***June 2019 Mummies***

Morning ladies,

Quick question. Is anyone else getting pinching, like a nerve being pinched, in their groin? It just comes on our of no where and pinches, feels like a nerve is having a spasms. So painful, I was rocking on my hands and knees last night just coz it eased it a little :(

I get this baby. It’s something I’ve always remembered from all 3 pregnancies & even a little while after they’ve been born! It’s like sharp stabbing pain in or around your cervix area? It literally stops me in my tracks for a couple seconds & I can’t walk until it’s gone. I’m not actually sure what it is, I’ve just put up with it lol but it is horrible!
No its not around my cervix, although I do get that occasionally too.

This pain is deep in the hip joint. Between the thigh and pubic area. I'm guessing it's just a pinched nerve somewhere :( blood kills xx
I've had like an electric shock feeling in my bum a few times if it's a similar feeling baby? I found it's if I stand with all my weight in 1 leg for too long.
I’m going to be honest the first few months are tough as new parents ! There’s no illusion lol. The first couple weeks your in this little baby bubble where all you both do is stare at this beautiful baby that you created. More often than not the partner / husband stays with you in those weeks & helps as much as possible & then he goes back to work & your left alone & the bubble pops lol. The funny thing is before baby comes, like you say your more worried about how baby will effect you two as a couple but once baby arrives your main priority isn’t your partner anymore. Everything becomes about baby. You don’t intentionally push your partner away but as a new mum you have this overwhelming urge to keep that baby safe & happy so naturally your partner gets pushed to the back of the queue which I think a lot of men struggle with.

I found my first the hardest to adjust to as it’s a complete life change. It’s something you’ve never done before. Don’t get me wrong it’s amazing but it’s just different I guess & it is hard to find time just for you two in those first few months but as baby gets bigger & less dependant you’ll both find you can spend time together again. It depends on a number of things really - how many babysitters you have? if you even feel happy leaving baby with anyone else? If you breastfeed thst may determine how long you can be away for. And then you think you want time just you two & the whole time your away you just miss the baby & want to be back with them lol.

Nothing can prepare anyone/couple for their first child & even though there may be tough times you wouldn’t change it for the world. Just enjoy every moment. Mine are 8 & 4 and you spend loads of time wishing time away when they are babies, wishing the colic would end, wishing they could feed themselves for just 5 minutes, wishing you could enjoy a bath longer than 10 minutes, wishing you could just “pop out” like you used to without it taking half hour to just get out the house etc.. but now I find myself looking back at old pictures / videos wishing they were small again lol. Hence why we’re having a third I guess!

You’ll be fine though. You’ll have good & bad days but as a couple you’ll find your feet & it’ll work & before you know it you’ll be 11 years down the line with 2 more :D

Thanks Linnett. I guess it's just one of those things you get on with :) just so many things you cant predict at this point and I am just full of questions. I suppose it is like anything really where you just deal - moving in, getting our puppy, getting a mortgage... just this is a massive thing and theres always going to be someone else in our little family now lol. It's good to hear the truth though because it's easy to think it will be this beautiful thing that will make you so happy but you have to remember to work at relationships and they don't come easy.
No its not around my cervix, although I do get that occasionally too.

This pain is deep in the hip joint. Between the thigh and pubic area. I'm guessing it's just a pinched nerve somewhere :( blood kills xx

I had this hun, it went on a couple of days. It came on when I sneezed once and didn't go for ages. I just assumed ligament or nerve. I'm sure it is okay but if it really worries you or gives you lots of pain phone your MW xx
I've had like an electric shock feeling in my bum a few times if it's a similar feeling baby? I found it's if I stand with all my weight in 1 leg for too long.

Also had this haha (have I had it all?) someone in work mentioned down your bum and leg could be the sciatic nerve? xx
Love how you put it Linnett. Sometimes people don’t tell you exactly how it is and sometimes that’s what us first times mums need.

Yesterday I spent all day at hospital with my friend and her 4wk old baby. We took him baby clinic in morning and he hadn’t gained any weight so was referred to hosp. I give it to my friend she was so brave holding herself together being a new mum herself. Luckily he’s okay after all checks and being put on a food plan for acid reflux. It was an eye opener to how it’s not as easy as it looks and not everything’s straight forward when there born. But I got lots of practice holding him and calming him when he was crying which was good as before I’d be so scared to hold a new baby!

Today I couldn’t get to work because of the traffic due to the snow so had a snow day. I was sat on sofa and could feel my belly popping but wasn’t sure if it was wind so I was watching it and my belly moved I’m pretty sure it was baby kicking and I managed to get a video of it! :cheer:
See my first was a dream. Her pregnancy was a dream. She was the perfect baby, toddler and most the time child, lead us into a complete false pretense because our son was far from that. He was the worst pregnancy, good baby but once he hit 9 months.... well he's known as hurricane haha the fact we are having another after him is a bloody miracle haha.
Morning ladies how are you all?

