*** June 2015 Mummies ***

Thank you for your reply ladies x I called the hospital and they really wanted me to come in. So here I am after 1 hour of monitoring,which was all fine, and an examination which ended up in him saying I am to stay in overnight. Feel sad that my poor baby is at home and I am here x hopefully as soon as her daddy gets home she will be in bed with him!
Hope everyone else is okay tonight x
I dont know Pismo, in my situation they seem eager for me to get my vbac which is encouraging and because I'm favourable their trying to get things going the best they can. I dont know if thats the norm, every one seems to be getting them at diff stages.

Hope your ok merlin, did they say why you were being kept in? Is it just for more monitoring?x
Glad they are keeping an eye on you merlin, bleeding in the late stages of pregnancy isn't 'normal' and therefore if you notice it its always best to ring up and see what they say. Again, fingers crossed all is ok!!

HH - for some reason I thought we could only have a max of three, will ask for one at every appointment I have now :) However, I just fee like my body is sooooo far from being labour ready, its almost in hibernation mode. I don't even feel pregnant anymore (just slightly heavier out front with the occasional kick here and there to remind me!).

Seems we are all hitting similar stages! I thought something was happening yesterday as I lost some of my plug and had dragging pains but I feel nothing this morning! I just feel so huge now! Leaking to the extent I'm having to use breast pads to stop soaking my clothes. I'm guessing that's because I didn't finish breastfeeding that long ago.

My baby shower today which should be nice at least! Im going to go for a long walk after I think!

Hope you're okay Merlin!
HH they wanted to keep me in as during my examination he could see some large clots, and I am high risk apparently because of previous cervical treatment (it was years ago)

Anyway my waters have gone this morning and I have been having tightenings/contractions (what's the difference?) all night. Feeling a bit sad as I wanted to do this bit at home for as long as possible. I won't be leaving now without my baby. Never goes to plan does it!

Enjoy your baby shower Kelly x
Hello all,

I went out yesterday for my dad's birthday, we had a meal and I feel a bit sick almost like a full up feeling. Argh. Obviously can't eat as much.

I had a sweep on Tuesday with my consultant too, but as baby's head was high I don't think it was very successful. She didn't tell me and I have been kicking myself for not asking! But I will have another on Tuesday at my midwife app, gonna ask to be booked in for the Friday and the following Monday so I would end up with a total of 4.

I have always thought of myself as a June mummy yes!

Merlin - good luck!

It's my 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow too. (Which is also my due date) main reason I don't want baby to come then is because I want to enjoy the day and not be in pain haha :)

Anyone doing any of the tea, epo etc?
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Hi ladies, well after feeling pretty rubbish all day yesterday, by the evening I still felt sick, eventually threw up every little content from my stomach. Baby went a bit crazy after, I'm not sure if it was because of the extra space or what as seriously had nothing left in my poor tum apart from baby. Anyway since then managed a few sips of drink and 1 biscuit but still had pretty rubbish sleep. Had a nice bath this morning as been quite twingey too. Thing is I don't think it was a bug because I haven't been sick since, I just feel weak. It seems quite common around this stage to feel a bit like this, some things say could be pre labour. I haven't phoned midwife as baby moving ok now, just can't face really eating anything.

Tasha enjoy your anniversary.

Merlin good luck, hope all goes well.

Those of you who have had sweeps , hope something starts happening soon.
Wow merlin so you'll be having the baby soon?

I've been up since 4 having tummy pains but I wouldn't say it was the 'right' sort of pain. Not very consistent or anything either. Tried to have a lie in but oh and do are too bloody noisy!

I was told 3 sweeps with do but not sure how strict they are on it. Probably depends on the circumstances. I hope the sweep on Monday works! !
Oh merlin you'll be our next june mummy! I know its not how you wanted baby to arrive but least your in safe hands and get to meet them soon. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Enjoy your baby shower Kelly! Happy Anniversary Tasha, giving birth would be a lovely way to celebrate lol ;)

Lucy that sounds rotten, nausea and sickness can be an early labour symptom so hopefully thats the reason why instead of an old bug! Rest up today

Buggy are you still getting pains? Any tightenings?

Ive nothing to report, didnt sleep well but all pains have gone. Feel baby getting lower this morning making me wince but thats pretty much it. I must be immune to sweeps lol. Getting hair done at lunch time, after that im on a mission to get things moving
I'm not really noticing tightening but getting odd pains it's a bit odd. I think it must be something else.
Morning girls. Getting ready to visit a friend who had her baby last week :-)! Hoping she provokes a hormone response from me haha!!

