***June 2019 Mummies***

Fab news Abi, you must be so relieved!
We've got a Mamas and Papas armadillo flip xt travel system in teal from when we had our little boy so don't need to get one this time, which I'm pleased about because I found it really hard to find something to meet all our requirements and obviously they're a massive expense which we don't have this time - which is a good job because we've just had to buy a bigger car! Xx
That’s great news Abi!! I really wanted to Uppababy Vista but it didn’t fit in the boot of the car I had at the time. It’s huge but can also be used as a double pram, which is what I wanted. Now I have to hope my toddler will walk as I don’t want to buy another pram!

I’ve just booked all my leave. I have 24.5 working days left! That’s going to go so quickly.
Wow 24.5 days left at work, that will whizz by! I'm really lucky my boss is able to be flexible with when I leave. I am ready to leave at Easter but I have the option to continue working the odd day here and there to get the reports written and planning done. It will hopefully keep me sane but will also allow me to cut back in the summer term.
Aw Abi I’m so pleased for you it went well! You can now relax and enjoy!
We’ve got the ikkle bubba stomp v4 in khaki, I love it! I seen someone with it for the first time the other day whilst I was shopping and I had proper envy!

I’ve got 9 weeks left in work I’m finishing on good Friday, I know I’m going to be really bored for the 6weeks before I’m due but I’m just going to try enjoy it as I’m planning to go back to work in December for the Christmas rush!
Great news Abi- enjoy pram shopping tomorrow. I had a silver cross wayfer last time but we got rid of most things when we moved - so will need to invest in a new pram I’m really not sure what I want this time - so putting of getting pram but do want something that is easy to attach a buggy board if needed xx
Yeah, can you get a buggy board as well Debbie? That's what we're planning on doing.
Wow, you all don't have long left in work at all! I'm having my stitch out after the bank holiday at the end of May so don't think I'll risk working after that and they say they expect her to come then so I'll finish work on the Friday and she may be here on the Tuesday! Xx
I was hoping to work up till may half term but work are quite flexible if I need to leave earlier.

We used a buggy board when we had our second and it was amazing! Will be using it again for sure. Just make sure the child using it knows they can not step off it, mine tried to do it once while moving but she soon learnt that was a very bad idea!

Had hair cut tonight, the lights and hair pulled back made me realise how pale I am and black bags! Looked horrific! They says girls steal your beauty. At this rate I’m expecting to give birth to a model. I am also vegetarian and been border anemic so be interesting to see what bloods say at 28 weeks. Xx
Wow I can't believe you all finish work so soon. I think I'm kinda in denial that in roughly 15 weeks we'll have a baby. As much as I want her here, I still have days where I can't quiet believe it lol.

We've got a silver Cross wayfarer, it's currently being stored at my mums. Will get it out around the 30 wk mark to get it cleaned and let it air out.

Going to be getting the next2me this month, a new mattress for it and all the bedding. Already got a car seat and isofix, plus the pram, baby swing and clothes. So we're well on the way to being organised.
Abi, glad to hear your doctor visit went well. Your doc sounds like a very reassuring lady. Something you most definitely need when it comes to our babies and their health.

Bubbles, I know what you mean about looking rough! I look as pale as a ghost, and big spots on my face, still! I thought we were meant to glow?!
I hope everyone is enjoying their second trimester!

I’m 20+5 and it feels amazing to feel baby move and kick me. Even daddy has felt it kick now too. So magical.

We had our scan on Monday and baby is doing just fine. After my mum having 3 daughters and both my sisters having girls I’m happy to say I’ve finally broken the cycle and we will be bringing a little boy into the family finally after 37 years!

The dilemma now is picking a name
Hi Aebx, congratulations. We found boy's names much easier than girl's - have you got any thoughts yet? Xx
I'm having a really unusually low movements evening - I hate it! From when do they say you should start start paying attention to movements? Xx
I think they say from 28 weeks unicorn. But I've read that any change in routine or rhythm should be report back to the midwife.

Hey ladies, just catching up. Been a busy week. Still hardly talking to hubby if I can help it. He finally returned at 8pm Sunday night. After numerous unanswered calls all day Sunday, he rings me at 7pm to say he’d just woken up. I said if he’s coming home he could sleep on the sofa & he’s slept on there ever since !

I had the strangest pains earlier on tonight. At first I thought it was diarrhea pains but then it went more into my back rather than stomach & then I noticed they were quite stop / start. I ended up lying on my bed in the dark kind of rolling about it pain. It started to ease of a bit so I got into bed & dozed off & since waking up all is back to normal. Baby took a little while to move when I woke which panicked me a bit but he/she is kicking & punching now which is a relief! I google bracton hicks but apparently they aren’t painful so god knows what it was. Wasn’t nice though !
That sounds really scary Linnett, I hope that's the end of whatever it is now and I'm sorry to hear things still aren't great with hubby, it's so hard to feel let down when you need all the support you can get isn't it!
Thank you baby, she seems to be moving a bit more now so hopefully nothing to worry about but I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it, it's impossible not to isn't it, and it's definitely not as if the worrying ends once they're here ;) xx
We're ordering a Mothercare journey edit for our pram this time. I just couldn't salvage my Sola.

I'm actually glad we're not having a boy as we really really struggled with boys names last time. Took us forever to agree on a name for our boy, caused many heated discussions. This time we said if baby had been a boy hed prob have been Phoenix, but baby is a girl and naming a girl is soooo much easier lol. Thankfully we picked her name ages ago, and our eldest has picked her middle name.

My hips are really bad today. Went to the beach yesterday for a valentines picnic and walking about has caused havoc to them.
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Oh Linnett, sorry you and your hubby aren't getting along at the min. Has he given you any reason as to why he went of grid for over 24hours? Its a shame for him to act like he has when now is a time you most need his support. I swear sometimes just don't put their brain into gear before acting/speaking.

The pains sound awful, but if they have eased off I would bet that baby had shifted and was laid in an awkward position. Might explain the lack of movement first thing too while he/she shifted back into the normal position. And also, if your not drinking enough you'll also feel more aches and pains in that area, makes BH more painful too. Something I didnt know until I googled, good old Dr Google lol

Aww marvelous, a valentines beach picnic sounds so romantic! Sorry to hear your in pain now, typical. Hopefully you can rest today and be back to fighting fit tomorrow?
Aww marvelous, a valentines beach picnic sounds so romantic! Sorry to hear your in pain now, typical. Hopefully you can rest today and be back to fighting fit tomorrow?
If only, theyv progressively got worse as the week has gone on. Doomed to get spd again I think.
If only, theyv progressively got worse as the week has gone on. Doomed to get spd again I think.

Same :( even hurts when I drive now. Though I've last longer than I did with my second. Got it at about 19wks with the second pregnancy, but I was in a very physical job so that didn't help. This time I'm 25wks and can take it easier, so I'm hoping it won't get as bad as quickly!

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