***June 2019 Mummies***

Aww cute scan! It’s incredible how much clearer they are from the dating scan isn’t it!

Mines on the 6th Debbie. I feel like the first 12 weeks went quick & then Christmas /new year happened & I was suddenly 14 weeks but now I feel like it’s dragging. Feel like I’ve been 17 weeks for about 3 weeks lol.

Has anyone else considered a home birth? I’m seriously starting to consider it. It’s appealing to me more & more that I’ll be in the comfort of my own home, won’t have to pack a bag, won’t have a shit overnight stay in hospital, won’t have a 5 hour long discharge from hospital. This might be our last (although hubby thinks he might like one more but I say let’s get this one out the way first) so I just want to try something different incase I never do it again if that makes sense & apparently just being at home in a birth pool is so calming & the whole experience is less traumatic..

Anyone else had one or know of anyone that has?

It’s reallg dragging. At the beginning I really wanted to this pregnancy to go slow and to enjoy it, but I just want 20 weeks to hurry up now!

I’m planning a home birth. I had my first at a midwife led unit and it was quite fast, so my midwife suggested staying home this time. I’ll still pack a bag just in case. But how I see it is between home and midwife unit there’s not much difference. Either way I’d have to go in an ambulance to a hospital if anything were to happen. They can give you the same drugs at home as in midwife unit. I’m doing hypnobirthing again so I hope to have a nice calm birth in my lounge. I want to hire a pool but will see nearer the time.
I'd love a home birth. Unfortunately I have to be continuously monitor due to previous c section. Not only that but both my labour's stopped progressing at 6cm and needed drip put in to help me along and I haemorrhage with my first baby. So it's hospital birth for me. On a positive note they now do wireless continuous monitoring and its water proof so I can have a water birth!
Smcx congrats on the scan hun. Your pic is so clear, lovely to see baby is thriving in there xx
Hey ladies, lovely to catch up with how you're all doing and see some gorgeous scan pics :)
So, I finally managed to get through to the hospital today for my test results following being in last Friday and it turns out that I have developed thrush and group b strep from the stitch and they hadn't even bothered to contact me! I'm absolutely gutted about the strep b, not having it before the surgery was the one thing I felt was on our side and now there's even greater risk to our little girl if she comes early :( this pregnancy has just been bad news after bad news, I can't wait for her to be here, safe and sound hopefully, I feel so fed up xx
Oh no unicorn, that’s shocking they didn’t bother to contact you! Fingers crossed everything will be okay. I know it’s easier said than done but try to relax and maybe do something fun or nice just to take your mind off it all and cheer you up abit. I know you never switch off from it all it’s soo hard xx
Thank you. I think the fact that a simply can't sleep past 4am at the moment really isn't helping, I'm assuming it's a hormone thing but I'm absolutely exhausted! Our little boy is having a sleep over at my parents tonight so at least I won't have to get up with a little bouncing ball of energy at 6 tomorrow morning as well and I can just relax in bed for a bit even if I can't sleep xx
Oh no unicorn :( is there any way they can treat the strep infection? Have a lovely night with out children! You forget how much more relaxed you can be without them around!

I’m currently at swimming lessons with my eldest and I’m full of cold. This place is so hot as well! This is going to be hard in may when it’s hot and I’m 8 months pregnant! Xx
Unicorn that sounds awful, I would be so mad at the doctors for not letting you know!

Linnett I can't have a home birth as all births have to be in a hospital here. Its a shame because I would have looked into it otherwise. I've heard great things about how having lower stress levels makes labour quicker and less painful.

We have just made our first proper baby purchase. We got the bassinet stand for the Uppababy system as we have decided that is the pram and bassinet we want but we are trying to find a good deal whether that's getting it here or getting it in the UK and having parents or in laws bring it out when they visit. So slightly odd to get the bassinet stand first but it was on sale for the equivalent of £40 instead of the £120 it normally is. Bargain!
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No, they don't treat the strep infection now because it's likely to just come back and isn't a risk to me or baby at the moment, just a risk to baby when born and more of a risk to her if she's early! It's just another thing against us but I'm really going to do my best to take it easy and give her the best chance of getting to term and then it shouldn't be a problem!

