***July 2019 Mummies***

At my GTT appointment this morning, and the drink isn't awful to be honest. They managed to get blood out fine for initial bloods. After one hour, couldn't get from either arm and had two midwives goong in the back of my hand to get it... wonder where they'll get it from after another hour!

Aww, the hand - how mean!
I literally feel like I’ve been at the clinic all day, because I bloody have! Scan was 45 min late then consultant appointment running two hours late! Wtf. Protein in my urine again so more blood (there are no veins left) to check for preeclampsia even though my blood pressure is textbook. Then it occurred to me that last time they said I needed fragmin from 28 weeks so I said to the nurse who went to check, came back and said yes I do so now I’m waiting for the prescription. Clearly the consultant just wanted to go home, literally saw her for 3 minutes. It’s 17:30 and I’ve been here since 13:45! Tired, hungry and pissed off are just a few words I have.

On the good side, babies are growing well, both head down, Cord blood flow all good. I was really surprised at their weights, 3lb2oz & 3lb1oz ! So they are weighing 30 weeks as opposed to 28. The sonographer said if over 92nd percentile they will check me for diabetes but I had that test yesterday and it came back all clear :) I’ve not read the notes properly yet, will have a look when I eventually get home.

As last time, babies wouldn’t conform when she wanted to measure them, lol
Aww, the hand - how mean!
I literally feel like I’ve been at the clinic all day, because I bloody have! Scan was 45 min late then consultant appointment running two hours late! Wtf. Protein in my urine again so more blood (there are no veins left) to check for preeclampsia even though my blood pressure is textbook. Then it occurred to me that last time they said I needed fragmin from 28 weeks so I said to the nurse who went to check, came back and said yes I do so now I’m waiting for the prescription. Clearly the consultant just wanted to go home, literally saw her for 3 minutes. It’s 17:30 and I’ve been here since 13:45! Tired, hungry and pissed off are just a few words I have.

On the good side, babies are growing well, both head down, Cord blood flow all good. I was really surprised at their weights, 3lb2oz & 3lb1oz ! So they are weighing 30 weeks as opposed to 28. The sonographer said if over 92nd percentile they will check me for diabetes but I had that test yesterday and it came back all clear :) I’ve not read the notes properly yet, will have a look when I eventually get home.

As last time, babies wouldn’t conform when she wanted to measure them, lol

They are amazing weights!!!! You are doing such a good job growing 2 babies!! No wonder you are in pain. You are probably carrying more weight (inc placentas and extra fluid) than a woman at 40 weeks. Go you!!!
I'm not against an epidural as I had my son with gas an air in the birth pool (until shit hit the fan and I ended up in theatre with a spinal after pushing for over 2 hours)
And I was begging them for an epidural, obviously when it was too late to have one.

Having a catheter is the best! You can lie there and hydrate yourself to your hearts content and never have to move.

I feel for everyone experiencing back and hip pain. Can you self refer to physio? Or try a chiropractor?
Although my bump is huge I am only in pain after a long shift on my feet.
They are amazing weights!!!! You are doing such a good job growing 2 babies!! No wonder you are in pain. You are probably carrying more weight (inc placentas and extra fluid) than a woman at 40 weeks. Go you!!!
I'm not against an epidural as I had my son with gas an air in the birth pool (until shit hit the fan and I ended up in theatre with a spinal after pushing for over 2 hours)
And I was begging them for an epidural, obviously when it was too late to have one.

Having a catheter is the best! You can lie there and hydrate yourself to your hearts content and never have to move.

I feel for everyone experiencing back and hip pain. Can you self refer to physio? Or try a chiropractor?
Although my bump is huge I am only in pain after a long shift on my feet.
I don’t know how you are coping on your feet for shifts, I can barely walk very far and I’m in agony. Such a wimp.

Hadn’t thought about the weights combined being like a full term baby but that does make sense. I’ve put on 11kg since my booking in which was in December. I feel bloody massive and when she weighed me today the women then asked how many weeks I was (I wasn’t slim to start with anyway!) but I felt a bit annoyed by that so soon told her I was having two. They haven’t said anything about my weight so I assume it’s fine.

