***July 2019 Mummies***

Now that baby is moving frequently is anyone else paranoid about movements?

Baby sometimes is a little crazy in the morning and then after dinner, but this isn’t always guaranteed and when he’s having a relatively quiet morning it worries me. I mean I’ve felt him move, just not to the extent he sometimes does.

I feel like pregnancy is just one worry after the other
Now that baby is moving frequently is anyone else paranoid about movements?

Baby sometimes is a little crazy in the morning and then after dinner, but this isn’t always guaranteed and when he’s having a relatively quiet morning it worries me. I mean I’ve felt him move, just not to the extent he sometimes does.

I feel like pregnancy is just one worry after the other

Yep definitely! Baby went through a period of like four days last week where movements felt different. There was still movement, but it wasn't as obvious as it had been before, and I couldn't feel kicks like normal, it was more of the tumbling feelings and flutters for those few days.

I was starting to get really worried, but at the same time I could still feel him moving even if it was different to his normal, so wasn't sure if I should call to get checked or not... I was googling every chance I got about it, and apparently it can be due to baby's position being different or baby going through a growth spurt so sleeping more.

Then the day when I thought I'll call to get checked today if he's still like this, he started doing somersaults in there and hasn't stopped since! Couldn't sleep last night from whatever he was doing in there, I could feel kicks and movement every where at the same time, no idea what he was up to.

But yep, definitely paranoid all the time about movements now. He usually kicks up after breakfast every morning, so on the days he doesn't I start worrying too.

Pregnancy really is constant worrying. I just keep trying to get through all the milestones... 12 week scan, 2nd trimester, 20 week scan, 24 week viability, and hopefully 3rd trimester for me next week (still can't believe that)! Just taking it one milestone at a time to help stop worrying I guess.
Glad it’s not just me! I got the Doppler out a few days ago because he was quiet and it took me ages to find him. Once I did his HB was perfect and then he did summersaults all day! Definitely sent to try me!
I don't think the worry ever goes really. I can feel kicks and punches and some days way more than others and I have no idea who it is! I was a bit worried a couple of weeks ago because I hadn’t felt anywhere near as much movement as normal but figured it was still early to be concerned. I rang MAU anyway and she said as I was under 26 weeks at the time its likely they are just in different places and moving, I just can't feel it. A lady on a twin forum I've joined that weekend found out she had lost one of the the babies at 27 weeks so it made me super paranoid. I will ask them more at my 28 week check up on 25th. Need to know what I should be expecting to feel and how often, that should out my mind at rest a little.

Anyone get really low down movements? Feels like they are punching their way out of my it is weird! Apparently, that's the uterus being hit and the sensation tingles down

Also, I am feeling so uncomfortable from tea time now, cannot get comfy. And the burping, omg it just won't quit

Dh delivered a baby over the weekend, homebirth 9lb something - holy moly
It’s bonkers and online there doesn’t seem to be a lot of consistent advice either.

Like today I’ve felt him move throughout the day but nowhere near as much as yesterday. My issue is today a quiet day or is yesterday a super active day that I won’t have many of? So many questions and there’s nowhere really to give a solid answer.

I’m 26 weeks tomorrow and I know he’s still small so I guess he probably is wriggling about just not with the same violence as some of the other movements :lol:
It’s bonkers and online there doesn’t seem to be a lot of consistent advice either.

Like today I’ve felt him move throughout the day but nowhere near as much as yesterday. My issue is today a quiet day or is yesterday a super active day that I won’t have many of? So many questions and there’s nowhere really to give a solid answer.

I’m 26 weeks tomorrow and I know he’s still small so I guess he probably is wriggling about just not with the same violence as some of the other movements :lol:
They also said that depending on how busy you actually are, you may not notice them moving so I guess as long as you feel them during the day sometime then don't be worried. I've got a scan next week at 28 so will barrage them with more questions. I've got loads, especially about delivery
You ask and then I will ask the week after! I have my 28 week scan + consultant + diabetics all in the same morning :lol: will tell work to expect me back some time before hometime!
The whole movement and kick counting freaks me out with this pregnancy as I dont know who is doing what! I just have to trust everything is ok. I had a few panics about movement when I was on the verge of calling but I lay on my left side and had a cold drink. 10 mins later there was a party going on in there.

