***June 2019 Mummies***

I’d be annoyed to Linnett! And the worst thing is when your annoyed with them they blame your pregnancy and hormones to why you are! Hope he messages you soon xx
Thanks ladies. Glad it’s not just me. When he does finally contact, if he’s even still alive! I’m just going to say how would you feel if I went on a night out, didn’t know where I was going, stayed away & didn’t contact you at all how would you feel?! Turn it around on him! And then I’m going to be the stubborn cow I can be & not speak to him thereafter! Aghh men!!
I'd be annoyed too but knowing my hubby he would have forgotten to charge his phone or dropped it down the loo drunk! When you speak to him I would focus on the fact you are worried about him, he can understand that and has no excuse to blame it on hormones!
I'd be annoyed too but knowing my hubby he would have forgotten to charge his phone or dropped it down the loo drunk! When you speak to him I would focus on the fact you are worried about him, he can understand that and has no excuse to blame it on hormones!

Funny you should say that, he made a point of charging his phone before he went & actually said “I’m charging it so it doesn’t die & I can’t still contact you” - clearly there was no point ! Lol
Did your other child(ren) come early Caz? Did they need much help and / or were they really small? Xx
No - one was 2 weeks overdue (9.6)and the other 3 all came nearly 39 weeks and they were all normal sizes smallest 6.10-7lbs.
This time is my c section more complicated so got a scan at 34 weeks and then my appointment with consultant straight after to book me in - how was it with your other little boy? X
Linnett- hope your ok, you got right to be annnoyed- over years my partner done that few times- but ended home about 4 in the morning and excuse as been my battery died - could you imagine if us girls ever did that xx
Linnett you are right to be annoyed! What is something had happened, you wouldn’t know where he was? Also the fact that he charged his phone because he said he was going to contact you and then just didn’t. Has he contacted you this morning yet or is he still most likely still sleeping?

We woke up this morning to our youngest covered in a rash! We think it’s allergic reaction to antibiotics she is on so now we are waiting for call back from 111. We have definitely made use of the NHS between her and me in the last few weeks XX
It's defo not you linnett. Men sometimes just don't think. Hope he gets in contact soon.

I forgot to say, when we had our scan we questioned the consultant about needing growth scans. Apparently both my previous were classed as smaller than average.
My eldest was on the 2nd centile, my son was on the 9th.
I knew my eldest was classed as small but not my youngest. Well apparently this baby is following a similar pattern aswell. Shes not tiny but she's petite. So looks like Il have 3 smaller than average kids. Even tho my youngest is not small now he's a blooming tank lol
Thanks ladies. Still nothing. I feel like a pathetic 18 year old again checking online statutes. He still hasn’t been on WhatsApp but has been on Facebook!! Aghh I might change the locks before he shows his stupid face!
Oh Linnett, I'd be fuming! If he's awake to be checking Facebook then he could at least be calling to let you know he's OK! Have you not tried calling him yet, even if its just to make sure he's alive. Then you can let rip when he gets home. I totally get your thoughts about the 23 year olds, my mind woukd be going crazy with alsorts of thoughts. But that's only because I had a really awful past relationship, so my paranoia sometimes resurfaces.

I can't believe where almost in tri 3! I'd it 27wks we move over? If so that's only 2 and half weeks away! I've got some of the bigger stuff like pram, car seat, baby swing. Getting the next2me cot this month...really just need toiletries and clothes I think. Most of the other stuff can be bought as and when we need it? Although I do think I'll get emergency bottles and steriliser and hide them away as a just in case.

Is anyone else having trouble staying asleep? I seem to be waking between 2-3am every morning, then really struggling to fall back to sleep. Last night I woke to baby having a rave in there. So I'm wondering if she's waking me up? Also finding it really hard to get comfortable now. Long gone is tummy sleeping, so I'm alternating between sides. Buuuuuttt, I end up with horrible pinching pains in my hips if I stay in one side too long. So I'm waking to baby moving then suffering with pain in hips afterwards and can't get back to sleep properly!
Oh no Linnett Id definitely be raging by now!!

Baby I’m the same at the moment i wake up atleast 3 times and I can’t get comfy on my sides constantly tossing because my legs and hips are aching.

