***June 2019 Mummies***

Ohhh sounds like what I had early on. Like a fluttering or a tickling sensation. I hope that's him making himself known to you! Mine feels like intense muscle twitching in one spot, that's the best description I can come up with. You can't feel it on the outside yet though.
Yeah I suppose that's it, she was doing a lot of clicking and measuring and she said everything was great so I shouldn't worry I suppose x
Mine measured the head, the belly and the legs but not the overall length. Then we get a little chart which I didn’t get with other two which show what they should on average be and what yours. Mine had a very over average belly! Maybe I’m eating too much chocolate.... haha. She probably means they don’t measure the overall length anymore cause baby’s legs are curled up etc.

Ooh smcx that sounds exactly like baby! How lovely!! My oh felt mine the other day on outside but it was a massive fluke I think cause I have anterior placenta too and just happened to kick me right on the side where he had his hand. Xx
Ahh I hope it was him!

So I’ve woke up this morning feel fine just felt like I needed to wee be sick and go for a poo all at the same time! Oh the joys!
When I wiped after I had a wee though this was the colour, I know it’s probs to much info but I just wanted everyone else’s thoughts? I did have a few like twinges down below aswell. It wasn’t pink or anything just like dark yellow brownish
That looks like a bit of oldish blood to me Smcx, would now be about the time you'd be due a period if you weren't pregnant? In my first pregnancy I used to get a small amount of bleeding when my period would be due. Do you feel fine now? I think if I was you I'd try and get it checked out just in case, can you contact your midwife or if not contact the assessment unit at the hospital directly. I'm sure it's fine, but best to put your mind at rest xx
I'd give your midwife or assessment centre a ring, just for piece of mind. Prob nothing but always best to get checked out.
So this virus just won't go. Iv now got a full on head cold to the point I cried for an hour yesterday as the kids were running rings round me and I just wanted to hibernate until spring.

Been feeling the baby more strongly last few days. Getting little Thuds and nudges which is lovely.
I feel fine just got like a bit of an ache in my hip. I don’t think this is when my period would be due. I’ve been to the toilet since and everything is clear when I wipe now. I’ve text my midwife and tried to send a pic to her but it wouldn’t send, I’ll wait to see if she reply’s if not I’ll ring hospital x
Smcx, keep trying with the midwife or hospital, my first thought is maybe its a UTI, I remember I got one with lots of blood in my pee a few years back and the ache could be your kidneys. I remember the needing to pee and poo feeling at the same time. Antibiotics should clear it up pretty quickly if it is.
It does look like old blood. Without being too gross, it could be from your bowel movement. It can irritate the front passage, especially if your a little constipated. Might be a bit of old blood that was sat around the cervix that has just come away.

I'd probably keep annoying the midwife and get them to check you over. If you can't get in touch with them then ring the hospital.

Keep us posted xx
I feel like poop, my son has given me his lurgy :( got a cracking cough and sore throat.

I'm so fricking tired too but got to much to do round the house. Wondering if I can get it all done and throw in a quick nap before having to pick the little one up.

Baby is currently kicking hell out my insides lol. She feel fairly low today so all her kicks are hitting low near the cervix. We've decided on a name (for now), Darcie with her middle name being Louise <3 hopefully she'll look like a Darcie because in stuck for an alternative!
I rang the hospital and said it could be a uti and to contact my gp. I’ve not had it again since this morning, still not heard from the midwife tho. I feel fine although I’ve been sick a few times this morning which i haven’t been for a while x
Unicorn we bought a new car in September not even thinking about having a baby (waiting for fertility help) as hadn’t had a period since April and my daughter took 3 years to conceive. We got a Renault Captur. Biggest waste of space ever, costs a fortune in fuel and now I’m stuck with it for two years! Pfft!
Lucky you saving everything! I wish I did now! But I think dp would’ve wanted to buy again anyway as he’s not done all that before.
I’m massive compared to last time roughly 10 weeks or more ahead!

Wow I didn’t realise they gave anti biotics so soon before delivery!
Ifeel for you on thrush side of things. I’m waiting for my swabs to come back so they can prescribe the treatment.
I hope baby stays in place atleast for another 17 weeks or so! I’ve bought tiny baby clothes as newborn was huge on my daughter and she was 7lb4 so not tiny! So you might be able to get use out of your teeny gro in the hours after baby is born even if you make it to term.

