been sick the past few mornings and had to travel as a passenger for work today so have been really sick since getting home as well and now feel faint xx

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