It does mean I can't be on the midwifery unit though, which I'm really gutted about, although the main thing is to get her here safely of course! And obviously can't have a home birth, which I would have definitely been interested in, although everyone I know who has attempted one has ended up being taken into hospital in an ambulance because of complications! There's a relatively new, really lovely midwifery birthing center not too far from us which they're closing because it never gets used because if there's any risk at all (even having a had previously large baby!) they won't let you use it because there are no doctors there and it's quite a way in an ambulance to the nearest hospital. It seems like such a shame and like it would make much more financial sense to just have a couple of consultants, anethetists and equipment there in case intervention is needed, rather than all these midwifes and resources which aren't being used and are now being got rid of! Xx
Congrats to every body else too! How amazing at all these beautiful babies growing so nicely!

Baby my daughter wanted a boy sister and thought we were bringing the baby home after the scan! Bless her! We told her quite early around 14 weeks as she likes to stare while I’m in the shower and asked my I’m getting fat! (I’m actually pretty slim size 8/10) the belly is growing quicker this time!

Unicorn I’m sorry about your news. Atleast you have the right idea to just relax and ensure baby stays until term or as late as possible. Couldn’t they treat you around 30 weeks and again later on if it comes back just so you’re hopefully covered? Everything is about saving money now!

I didn’t realise how many midwifery units weren’t actually in hospitals. All of the ones in my area (Lincolnshire/Norfolk/Cambridgeshire border) are all a walk away from the delivery suite so it’s handy incase of any complications. Sounds crazy to not have them within a couple of minutes!

Abi a pregnancy massage sounds so good! I bet you were feeling on cloud 9 afterwards.

Baby has been wriggling away the last few days. And partners mum has ordered our travel system.
We’ve gone for a kinderkraft bundle from precious little one.
We went for a trip to Grantham to have a look at it to make sure it was nice as it’s not expensive at all. And we loved it. Nice big carry cot, the only downside was they showed it in grey. We didn’t like it so ordered black instead. The co sleeping crib also comes with it! And a 5-in-1 bouncer/Moses basket/ chair all for £350 which I thought was really good.
Been there and done it spending hundreds on a pram for little one to use for a few months.
My friend spent £1000 on a silver cross one. It’s absolutely gorgeous but her little man can only Use the pushchair part now, so the carry cot and car seat are just sitting there unused and in the way. Such a shame. I’m taking a very limited approach this time! I having nothing left from my daughter as I sold it all when I split with her father absolutely adamant I wouldn’t have another baby!
Wow, that's an amazing deal Chrissi! Luckily we've still got everything from our son so don't need to go through all that expense again, although we could really do with a new car to fit it all in so that'll be out big expense this time! And yes, I am very jealous of you ladies who say you are hardly showing yet, I honestly look about the size I did when I was 8 months before, which makes me pretty concerned about what I'm going to look like at 8 months this time ;)

Apparently, with the strep b I have to have the antibiotics 4 hours before baby is born to ensure she gets them, so they give them every 4 hours after your water breaks, but judging by last time and the fact my cervix is likely to just fail at that time (which on reflection I think it's what happened last time) I won't have 4 hours so will have to stay in for her to be monitored, but at least if we can get as close to term as possible it won't be as much of a risk!

The back of my one hip is really starting to hurt, just above my bum! I had it last time as well because the baby is just on one side at the front the weight pulls the opposite side at the back. I went to pregnancy yoga for the entire of my pregnancy last time but we're in a different area now and obviously have less time but apparently they do it at the hospital here so I'm going to try and go along one week to see if there are any exercises they can suggest to help. And if that doesn't work perhaps I'll arrange a session with a physio. I had a look for exercises online last night because it was really bad but couldn't find anything that specifically got to that area and can't remember the exercise the yoga instructor suggested last time which really helped!

I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday. Our little boy had a sleep over at my parents last night so we're still in bed :D But we're going to take the opportunity to go shopping for premature clothes today, which always makes me break down in the store, so not looking forward to that, but at least I'll have something to put her in if she does come soon :-( xx
We don’t have anything either baby wise we brought our house 6 months ago and had a massive clear out so we be starting fresh again this time, I do agree not spending a fortune on a pram (bargain Chrissi) this time I just need one that’s compact to fold up to fit in the car and fairly light- last time I brought the silver cross wayfarer it was a lovely pram and it did do us well but it was a bit heavy at times.