The boy is footling breech so his feet are right on my cervix. When he kicks it is the most unpleasant sensation ever...I feel like a foot is about to fall out of me.
Although I have of room the littke girl is folded in half with her feet on her forehead for the last 10 weeks! (Luckily all twins have hip scans)

2 days until the third trimester! I cannot believe it has come round so quickly! My hospital bag is meant to be packed by now but I haven' started. We are decorating the nursery tomorrow so I suppose that's a step in the right direction.

My bump is so low its causing so much pain. I have been put on best rest for a week to try and alleviate the pressure on my cervix.

How is everyone getting on?
I get those really low down movements as well, he's kicking me right in the bladder sometimes and it's so uncomfortable!

I've also started to get uncomfortable at night that I can't fall asleep. I'm trying to stay sleeping on my side but I just cant fall asleep that way and my hips end up getting sore. The only position I can eventually fall asleep on is my back. Just how bad is it really to sleep on your back?

Cannot believe we are all almost third trimester! I've now got baby stuff in the house as well so it's started to feel so real.

Anyone else have Braxton hicks? I've been getting them since really early on, even in first trimester but it was only occasionally then. Now it's quite a few times a day I get them.
I am starting to get uncomfortable at night too. I got up for a wee at 5am (tiniest wee ever so he must have been playing silly buggers with my bladder) and when I got back in bed my hip was killing. Baby took that as it was time to play and kept me up for another 25 minutes having a rave!

We are so close to the third trimester it’s unbelievable. Baby will be born around 3 weeks early so for me, I only have 10/11 weeks left. It’s actually scaring the shit out of me!

I’ve had no Braxton Hicks (I think) and have no idea what I’m even looking for!
I’ve got 10-11 weeks left too, depending on if I get to 37-38. Generally uncomfortable all the time with the pgp and the bump getting bigger.

The advice not to lay on your back is because the uterus can squash the inferior vena cava (the huge vein that takes blood back to your heart from the lower part of your body). That said, when we transport pregnant ladies we are told to relieve this by getting the bottom and hips raised with something underneath at least 30 degree either to the left or right - so the vena cava isn't compromised. I can't lay on my back now as it makes me feel sick anyway and it is harder to breathe (my cat is not happy as he cent lay on me!)

Nursery is painted. Cot bed is up (dh went white), curtains on order and mattress and sheets so getting there. My dining table is full of stuff we've been given that I need to start going through, washing and sorting. Planned to at the weekend but dh was on nights so I didn't want to disturb him.

Also need to get a mattress for the bed cot thing and put that up but the bedroom needs recarpetting first (sigh). Feels like we are running out of time!

Got my gtt next week, day before scan and clinic. Not looking forward to it as I still have sickness when I get up
I’ve got 10-11 weeks left too, depending on if I get to 37-38. Generally uncomfortable all the time with the pgp and the bump getting bigger.

The advice not to lay on your back is because the uterus can squash the inferior vena cava (the huge vein that takes blood back to your heart from the lower part of your body). That said, when we transport pregnant ladies we are told to relieve this by getting the bottom and hips raised with something underneath at least 30 degree either to the left or right - so the vena cava isn't compromised. I can't lay on my back now as it makes me feel sick anyway and it is harder to breathe (my cat is not happy as he cent lay on me!)

Nursery is painted. Cot bed is up (dh went white), curtains on order and mattress and sheets so getting there. My dining table is full of stuff we've been given that I need to start going through, washing and sorting. Planned to at the weekend but dh was on nights so I didn't want to disturb him.

Also need to get a mattress for the bed cot thing and put that up but the bedroom needs recarpetting first (sigh). Feels like we are running out of time!

