***June 2019 Mummies***

Wow so many scans! All beautiful boys and girls!
Abi I started feeling little one a lot earlier as second pregnancy. I describe it like when you get a twitchy eye! And gradually it’s more often!
Glad your sickness is clearing off!

It’s a..... GIRL!!! <3:pink::bump:

I can’t wait to tell my other girls, they will be so excited! The scongrapher was very careful how she worded it and said it is 100% but she had a good look and I thought she was a she :)

Scan went well and all measuring good! First time I’ve not had to go back for low lying placenta so prob won’t see our little girl till she is born now. Xx

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Ahh congratulations Bubbles!! How exciting glad everything went well! X
Haha that willy! No denying what that is ah! Congratulations !

Is anyone else’s tiredness come back? I feel shattered again this week! Was ready for bed about an hour ago!
Hi ladies, lovely to see all the scan pics and find out more genders and lovely bump pic Linnett, I've put on just under a stone as well, although it feels like a lot more and yes, I'm shattered as well but that's probably because I can't sleep, I just lay awake all night thinking about what her name is going to be! :sad: xx
Awww such lovely pics! Congrats all!
I had a big cry tonight (hormones) and then a freak out I had hurt baby by getting myself worked up over essentially nothing (more hormones) so now I'm exhausted.
I have only put on a pound but my belly is huge now. No one has said anything about weight to me so I'm assuming it's still normal. I have no comparison so just going with it really x
Hey ladies

Congrats to all the lovely ladies who have found out the sex. It's so exciting.

I am unwell again. Starting to think this is gunna be a poorly pregnancy. My eldest was sick last week, my youngest now has a awful cough and cold, the Dr's won't help him even tho this is the 5th time in 8 weeks.
I now have it so having to rely on a lovely mum at school to take my eldest to school.
I was so poorly last night I nearly collapsed. Was horrid. I'm not a sicky person so I'm not coping always being unwell lately.

Nothing to really report on baby. Few possible nudges, lots of vibrations and bubbles. Bump not really grown much since 14 weeks, I wear baggy jumpers so nobody has noticed lol. Wasn't exactly slim before. Lol
I’m 20 weeks and don’t look pg but I never really do show till further on. I’ve actually starting Slimming world to minimise the weight gain and so far I’m about half stone lighter but I definitely could do with losing a little bit.

Hope you feel better soon Marvellous and it’s nice that you got bit help with school run xx
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I'm sorry you're not feeling well marvellous, I hope you feel better soon and all these colds and coughs give you and your little ones a break!

Caz I'm not really showing much either, last night I was really bloated and I thought I finally had a proper belly but when I woke up this morning it was hardly there again! The lady at my pregnancy yoga guessed I was only 12 weeks when I was 17! I should be greatful, I've started getting back ache and it will only get worse as I get bigger but it's just another thing to worry about!
Wow so much to catch up on! I've updated the front page, I think there is only Debbie, linnet and marvellous mum to update on gender. I know you suspect girl Caz, do you want me to update to pink or leave it as yellow?

Loads of lovely scan pics, beautiful little boys and girls. I can't wait to actually see them all when they arrive <3

Smithy, glad your scan went well. Made me laugh that he wasn't playing ball, seems he's keeping you on your toes already! Strangely I had my 20wk scan in the same room I was given the awful news last time. My heart was in my mouth as I entered the room and laid down. Which was daft as I'd felt her and heard her heartbeat only an hour before lol.
Linnet, your bump is beautiful. So little and neat! :bump:I'd love to have a little neat bump, mine is huge. But its still mainly bloat and excess weight I already had! My tiredness is also coming back, I feel like I've never had enough sleep no matter how well i sleep.

Bubbles, congrats on the scan and yay for another girl! Have you told your other girls yet? What was their reaction? I've had two low lying placentas, one of them only just moved out the way. This time the placenta is at the back and right at the top of the uterus. I had the same thought though. Means I won't get a tri 3 scan so won't get to see her now until she's here. Unless I pay for a 4D scan :think:

Chrissi, hahah well he certainly wasn't shy in flashing the goods was he?! So does that mean you have 1 of each now? How did your little girl react to the news?

marvellous_mum, sorry your feeling so poorly :( They do say your immune system is compromised when pregnant. So you're prone to catching everything and anything unfortunately. Doesn't help when there is absolutely nothing you can take to help alleviate symptoms :( Sorry to hear your little one is poorly too, there are a lot of cough/cold viruses going around at the min. Hope your all feel better soon.

I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I just know I look and feel huge, but then I wasn't small to start with. Caz, i'm actually considering asking my midwife if I can join slimming world. Not so much to actively lose weight more to build healthy eating habits, although I'm sure they'll tell me its ok to lose a few pounds even now. I don't see my midwife til 20th Feb though.