Unicorn- You must be feeling so anxious about everything - Hopefully your make it to full term- I had a friend who had a stitch with both her babies they were born around 36 and 37 weeks - they weighed around 5lbs.10 and they were discharge the next day x
Unicorn we bought a new car in September not even thinking about having a baby (waiting for fertility help) as hadn’t had a period since April and my daughter took 3 years to conceive. We got a Renault Captur. Biggest waste of space ever, costs a fortune in fuel and now I’m stuck with it for two years! Pfft!
Lucky you saving everything! I wish I did now! But I think dp would’ve wanted to buy again anyway as he’s not done all that before.
I’m massive compared to last time roughly 10 weeks or more ahead!

Wow I didn’t realise they gave anti biotics so soon before delivery!
Ifeel for you on thrush side of things. I’m waiting for my swabs to come back so they can prescribe the treatment.
I hope baby stays in place atleast for another 17 weeks or so! I’ve bought tiny baby clothes as newborn was huge on my daughter and she was 7lb4 so not tiny! So you might be able to get use out of your teeny gro in the hours after baby is born even if you make it to term.

Caz exactly same as us. Me and dp bought our house in May last year.
I wish they did more stroller type buggies that were compact and mum facing! So more room for shoping! The different sections take up so much space!
Unicorn, I've had the same hip pain, in my bum. The pregnancy yoga and massage helped but its horrible isn't it? And I find having to sleep on my side doesn't help it, I wish I could sleep on my back!

I've just got back from my doctors appointment. Baby looks to be doing well and is still there and moving around even if I can't feel him yet. He's measuring big too. 19 weeks and I'm only meant to be 18 weeks tomorrow! He's going to be big, hopefully he comes fairly on time! I've got a cold so I'm feeling pretty rough. Having a blocked nose is making my sickness come back too. I threw up in the hospital car park at my scan and then when I got home I threw up so hard I peed a little. I can't wait for this cold to end!

We also might have found the pram we want 2nd hand so that will be a good saving, going to check it out tomorrow if I'm feeling better.
I got rid of loads of stuff too as wasn’t expecting a third. We did give a lot unisex clothes to my sis in law so I’ll get them back at least. Going to get pram second hand as wont have much space so will move them into a fold down pushchair ASAP! And my babies normally live in slings the first few months of life :)

I’ve been waiting so long for thrush treatment I think it’s gone! Just been wearing cotton trousers when I go out and thin cotton pjs at home. Xx
Glad baby is all doing well Abi! Don’t worry too much about size, they don’t usually get it too accurate and i always say it’s the head circumference which you want to look for.... haha.

Sickness downstairs sound nice, poor you. Hope it clears soon xx
Unicorn & abi do you think the pain is sciatica? As I get this. It’s not there all of the time, only after a day of being on my feet or at work pushing wheel chair or sat in a hard chair.

Hope your cold clears soon abi, that’s definitely not great on top of ms.
That’s good abi, I looked at a second hand pram on Facebook, went to look but the house was a total pig sty when we got there! Not filthy just stuff EVERYWHERE could barely walk through the front door and look and the sofa was piled high with crap so couldn’t be sat on. God knows where the people sat of an evening!
Good luck I hope it’s as good as it sounds! X
Bubbles, I can only imagine when expecting a third! And our girls are an awkward age of wanting to walk but also wanting the buggy now and again. Need a buggy board now!

SLING! I need to add that to my list of stuff to get. Although I used to always bang my daughters head whenever I bent down doing dish washer etc :-?

Thrush has to be the worst! I wasn’t sure whether it’s thrush or urethritis to be honest, as thrush usually affects me all over my bits but this isn’t :think: should get results back tomorrow!

Good luck finding a pram x
Wow lots to catch up on! Beautiful scan smc, looking beautiful!
Hope you're feeling a bit better Unicorn, can't believe they didn't inform you.
Hope everyone else is feeling okay at the moment, I'm already counting down to maternity leave haha! 16 working weeks of school left, not including any holidays. I have felt mostly okay, fair bit of heartburn and he is kicking away like crazy in the night. I've suddenly popped although no weight gain still which baffles me!
One strange thing, during my 20 wk scan I asked how big baby was and she said they don't measure anymore as it's inaccurate but he is a normal size. I found this quote odd. Anyone else have this? Xx
Smithy, all I asked at mine was does he look okay and growing okay and they told me yes everything looked fine. So not sure but they seemed to be doing the measuring on mine on every part of him.

I also mentioned about the anterior placenta and is that why I’ve not felt anything yet and she said it’s still early days it can take up to week 24 for me to feel anything.
As I’m lay in bed typing this though I’ve got what I can only describe as like a slight fuzzing vibrating feeling at the top of my bump that keeps going. Not sure if that’s him? X

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