***June 2019 Mummies***

Haha! This made me laugh! I’m constantly saying to my husband that I dread to think what the house would be like if god forbid something happened to me. Thing is because I work from home he just assumes I’ll do it all which I guess I do & I only end up going over anything he does do anyway as it’s not to my liking. I’m sure they play on that! If they seem crap at something they won’t have to do it lol! Men :clap::rotfl:

Oh my god, if anything happened to me they'd happily live in a pig sty, I'm not even joking. I literally have to lose my mind and start nagging before he'll think to push the hoover round! Then he half assed does it, so I think I might as well do the damn thing myself! Lol men

Just been to do my shopping and I almost lost my shit with an old lady. I'm not normally confrontational when it comes to strangers (save that for the family ). But this lady just didn't give a care in the world. Shop was so busy and full of idiots who just leave there trolly while they go two isles over to get something they forgot, or just stand in the middle if the Isle for a chat! Anyway, I was stood just off side to the check out trying to get round the latter group of people. Then this old lady bumps her trolly into me, so I try to step out the way, only to be great by another full force trolly ram to the hip again... Before I could think I announced that if her trolly touch my hip again I'd shove it back into hers! No apology from her, she just tutted and clipped my heel as she shoved pass! How I didn't throw her into her trolly and wheel her out thr door I do not know!

Anyway, I now feel like I need a brew and possibly a week of angry management as I'm still raging lol
I have an anterior placenta too and not felt anything. No matter how much people tell me it's normal to not feel anything yet especially with the first baby it's still stressful isn't it, especially when the early pregnancy symptoms are going or have gone. It's a good idea to text if you can just to get some reassurance, as you say it's almost certainly nothing but it's better to be sure so you don't have to worry.

Yup it is stressful! She said as long as I’m not vomiting it got a temp not to worry so fingers crossed it passes!
Oh no baby I’d be raging too!! I hate food shopping we’ve got to go tonight and I really can’t be bothered already!

I really love this forum it’s so nice to be able to speak to people who are going through it all at the same time and not feel like your being annoying questioning things.
This morning I told my friends about my toilet issue, and one of them just told me to stop panicking and said she’s not known anyone to panic like I do! I could feel myself welling up when I read it. It’s so hard when everyone’s already got kids and I’m now going through this but it was ages ago for them. Obviously I’m going to question everything that’s going on with my body and what’s normal and what’s not and worry!! Rant over haha

On a good note I’ve booked in at mamas and papas to try one of the prams/travel systems in my car on Tuesday.. exciting!!
I'd have twated her one baby. I feel your anger to, some people are just assholes.

Well I have a 50/50 day. In the type of person that once I have a bee in my bonnet I will Witter for hours.
So my scan, first time of meeting my consultant. I dont like him. He asked about my issue, contradicted me, but actually had no idea what my condition meant. Asked do I want an amnio. Asked why. So I said unless he gives me a reason to then no.
Did the scan, baby is perfect. The back fold has gone down, everything is perfect. He indicated the sex then refused to confirm it, so only 75% sure.
He then proceeded to badger me about an amnio, was quite relentless. I told him no. A nd has given me no reason to think baby is ill, an amnio would only tell me if baby has my genetic problem, won't tell me what problem itl actually cause. Then proceeded to tell me he doesn't want me to get to get to 33 weeks and find out the issue.... there is no indication of an issue and even if there was, unless it's life ending I'm not gunna abort my baby.
I guess he was just trying to be sure as he has no clue about my problem, that was clear.
So good in the sense baby is perfect, bad in the sense consultant made me feel my decision was a bad one.
Marvellous mum, I don't even know what to say! What an absolute nightmare. Can you not request a different consultant, maybe the same one you had with your other children. Or even one who understands your condition would be useful. I can't believe he insinuated that you'd even consider terminating the pregnancy at 33 weeks, baffles the brain. I'm with you on the no amnio, if there is no physical evidence of any abnormality I wouldn't have the amnio either. Why would you take the risk if you didn't have too!

Glad the scan showed everything is well with baby. What did he indicate the sex to be?! Will you be having the 20 wk check, hopefully you can have babies health and sex confirmed then

I agree with baby, if you can get a different consultant I would try to do so. This one sounds so rude, you could definitely kick up a fuss about his bedside manner and get someone else. At least then if they suggest an amnio they should be able to say why they think you need one. What an inconsiderate thing to say and to push for an amnio without giving you a reason to do so is ridiculous. Does he recommend an amnio to every pregnant woman? What a waste of time.

Do they not tell you the sex when they aren't 100% in the UK then? I feel like I found out really early on, I would be livid if I thought the doctors knew and wouldn't tell me.

My sickness is back again tonight, I think it's linked to stress, DH is away next week with work going to a country where he will need armed security. Not the first time he's been but I feel so stressed about it. I've booked lots of pregnancy yoga and a pregnancy massage next weekend to try to distract myself but it's hard. He might have to go back several times in the next few month too.
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I can't change him, but I will be giving him hell next time. I was very clear when I said no.
He said when he measured the legs ooo that's a girl, and referred to girl a few times but when I asked him to check properly he back tracked and said hel check next time at 20 weeks as 16 weeks is too early.... bull. I could see girl aswell Tbh.
My old consultant is back at my old city 200 miles away.
I dont know if he was just trying to cover his ass with asking about amnio incase baby does have problems. But we're not talking once or twice. We're talking multiple.
Glad scan all went well Baby!

