***June 2019 Mummies***

Wow some of you have had a rough few days, hope you’re all feeling better?!

For those having girls John Lewis had the CUTEST dinosaur baby gro. I was going to buy it if I were to have a girl!

Clothing wise I’ve nabbed a bargain in dunelm 2 summer sleeping bags for £8 were nearly £30. No idea why they’re so expensive?!

I’ve bought some tiny baby bits for my little man as new born and 0-3 didn’t fit for almost a month on my daughter. Bought some winter items in the sales in 3-6/6-9 and OHs mum and sister seem to be buying LOADS! Had to remind them summer clothes aren’t in yet and he will be a summer baby!

Next usually have lovely bits in the sale from last season aswell. I learnt from my daughter the outfits on a newborn look slightly strange, so going to stick mainly to baby gro and rompers/all in one summer outfits for baby this time.
This will be my last one so going to keep him a baby as long as possible!
Regarding bottles I’m getting a couple incase b’feeding is painful again. But hoping to buy a pump after a few weeks. Anything to save some £££!
Going to buy MAM again I think as you don’t need to cart around a huge steriliser, and they’re fab on the go if you need a bottle in an emergency x
Chrissi, I agree about keeping babies in rompers/baby grows. We had little trouser and tshirts outfits for our youngest and before you know it they don't fit in the grows anymore. So I'm looking for cute, lightweight romper/all in one type clothes for the first few months. They don't stay babies for long.

Someone else mentioned that the MAM bottles can just be popped into the microwave to sterilise without a steriliser? I might look more into those, as they'll be good for when mum has her for a few hours. Won't have to pack multiple bottles if she can just clean and pop in microwave to clean :)
Loved catching up on all the messages / convo this morning. It’s almost like as we’ve got this far we can talk about purchases more :)

For clothes I’ll just be buying vests & babygrows at first. I prefer babies in babygrows than little outfits as they look more like babies! Getting all “cooey” over the thought :)

As for sizing, even though my son was big he still fit in newborn clothes, albeit probably not as long as others babies did but you often find an average sized 7 something pound baby is too small for newborn. There’s always extra leg & arm room when they are brand new. I’ll get a selection of newborn & 0-3 & the rest later on.

Bottles / sterilises - I haven’t even thought about them yet. I think I’ll get to 36 weeks & suddenly think “oh sh*t I need baby things” haha. I think as it’s my third & lifes already busy everything waits that little bit longer the more you have lol. I’m relying on breastfeeding at first anyway. Did with my first two & fortunately had no problems so I’m thinking even if I did have any issues this time, il force myself to do it if I haven’t got bottles at the very start & if it really fails a couple days in I’ll get hubby to go bottle shopping lol.
This is my third too linnett and I totally get the 'leaving it all last minute' thing. Life is just busy at the min so I'll just pick up what I can and when I can. Someone asked me the other day whether I was planning on getting a crib or moses basket, I was like crap I'm gonna have to buy her a bed :smile: haha poor girl will end up being a make do baby! Clothes wise, I'm just buying a mix of newborn and 0-3 mainly the latter though as it'll be warm weather so she'll be in nappy mostly for the first few weeks. I've had a look and I'm settled on MAM bottles as a just in case and I'm going old school and getting a cold water steriliser. These will just sit in the back of the cupboard in case breast feeding doesn't happen. I managed it for a week last time then gave up. Will try harder this time.

So I've got the pram, need to buy a moses basket, bottles, steriliser and some more clothes... That's about it I think. Or have I forgotten anything major? X
Do you need a baby monitor? Blankets? Baby bath?

I still need oh to go up loft and see what we have saved, I can’t remember! I’m hoping we have Moses basket up there so just need new mattress and we are sorted. Been looking at second hand prams. This poor baby is going to be just like my second- everything second hand!

Got to go to doctor Monday to discuss mri on my leg after accident. They think I have torn a ligament which can take months to repair! With my spd as well pregnancy is going to be fun fun fun... xx
It's nice how we're all different. This is my 3rd and buying everything as I go along. Easier for me to budget and it gets my kids involved along the way.
I like to be organised lol. Plus I have a brain like a sive lol

We brought our basket, monitors, bottles, and sterilizer the other day. Gunna look st carrier's, car seats and cots next week.