Weirdly I've lost over a kilo since last week. I have no idea how that has happened. Had increased discharge this morning and lots of groin pain (ouch ouch) but nothing else. Tho my tummy was really tightening last night, wasn't sore at all tho - just BH. Was making baby wriggle like cuckoo.

Good luck merlin!! Exciting for our next baby.

HH and buggy - had really thought those sweeps would work for you both. Next weekend is forecasted to be hot so am really hoping I have baby before then lol!

Tasha - I'm not doing the tea cos it raised my blood pressure! Not tried epo tho :-/

Oh and hope you feel better Lucy :-(! Might just be your body gearing up and storing energy - leaving none for you!! Xx
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Ah Merlin sounds like you'll be next!! Sorry you've had to spend a night in though.

Sorry your sweeps don't seem to be moving things along ladies but I'm confident you don't have long to go!

Lucy sounds as though your body's definitely up to something. I feel awful today, my throats really sore and I feel kind of out of it. My mum's convinced it means I'm gearing up as she had the same a week before I was born and her doctor told her the body pushes out it's toxins before labour - I since googled that of course and there's no evidence to say that's true apart from an old wives tale!

I'm not sure whether to get a tens machine or not. I had a shot at one of the antenatal classes and didn't like it but they said you'll appreciate it in labour but I'm not sure x
Good Luck Merlin - Hope everything goes well. Keep us updated if/when you can.

Lucy - Hope your feeling better now!

Tasha - Happy Anniversary. Hope its a pain free event :D

Driver awareness course complete, feeling very naughty about past speeding :blush: but know I know the consequences of my actions - Feel like a told off child :)

Had awful cervical pain overnight, honestly thought I would have to ring the hospital - think it was made worse by the fact that I was so focused on it. It went away and I fell asleep so no worries there. Have had loads of tightening's that caused pain this morning during the course, coming every 8-10 minutes or so but again they have stopped now. Just hoping this is my body gearing up for something.

Hope everyone is feeling a little better and having a nice Saturday - Off to pizza hut with OH as he is 'craving' pizza :D

Thanks Ladies, still feeling pretty rubbish. Popped to shops with hubby to try and find something I want to eat, currently got a lemonade ice lolly. It's really good. I just feel really weak and my legs hurt as if they don't want to hold me up. Also white as a sheet. Back home now. I just really hope this is all baby related.

Enjoy baby cuddles collettypie.

Belfa I've borrowed a tens machine off my friend. At least if I don't use it it's no loss. Hope your throat is ok too.

Pismo hope it's your body gearing up, enjoy the pizza. Shouldn't it be you with the craving:lol:

Buggy hope the pains ease if they aren't labour related.

HH enjoy the hairdressers, had mine done this week, felt such a treat to have someone wash my hair. Let alone cut and style it ,
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Pismo I've had some really bad pains in my cervix. Stopped now though. I'm going to be mega disappointed if the sweep on Monday doesn't work!

Lucy I get really weak and tired legs, feel I've run a marathon even though I've done nothing x
Just been a bit sick again, rang midwives this time for advice. She is getting me to call back in 2 hours depending on bubba's movements and I might go in or they might send someone by house tomo to check me over.

Glad it's not just me with the achey legs buggy x
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Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope it passes soon. Had a few tightening and a bit more pain but i think it's just old fashioned belly ache. I've got a horrible feeling I'll still be pregnant this time next week. Sounds awful but I'm so sick of being pregnant now.
Wow!!!!! Give me an epidural now!
Baby merlin was born today 30/5/15 at 2.31pm weighing 6lb 6oz. Perfect apart from the cone head she has due to the help we needed. She had her cord around her neck so all my pushing and she was being pulled back in! She is all fine though! Oh and no stitches, thank goodness x
Congrats Merlin.
I'm 37 weeks now, booked in for my section at 39 weeks. It's great to have a definite date (my son was 14 days overdue and I had to be induced which led to emerg section). I feel pretty huge now and have horrific pain in my pelvis, which Iv had for half of this pregnancy, but was out shopping today and couldn't help but notice I was getting a lot of sorta sympathy smiles off people. Few cashiers asking when I'm due and saying i look tired. I don't mind as I prob do look fed up and look like I'm about to burst, just wonder how on earth I'm going to struggle on like this for 2 more weeks and if I wasn't booked in for my section would be 3+ weeks.
Hope you'd are all keeping well ️xx

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