I can’t beoieve I’m 24wks tomorrow. Don’t know about anyone else but the weeks just seem to be flying by for me!
Finally heard from him at about 12 o’clock after I’d called him a couple times & got no answer. Sounded absolutely out of his face. He stayed at his cousins, could hear loads of people in the background, girls as well so you can imagine some of the thoughts surrounding that. Didn’t seem to care at all, just said I didn’t message him & the night went so fast he didn’t realise the time. Something just doesn’t sit right though. Right now I don’t believe a word he says. Not that he’s said much but it’s the way he said twice “I honestly was at karls”. I didn’t dispute where you were at all, I just want to know why you didn’t contact me so I don’t know if he’s trying to convince me or himself that last nights antics were acceptable ! Don’t know when he’ll be home. He didn’t sound in any fit state to drive the hour journey home & quite frankly I couldn’t give a shit as I don’t want him round me at all! Pissed off is an understatement lol
Oh nooo!! Men! I can imagine everything your feeling and thinking right now. It’s so annoying when you know if it was the other way round you’d get stick for it too!
I just got back from my 20 week scan. It didn't go fantastically well. DH was almost late as he couldn't get out of work so I had to get a taxi there by myself. Luckily the hospital was running about an hour late so he managed to get there before my appointment.

I had a different sonographer to the 12 week scan. The lady doing the 12 week scan had made me laugh through the whole thing and was so reassuring and lovely. The lady today, and the man when she had to call a consultant in were a lot more serious and scary.

Then in the appointment the baby wouldn't cooperate, I was there 3 hours, changing position, trying left side and right side and going for walks, eating a muffin everything to get him to move.

They got a borderline reading on one of his kidneys and the doctor wasn't happy with the heart but I think that was more because they couldn't see it properly due to the position. I was told to come back for a rescan tomorrow. I'm so scared, particularly with the kidney result as that wasn't just due to position. The stress made me start being sick again in the car on the way home and I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight and work tomorrow morning waiting for the scan.

I just hope everything is OK.
Oh Abi, so sorry it didn't go as expected. I'm not really sure what to say other than that I hope tomorrow is a little more reasuring and you can get some answers. Hopefully all worried is purely down to position. Before you go in tomorrow have a sugary drink, it's meant to get baby moving. So at least he'll hopefully be in a better position.

Linnett, i dont even need to imagine the thoughts that are running through your head as I'd be thinking the same things. It's horrible when our guts tell us something isn't right. Hopefully, when he eventually gets back hell be thinking clearly and can give you answers. His excuse of not realising the time just isn't acceptable. He could have sent a text at anytime and you'd have picked it up when you woke up. Or at the very least a call/text this morning wouldn't have gone a miss. I'd be livid if I'm honest, and thinking all manner of things.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow Abi. Sure it was the position and as baby said try sugary drink or I remember one my scans I had that Cadbury’s chocolate with popping candy in and the baby was moving loads and they got all the measurements really quick!

So gp think my daughter has hand foot and mouth! I still think it’s a allergy to the antibiotics. I remember from a previous pregnancy I’m not immune to hand foot and mouth so will find out if it is as I’ll prob get it! NHS says to stay away from it but don’t think it’s harmful to baby unless it’s near birth or first tri so not too worried xx
Also those struggling with hip pain at night... have you got a pregnancy pillow? I can’t recommend them enough! Or if not put an extra pillow in between your top leg and sleep in the recovery position. Also a duvet folded under you helps as makes it softer. Xx
Gutted for you Abi it went like that today, fingers crossed for tomorrow. And like the others said try a sugary drink beforehand.

Oh no bubbles hope your daughter is okay, there seems to be soo much going round at the moment if it’s not colds it’s something else! I’m definitely going to try sleeping on top of another duvet tonight to see if that helps x
I've got a memory foam topper, you'd have thought that would help! Lol but I'll try the folded duvet under the bottom sheet. I've also got a full length pregnancy pillow, but it's so bulky I find it hard to turn myself over then drag the pillow from one side to the other to reposition it lol.

Ekk, bubbles I hope it's not hand, foot and mouth! How are you meant to avoid your kiddie if it is?! Lol.
I really don’t think it is. It can’t be a conincidence that she has also been on this antibiotic which common allergic reaction is a rash.

Baby I have a massive 9ft pillow which curves round both side. It’s amazing! Think I got it off eBay! My oh doesn’t have much space but he can go on the sofa if he that bothered, I’m growing a baby here!! :D Xx
Linnett I'd be fuming and I don't give a shit about hormones - that's more reason for them to be more understanding as far as I'm concerned - not an excuse when they've been less!

Abi I'm really sorry for your concern today, I'll keep everything crossed for you and little one tomorrow, please let us know how it goes.

Bubbles, I hope your little girl is ok - our little bbo had hand, foot and mouth when I was about 6 weeks pregnant - I didn't get it but hubby did - it was horrific for both of them but it's absolutely no risk to the baby.


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