***June 2019 Mummies***

Hope everything goes well today abi.

Linnett how’s did you get on once hubby got home? Men can be such dicks at times!
I don’t know about anyone else but I can’t contain my anger since being pregnant. My dp threw a pair of socks at me the other day and told me to put a sock in it, not considering the fact I had straighteners in my hand! Nevertheless the straighteners ended up hurtling towards his head in their 200 degree state. Missed him thank god! But there’s no controlling it haha!

Woke up this morning to a lovely tummy bug passed on from my daughter. It’s taken a long time to set in as her started Wednesday and is still slightly ongoing and mine started today. I think everyone else has escaped it, so must be lack of immune support that made me get it!

So I’m Off work on sofa feeing sorry for myself today, invetween trips to the loo!!!

Had a trip to ikea yesterday to buy wardrobe doors etc for our little man. He’s having our daughters furniture so we’re just changing drawer fronts and doors to make them boyish. And she has chosen to go in Alex’s room which is the spare room, but she thinks it’s my partners room :rotfl: bless her.

Sorry it’s a bit of a long one, I hope everyone else is feeling the glow and feeing good at the moment x
Hope all goes well today Abi x

Chrissi I’m the same! I tried to hit my partner with a chair last week all because he was being horrible to the dog and I was sticking up for him hahaha!! Hes been giving up smoking though so unfortunately my poor dogs getting the mood swings taken out on him instead:shakehead:
Thanks everyone, I'm back from my scan. The baby had moved so they got a clear view of the heart and everything was OK there.

The kidney measurement was still a bit big but only by 0.2 of a mm. They will rescan me at 28 weeks to check if it has sorted itself out, apparently in at least 90% of cases it does and it's quite a common thing for them to spot. I wouldn't qualify for a rescan if I was in the UK as I would still be under the cut off so I have to keep reassuring myself it will be OK.

They also noted my placenta is quite low so I have to be re scanned anyway to check it keeps moving up and out of the way. I can follow up with the Doctor on Thursday and see what she thinks. I'm slightly nervous that as my health insurance pays out more for a c section I'll be pushed in that direction but I can't really change anything if I am.

It was a very strange experience at the scan though. The sonographer turned the screen away from me so I couldn't see and then discussed everything with my husband. I wanted to yell that I have the A level in biology and he just about got a GCSE! The sonographer even drew a diagram for my husband while resting the paper on my legs while someone else scanned me so I couldn't see the diagram. It felt like something from the handmaids tale! I was totally left out of the decision making process, clearly women don't understand all this making a baby stuff!

But I just need to keep reminding myself that most things are fine and there is a 90% chance the kidneys will be too. I might actually manage to sleep tonight!
Glad everything went ok abi. Atleast you can rest a bit now. And like you said if you were in the uk they wouldn’t be checking it again.

Would you have an elective section?

Has anyone else started thinking about birth? I’m looking forward to it, but thinking baby will probably be bigger. DD was 7lb4 so I’m think this one may be an 8lber.
I really want to have a waterbirth and chose the hospital based on that but I'm also scared of being induced as I've heard some horror stories of how bad contractions are on pitocin so if I went over I would probably book in for the section. My friend had an emergency section with her first and scheduled with her 2nd because she didn't want the stress of the emergency stuff a second time and was tired from labour so said recovery was much harder the first time

I'm now going to have to look at the options for section of the placenta is low-lying because that complicates both vaginal and section birth.

Its so annoying knowing that my insurance encourages the hospital to push me towards c section as they get so much more money for it and I would get up to 5 days in hospital too. I have heard horror stories out here of hospitals purposely looking for problems to force people into extra scans and c sections (average is 50% here, my hospital got the c section rate down to 30%) to get the money and you can't refuse when you think your baby is at risk.
What birth? The stalk brings the second one in a pretty soft pink blanket don't they? That's what I'm telling myself anyone - during this pregnancy I have really come to realise that I am not over the trauma of the first so I think I'm just going to ignore it :wink: xx
Really glad everything went better at the scan today Abi, although it does sound like you were treated really badly and that the practices out there aren't great!

Looking forward to an update from the doghouse Linnett.

No - one was 2 weeks overdue (9.6)and the other 3 all came nearly 39 weeks and they were all normal sizes smallest 6.10-7lbs.
This time is my c section more complicated so got a scan at 34 weeks and then my appointment with consultant straight after to book me in - how was it with your other little boy? X
Linnett- hope your ok, you got right to be annnoyed- over years my partner done that few times- but ended home about 4 in the morning and excuse as been my battery died - could you imagine if us girls ever did that xx
Sorry Caz, I somehow missed this! I carried my little boy to term - he stopped growing a bit before because he ran out of space but was fine art 6lb8oz. But they monitored my cervix that time and it was fine - but my uterus has now been overexerted so isn't looking to good! Xx
It’s hard isn’t it. My first was fabulous although very long and tiring.
I, like you have a friend who had an emergency section after being induced. To be honest though I’d have to be put to sleep for a section. I couldn’t lay there cut open.