Caz exactly same as us. Me and dp bought our house in May last year.
I wish they did more stroller type buggies that were compact and mum facing! So more room for shoping! The different sections take up so much space!
Same as us - we completed at the end of May, I haven’t really had a proper look at prams yet but thinking of one those flip ones - so there quite compact when folded.
I feel like poop, my son has given me his lurgy :( got a cracking cough and sore throat.

I'm so fricking tired too but got to much to do round the house. Wondering if I can get it all done and throw in a quick nap before having to pick the little one up.

Baby is currently kicking hell out my insides lol. She feel fairly low today so all her kicks are hitting low near the cervix. We've decided on a name (for now), Darcie with her middle name being Louise <3 hopefully she'll look like a Darcie because in stuck for an alternative!

Hope your feel better soon- so much going around at the moment. Since my scan my baby as woken up and movements are so low down as well. I really like the name Darcie but my oh isn’t keen - it’s going be so hard thinking of another girl‘s name that we both love xx
Baby, if you can get 15 minutes to yourself have a nice bath. It really helped me with my cold symptoms!
Wow lots to catch up on! Beautiful scan smc, looking beautiful!
Hope you're feeling a bit better Unicorn, can't believe they didn't inform you.
Hope everyone else is feeling okay at the moment, I'm already counting down to maternity leave haha! 16 working weeks of school left, not including any holidays. I have felt mostly okay, fair bit of heartburn and he is kicking away like crazy in the night. I've suddenly popped although no weight gain still which baffles me!
One strange thing, during my 20 wk scan I asked how big baby was and she said they don't measure anymore as it's inaccurate but he is a normal size. I found this quote odd. Anyone else have this? Xx

I got the impression from my midwife that they only start paying attention to measurements from 25+ weeks so maybe they’ve just decided to knock that part of the head at the 20 week scan. My son (last baby) was 9.10lb at birth so they are keeping an eye on size this time & I did actually ask her if this one was big would it show at the 20 week scan but she said no or if it was they wouldn’t particularly pay attention to it & she’ll start measuring me from 25 weeks & take those sizes more seriously so maybe the 20 week scan isn’t relevant in size because it changes so much from then till birth. I guess as long as it’s not tiny / under developed they wouldn’t show concern :)
How are you doing Smcx? Darcie was on our list as well baby, and spelt like that but it turns out that hubby simply doesn't like any girl names! I also like Harlowe (we have a Hendrix so I thought that would go quite well) but again hubby said no! We've also considered Evangeline, but no, I'm not sure the poor little thing is ever going to have a name! Xx
Apart from having a banging headache I feel okay. Think I’ve felt him again today which is good. I’m going to ring my doctors in the morning see if I can get an appointment to get my urine checked there and then if not I’ll just drop a sample in. Got some cranberry juice before so just going to keep drinking that. Midwife never got in touch though x
Thanks Linnett, I was just surprised as I assumed she would measure him again like they did at the 12 week. Doesn't matter too much I suppose.
SMC that's so strange but my midwife is a bit like that. She's brilliant but often goes awol if I have a question or something. Just make sure you keep drinking water, hopefully it will sort itself.
I've had a pretty bad headache today. Think that blood moon made the kiddies in my class extra nuts. Been such a stressy day. Other than that not many changes.
We have so many boys names floating around at the moment, really don't know what we want or like. We were so solid on a girls name it's frustrating how hard this is.
What was your girl name Smithy? I need all the inspiration I can get! Xx
We have Darcy on our list too. It’s OH fav but it just seems to have gotten so popular around here recently. I hear it quite a lot in the school playground which has put me off a bit :(

Our lists currently (as it seems to change a lot!) consists of the following -
Boys (middle name Robert)
Jaxon (Jax)

Girls (Middle name Florence)

We have a Madison & Kian so it’s finding something that flows well with those & that isn’t overly common
Hope you get sorted smx.

Lovely baby names, I would’ve struggled with another girl. I only had one name in mind for my daughter Niamh- pronounced Neev. ( you wouldn’t believe how often she gets called Naomi or Neema )

We’ve narrowed our little man down to Jesse or Lawrence. It was William. But willy put me off :D

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