***June 2019 Mummies***

Oh, and we need to give her a name of course - we're no closer to deciding on that! Xx
Thanks ladies, work just got to me this week by causing massive issues with my maternity pay and not hiring me back next year. But I'm over it now and things will sort themselves out.
Exciting! Lots of scans in the week ahead :)
There were so many prams and car seats to choose from. In the end I did loads of online research and used the employee in mothercare to demonstrate everything haha. In fairness he was great. I insisted on isofix in the car and a pram that we could swap the car seat in and out of the frame. Very pleased. And of course navy blue for a boy!

Sod work Smithy, it’s there loss & everything will work out fine for you.

Which pram did you get ? We got the mothercare Orb which I love so much! I just think it’s so clever!
Hey ladies, glad to hear you're all doing ok and looking forward to all the scans next week! I spent yesterday evening in hospital due to a problem with my stitch threads, which was rubbish but my cervix is still doing fine and baby is great, they confirmed she's definitely a girl and I feel her move loads more now.

I'm feeling like she's going to be here in no time, I suppose I need to be ready for any time from 26 weeks so that really doesn't feel like long! We've got most things from having our son - we've got the armadillo flip xt travel system Smcx and really like it, we've also got the Next2Me, Moses basket, breast pump etc and I did loads of clothes shopping the other day and brought loads of gorgeous baby grows in Marks and Spencers and dress in John Lewis and Debenhams, I went completely overboard but made a killing in the sales! So, I think I'm not far off being ready - apart from nappies, water wipes, nipple cream and things, but most of that stuff I can get in a supermarket shop so I'm not too worried xx

Oh noo, but that’s good she’s doing great. Sounds like you’ve got very prepared! I love baby shopping it’s so exciting to finally do it!
I think the armadillo is the one my friend has and fit in my car perfectly.

What nappies is everyone going for? I got a few packs from aldi in there baby sale because I heard there very good x
I can’t keep up! Hope everyone is doing ok.

I have my pram from last time so I don’t need another one. Hoping to keep my daughter in the pram and use a carrier for the baby.

We use Aldi nappies but also cloth nappies on days she’s not at nursery or with my mum. My mum usually only buys brands (pampers) but actually loves the Aldi nappies.
Sod work Smithy, it’s there loss & everything will work out fine for you.

Which pram did you get ? We got the mothercare Orb which I love so much! I just think it’s so clever!

Thanks hun. That's how I feel now - sod them!
We got the mothercare journey edit. It came with free nappy changing bag, changes from pram to pushchair and with a free carry cot and we are able to use the joie car seat in the same frame. It packs really small and easily which is great for my KA but the isofix fits in OHs Volvo. We bought it last week and pick it up today. Buzzing to have it in the house. Feels so real. We also decided on nursery furniture aswell.
We aren't too bothered with clothes as I am the first in the family and of my friends so expecting lots of gifts. Already had loads for Christmas. Just focusing on the massive items now.
I can’t keep up! Hope everyone is doing ok.

I have my pram from last time so I don’t need another one. Hoping to keep my daughter in the pram and use a carrier for the baby.

We use Aldi nappies but also cloth nappies on days she’s not at nursery or with my mum. My mum usually only buys brands (pampers) but actually loves the Aldi nappies.

I've heard really good things about Aldi nappies! Also think they have a baby event on atm?
We are trying to decide on a pram at the moment too. Looking at the Uppababy cruz as the bassinet is safe for overnight sleep so we can use that instead of a moses basket for the first couple of months as we live in a 1 bedroom apartment and our lease isn't up until August so things could be quite cramped until we move.
Yep there’s a baby sale event on at Aldi atm, we got the tomee tippee nappy Bon and refills from there too aswell as other few bits. I’ve not really looked into the bin but had a few people tell me there good and my mum wanted to get it for me.

I’m the same smithy first in my side of the family so expecting gifts too so I’ve only bought 4 bits of clothing myself! X
We use Aldi nappies at the moment with our soon and they're great but I seem to remember them not doing a prem size so needing to buy Pampers when he was newborn so I'll need to look into that again. We also tried the cloth nappies but couldn't get on with them when he was tiny and were then in the swing of disposables so never went back to them xx
Hey all! Hope you all doing ok.

Anyone got any recommendations for thrush? It won’t go! I’ve tried canneston cream for a week and tried pessary yesterday but just getting worse :( I only get it in pregnancy but it’s awlful! A friend told me use natural yoghurt on the area, but not sure how I feel about that! Haha. Xx
Lots of scans happening this week! Can't wait to see the scan photos.

I've still not bought a single thing, you ladies are so organised. I do have a the pram already which is stored at my mums. That was bought in a previous pregnancy.

I'm not been on in a while. I've felt like death :( had an on going headache for days now. Went to the gp today and he suspects I'm suffering with cluster headache but there is absolutely nothing they can do while I'm pregnant. He's given me a low dose of codeine to take when I need to. But I'm reluctant to take them :( and my BP was high at 140/90 so need to keep an eye on that. So generally feeling like rubbish. On the plus baby girl is wiggling away :) so she's happy enough in there lol xx
Hey all! Hope you all doing ok.

Anyone got any recommendations for thrush? It won’t go! I’ve tried canneston cream for a week and tried pessary yesterday but just getting worse :( I only get it in pregnancy but it’s awlful! A friend told me use natural yoghurt on the area, but not sure how I feel about that! Haha. Xx

I've also read that natural yogurt is good for thrush. And cotton knickers. If it I was you though I'd probably nip to the GPs, maybe see a nurse? It could be a case if bacterial vaginoses, which will be why the fungal cream isn't helping. As BV is bacterial so will need antibiotics xxx
Sorry have no idea about thrush. I just know I had a ridiculously itchy foof in the first tri. Not fun at all. Luckily mine went away on it's own.

Baby.3 oh my gosh those headaches are the worst! I get them so bad. Just take it easy and try not to get stressed out xxx
I’ve been struggling with headaches and migraines too. I was signed off sick in my last pregnancy for them. I would do again this time as sitting in front of a computer all day makes it even worse!
Hope you ladies are feeling better today.

I got my scan this afternoon - I was
going to stay team yellow but think I’ve changed my mind- well if baby co operates - it’s just nice to be able to get organised and buy a few pink bits!
Looking forward to hearing all the scan updates this week x
Oh sorry so many ladies are suffering with headaches/migraines. I suffer with migraines normally, touch wood I've not hand one yet this pregnancy. Really hope I don't get one as I'll not be able to take my normal meds.

I've woken up this morning with a dull head but no pain, for the first time in almost a week. I feel like a new woman lol. And I managed to sleep really well last night too. Only thing is I still feel drained today, like I coukd sleep for another few hours. BP has come down too now 116/81, fingers crossed it stays that way now.

Caz, good luck with your scan today can't wait to see your update and scan pic! Eek wonder if yiur team pink or blue. We could do with some more pink bundles (no pressure :D lol)

If anyone else knows the sex of their baby and I've not updated the front page let me know and I'll update it :)
Oh no rubbish about the headaches and migraines some of you are getting! Luckily I’ve not had anything like that but I’ve been really constipated the last few days but it’s finally easing up.

I’m off to doctors later to get my whooping cough jab so I’m going to mention it to the nurse then.

I bought my pram last night, went for an ickle bubble stomp v4 in khaki. I have an obsession with khaki so it’s perfect for me I love it!

I’m so glad it’s finally scan week!! I just want it to be Friday so I know he’s doing okay x

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