Thankfully I'm feeling much better now. My headaches seem to have eased up now, which means I'm sleeping better too. Although I keep waking up laid half on my belly, apparently its ok for as long as you can get comfy. It'll be impossible to sleep on your tummy well before it can cause harm to the baby. I had a little panic and did some reading as you can tell lol. Still feeling lots of movement sporadically. I woke this morning to my little boy climbing into bed shouting good morning, I rolled over and then the baby started kicking like she was saying morning too. I sooo can't wait to have her snuggled in my arms with my little boy! I mean I can wait, I don't want her to come early, I just wish the next 19 weeks will go past quickly!
Wow so much to catch up on! I've updated the front page, I think there is only Debbie, linnet and marvellous mum to update on gender. I know you suspect girl Caz, do you want me to update to pink or leave it as yellow?

Loads of lovely scan pics, beautiful little boys and girls. I can't wait to actually see them all when they arrive <3

Smithy, glad your scan went well. Made me laugh that he wasn't playing ball, seems he's keeping you on your toes already! Strangely I had my 20wk scan in the same room I was given the awful news last time. My heart was in my mouth as I entered the room and laid down. Which was daft as I'd felt her and heard her heartbeat only an hour before lol.
Linnet, your bump is beautiful. So little and neat! :bump:I'd love to have a little neat bump, mine is huge. But its still mainly bloat and excess weight I already had! My tiredness is also coming back, I feel like I've never had enough sleep no matter how well i sleep.

Bubbles, congrats on the scan and yay for another girl! Have you told your other girls yet? What was their reaction? I've had two low lying placentas, one of them only just moved out the way. This time the placenta is at the back and right at the top of the uterus. I had the same thought though. Means I won't get a tri 3 scan so won't get to see her now until she's here. Unless I pay for a 4D scan :think:

Chrissi, hahah well he certainly wasn't shy in flashing the goods was he?! So does that mean you have 1 of each now? How did your little girl react to the news?

marvellous_mum, sorry your feeling so poorly :( They do say your immune system is compromised when pregnant. So you're prone to catching everything and anything unfortunately. Doesn't help when there is absolutely nothing you can take to help alleviate symptoms :( Sorry to hear your little one is poorly too, there are a lot of cough/cold viruses going around at the min. Hope your all feel better soon.

I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I just know I look and feel huge, but then I wasn't small to start with. Caz, i'm actually considering asking my midwife if I can join slimming world. Not so much to actively lose weight more to build healthy eating habits, although I'm sure they'll tell me its ok to lose a few pounds even now. I don't see my midwife til 20th Feb though.

Thankfully I'm feeling much better now. My headaches seem to have eased up now, which means I'm sleeping better too. Although I keep waking up laid half on my belly, apparently its ok for as long as you can get comfy. It'll be impossible to sleep on your tummy well before it can cause harm to the baby. I had a little panic and did some reading as you can tell lol. Still feeling lots of movement sporadically. I woke this morning to my little boy climbing into bed shouting good morning, I rolled over and then the baby started kicking like she was saying morning too. I sooo can't wait to have her snuggled in my arms with my little boy! I mean I can wait, I don't want her to come early, I just wish the next 19 weeks will go past quickly!

Thanks you might aswell update to pink. Im sure I be buying pink soon. I been enjoying sw just so good to starting eating better - especially for baby- I still got my forms to be signed by midwife not seeing her to the 25th but last appointment she seemed more than happy to join- sometimes you do get free referrals. Even if you follow plan loosely it should help not to gain any extra weight.

Glad your feeling better- It is so nice to look forward to meeting our new arrivals x
Wow so much to catch up on! I've updated the front page, I think there is only Debbie, linnet and marvellous mum to update on gender. I know you suspect girl Caz, do you want me to update to pink or leave it as yellow?

Loads of lovely scan pics, beautiful little boys and girls. I can't wait to actually see them all when they arrive <3

Smithy, glad your scan went well. Made me laugh that he wasn't playing ball, seems he's keeping you on your toes already! Strangely I had my 20wk scan in the same room I was given the awful news last time. My heart was in my mouth as I entered the room and laid down. Which was daft as I'd felt her and heard her heartbeat only an hour before lol.
Linnet, your bump is beautiful. So little and neat! :bump:I'd love to have a little neat bump, mine is huge. But its still mainly bloat and excess weight I already had! My tiredness is also coming back, I feel like I've never had enough sleep no matter how well i sleep.

Bubbles, congrats on the scan and yay for another girl! Have you told your other girls yet? What was their reaction? I've had two low lying placentas, one of them only just moved out the way. This time the placenta is at the back and right at the top of the uterus. I had the same thought though. Means I won't get a tri 3 scan so won't get to see her now until she's here. Unless I pay for a 4D scan :think:

Chrissi, hahah well he certainly wasn't shy in flashing the goods was he?! So does that mean you have 1 of each now? How did your little girl react to the news?

marvellous_mum, sorry your feeling so poorly :( They do say your immune system is compromised when pregnant. So you're prone to catching everything and anything unfortunately. Doesn't help when there is absolutely nothing you can take to help alleviate symptoms :( Sorry to hear your little one is poorly too, there are a lot of cough/cold viruses going around at the min. Hope your all feel better soon.

I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I just know I look and feel huge, but then I wasn't small to start with. Caz, i'm actually considering asking my midwife if I can join slimming world. Not so much to actively lose weight more to build healthy eating habits, although I'm sure they'll tell me its ok to lose a few pounds even now. I don't see my midwife til 20th Feb though.

