***June 2019 Mummies***

We’re calling our baby boy Bobby Joe
I’m trying to get over that his initials will be BJS haha

Before I found out he was a boy I had a list of girls names on my phone I kept adding to, I never showed them to my partner so no idea if he even liked any of them!
We struggling so much with girl names - it’s so hard - after having 4 girls so be grateful for any inspiration xx
Yeah, we want something that you don't hear around as well Linnett and something like Jessica doesn't really go with Hendrix! The names on your lists are lovely, I also like Thea, we've just finished watching The Haunting of Hill House and there's a Thea on there! Our other problem is the hubby links every name to something, so I like Roux but he then says kangaroo etc! I suppose it's useful to have the opinion of a mind like a child but it is really limiting our options ;) xx
Our girl name was Lara Marie and if/when we have another and if it turns out to be a girl we will use it. Til then I'm struggling.

Some boy names we have been thinking about are Elijah, Samuel, Theo and Leo. But I can't decide if I love them enough but nothing else jumps out at me. Looked at 100s of names!
Our girl name was Lara Marie and if/when we have another and if it turns out to be a girl we will use it. Til then I'm struggling.

Some boy names we have been thinking about are Elijah, Samuel, Theo and Leo. But I can't decide if I love them enough but nothing else jumps out at me. Looked at 100s of names!

It’s so hard isn’t it. I like the names Olivia, Shiloh & Freya but they’ve all been used by cousins. Albeit cousins I never see or speak to but because of the world we live in now with social media you’ll like a name & then think “oh I can’t have that so & sos got it” which is stupid really as how often will we ever see or speak to these people !
Girl's names are so hard! If this one was another boy he'd be called Malachi, which I love! I also like Taliesin for a boy but girl's names we've tried out and rejected are Cordelia, Hermione, Esmeralda (Esme), Marlie, Mahlia, Auralia, Eliana, Bellatrix and many, many more xx
It be so easy to pick a boys name - I actually do like Isla been trying to persuade my oh.
Olivia and Freya are lovely names x
We struggled with girls names. To be honest we'd not actually really looked at I was adamant we was having a boy.

The girls names we've considered where:


So far we've settled on Darcie. I do like Robyn but my sister in law use that name as a middle name for my niece. We could still use it as a first name I suppose :/ oh and her name is cecelia, or cece for short <3
All beautiful names ladies. We've had our girls name set for nearly 5 years.

I'm off to my dr, I'm pretty sure I'm gunna be admitted to hospital as I'm really poorly. I'm really scared :cry:
Oh no marvellous! Is it still that cough/cold virus thing you can't shift? Being admitted to hospital is a nightmare when you've children/job/home to run. But least you know its the best place for you, and baby. Hope you start to feel better soon, you've been poorly a whole now haven't you :(

Keep us posted lovely xxx
I can't keep anything down, my head is splitting and I'm puking up acid bile.
Iv lost nearly half a stone in 5 days. I dont think I'm gunna be given a choice. I literally feel like death.
I'm not coping very well anymore. It's 1 thing after another.
Oh wow, sounds horrific :( is it HG or other illness related?

My friend had HG and the same happened to her. She ended up in hospital on drips to rehydrate her and strong anti-sickness meds.
I haven't had HG so I'm thinking it's related to something else. I had reflux with my youngest so I think it's back with vengeance.

Going Dr's now.
Good luck Marvellous! Hope they can help you without sending you to hospital.

Love all the names. We like Ivy at the minute for a girl but we change our mind all the time!

So I had an ordeal last night. Picked eldest from school and loaded her in car for ballet and the car began to creak (we have parking on a hill). Eldest was getting strapped in and was panicking so I went to front of car and could feel it going, quickly grabbed the handbrake and it rolled. I got knocked out of car and run over my legs. Car carried on with eldest in it! Youngest luckily right out of way by garage doors. I tried to run to get her and collapsed in pain and screamed at neighbour to stop traffic if she went onto the main road. Luckily she ran into a neighbours car and was fine. She was strapped in, got herself out and then just cried cause she was missing ballet. Neighbour rang ambulance and my OH and I rang my dad who came and got the girls and took them. Ambulance took 2 hours to come, I was sat in freezing cold not allowed to move on a road, scared that I had harmed baby. In hospital until 11pm when finally saw doctor who said he wont x ray because I am pregnant. He asked me to get up and walk! I did with tears rolling down my eyes but because I could put weight on it he said its not broken and said go home! I had to ask for baby to be checked. She had been moving alot since but still worried. A lovely midwife came and saw me and calmed me down and listened to heart beat and said it looked like my legs and arm was protecting her and she was quite happy and unalarmed in there. So very sore and in pain but hoping nothing is broken and will be better in few days. I just keep thinking what could have happened, I could have potentially killed all three children cause I didn't put hand brake on properly! Sorry for such a long post! Feels good to get off chest :) xx
We’ve been having trouble thinking of boys names too. We had loads of girls ones we liked. Being a teacher I can’t help but think of children I’ve taught in school when I hear some names which isn’t helping lol.

Hope everything goes ok at the hospital Marvellous. Bubbles that must have been a horrible experience, glad you are all safe.

I’m off work today with pains in my pelvis. It’s making it really hard to walk. I can feel my little boy dancing away though so I think it’s more ligament/muscle related.
Marvellous I hope you get sorted at drs and hospital. Oh my gosh bubbles!! That sounds awful, glad your all okay and baby too! Rest up x

Oh no bumbles that’s not good either. We’re all not doing to good this week are we? I went to the doctors this morning and left my urine sample to be tested to see if I have a uti so should find out later on if I have x
Oh my god Bubbles, that's horrific! But please don't beat yourself up about it, these things happen, you've obviously got a lot going on and protected all the children so you did an amazing job! You just try and rest up and take care of yourself.
I hope it goes ok at the doctors Marvellous and that they / the hospital manage to get you back on track soon xx

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