Wow so much to catch up on! I've updated the front page, I think there is only Debbie, linnet and marvellous mum to update on gender. I know you suspect girl Caz, do you want me to update to pink or leave it as yellow?
Loads of lovely scan pics, beautiful little boys and girls. I can't wait to actually see them all when they arrive
Smithy, glad your scan went well. Made me laugh that he wasn't playing ball, seems he's keeping you on your toes already! Strangely I had my 20wk scan in the same room I was given the awful news last time. My heart was in my mouth as I entered the room and laid down. Which was daft as I'd felt her and heard her heartbeat only an hour before lol.
Linnet, your bump is beautiful. So little and neat!

I'd love to have a little neat bump, mine is huge. But its still mainly bloat and excess weight I already had! My tiredness is also coming back, I feel like I've never had enough sleep no matter how well i sleep.
Bubbles, congrats on the scan and yay for another girl! Have you told your other girls yet? What was their reaction? I've had two low lying placentas, one of them only just moved out the way. This time the placenta is at the back and right at the top of the uterus. I had the same thought though. Means I won't get a tri 3 scan so won't get to see her now until she's here. Unless I pay for a 4D scan
Chrissi, hahah well he certainly wasn't shy in flashing the goods was he?! So does that mean you have 1 of each now? How did your little girl react to the news?
marvellous_mum, sorry your feeling so poorly

They do say your immune system is compromised when pregnant. So you're prone to catching everything and anything unfortunately. Doesn't help when there is absolutely nothing you can take to help alleviate symptoms

Sorry to hear your little one is poorly too, there are a lot of cough/cold viruses going around at the min. Hope your all feel better soon.
I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I just know I look and feel huge, but then I wasn't small to start with. Caz, i'm actually considering asking my midwife if I can join slimming world. Not so much to actively lose weight more to build healthy eating habits, although I'm sure they'll tell me its ok to lose a few pounds even now. I don't see my midwife til 20th Feb though.
Thankfully I'm feeling much better now. My headaches seem to have eased up now, which means I'm sleeping better too. Although I keep waking up laid half on my belly, apparently its ok for as long as you can get comfy. It'll be impossible to sleep on your tummy well before it can cause harm to the baby. I had a little panic and did some reading as you can tell lol. Still feeling lots of movement sporadically. I woke this morning to my little boy climbing into bed shouting good morning, I rolled over and then the baby started kicking like she was saying morning too. I sooo can't wait to have her snuggled in my arms with my little boy! I mean I can wait, I don't want her to come early, I just wish the next 19 weeks will go past quickly!