Thanks ladies, work just got to me this week by causing massive issues with my maternity pay and not hiring me back next year. But I'm over it now and things will sort themselves out.
Exciting! Lots of scans in the week ahead
There were so many prams and car seats to choose from. In the end I did loads of online research and used the employee in mothercare to demonstrate everything haha. In fairness he was great. I insisted on isofix in the car and a pram that we could swap the car seat in and out of the frame. Very pleased. And of course navy blue for a boy!
Hey ladies, glad to hear you're all doing ok and looking forward to all the scans next week! I spent yesterday evening in hospital due to a problem with my stitch threads, which was rubbish but my cervix is still doing fine and baby is great, they confirmed she's definitely a girl and I feel her move loads more now.
I'm feeling like she's going to be here in no time, I suppose I need to be ready for any time from 26 weeks so that really doesn't feel like long! We've got most things from having our son - we've got the armadillo flip xt travel system Smcx and really like it, we've also got the Next2Me, Moses basket, breast pump etc and I did loads of clothes shopping the other day and brought loads of gorgeous baby grows in Marks and Spencers and dress in John Lewis and Debenhams, I went completely overboard but made a killing in the sales! So, I think I'm not far off being ready - apart from nappies, water wipes, nipple cream and things, but most of that stuff I can get in a supermarket shop so I'm not too worried xx
Sod work Smithy, it’s there loss & everything will work out fine for you.
Which pram did you get ? We got the mothercare Orb which I love so much! I just think it’s so clever!
I can’t keep up! Hope everyone is doing ok.
I have my pram from last time so I don’t need another one. Hoping to keep my daughter in the pram and use a carrier for the baby.
We use Aldi nappies but also cloth nappies on days she’s not at nursery or with my mum. My mum usually only buys brands (pampers) but actually loves the Aldi nappies.
Hey all! Hope you all doing ok.
Anyone got any recommendations for thrush? It won’t go! I’ve tried canneston cream for a week and tried pessary yesterday but just getting worseI only get it in pregnancy but it’s awlful! A friend told me use natural yoghurt on the area, but not sure how I feel about that! Haha. Xx