***June 2019 Mummies***

Marvellous, why woukd you think something is wrong? What happened at the NT scan?

I get the worry though, I still have days where I find it hard to relax. I have my anomaly scan today, and like you I'm terrified that the world is going to come crashing down around me. I even got my doppler out this morning to check I could still hear her... Which is mental as I can feel her moving about now. But I'd convinced myself it could have been gas :/

Hope your scan tomorrow brings you some reassurance xx
Marvellous, why woukd you think something is wrong? What happened at the NT scan?

I get the worry though, I still have days where I find it hard to relax. I have my anomaly scan today, and like you I'm terrified that the world is going to come crashing down around me. I even got my doppler out this morning to check I could still hear her... Which is mental as I can feel her moving about now. But I'd convinced myself it could have been gas :/

Hope your scan tomorrow brings you some reassurance xx
Baby had a larger NT fold, plus I carry a genetic problem so my risk of a poorly baby us higher than normal.
Oh I understand now why you'd be worried. Have you not had your results for your combined screening? Where your other children high risk for abnormality too? It must be very worrying when your told you have a genetic issue that may affect baby. Hope tomorrow comes round quick for you. What time is it tomorrow? X
Oh I understand now why you'd be worried. Have you not had your results for your combined screening? Where your other children high risk for abnormality too? It must be very worrying when your told you have a genetic issue that may affect baby. Hope tomorrow comes round quick for you. What time is it tomorrow? X
Yes but the results only cover downs and tri 13/18.
I was high risk for my other 2, but no problem was even picked up and both genetically perfect. This one likes to keep me on my toes. Lol
Its at 10am. But got consultant after, so prob be there a while lol.
I hope it goes well tomorrow Marvellous.

Whens your scan baby?

I just had my 16 week midwife appointment and heard the heartbeat, so I know there’s definitely a baby in there. I was worrying as I haven’t felt anything yet. My lightheadedness and seeing stars is due to my blood pressure 100/56. I need to keep eating and drinking. And the pins and needles in my hands is likely to be carpel tunnel. But all went well and now I won’t see her again until 28 weeks. It feels ages away!
Does anyone have a clue about shared parental leave? I’m trying to read the guidance from work and I’m getting more and more confused!
I hope it goes well tomorrow Marvellous.

Whens your scan baby?

I just had my 16 week midwife appointment and heard the heartbeat, so I know there’s definitely a baby in there. I was worrying as I haven’t felt anything yet. My lightheadedness and seeing stars is due to my blood pressure 100/56. I need to keep eating and drinking. And the pins and needles in my hands is likely to be carpel tunnel. But all went well and now I won’t see her again until 28 weeks. It feels ages away!

I had mine today too. Also heard heartbeat. 136bpm. No better sound. I felt proper little kicks last night, or punches. 4 consecutive little nudges, just came out of nowhere, I was so shocked! As I’m typing this actually I can feel a sort of pulling feeling to the right of my tummy so I imagine he/she is rolling around. I’m sure it won’t be long until you can feel yours too.
I see midwife again at 26 weeks & that’s when she said she’ll start measurements. Like you say, it does sound so long away but then again my first appointment was at 9 weeks & second one today at 16 weeks & it doesn’t actually seem that long so hopefully it’ll be the same next time. And we’ll have the 20 week scan to break it up also :)
Hope it goes well tomorrow Marvellous.

I’m on iron tablets and a lot of people told me to be careful I don’t get constipated and I’ve done well so far not being. Yesterday I felt quite bloated and got like a trapped wind feeling in my belly every now and then. Came home and managed to go to the toilet fine. Then this morning I had Diarrhea, no belly ache or anything. Then again just now after my tea, but no belly ache or anything. Sorry for the tmi! Has anyone else had this?
Hope all went well today baby and good luck tomorrow Marvellous!!

Sorry smcx I’ve not experienced this, did you eat something which could have set it off or had something bit spiced or more oily maybe? Hope it clears up now and you don’t get anymore xx
Ooo, could be a boy's heart beat Linnett
I'm not taking iron Smcx so can't comment but my toilet routines have been all over the place!
Hello ladies,

Sorry for the late update. I went for my scan at 2pm, visited both sets of parents then passed out in bed for 3 hours. I've had a terrible headache all day :(

Linnett, apparently lower beats per min is meant to be an indication of having a boy ;) yay, for feeling nudges! Now you've felt them you'll notice them more and more often. I'm currently laid in bed and can feel my little girl squirming away its an awesome feeling isn't it?

Smcx, I'm not on iron tablets but my bowel movements have definitely changed. I was constipated in tri 1 and only going every 3 days ish. This tri I've been the opposite, I've been twice today alone!

Debbie, can't help with the shared parental thing, sorry. But yay fir hearing babies heartbeat, it's so reassuring when your in that inbetween phase. Not suffering tri 1 symptoms but not feeling movements yet. Hopefully you'll soon start feeling those little flutters or nudges.