We've got a snow day here so got 2 excited children screaming at me to go build a bloody snowman... I dont like snow anymore haha. My husband is stuck at work so gunna be a loooong day.
See my first was a dream. Her pregnancy was a dream. She was the perfect baby, toddler and most the time child, lead us into a complete false pretense because our son was far from that. He was the worst pregnancy, good baby but once he hit 9 months.... well he's known as hurricane haha the fact we are having another after him is a bloody miracle haha.

Haha love this. I could have wrote this myself almost. My first was my girl & like you everything was textbook. Slept through the night from about 8 weeks, never any problems. And then my son... well! Lol good pregnancy again but from the moment he was born he was hard work. Was always ill, had colic, didn’t sleep through until he was 2. Was always grumpy lol. He’s lovely now at 4 almost 5 & it’s my girl who’s more hard work now. Gosh the attitude! So it appears if your good as a baby your a sh*t as a child & visa versa lol !
Morning ladies how are you all?

We've got a snow day here so got 2 excited children screaming at me to go build a bloody snowman... I dont like snow anymore haha. My husband is stuck at work so gunna be a loooong day.

Lots of snow so school was closed meaning no school for me but working from home. I haven't ventured out for fear of slipping on the ice/snow so have been keeping myself warm and dry indoors. Had another gross new symptom last night - flaky nipples. This pregnancy stuff is the least glamorous I have ever felt lol.
Lots of snow so school was closed meaning no school for me but working from home. I haven't ventured out for fear of slipping on the ice/snow so have been keeping myself warm and dry indoors. Had another gross new symptom last night - flaky nipples. This pregnancy stuff is the least glamorous I have ever felt lol.

We didn’t get much snow here (Northampton) so kids were still at school.
Haha oh yeah I’ve had this too, it’s not a lot but they are definitely much dryer! My boobs have changed so much, my daughter always comments on how big they’ve got! My nipples seem to be facing the ground now :rotfl:

Anyone else’s “bump” got smaller ? I haven’t even looked pregnant the last couple days. I’m not concerned as I can feel baby more now so I know he / she is there must just be more curled up and I quite like it as I was so worried I’d put on loads of weight but I thought I’d try on a few old dresses last night & they all still fit, I just have more of a pot belly now. I tend to find I just shoot out around 30 weeks so maybe that’ll be the case again.
We didn’t get much snow here (Northampton) so kids were still at school.
Haha oh yeah I’ve had this too, it’s not a lot but they are definitely much dryer! My boobs have changed so much, my daughter always comments on how big they’ve got! My nipples seem to be facing the ground now :rotfl:

Anyone else’s “bump” got smaller ? I haven’t even looked pregnant the last couple days. I’m not concerned as I can feel baby more now so I know he / she is there must just be more curled up and I quite like it as I was so worried I’d put on loads of weight but I thought I’d try on a few old dresses last night & they all still fit, I just have more of a pot belly now. I tend to find I just shoot out around 30 weeks so maybe that’ll be the case again.

My tummy still fluctuates on what I've eaten, if I've had a BM and where baby is lying. Sometimes it feels like he is up in my ribs somewhere very high and I find my bump seems smaller. I'm sure little one is okay if you are feeling him/her move :)
I find some old things fit and some really don't depending on shape of the outfit. I've only put on 4 pounds altogether but have a round tummy now. Will add a pic so you can see but it definitely changes x
Aww you look lovely ! I’ve put on just over a stone but it must literally be baby as most things still fit. Some jeans I can no longer get done up but they still fit everywhere else. Maybe I have a lot of water & a big placenta lol
Please excuse the bathroom. Lol this was after loads of BH the other day and she popped out more. I'm still over a stone lighter than the start. But that's because I'd been poorly

Please excuse the bathroom. Lol this was after loads of BH the other day and she popped out more. I'm still over a stone lighter than the start. But that's because I'd been poorly

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Awww looks so neat though! Mine is not that lovely and my belly button makes me feel ill as it's sticking out now haha! I wouldn't worry, you look good to me and my midwife said don't panic about weight til later just make sure you take your vitamins and they give baby all it needs x
Awww looks so neat though! Mine is not that lovely and my belly button makes me feel ill as it's sticking out now haha! I wouldn't worry, you look good to me and my midwife said don't panic about weight til later just make sure you take your vitamins and they give baby all it needs x
To say it's my 3rd I'm happy with the shape for now lol. My bully button never pops... if it does this time I'm cry as they scare me haha.
My belly buttons definitely starting to pop out more than ever as it’s already an outtie! :shock:

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