Oh men! What a nightmare! Mine has got back from his holiday and this morning was his first morning back and we were late! I had managed to do everything on time while he was away. I thought he would make my life easier.... haha. Xxx
Think I must have missed one of your posts Marvellous! Sounds like you had a horrible consultant. They are all so inconsiderate. My fellow pregnant work friend had an appt a few days ago and the consultant comes out shouting for a Steven... in maternity! Finally a lady said “Im Stephanie” And he just looked back at his pad and said “yes... Stephanie” no apologies! What a wally! Makes you wonder with how long they have to train what they actually do! Xx
Oh Marvellous he sounds like a right nightmare how annoying! But glad everything showed baby is well! X
Feeling better after a good night's sleep.
I'm not gunna allow anyone to dampen down the fact my baby was growing perfectly.
Was tempted to buy the cutest dress yesterday.... knowing my luck shel grow a Willy in the.next 4 weeks haha

I just need to relax now. Feel like all I do is moan, or have drama around this pregnancy. Was hoping for a calm chilled out one.
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Hey all,
Sorry I haven't posted much I've felt really down in the dumps and low and haven't wanted to bring my misery upon the group.
Baby, that scan is just lovely, congrats. Glad she is perfectly fine and everything is good.
Marvellous, just focus on the positive and ignore that idiot. Honestly, so docs just don't have a clue. I've had to explain my thyroid issues multiple times cause they never get it. You know what you want so stick by your guns and give him what for next time.
Smc, I know what you mean about friends not getting it. None of mine have children even though we are all over 30 and none of my siblings do either. Sometimes it can feel really lonely so it's nice being able to talk here.

I'm okay mostly. Baby seems well when I listen in on the doppler but my 20 week scan is on Wednesday. Hoping all is fine. We bought our pram and car seat from mothercare as they've had massive sales on so very excited now xx
Hope your okay Smithy! Hormones are a bitch!! I feel like I’m getting dead anxious now and I think it’s because I’ve got my 20wk scan on Friday. So I’m the same hoping all is fine and growing well. It’s hard when people say don’t panic and stuff cos you just can’t help it.

Exciting about the pram though! I’ve seen a few in there I like but it’s them fitting in my car that’s my issue. But I’m looking forward to hopefully getting mine on Tuesday! X
I’ve got my scan Thursday and I’ll be finding out sex so we have a scan a day- wed, thurs and Friday! Exciting times! Any one else got theirs next week?

I’ve been feeling hormones today, spent afternoon in bed just sobbing with massive head ache and feel really dizzy. I always suffer with low blood pressure so I reckon it might just be lower and making me feel rubbish!

Sorry to hear you feeling low smithy. But prams sound exciting! Xxx
Thanks ladies, work just got to me this week by causing massive issues with my maternity pay and not hiring me back next year. But I'm over it now and things will sort themselves out.
Exciting! Lots of scans in the week ahead :)
There were so many prams and car seats to choose from. In the end I did loads of online research and used the employee in mothercare to demonstrate everything haha. In fairness he was great. I insisted on isofix in the car and a pram that we could swap the car seat in and out of the frame. Very pleased. And of course navy blue for a boy!
Oh nooo! That’s rubbish, but your right things will sort themselves out :-)

Sounds similar to what I’m looking at at mamas and papas. I love the navy colours there lovely, think we might be just going for black unless there is an option for a different colour. All very exciting!

Very exciting we’re all now starting to reach the 20wk mile stone!!:cheer:
Hi everyone,

Glad you all your scans have gone well and lovely pic baby. Marvellious hopefully your consultant will be much better next time, mine actually seems really good so I’m grateful- I also have genetic history- so glad that everything is looking well for you.

Bubbles love flower names - looking forward to see what you choose this time- we are going be so stuck for names if we have another girl as there is none that we can agree on - our scan is on Tuesday!

Which prams have you ladies brought or planning to buy? I haven’t started baby shopping yet but the weeks are starting to fly xx
I’m looking at the mamas and papas flip xt travel bundle they’ve got it on sale at the moment and I tried a friends mamas and papas one which fit in the boot of my car so this one should to fingers crossed!! Xx
I’m looking at the mamas and papas flip xt travel bundle they’ve got it on sale at the moment and I tried a friends mamas and papas one which fit in the boot of my car so this one should to fingers crossed!! Xx
Lovely I looked at this one last time, it seemed really lovely to push- sounds like your getting a good deal with being in the sale x
Hey ladies, glad to hear you're all doing ok and looking forward to all the scans next week! I spent yesterday evening in hospital due to a problem with my stitch threads, which was rubbish but my cervix is still doing fine and baby is great, they confirmed she's definitely a girl and I feel her move loads more now.

I'm feeling like she's going to be here in no time, I suppose I need to be ready for any time from 26 weeks so that really doesn't feel like long! We've got most things from having our son - we've got the armadillo flip xt travel system Smcx and really like it, we've also got the Next2Me, Moses basket, breast pump etc and I did loads of clothes shopping the other day and brought loads of gorgeous baby grows in Marks and Spencers and dress in John Lewis and Debenhams, I went completely overboard but made a killing in the sales! So, I think I'm not far off being ready - apart from nappies, water wipes, nipple cream and things, but most of that stuff I can get in a supermarket shop so I'm not too worried xx

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