Like unicorn said the practice sounds pretty awful, when I take the disabled people to the drs they talk to me instead of them and you sortve have to remind them it’s their appt. are you based somewhere that women aren’t highly thought of or were they just arrogant?
I'm in the middle East but in a very modern country so while it's pretty liberal and chilled some people have more 'traditional values' . It's odd because my Obgyn is a lady and she is fantastic, really knowledable and wouldn't dream of talking to my husband over me. There's loads of choice for female doctors here and they are all well respected but the male sonograpger was clearly either arrogant or uncomfortable dealing with a woman.

There are some odd rules out here from a British perspective, we have to prove we are married when we have the baby, otherwise its illegal and the baby 'belongs' to my husband not to me. Also if anything happens to DH the baby inherits rather than me as he is the male heir.
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Iv planned a waterbirth with my other 2, and they didn't happen, I will get it this time lol. No idea what theyl wanna do tho as they think baby will be small again.
Glad everything went better today Abi

As for the birth I’m not thinking about it, I just think he’s got to come out one way or another so I’ve got no choice. I’m sure as it gets closer though I’ll start to panic about it haha!
Glad all much better this scan Abi!

I had low lying placenta with both my precious pregnancies. Second one had moved by 32 weeks. My first didn’t move till 38 weeks- was booked in for section and moved just in time. Still counted as placenta previa but managed vaginal, just had to go up as soon a so labour started which I was cause I was induced and wasn’t allowed a sweep in case they touched placenta. 99% move so you should be fine, especially if it’s not actually covering at moment. And as for horror stories for induction, my second labor was QUICK and much more painful than my induction and induction did end up in forceps but not c section so that’s not always bad news. Labor is a mystery and anything could literally happen at any time! Think of it as .... exciting.... haha xx
Sorry Caz, I somehow missed this! I carried my little boy to term - he stopped growing a bit before because he ran out of space but was fine art 6lb8oz. But they monitored my cervix that time and it was fine - but my uterus has now been overexerted so isn't looking to good! Xx
That’s bit similar to my first baby- hopefully your make it near to full term again, stay positive if you can and rest as much as you can- which isnt easy with having a little one to look after - it’s good that your are prepared though x

So glad everything is looking well Abi, it’s really odd how they do things where you are.
I’ve had 4 sections and to be honest the worst part personally is having the spinal only cos twice I’ve had a bad reaction to it but you are so drowsy during the section and often baby is out very quickly so your just focused on baby x

I brought a few baby bits yesterday but just realised the hat set was meant to be first size and it’s actually up to 5lbs - might just keep it anyway - often hats come up a little big x
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Abi so glad the scan went better this time. Although sorry to hear the sonographer was clearly having an off day. How rude of him to not speak to you, after all your the one carrying the baby!

I'm actually really excited about labour haha. I think it's because it's the last mile stone before she arrives safely. I just want her here already, but at the same time want her to stay put until she's strong enough.

I've had low laying placentas with both of my babies. One was a complete previa and the other was a partial. My first pregnancy was the partial previa, It moved up out of the way by my 32 weeks scan and I was able to have attempt a vaginal birth. Unfortunately I went 12 days overdue and had to be induced. My labour stopped at 6cm and baby got destressed so had to go for an emergency section. Didn't go too well and had to have a general mid procedure!

Second pregnancy was a complete previa but again moved up out of the way by 32 weeks and I was able to try for a VBAC birth. That time I wanted to avoid section so had a sweep at 39wks, 40+3wks I went into labour the next morning! According to the midwife my labour was text book lol, so I'd like that again. Waters broke at 7am, went in to be checked at 11am, was already 5cm so was moved to the labour suite. I stalled again at 6cm but had oxytocin drip put it and an epidural as I'd heard the pains with the drip are horrific?! Drip went in at 7pm, and by 10pm I was ready to push. He was born at 10.26pm.

So I'd like a repeat of the above lol. Because of my section I have to be hooked up to continuous monitoring which was a pain as it limits movement. But my consultant told me they do wireless monitoring now and its waterproof so I could try for a water birth. Which is something I'd love to do!

So my birth plan basically consists of, having a sweep early, have wireless monitoring so I can try water birth, be open to any and all pain relief! Haha. I've also got my husband and sister as birth partners :)
I stupidly managed to cut myself down below shaving in the shower this morning so had quite a lot of blood in the shower and then a bit throughout the day in my knickers, which has been really scary, even though I know why! Xx
Oh no Unicorn how annoying! I’m struggling to even see mine anymore to do without having to bend right over to see past my bump haha!
Is anyone else getting braxton hicks contractions?

I've had a few now but noticed today that they are getting a little more uncomfortable. And it seems to be when I've over exerted myself that I get them the most. Today I've gutted and clean both bathrooms and I've had two really strong BHs.

I read somewhere that keeping hydrated helps ease them? I thought I was hydrated, all I drink is water! Lol
I shaved my legs today and took a chunk out the back of one of my legs.... I darent attempt my lady bits!

Gonna have to squat over a mirror to get a good view hahaha!

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