***June 2019 Mummies***

How was your scan Caz? Mine's tomorrow. Been having horrific nightmares about it but actually not as stressed as my 12 week even though this one is just as important. Can't wait to see little bub again xx
Thanks girls,

Good luck for your scan tomorrow - smithybaby- I’m sure everything will be fine.

Our’s was all good really, baby is still
lying awkwardly and is breech - which is fine as I’m having a c/section.
This is as the only pic we could get, they seem so reluctant to give me a pic x

I'm glad everything went well Caz, did you decide to stay team yellow? It shouldn't matter if baby is beach at this point anyway as there's plenty of time and room for them to move xx
Lovely scan Caz!

Smithy I'm having nightmares too and I don't have my doctors appointment until Sunday and I don't even get my scan booked until after that! But last night I had 2 really vivid dreams that involved messing stuff up and getting into trouble.

I think, because I haven't felt movement yet, even though logically I know that's normal for a first pregnancy especially with anterior placenta, I keep worrying that I'll get bad news. I've started knicker checking again, convinced I'll be leaking amniotic fluid even though I have no reason to think that. I don't know if it's worse that we have pretty firmly chosen our name at this point so he feels like our baby already. The 12 week scan felt much more surreal since we didn't know much about the baby and we hadn't told anyone and tried not to get our expectations up but now he feels like my little boy with a name and a family (not just parents but grandparents and aunts and uncles) and everything!
Glad scan all went ok Caz!! :) lovely to see baby again.

Sorry you are worrying Abi, I am sure all is fine. Such an anxious time before you feel kicks with the disappearance of symptoms too in tri 2. Have you heard heartbeat with midwife? I am sure you will feel kicks soon, as you say quite normal with first and anterior. Hope you feel reassured soon. Xx
Morning all,

Lovely scan pic caz. Glad all went well with the scan :) sooo are you still team yellow, or....? Lol xx

Smithybaby, good luck with your scan later. Will check in for updates and pics :)

I love that this week is going to be filled with scan pics and lovely updates! Xx

Abi, I know what you mean about the worry but it doesn't stop once you feel movement! Because there so small still they can get into positions that make it harder to feel movement! Then the worry peaks again :smile: least that's how it goes for me. Although when there in prime position its awesome, I saw my first movement last night in the bath! She did one big kick/move and it flexed my abdo, tried to record more movements but apparently she's camera shy as she stopped moving all together then lol

I had an awful dream last night. I woke (in the dream) to find I was bleeding and losing clots :( it's the first bad dream I've had in ages. Hate stuff like that, brings back all my anxiety.

Don't you just wish you could float through pregnancy unaware of any risks etc
Lovely scan Caz!

Smithy I'm having nightmares too and I don't have my doctors appointment until Sunday and I don't even get my scan booked until after that! But last night I had 2 really vivid dreams that involved messing stuff up and getting into trouble.

I think, because I haven't felt movement yet, even though logically I know that's normal for a first pregnancy especially with anterior placenta, I keep worrying that I'll get bad news. I've started knicker checking again, convinced I'll be leaking amniotic fluid even though I have no reason to think that. I don't know if it's worse that we have pretty firmly chosen our name at this point so he feels like our baby already. The 12 week scan felt much more surreal since we didn't know much about the baby and we hadn't told anyone and tried not to get our expectations up but now he feels like my little boy with a name and a family (not just parents but grandparents and aunts and uncles) and everything!

Abi I am exactly the same, I’ve still not felt mine move and my gender scan said I had anterior placenta. But it still makes you worry doesn’t it? Im not having nightmares but my heads going into overdrive. Luckily I only have til Friday to wait. Everyone tells you not to worry but it’s so hard when you’ve never been through it all before x
That's amazing that you can already see the movement baby, does that mean that other people can feel it too? I can't wait until DH can feel the movement, I think that will make it even more real for him. That dream sounds awful though. At least my nightmares haven't been pregnancy related. Last night I had a dream I stuffed up at work and my boss was Darth Vader! So it's easy to laugh about it once I wake up, I hate those real dreams that linger and scare me once I wake up.

Bubbles, I have heard the heartbeat 3 times now at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 13 weeks all about 140-150bpm but it has been ages since then. I tried to convince DH to invest in a doppler but he isn't sure, he doesn't think that ordinary people should try and be doctors with the help of Google and he's probably right that I would spend the rest of my pregnancy trying to find a heartbeat.

And your right with symptoms disappearing. I have randomly thrown up every other day but when I'm not actively throwing up I feel fine. I thought I would be thrilled the sickness is getting better!

I guess it doesn't help that I don't know what i'm feeling for with movement. I've heard everything from bubbles, popcorn popping to goldfish swimming around as what it's meant to feel like but I haven't felt anything like that so far. I have felt some odd pains but that could be anything really, probably just gas. I'll just have to deal with the stress until Sunday and then I'll have my appointment and hopefully see my baby again soon.

