***June 2019 Mummies***

Oh yeah, I certainly can't see it - I think that was the problem! Although I shaved right up to labour last time and didn't cut myself!
I thought I was having Braxton Hicks but want sure as I've never had them before so read up about them at it says they're at the top of your uterus, but mine are tightenings at the bottom of my uterus, so I think maybe not? Xx
I've been getting that feeling in the bottom of my uterus too. If it's not BH it must be baby kicking because it comes on so randomly and while it's not painful like round ligament pain it's certainly something!
Yeah I've had a read about BH too and I think mine definitely are them. My whole bump goes solid! It's not painful but it is really uncomfortable, yesterday I had to take a couple of deep breaths lol

I also get massive pressure really low down, I assume its when baby shifts as it coincides with low down movements too.

Does anyones baby have really quiet days? Like I'll feel really strong movements for about 3-4 days then she'll go quiet for 2-3days. Is that normal? Xx
That’s what’s I’ve been having baby. It also seems to be when my bump is smaller than normal so I reckon it’s when she has moved and I can’t feel as hard. If I sit and actually think about it I then feel little movements.

I think I’m having a few braxton hicks, like you say bump goes suddenly hard and gets all tense and then goes if I sit and stop.

My left leg which I danmaged haven’t been shaved in weeks cause I can’t bend down to it cause of baby and can’t bend it up cause of knee damage! Might have to get oh on to it. I did my private areas and cut it as well the other day so haven’t tried since. It hurts!!!!

Off to work today, hope you all have a lovely day. Xx
Baby, I'm still not getting consistent 'this is definitely movement' kind of movements yet. Occasionally I'll feel something then days will go by with nothing. I might have to sit down and try really hard to focus and see what I can feel. But I get quite a chilled energy from him, I think he will take after my husband rather than me so maybe he's just chilling out!
I was having quiet days, then lots of movement then quiet buttie last week she throws a party at 8pm and doesn't invite me lol.

Iv not had BH yet, no doubt they will start up soon. Got pelvic pain again today. School run wasn't nice trying to walk up a hill with it.
Ok, so the active/quiet periods seem to be normal. I've got a midwife appointment next week so I'll mention it then. But I suspect it'll be a case of if that's her 'normal' then it's ok. It's not that I can't/don't feel her when shes quiet it's just the movements feel more like the 16wks flutters rather than the 24wk nudges lol.

I'm having a chill sofa day today. Did waay to much yesterday my hips are still crying in pain with every step lol. Will probably just potter about doing some tidying inbetween watching trashy TV lol
In the last week or so I’ve started to feel baby. It’s like what I can only describe as popping and I can feel my belly move, I managed to catch it on video but it won’t let me post it. I’ve started to notice he’s moving in the morning when I’m waking and then more in the evening, but I still question if it’s actually him moving :think:
Definitely sounds like little one moving Smcx :D
I get more active and then quieter times as well.
Because baby is just on one side, last pregnancy I had a problem with a nerve because of all the weight on that side, which meant if I stood or walked for too long it felt like having boiling water poured over my leg, I had to stop as it brought tears to my eyes a few times and now it's back - not fun!
I hope you're ok Linnett?
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven’t been about at all. I’ve been really stressed recently and just taken time off the internet. I had my 20 week scan last week and baby was in a silly position so I had to go back today to check the heart. All is okay. And it’s another girl! I’m really happy with that and so is my daughter. She keeps saying mummy has a baby sister in her tummy.

I haven’t felt much movement yet but I have a high anterior placenta so that explains it. I occasionally feel things low down or at the side.

I’ve had two weeks off annual leave and trying to declutter and sort things out in the house. We’ve lived here over 4 years and still not decorated. It’s a new build so it feels like we just rent rather than it be a home. I now have a 19 week deadline to decorate which is silly putting even more pressure on myself! My mental health is definitely suffering this time round.

My daughter (2.5 years) is frustrating at the moment. She’s not listening and just wants to so everything she shouldn’t be. Today I was cleaning up crayon she’d drawn on the cupboard and she went and picked up another one, gave me the cheekiest grin and drew on another cupboard! I nearly lost the plot! She’s so challenging at the moment.

Also on Saturday she decided she didn’t want to wear her nappy, did 2 poos on the potty but saved wee for nap and bed time in a nappy. Sunday she wanted her nappy on. Monday she weed in the potty in the morning but wanted a nappy on after her nap, and today she wanted a nappy on all day! I don’t get it. She can do it on the potty but is choosing not to. I thought we were getting somewhere but it’s one step forward and 20 steps back.

I’m back to work tomorrow which I’m dreading. I have so much leave to take I wonder whether to use it before mat leave and go off at 34+5 or 33+5 weeks. It seems really early though, especially as I just sit at a desk all day and it’s a 10 minute drive away. I’m taking mat leave at 37+4 in case this one is early like my daughter.