My next appointment is in Feb at 25weeks - technically not suppose to be til 28 weeks but due to my history they've said they'll see me at 25 weeks just as a check/reassurance. Then GTT at 28 weeks, and consultant app at 32 weeks. Then I'm not sure what happens after that. It use to be every fortnight from 32 weeks til 38 weeks then weekly there after. But that coukd all have changed :/

Anyway, had the scan today. All measuring correctly, everything where its suppose to be. And she's definitely a she lol. She's was getting into dome right funny positions. Practically bent hersf in half, with her feet up in front of her face! Managed to get a semi decent pic of her. You can see her little Button nose hopefully the pic will upload. (apologies if it's a massive pic, I'm using my phone and don't know how to check sizing) xxc

Baby that's a great scan picture, she's really big now! I was surprised by the change between 7 weeks and 12 weeks but I guess they are growing even more to the 20 week scan!

I had my work Christmas party last night. It was really nice chatting with everyone when it isn't so hectic as it is at work. It was the first night I've actually felt like going out for months. It was going really well, I didn't eat a lot but no sickness and even was dancing with my colleagues until some idiot crashed into our table and spilled an entire pint over me. As soon as I smelled the alcohol I felt so sick. The idiot ran away and his girlfriend was left apologising and trying to hug me to say sorry, both were pretty hammered. I really didn't want to be hugged and in the end had to explain that I was pregnant and the alcohol smell would make me be sick on her if she didn't let go! I managed to make the cab ride home without being sick as it was only 10 minutes but was then sick so violently that I peed a little! Isn't pregnancy a dream!

I'm feeling much better this morning though. 16w 3d and I think the sickness really is getting better now so long as I stay away from people smoking and prats who spill beer on me! Then I start worrying that something is wrong because I don't feel sick any more. I can't wait to feel the baby start to move, then I can reassure myself that he's still there. Just over a week until my doctors appointment when I get to see him again and then the doctor can organise me getting sent back to radiology for the proper 20 week scan!
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Glad you got to see her and everything’s okay baby.

Oh no Abi I’d be the same id of thrown up too!!

I have my scan a week today I really want it to hurry up! Especially as I seem to still have off toilet trips!! Sorry for the tmi. I think at the back of my head aswell I’m worrying a little cos I don’t think I’ve felt baby move but my gender scan said I have an anterior placenta so maybe that’s why. Think I might text my midwife today just to let her know about the toilet issue see what she thinks. Cos I feel perfectly fine still.
Glad you got to see her and everything’s okay baby.

Oh no Abi I’d be the same id of thrown up too!!

I have my scan a week today I really want it to hurry up! Especially as I seem to still have off toilet trips!! Sorry for the tmi. I think at the back of my head aswell I’m worrying a little cos I don’t think I’ve felt baby move but my gender scan said I have an anterior placenta so maybe that’s why. Think I might text my midwife today just to let her know about the toilet issue see what she thinks. Cos I feel perfectly fine still.

I have an anterior placenta too and not felt anything. No matter how much people tell me it's normal to not feel anything yet especially with the first baby it's still stressful isn't it, especially when the early pregnancy symptoms are going or have gone. It's a good idea to text if you can just to get some reassurance, as you say it's almost certainly nothing but it's better to be sure so you don't have to worry.
When you're having one of those mornings.
Kids are playing up. Husband is a grump, and Iv got an awful upset stomach.
Running round like a headless chicken trying to get everything ready and sorted so we can get out on time.
I've woken with yeat another headache. Went to bed last night at 8pm. Left OH to sort the kids etc. Woke for an hour at about 11/12 but went straight back to sleep... Which of course means that nothing was done. Come down to toys all over the front room, kitchen a mess, he'd had even put the dishwasher on :( so note to self, don't get poorly again and assume OH can run a house.

Anterior placenta absolutely mask baby movements. My friend had an anterior placenta and she didn't feel baby until about 24 weeks!. My placenta is posteria and super high, right at the top of my uterus. Which for me makes a massive change as I normally have placenta previa, which eventually moves out the way but needs monitoring. So it's nice to know the placenta is playing ball and making things a little easier for me lol

I had to do my weekly shopping today and really can't be bother :(
I've woken with yeat another headache. Went to bed last night at 8pm. Left OH to sort the kids etc. Woke for an hour at about 11/12 but went straight back to sleep... Which of course means that nothing was done. Come down to toys all over the front room, kitchen a mess, he'd had even put the dishwasher on :( so note to self, don't get poorly again and assume OH can run a house.

Anterior placenta absolutely mask baby movements. My friend had an anterior placenta and she didn't feel baby until about 24 weeks!. My placenta is posteria and super high, right at the top of my uterus. Which for me makes a massive change as I normally have placenta previa, which eventually moves out the way but needs monitoring. So it's nice to know the placenta is playing ball and making things a little easier for me lol

I had to do my weekly shopping today and really can't be bother :(

Haha! This made me laugh! I’m constantly saying to my husband that I dread to think what the house would be like if god forbid something happened to me. Thing is because I work from home he just assumes I’ll do it all which I guess I do & I only end up going over anything he does do anyway as it’s not to my liking. I’m sure they play on that! If they seem crap at something they won’t have to do it lol! Men :clap::rotfl:
When you're having one of those mornings.
Kids are playing up. Husband is a grump, and Iv got an awful upset stomach.
Running round like a headless chicken trying to get everything ready and sorted so we can get out on time.

I can only keep my fingers crossed that one of those gets better for you - the upset stomach ! The other things (playing up kids & grumpy husband) can’t be altered haha

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