I love baby shopping.
Monitors yes, we'll need those. Still have baby blankets from when youngest was little. Nothing wrong with girls liking car but I think I might buy her a couple of girly ones lol. Baby bath I'm not going to bother with, ended up just using a baby seat with you youngest. I can bath them both at the same time then :)
Bubbles I really hope it's not torn ligament. They do take forever to heal. I ended up on crutches years ago after jumping off a picnic table whilst drunk, not my finest hour. Torn ligament and it was agony. How are you managing pain wise, can you borrow some crutches to help you get about? Hope you've plenty of help on hand with your other kiddies xxxx
Yeah amazing how much everyone has chipped in to help with school runs and nursery etc. It’s driving that’s going to be the issue for a while! :( xx
Glad you’ve had lots of help bubbles - take it easy when you can x

I’m hoping to carry on b/f so I’m not going worry about bottles and steriliser. Same here - will be buying baby sleepsuits, vests, rompers and couple cardigans in mixed of sizes mostly 0-3 mths and up to 1 mths.
I have my next scan at 34 weeks and I also get my c/section date so will buy some first size/ newborn sleepsuits etc - my last two babies were in the smaller stuff for a few weeks - mine often lose a bit of their birth weight.

I’m thinking of bedside crib this time as it easier for b/f and that’s far as I got xx
Glad you’ve had lots of help bubbles - take it easy when you can x

I’m hoping to carry on b/f so I’m not going worry about bottles and steriliser. Same here - will be buying baby sleepsuits, vests, rompers and couple cardigans in mixed of sizes mostly 0-3 mths and up to 1 mths.
I have my next scan at 34 weeks and I also get my c/section date so will buy some first size/ newborn sleepsuits etc - my last two babies were in the smaller stuff for a few weeks - mine often lose a bit of their birth weight.

I’m thinking of bedside crib this time as it easier for b/f and that’s far as I got xx

I want the bedside crib too Caz. Just think it’ll be so much easier with breast feeding. We can both lay along side eachother. Everyone’s told me to go to the baby show in at the NEC in May because you gets things at a really good price so hoping to get this there & whatever other discounted things I can find :)
We're going to the NEC show too! Small world :)
We have gone for tommee tippee bottles and the day and night prep machine after nearly all my cousins raved about it being such a time saver. As it's our first we will probably end up buying things we don't want or need but I guess that just happens. We've tried to be good with our money and read reviews about everything but there are a million things to think about.
I haven't bought many clothes but think my mum has already gone nuts in the sales. Don't have the heart to stop her as it's her first grandchild.
Sorry to hear you're struggling Bubbles - sounds like a nightmare!
I'll be breastfeeding again so I'm just going to buy a couple of lansinoh bottles to go with my pump and some Milton, but probably won't bother expressing or using bottles at all.
We don't know when baby is going to come so we've got prem baby grows and vests from 3lb, 4lb, 5lb and 6lb and then tiny baby, right through to 18 months Last time we donated the tiny prem things to SCBU but used the up to 6lb clothes for a while, even though he was 6lb8! And then we found the up to one month size to be really good and fit for ages, although they're harder to find - Next do them.

Ladies, is anyone having Braxton Hicks / tightenings? I'm experiencing low down pressure, which I thought was just baby doing something but the sonographer really struggled at our anomaly scan as she said my uterus kept on contracting - like Braxton Hicks and they're now getting more and more frequent! Xx
I thought I had braxton hicks on and off yesterday but nothing today so I'm not sure.

Tesco also do upto 1 month baby clothes.

I never had them last time and reading about them now it doesn't sound they should be so low down so I'm not sure!? Xx
Maybe it's just baby fidgeting? I get movement down there that feels like she's running herself along my cervix haha.

But yeah generally braxton hicks are felt along the top of the uterus. Mine don't generally feel painful just uncomfortable and tight. Xx
I had them the other day. I think they get more common the more children you get as the uterus is weaker.

I’ve always wondered about a next to me crib as breastfed both my other two, I might look into it a bit further this time. Takes up less space in bedroom as well.

Smithy you def do end up buying more stuff with first and won’t use everything but I think you need to cause every parent is different and what equipment works for one doesn’t work for another. So it’s not until you have a baby you realise what you don’t need and learn for next time! Doing research is always good though, I love a good spreadsheet of details, pros, cons etc for the big purchases. :) xx
We've got a Next2Me, I found it really useful!
It feels like really low down pressure, which I thought may be baby curling into a ball or something but the sonographer didn't seem to think so!? I think I'm getting myself a bit freaked out as I'm getting twinging in what I assume to be my cervix this evening as well, I'm going to go to sleep and hopefully wake up feeling better! Goodnight Xx
I get the twinges in the cervix too sometimes really sharp. Which makes me panic a little as I felt these in my two losses but I'm 90% sure I felt them when I was caryhing my youngest too.

If it's still happening this morning if might be worth a call to your midwife. Just so she can check your stitch etc an give you some reassurance?

Hope you managed to sleep xx

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