***June 2019 Mummies***

None of us are managing to get much sleep here as our little boy has a cough so is up all night - he's been in with me since 4.30, climbing all over me and wanting to play and is then perfectly fine in the day! Hubby is just taking him off to rugby now so I can get some more sleep!
It doesn't seem to be helping that I also have an upset tummy for some reason so I'm experiencing cramping which I can't tell is related to that or my uterus! I haven't experienced the tightenings yet this morning, so that's good, I'm going to take it as easy as I can over the weekend but there's no chance of getting hold of my midwife so if I need to I'll have to contact the hospital and go back in, which I'd obviously prefer not to! Xx
Freaking myself out today as keep getting this strong urge to poop but I sit on the loo and nothing happens. When I Googled some people are saying start of labour. So freaking myself out (As usual) what is this ladies? Is baby lying awkwardly or should I get checked out??
After having 2, I can honestly say the urge to poop wasnt something i experienced. Baby can lie on your bowels sometimes. My youngest used to use mine as a pillow. If you're concerned you can always ring mw and ask, theyl have had all kinds of questions, so will be able to assist.
Are you going to the toilet ok or could you be blocked?
I'm the same as marvelous. The only time I've ever want to push was when I was in full blown active labour, like just before birthing him. Never got that feeling during pregnancy or even whilst contracting.

Could you be a little constipated? Or like marvelous says, maybe baby is in a odd position. I know I sometimes get major left side pain when she's laid to the left xx
This is gross but went for a big bm this morning and had this random urge every few hours since. Really feels weird. Like having the diarrhoea urge with some constipation thrown in. Horrid. Have had another big bm since (Sorry gross!) Which has relieved it a little. Maybe he is chilling on my bowels?
That does sound weird Smithy, can't say I've ever experienced that!
We're having a really quiet day here, little one isn't very well so we're cuddled up on the sofa, which is lovely, not that it's nice to see him not feeling well of course! The tightenings are fine as long as I'm resting but then pick up again as soon as I'm up and about! Xx
I know when I do have a BM it can sometimes feel real strong if that makes sense. Sure it’s just baby being a rascal on bowel mixed with pregnancy hormones.

I’ve had a similar day unicorn. Me with my leg up on sofa cuddling the youngest who is poorly with a temperature. We are off to a wedding tonight but mum and dad are coming here to watch kids and we aren’t staying late xx
I think pregnancy in general can play complete havoc on your bowels! Most the time I’m completed stacked up! I’ve already noticed the dreaded piles making an appearance when I really have to strain - sorry if tmi! But I do have the occasional days when my belly goes on a warpath & I have much softer ones! I just blame every bodily function on the baby now! Wind.. hubby looks at me & I said say “baby did that” haha. He even slept on the sofa the other night because he said I was snoring & he couldn’t get to sleep. I never snore normally ! Growing a baby is the most womanly thing we could do yet I couldn’t seem more manly :rotfl:
Yeah, hubby has been sleeping in the spare room for weeks because of my snoring! ;)
I hope you have a nice time at the wedding Bubbles and that your leg isn't too sore xx
Hope the wedding is good Bubbles and hope you and your boy feel better Unicorn!
I feel much better this evening so chalking it up to weird bm and baby being awkward. It's all so weird, still can't wrap my head around the fact there's a baby in there. Every little thing that feels odd still freaks me out but I'm trying to relax best as I can. How is everyone's Saturday night? Mine is very chilled, PJs and rubbish tv haha
Thank you. We're trying to have a chilled evening but taking it in turns to run up and down the stairs every 5 minutes when our little boy cries because he's sneezed and wants his nose wiping! I think we're in for a long night! Xx
Just got back, lovely time and little one went to bed no problems with capol. I managed to sit down the whole time so leg wasn’t too bad. Was reminded by a friend of the east 17 singer who ran himself over! I remember when he did that saying that he was lying cause how the hell do you run yourself over... haha

Oh no unicorn! Hope your little one is better in morning and isn’t too bad tonight. Xx
I tell you what my BMs are a lot firm than normal, but I've been more regular when pregnant than I've ever been! Haha. Good to see your feeling better smithy, it's hard to fully relax in pregnancy I think. Everything can set you on edge, pulling pains, twinges, discharge, being dry as a bone, no movement, slow movement, too much movement lmao the list is endless!