I'm looking forward to lots of good news and scan pics from all the ladies going this week to keep me sane! Smcx I'm looking forward to hearing all about your scan Friday!
Hi girls,
Thanks for the lovely comments x
At the end of scan they hinted it might be a little girl but they didn’t have a proper check or usually they give you a percentage- what do you all think?
We already have 4 daughters so I be quite shocked if it wasn’t another girl.
Im just bit anxious about the c/section itself - just more risks this time around x

Abi- hope your reassured soon, your only 17 weeks so hopefully your notice movements soon - I’ve got anterior and tend to feel low down movements but they are starting to get stronger as baby is starting to move up x
Hubby felt baby last week, on my birthday no less. She was having a good fidget about so told him to see if he could feel anything. He couldn't feel the little wiggles but then she did an alight nudge and he felt that. That's the only time though, she's a bit hit and miss with her movements. Sometimes she doesn't keep still, then other days barely anything at all. I worry on the latter days, have to remind myself that she's so small still she still has plenty of hinding places.

Darth vader as a boss, that does sound scary lol! I don't generally have many nightmares, but when I do they are usually realistic and usually encompass my worse fears :( the mind is cruel sometimes.

Caz, I'm going to guess girl. Just becasue we need a few more girls to even the score out lol. Do you think you'll have chance to have another look, or are you just going to wait and find out at birth? If your worried about the csection mention it to your midwife, they might be able to reassure you. Have you had a section before? X
Hubby felt baby last week, on my birthday no less. She was having a good fidget about so told him to see if he could feel anything. He couldn't feel the little wiggles but then she did an alight nudge and he felt that. That's the only time though, she's a bit hit and miss with her movements. Sometimes she doesn't keep still, then other days barely anything at all. I worry on the latter days, have to remind myself that she's so small still she still has plenty of hinding places.

Darth vader as a boss, that does sound scary lol! I don't generally have many nightmares, but when I do they are usually realistic and usually encompass my worse fears :( the mind is cruel sometimes.

Caz, I'm going to guess girl. Just becasue we need a few more girls to even the score out lol. Do you think you'll have chance to have another look, or are you just going to wait and find out at birth? If your worried about the csection mention it to your midwife, they might be able to reassure you. Have you had a section before? X

Happy birthday for yesterday- how lovely for hubby to feel too- hope you had a lovely day x I got my proper big movement on New Year’s Eve just before midnight.

I’m pretty certain that it is a girl!
I do have a scan at 34 weeks and then consultant will book me in for my section - I’ve spoke to the consultant about my worries as this will be my 5th section and she has checked all my notes - I do have a lot of tissue that can cause problems and last time my bladder was pushed up so there are few more risks this time - think the plan is to deliver baby little early x
Well here he is. 19.5 weeks and absolutely perfectly fine. All those horrid miscarriage and bleeding nightmares were not true. He was very naughty again and required many walks around the ward to flip him into position. So glad he is fine though. Weirdly same scan room I had my miscarriage results and sepsis results... But this time back there for a very happy reason. So all in all very happy today. How is everyone? I have a stinking cold and cough but even that's not getting me down xx

Congrats Smithy!!! Lovely news! And how lovely that you can now associate that room with something so positive and happy!! :) xx
So pleased everything is well Smithy- such a lovely scan pic x

Good luck tomorrow bubbles xx
Hey ladies! Loving the scan pics & glad to see all scans going perfect & all the worries gradually going, although I don’t think they properly do until the babies safely delivered & healthy do they?! I’ve only felt the odd very small movement so can’t wait to feel proper ones just to put my mind at ease a little.
Glad to hear everyone else is feeling rather large now too! Everyday my daughter says “mum your bellies getting massive!” Ha. Thought I’d post the below pic as I did this comparison yesterday. I’m so glad I’ve taken pics regularly as you don’t realise how much you’ve grown until you put the pictures side by side. I’ve put on a stone in total so far, how about everyone else?

Smithy I'm so glad your scan went well. It must have been such a relief! Even if he didn't want to cooperate!

Linnett your bump looks great! You really have the glow that people talt about and you look so happy!
It’s a..... GIRL!!! <3:pink::bump:

I can’t wait to tell my other girls, they will be so excited! The scongrapher was very careful how she worded it and said it is 100% but she had a good look and I thought she was a she :)

Scan went well and all measuring good! First time I’ve not had to go back for low lying placenta so prob won’t see our little girl till she is born now. Xx

It’s a..... GIRL!!! <3:pink::bump:

I can’t wait to tell my other girls, they will be so excited! The scongrapher was very careful how she worded it and said it is 100% but she had a good look and I thought she was a she :)

Scan went well and all measuring good! First time I’ve not had to go back for low lying placenta so prob won’t see our little girl till she is born now. Xx

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So happy for you!!
Such a good pic of her. Aww your girls your going be so excited. That’s such a relief about the placenta!
Sounds like you had a good scongrapher too xx
Hi ladies I had my gender scan yesterday and little one was one chilled out baby! Have a guess at what you think it is :cheer:


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