Thankfully I'm feeling much better now. My headaches seem to have eased up now, which means I'm sleeping better too. Although I keep waking up laid half on my belly, apparently its ok for as long as you can get comfy. It'll be impossible to sleep on your tummy well before it can cause harm to the baby. I had a little panic and did some reading as you can tell lol. Still feeling lots of movement sporadically. I woke this morning to my little boy climbing into bed shouting good morning, I rolled over and then the baby started kicking like she was saying morning too. I sooo can't wait to have her snuggled in my arms with my little boy! I mean I can wait, I don't want her to come early, I just wish the next 19 weeks will go past quickly!

I’m staying team yellow baby. Hubby had a day off work today so we went for a pub lunch but I’m so full & tired now! Literally trying to stay awake or I’ll be leaving the kids at school for the weekend haha! I’m just constantly knackered ! #yawn
Linnett, what a lovely way to start the weekend with a pub lunch! I went for a pregnancy massage today as DH booked it for me because he's away. It was lovely, really relaxing, I would recommend it to anyone! My prenatal yoga teacher said to get them weekly by the end but I would be broke pretty quickly if I followed that advice! Still, this session was worth it. She sorted out the ache in my shoulders and lower back.

They were slightly confused when I arrived as I was in a baggy t-shirt and jeans and they weren't even sure if I was pregnant or it was a booking error! By the time I lay down under a towel my belly was a bit more obvious. It's still quite small but I know I can't compare with ladies who are on baby number 2 or more and shouldn't worry about the size.

Dh is back tomorrow too so that will be nice, I've really missed him! I have my next scan on Sunday and we might be cat sitting for a friend soon too. I get to hug the cat and DH has to change the litter box, sounds like a great deal to me!
Linnett, what a lovely way to start the weekend with a pub lunch! I went for a pregnancy massage today as DH booked it for me because he's away. It was lovely, really relaxing, I would recommend it to anyone! My prenatal yoga teacher said to get them weekly by the end but I would be broke pretty quickly if I followed that advice! Still, this session was worth it. She sorted out the ache in my shoulders and lower back.

They were slightly confused when I arrived as I was in a baggy t-shirt and jeans and they weren't even sure if I was pregnant or it was a booking error! By the time I lay down under a towel my belly was a bit more obvious. It's still quite small but I know I can't compare with ladies who are on baby number 2 or more and shouldn't worry about the size.

Dh is back tomorrow too so that will be nice, I've really missed him! I have my next scan on Sunday and we might be cat sitting for a friend soon too. I get to hug the cat and DH has to change the litter box, sounds like a great deal to me!

Aww lovely Abi! This is definitely something I want to have done. I work from home as a beauty therapist so no doubt as the weeks go on my back will start to ache more. I’m not doing massages myself whilst pregnant but even doing lashes my backs aching already so deff want to take some time out & have some pregnancy massages!
Funny you should say that about cat litter, I’m made hubby do “poo patrol” today, we have 2 dogs & it’s always me picking the sh*t up so I said it’s his turn today! Lol

Soo I had my 20wk scan today, all went well and said baby is looking fine and growing well so I feel a lot more relaxed now. I got them to tell me the gender again aswell so I knew he was definitely a boy! :blue:

I’m a hairdresser Linnet and my backs starting to ache already especially if I’ve not had a proper dinner break. We’ve got our Christmas do spa day soon but I decided I didn’t want a massage, I don’t usually mind them but wasn’t feeling having one just yet but I’m sure I will the further I get!

I seen my friends baby boy who is 18days old today, it’s got me soo broody I can’t wait roll on June! X
Lovely scan pics everyone. I don’t have mine until the 5th feb! It feels like ages away.
Aww cute scan! It’s incredible how much clearer they are from the dating scan isn’t it!

Mines on the 6th Debbie. I feel like the first 12 weeks went quick & then Christmas /new year happened & I was suddenly 14 weeks but now I feel like it’s dragging. Feel like I’ve been 17 weeks for about 3 weeks lol.

Has anyone else considered a home birth? I’m seriously starting to consider it. It’s appealing to me more & more that I’ll be in the comfort of my own home, won’t have to pack a bag, won’t have a shit overnight stay in hospital, won’t have a 5 hour long discharge from hospital. This might be our last (although hubby thinks he might like one more but I say let’s get this one out the way first) so I just want to try something different incase I never do it again if that makes sense & apparently just being at home in a birth pool is so calming & the whole experience is less traumatic..

Anyone else had one or know of anyone that has?
Lovely photo smcx! Gorgeous looking face!

I told the girls Baby- the youngest just didn’t care as she was adamant it was a girl anyway- I think she thought you could choose! The eldest was very excited. :)

My midwife asked me about home birth but I live 50 mins from hospital so wouldn’t want to risk it. I don’t know anyone who has had a planned one, a few people who have had one by accident as quick babies and they all went fine and community midwife got to them and delivered. One friend was in a terraced house and the neighbours said they heard the baby cry when it came out! Xx

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