***June 2019 Mummies***

To say it's my 3rd I'm happy with the shape for now lol. My bully button never pops... if it does this time I'm cry as they scare me haha.

Mines never popped either. I found pictures of me when I was pregnant with my other two. These were at 39 weeks, they both came at 41. One was 7.7lb, the other 9.10lb - can you guess which is which ? Ha

To say it's my 3rd I'm happy with the shape for now lol. My bully button never pops... if it does this time I'm cry as they scare me haha.

It really freaks me out. I have quite a deep 'innie' naturally so never though it would happen especially so soon :rofl:
Such lovely bumps!! I’ve put on a stone now and feel massive! I put on 4 stone with first but only 2 with second. Hoping to only do 2.5 max with this one as I was half stone lighter to begin with. I’m bridesmaid a few weeks after birth so don’t want to be massive! It’s difficult now I’m in crutches and a brace from the accident, just sit around eating chocolate.

No snow here :( but then quite glad as don’t know what I would have done with two children today. Hope you all have nice weekends xxx
Does anyone else find it hard sleeping on there side? I was fine with it at first but now I find myself tossing sides in the night. It’s not my bump that’s making me uncomfortable it’s like my leg and hips go numb :|
Does anyone else find it hard sleeping on there side? I was fine with it at first but now I find myself tossing sides in the night. It’s not my bump that’s making me uncomfortable it’s like my leg and hips go numb :|
Yes I get restless legs some nights. I used to sleep on my front tho so it's always a struggle lol
Morning ladies,

My bump is huge :( I've put on at least a stone already. I'm not too fussed though, as soon as baby is here I'll be starting up slimming world.

I've been having trouble sleeping too. Seems baby likes to be awake at 3am ish every night, so I'm waking up with her. But if it's not baby waking me up it's my hips :( I get pinching pains or just a massive solid aching. So then have change sides. This happens at least every hour or 2.

On top of this I've still got my damn cold :( thick sore throat, slight cough, and blocked sinuses. Woke in a goby last night with a major head/face ache. Couldn't get back to sleep so ended up downstairs watching crap on TV til 6am.

OH woke me up and make me go back up to bed, slept til 10am. Still feel so rough though.

23wks now though, got my next midwife app on the 20th Feb. Feel her moving every day, she's so strong now she moves my belly. Love watching her have a good fidget about :)
Love all the bump pics- you all look great - sounds good plan baby.3.

I’m 9lbs down and hoping I won’t gain too much with this baby- it be nice to have a nice loss after birth - especially as it be nearly summer when baby arrives. I’m still following SW so hoping that will help.

I’m trying to think of girls middle names I already have the usual ones (Grace, Rose and Mai).

Hope you all are having a great weekend xx
Oh no baby hope you feel better soon! I have my midwife appointment on that date too x
My body is shot! So knee is in brace which squeaks and got to use crutches. Sinus blocked and today got shivers and temp so oh made me go to out of hours and got a nasty infection so now on antibiotics as well. Joys! Least I’m signed off work till Wednesday. At least baby is kicking away in there, happy admits Larry normally playing football with my bladder which mixed with the coughing results in very speedy bathroom runs... on crutches:rotfl:

Hope you guys have had a better weekend and here is to a new week and hopefully some good luck my way! Xx
Baby I would keep an eye on your sinuses. I have rhitinus so always getting infections. I always swear by nasal douching which the ent specialist reccomended. Google it. It does made your face feel better for about an hour after so worth it! Xx
Oh bubbles! Seems to be a lit of these horrible cold bugs going round. I should really look into the nasal douching as my colds always seem to affect my sinuses too. Though I've woken up a little better this morning, still shattered though.

Is anyone watching the One Born Every Minute programme? They have all the reruns on the all 4 app. Thinking I might brave it and give them a watch lol
I’ve seen it before. I used to love it before I gave birth myself but now I’ve done it myself I’m not as bothered. I do love call the midwife! Makes me cry every time a baby is born! Xx
I love Call the Midwife too! I'll be watching that tomorrow on catch up.
Hi ladies!!
Just thought I'd pop in and say HI!!
So happy for you all
I've made it to Tri 2:cheer::cheer:

So happy to hear that Nicipoo, hope everything is going well! I fell pregnant again 3 months after my mmc and I would say it's only in the last few weeks my worries and anxiety have eased off. At 21 weeks now and I still can't help but check the toilet paper most times after going for a wee, but started feeling baby in the last couple of weeks which definitely helps put your mind at ease. How are you feeling about it all?
Urgh, I feel like all I'm doing is complaining when I come on here lol but my god I'm so done in. This cold is kicking my arse! I slept for 2 hours today only just woke up in time for the school run. Got nothing done, was meant to go shopping but will have to do it tomorrow now. You can tell I've been poorly, nothing gets done! The dishwasher hadn't been emptied, the hoovering hasn't been done, the washing was still sat in the washer :( all stuff I've had to correct this morning before crashing and burning.

Least I know baby is OK in there, shes changed position I think as her movements are very light. But I can still feel her, so that reassuring.

Oh is putting little one to bed, I'm jumping in the bath with some vapour bubble bath.

I hope everyone else is doing better than me? :)
Awww Baby3 give yourself some slack, you have a lot going on and you're doing so well!
I'm not too bad. Walked into a gate today as I misjudged the size of my bump! It surprisingly hurt but I think it was cause my bladder was full aswell so everything was tense.
Me and OH had a massive fight yesterday (we have made up since) but said some truly horrid things to each other that we didn't mean. Think emotions are just really tense right now and we are struggling with loads of things going on in work and the house needing some renovations before baby comes. I hope things settle down a bit.
Oh no baby hope you feel better soon! Everyone I speak to seems to be full of a cold and there not shifting them!

Aw Smithy I hope your okay, hormones definitely don’t help either.

Sending hugs to you both! :hug:

Does anyone’s else’s joints hurt down below? Like where your vagina and legs meet, I feel like every time I try getting up off the sofa it’s like I’ve done a work out it’s just dead stiff and achey.
Smithy, those baby hormones are awful aren't they? Totally relate on the house front. Our house needs some adjusting/clearing out. And every weekend I'm greeted with 'let's just relax and do it next weekend' or 'we've plenty of time'. When in reality these weeks are flying by, I'm almost 24wks! So that's the sticking point of most of our disagreements. Hope the bump isn't too sore from the knock!

Smcx, do you mean it's sore where your pubic bone is or around the hip joint? Either way have a google of pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubic disfunction. Both are the same thing more or less and it's caused by hormones relaxing the muscles and joint in preperation of labour. I got it in my last pregnancy at around 24ish weeks. There's a few things you can do to help relieve the symptoms but it won't clear up fully until you've had the baby I'm afraid. Might not be that though, have a word with your midwife. If it is one of the above she can refer you to physio which will help xxx
I’ll definitely ask my midwife when I see her in 2weeks. I’ve got a list of things on my phone every time I think of something to ask her about haha!
I think I’m definitely starting to feel baby more and more now, it’s like a popping in my belly. But then I second guess and think is it wind or is it him? But it’s been happening more and more over last few days so I’m guessing it’s him!
Hey ladies, sorry to hear people are having a rough time! We're doing ok, just really busy, we've bought a car, so that's fab and we've only got a few bits and bobs to get for the baby so I'm feeling pretty prepared! She's getting stronger so I'm feeling her move loads now, which is lovely because having an anterior placenta covering the whole of the front of my small uterus last time meant that a didn't feel our son move much at all and hubby never felt him so he's thrilled that he can feel this little one so early! Xx

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