Got my gtt next week, day before scan and clinic. Not looking forward to it as I still have sickness when I get up
When we got our cot bed mattress we found an independent baby store was much better value than the likes of the bigger stores. I couldn’t believe the price of some of them and when you actually look at them, there’s no way they’d last till baby was a toddler!
When we got our cot bed mattress we found an independent baby store was much better value than the likes of the bigger stores. I couldn’t believe the price of some of them and when you actually look at them, there’s no way they’d last till baby was a toddler!

Ah, I should have had a look. Ordered a packet sprung one from asda in the sale, and a set of blackout curtains too. Will see what it's like, if it's rubbish then it can go back. We've been given a second cot which I may keep downstairs and that needs an ikea one.

Also, a friend recommended having a changing station downstairs too (particularly for twinnies) to save carting them both up and down stairs all the time. Ikea do a cheap thing for £25. Think I will get one

It never ends - just wrote a to do list. I felt we were getting somewhere but now I'm not so sure!
I do love a good trip to ikea!! I don’t think we’re getting a changing station. We’ve just accepted an offer on our house so will be moving so partly because we have no idea where we’ll be :lol: but also because we’ve got a little tray that fits on to the cot where you put your changing mat and you change them on there. We are planning on having a mat upstairs and downstairs but not sure it’s worth going the whole way with a station for us.
I'm guessing what I've been having is Braxton hicks... my bump gets all hard everywhere suddenly, like he's pushing outwards everywhere. and only last about 30 seconds or until I change position. Seems to happen more when I'm really tired or been on my feet all day, which is most days I guess.

We've been given a moses basket for baby's first few weeks, but still need to look for a cot bed. I'm very last min with things so although I have a list sorted, I haven't bought much at all yet! Only have what I've been given so far really, and less than 13 weeks to go now!

Don't think I'll get a changing station either, will just make do with changing mat on different surfaces, also thinking to get one for upstairs and one downstairs. Baby's room is quite small, so will probably just have cot bed and chest of drawers in there really, and there's a built in wardrobe already.
Yeah that’s also my plan with the changing mats. I also was going to think that I could use the baby bag changing mat downstairs but we will see. They’re not expensive so we will start with just 1 and see how we go :lol: I am thinking of getting a small drawer set to keep changing things in for the downstairs toilet & then have everything else in the main bathroom...depends when we move house! Why are we doing it now?! WHY?! :lol:

I’ve attached a pic of the cotbed thing I was talking about.

Yeah that’s also my plan with the changing mats. I also was going to think that I could use the baby bag changing mat downstairs but we will see. They’re not expensive so we will start with just 1 and see how we go :lol: I am thinking of getting a small drawer set to keep changing things in for the downstairs toilet & then have everything else in the main bathroom...depends when we move house! Why are we doing it now?! WHY?! :lol:

I’ve attached a pic of the cotbed thing I was talking about.

View attachment 84875
You are mad moving house! It will be worth it though.

I've seen those for the cot bed. Good idea. I plan to get a top off Amazon that can be fixed to the chest of ikea drawers we already have to convert it. Using the 4 drawer set as we are both quite tall.
I'm not concerned about patterns of movements. I know my baby is kicking or moving every day. Mainly first thing and last thing but often all day on and off. A lot of people have told me their babies never got into a proper pattern so I'm not gonna look for one with mine. I know I will get obsessed over it as thats how I am and being pregnant makes me more anxious so I'm just gonna accept that she will have quieter times sometimes.

Our nursery is painted. Just a couple of bits to finish off. New carpet going in soon and then the furniture is all purchased ready to go in once carpet laid. I'm 26+2 so the countdown is on now!

Trying to make sure I'm done with all the main stuff by 28 weeks so I can ease into my third trimester without any worrying except for looking after myself. Im quite excited now.
I've just had my 28 week growth scan and all looks good. He is est 2lb 10oz and she is est 2 lb 7oz.
So carrying over 5lb off baby, plus 2x placenta and fluid would explain the backache!
Both have turned head down so I now have the option of delivery method! Yay.

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