Sorry, huge outpouring there!! How’s everyone doing?
Ah, sorry you're having a rough time, our little boy is 2 and a half as well and can definitely be a challenge! We're nowhere near being out of nappies though so you're doing a great job there xx
Debbie, glad all is well with baby :)

Sorry to hear your little one is being a diva lol. I think it's just a age thing isn't it? I recall my little boy being like that. It must be frustrating that she's so close to being out of nappies, I think just keep doing what she needs/wants at the min. I found my youngest potty trained alot quicker as it was on his own terms. Where as my eldest, I thought I was never going to get him out of nappies! And I remember the disobedient phase, watching you watch them as they do something they've been told not to do, haha I think it's them learning isn't it? Checking boundaries etc, at least that's what I told myself to get through it haha.

Good luck with your first day back at work. If you book mat leave to start at 37 wks would you have the option to book annual leave before then if you needed too? I think that's what I'd do, use it as a just in case. You might be fine at 37 wks, then again you might feel rough as a house! If you feel fine and can carry in to 37 wks, least you'll have extra time off with the baby xx
Debbie that sounds so stressful with little one acting up plus all the house bits, do you have anyone who could help you out instead of a baby gift? And even though it feels like ages away it's good to have maternity leave to look forward to in the back of our minds, isn't it?

I have discovered baby shopping is a great stress relief at the moment! I got some really cute elephant themed outfits from next including some dungarees which will be totally impractical but so adorable. I have to be careful though because I can see how easy it would be to spend loads on hundreds of outfits they will grow out of within weeks! So far I have split my spending between newborn and 0-3 months size and built little capsule wardrobes that I will clearly be to tired to actually care about when the baby is here! But as a child of the late 80's myself I had some really questionable outfits as a baby and child and I'm not forcing the same on my baby!
Abi I fell into that trap! I spent sooo much on clothes with my second, half of them were unworn because of the weather. It was just too hot to put him in anything other than a vest lol. Then he had a growth spurt and so they just went unworn.

This time I'm going to just buy the necessities and then buy the rest as an when I need them.

I'm just waiting on my sister to finish work then we're going swimming. I'm not sure if thats a wise move considering my hips are already aching. I'm hoping being weightless will help them. May regret it in the morning though lol
Thanks ladies. 2.5 is definitely a challenging but fun age.

I think I'm going to take mat leave at 37 weeks and then annual leave from 34 weeks. I actually have so much leave to take that I'm dropping a day from 25 weeks. It feels like I'll hardly be there.

Baby shopping is so much fun but now we're having another girl and we kept everything I don't really need much. I don't know whether to get a new snuzpod mattress, as my daughter mostly slept on top of it in a Sleepyhead. They say to get a new one for each child but it's not really been slept on.

Swimming might help baby. You could ask the pool if they have any woggles/noodles so you can just float about.
Sounds like a good plan Debbie!

Baby how was swimming? As long as you don’t do frog legs (I’m rubbish with names!) then it should help your pelvis.

I’ve got my automatic car now so been able to drive around today! So good! Baby has had an active day which was lovely today, especially when I had a day full of boring meetings!

Found a nice second hand pram I’m very tempted by, hardly used and it’s the newer version of the pram we had last time cosatto giggle and I loved it! Really nice pattern too x
Yeah, I'm not sure about getting a new mattress for our Next2Me either Debbie - it's so hard that our little boy never actually slept on it as he would only sleep on a pillow on top of the mattress so I was thinking of just getting a brand new pillow and doing the same with this one - but we've also leant it to a couple of people so I'm feeling perhaps we should get a new one but there really doesn't seem much point if she's never actually going to sleep on it anyway!
We went crazy overboard with clothes for our little boy so we've got thousands of gorgeous baby boy outfits in our attic but you change then so often when they're little that he did wear them all - and now we're having a girl we've done the same again, I love it xx
I just got back from my doctors appointment. She rescanned the kidneys and said there didn't seem to be a problem but booked me in for another detailed scan in 6 weeks. She also said that although the scan says my placenta is low lying it currently covers most of the front of my uterus and will almost certainly move up with time as it isn't blocking the cervix. She's so reassuring! I have the biggest smile on my face. She also got lots more pictures for us and even turned the scanner on to 3D for a bit for us although baby still looks more like the Voldemort Horcrux thing at the end of Harry Potter than a cute baby as he's so skinny! He still was a bit uncooperative with a little hand over his face! I feel so much calmer now, I can get on and enjoy my half term holiday! I'm going pram shopping tomorrow as we ordered one online a couple of weeks back but they didn't have it in stock so it's back to square one. Hoping everyone else is having a nice relaxing time too!

Yay Abi! So glad it was all good news and she does sound so much nicer and reassuring! It makes such a difference when you see a nice professional who can talk their patients appropriately and actually give you the time of day :) lovely photo too!!!!

What pram are you looking at? Xx
I'm looking at either the uppababy cruz or vista. I really want the cruz as it's a bit smaller and lighter but we can only get the green colour we want in the vista so I'll have to test it out to see how easy it is to get around with. I like that the bassinet is safe for overnight sleep so we can use it instead of a moses basket for the first couple of months while we are in a 1 bedroom apartment until we move and he gets his own room. Has anyone else got their pram yet or made a decision?

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