Unicorn, how was your night with little one in the end?

Bubbles, it's funny you should say about the east 17 fella. This is who I was immediately reminded of when you said what had happened. I recall thinking 'how the hell do you run yourself over' when he did it. But a few people came to his defense and admitted they'd done the same... And now you! Bless you. Glad you enjoyed the wedding, and yay for little settling to sleep OK.

Funny that snoring should be mentioned, I was just coming in here to complain about it. Only this time it isn't me snoring like a pig! I coukd have throat punch my fella last night. I nudged him endless times to get him to move, physically woke him several times and he still continued to snore all night! Then when I did manage to sleep I had an awful dream about being admitted into hospital after having a major bleed. Everytime I woke up abd managed to get back to sleep, I was great by the same dream. So in all I must have seen every hour last night. And to make it better, it happens to be a morning when I have to get up early with little one while OH had his layin! Fuming! Lmao
It sounds like bowel movements are at the top of everyone’s list at the mo! Smithy I definitely think your urge may be constipation. As I used to get it while constipated.

Sounds like everyone had a chilled evening except for you unicorn bless you. My lo has just started coming down with a cold but has had an awful cough since Xmas and had me up every night!

I went to bingo last night! Haven’t been in about 5 years, first time going out with my partners mum and sister.
Left my partner with his brother in law and the children :D
Lo was up til 11.30 and woke up at 7.30 this morning. Not impressed, as I know she’ll sleep in tomorrow when I have work and will have to race around like a loon! I have no motivation to wake up before her! :roll:
Oh no Baby! I would have made him let you have the lay in as he was snoring so much!! Hope you get a better night tonight. You got a spare room?

Chrissi bingo sounds great! I haven’t been in years either but love it. It is annoying when someone else’s puts them to bed, I was just informed by my eldest that nanny and grandad “forgot the time” so who knows what time they went to bed and nanny brought them a chocolate fudge bar to have before bed?! Xx
oh no bubbles! Naughty nanny and grandad lol. When my youngest stays over at my mum's house they often have a film night, which entails lots of naughty treats and a late night. It use to infuriate me when he was younger as she'd bring him home, and he'd be shattered from lack of sleep and on a come down from the sugar haha. He's not too bad with it all and it only happens once a fortnight, so i just let them get on with it.

I've had a long day, took my mum to an animal rescue centre this morning so she could pick up a rescue rabbit. It's a lovely big fluffy rabbit, like the size of a large cat. But it's fur is so matted :( honestly, i was so shocked at how bad it was. You'd have thought the rescue centre would have shaved it but they hadn't. So my mum is going to have to take it to the groomers tomorrow or failing that to the vets. Dropped her off home then dashed home for something to eat before having to shoot off to the inlaws for a visit. I've not long been home. I'm dying for a bath and my PJs.

I've got to write my shopping list for tomorrow, and i'm going to snuggle down to watch Call the Midwife. Exciting stuff in the house lol. Hope everyone has had a better day xxx
Little one didn't go to sleep until about 11.30 last night and was up at 6, so I'm on my knees but had to get up early to go looking at cars! He's only had a 45 min nap today though so I'm hoping we can get him down to sleep soon! Whenever we have difficult times like this now I just worry about how we're going to manage with a newborn on top - but I suppose you just get on with it don't you, you have to, it's certainly not going to be like the first time again though! Xx
Unicorn, my main panic at the moment is how will I do the school run?! And what am I going to do in the school summer holiday with a 6 year old and a newborn in tow?!

I suppose I'll find a routine eventually but at the minute it seems like a daunting task lol

Fingers crossed your little one goes down easily tonight
I’m a little worried how we going manage with an extra little one - I got a teenager (no prob there) but I’ve also got 2 autisic girls and a 3 year old.
I know we find away as we always do - it’s just I’m waiting on new schools for my two middle girls nearer to home as we traveling a lot as we moved house last year.
You do generally get yourself in a routine - just less time to get other things done etc x
Honestly ladies the change to 2 kids isn't hard at all. I worried something chronic but it's not bad at all.
My daughter was 2 and half when I had my boy, and honestly I found it no different. Just took alittle longer getting out the house. So expecting 3 will be the same.... I hope lol

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