***June 2019 Mummies***

Sorry to hear everyone is so full of cold. My cold is still lingering as a stuffy nose and a cough but I have been feeling a bit better. Though the housework hasn't been getting done as I have had my parents visiting so we have been doing nice things in the evening and the days are crazy at work at the moment due to some issues with one of my colleagues.

Unicorn, it's great your husband is starting to feel movement too. I think my husband is still a bit freaked out by my belly and doesn't want to press on it incase he hurts the baby. The cat seems to notice the baby kick when he sits on my lap though!

Smcx, I haven't been getting that kind of pain but my whole lower body aches most of the time now and I have sciatica too. I hurt my back a few years ago, jumping off a boat into the sea after one too many drinks on holiday so I have to be careful of it and I think the extra weight of the bump is irritating it!

It has been nice to start sorting out things for the baby. We found the pram we liked half price so we ordered it, we only pay on delivery so if it is too good to be true then we haven't lost money if it never turns up. We are also trying to sort out the isofix base for the car from a local buy and sell website.

I have my 20 week scan on Sunday, it's a bit late as I officially reach 20 weeks today, so I've got to the half way point! I can't wait for him to arrive now, although last night I had a dream he got stolen from the hospital. It was awful.
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Thanks everyone, it is a bit of a bummer having fight right now, I guess you assume everything will be rosy and wonderful. The reality is there's lots of fear, stress and worry on both of our parts.

Abi, sounds good about the pram. Oh my gosh vivid dreams have been a nightmare for me! All sorts of strange things about the baby. But I know he's okay as he is kicking like mad all the time now. Good, hard kicks and OH felt them this morning which was lovely. Over 22 weeks now so stuff is getting real. Starting to think about the birth and mentally prepare myself a bit now, really is flying by since 12 weeks.
Sorry to hear a lot of you are struggling with illness. Hope you all get better soon. I actually find pregnancy prevents me from being ill. Found it will my last 2 & this one, I seem to find I stay well during the whole pregnancy & as soon as babies out I go back to the usual colds, crap skin, hair loss lol all that lovely stuff!

I’ve got my 20 week scan tomorrow. And at the minute, unlike my 12 week scan I’m not actually that nervous at all. Think it’s because I can feel baby now. Only down side is it’s at 3pm so I’m going on my own as can’t get anyone to pick kids up so hubby has to. I don’t mind as long as everything is well with baby. Going to make a point before the sonographer starts that I don’t want to know the sex. With my son we wasn’t going to find out but the lady was a trainee and we seen his bits a good few times so there was no doubt he was a boy so going to try to ensure that doesn’t happen this time. I think it’ll be a girl but I still don’t want to know. I love the surprise at the end :)
Sorry to hear a lot of you are struggling with illness. Hope you all get better soon. I actually find pregnancy prevents me from being ill. Found it will my last 2 & this one, I seem to find I stay well during the whole pregnancy & as soon as babies out I go back to the usual colds, crap skin, hair loss lol all that lovely stuff!

I’ve got my 20 week scan tomorrow. And at the minute, unlike my 12 week scan I’m not actually that nervous at all. Think it’s because I can feel baby now. Only down side is it’s at 3pm so I’m going on my own as can’t get anyone to pick kids up so hubby has to. I don’t mind as long as everything is well with baby. Going to make a point before the sonographer starts that I don’t want to know the sex. With my son we wasn’t going to find out but the lady was a trainee and we seen his bits a good few times so there was no doubt he was a boy so going to try to ensure that doesn’t happen this time. I think it’ll be a girl but I still don’t want to know. I love the surprise at the end :)

Good luck at your scan today! I love that you don’t want to know baby’s sex it’ll be a lovely surprise! I wish I wasn’t so impatient in general haha!
Hope your all feeling a lot better today, it’s always worse when catching these bugs and colds during pregnancy.

Good luck for scan Linnett, my scans I had to go
on my own due to childcare and awkwards times they give you etc.

I ordered the snuzpod last night as it was on offer on amazon as I had some vouchers- first baby buy - I might cancel though and get the next to me crib instead - any recommendations?
We've got the Next2Me, I liked the way you can collapse it down so also use it as a travel cot when they're little xx
Hey ladies

I'm feeling a little better today. Still snotty but not as achy.

Caz I've been looking at the snuzpods too, but I think I'll be getting the next2me instead. It just looks softer, and easier to get baby in and out of. I'm planning to breastfeed so need something practical.

I've only really bought clothes so far. I've seen loads of next2me cribs on second sites so think I'll probably buy one of those. Get a new matteress and send the actual unit off to get professionally cleaned. There's a local company that cleans baby equipment, they're really good and reasonably priced too so I'll be sending the next2me and my pram for a freshen up before baby is due :)
Gorgeous linnett, beautiful scan

Iv been suffering with my pelvis the last few days. Worried I'm getting spd again. Had it with my son and it was horrid. I'm hoping it's just stretching and it clears up. Not hopeful tho as I know the signs.
Linnett-Lovely scan pic - so pleased your still team yellow, there can’t be many 20 weeks scans left now?

Thanks girls,
The cot is being dispatched next week so going pop in mothercare on Friday and compare them both- They both kind of have their pros- I thought snuzpod might fit a bit better next to my bed. I’ve seen those baby cleaning company’s and they look really worth while doing- I’m trying just to buy the essentials this time around or things I know I will get a lot of use x
I'm feeling really uncomfortable and emotional this evening :-( I've got lots of low down pressure so trying to keep off my feet xx
Unicorn, how you feeling this morning? Is the emotions due to hormones or the worry of preterm labour?

Marvelous, yay for scan day! Hope you get lots of really clear pictures. Can't wait to have a sneek peek :)

I'm finally starting to feel better. Much less snot haha and don't feel as blocked sinuse wise. Even managed to go swimming with my sister last night. Was lovely to be in the water and feel weightless. Until I got out, and felt 5st heavier haha. Kinda got aching hips last night too, maybe did too many laps? So had to take some painkillers just so I could get comfy.

My hips/pubic bone is hurting this morning too. So going to take it easy this morning and watch a one born every minute :)

Hope you all have a good day xxx
Scan day tomorrow. Feel majorly nervous for some reason.

Don’t be nervous. Enjoy it :) I wasn’t as nervous this time as I was at the 12 week scan. It was just so lovely to see baby squirming around & be able to feel it whilst watching it. Baby will be fine :)
Unicorn, I've been feeling really awful an emotional recently too. I had thought I had escaped pregnancy hormones as I generally felt better emotionally than before getting pregnant as I didn't have to cope with PMS. The last few days have really affected me, I think it's hormones in combination with work stress.

Last night I cried because I couldn't open the cellophane on a box of chocolates and then when they didn't have the little leaflet that tells you which chocolate is which I went to bed crying I couldn't deal with that level of stress and uncertainty!

Then in the night I apparently punched my poor DH and told him not to breathe on my telescope!! Luckily I didn't hit him hard but I felt so bad about it. He thought it was quite funny though.

It might be the build up of nerves before my scan on Sunday too. Linnett your scan pic looks great, can't wait to see yours too Marvellous!

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