Your mw can refer you for physio, and so can your gp. In fact, mine gave me a leaflet for self referral which may be a national thing? Not sure. You fill it in online then they contact you. I did ring to hurry then and played the Preggo card as an appointment in two months time is no good to me and I was seen a week later. The crutches are helping as much as I do not like to admit it.

When you said that the shit hit the fan, I thought you meant shit in the pool, lol. I’ve been told if a patient asks me if they have pooed to say it’s just the baby coming and discreetly get rid of it, lol.

I’d love a catheter, i would sleep so much more rather than peeing 4 times a night. That said, agony in my hip and leg wakes me up anyway.

Dh has to do the thinners injection, I couldn’t inject myself in the stomach, goes against basic instinct!
Hubby has come home from work today throwing up and having toilet issues! What’s the betting I end up with whatever bug he’s got??!
I don’t know how you are coping on your feet for shifts, I can barely walk very far and I’m in agony. Such a wimp.

Hadn’t thought about the weights combined being like a full term baby but that does make sense. I’ve put on 11kg since my booking in which was in December. I feel bloody massive and when she weighed me today the women then asked how many weeks I was (I wasn’t slim to start with anyway!) but I felt a bit annoyed by that so soon told her I was having two. They haven’t said anything about my weight so I assume it’s fine.

Your mw can refer you for physio, and so can your gp. In fact, mine gave me a leaflet for self referral which may be a national thing? Not sure. You fill it in online then they contact you. I did ring to hurry then and played the Preggo card as an appointment in two months time is no good to me and I was seen a week later. The crutches are helping as much as I do not like to admit it.

When you said that the shit hit the fan, I thought you meant shit in the pool, lol. I’ve been told if a patient asks me if they have pooed to say it’s just the baby coming and discreetly get rid of it, lol.

I’d love a catheter, i would sleep so much more rather than peeing 4 times a night. That said, agony in my hip and leg wakes me up anyway.

Dh has to do the thinners injection, I couldn’t inject myself in the stomach, goes against basic instinct!

My legs have pitting edema by the end of the 26 hours and I can barely walk, but then I have 5 days to recover.
I dont think I have long left at work. Most people with singletons go at 32 weeks!

Don't worry about weight. It can be lost.
And I expect most, if not all is baby and fluid! I have put on 2 stone and I challenge anyone to say anything. I still have my chin and ankles so I'm happy growing decent sized babies.

Ouch crutches! You must be so uncomfy. Definitelt try chiro. I had a pregnancy massage - it was nice but doesnt do anything to help. Then I had a chiropractor work on my back and it was amazing!

Haha not literally shit in the pool!
Midwives are very discreet though!

Hope you don' get the bug sugar pop

I agree, dont worry so much about weight gain, especially if you're having twins! I've gained just over 2 stone already at 29 weeks, and I only have the one baby in there! I was underweight to start with though so I think I'm expected to gain more, or that's how I've been justifying to my self anyway.

Sugarpop, hope you don't catch whatever your husband has! Pregnancy is hard enough without having some sort of bug too.

Has anyone else noticed that when they are feeling super exhausted that baby has a quiet day? Yesterday and today I was ridiculously tired, and he's been moving but not his usual crazy movements and kicks, more gentle and less often. I had a (4 hour) nap this evening and feeling so much better myself now, and he's woken up and back to his usual kicks and somersaults in there! Not the first time I've noticed that pattern of my energy levels affecting his, or if I haven't eaten properly he is quiet too etc. It's weird how connected they are to us.

I think my exhaustion has been because I haven't been sleeping properly at night for past few weeks. I'm usually up at this time every night, even if I sleep late, and I'm up for a good few hours. I think third trimester insomnia has hit me. Today's the first day I had a nap after work and I think both me and baby really needed it.

Although DH hasn't been happy about my insomnia since a couple of nights ago I was up until 4am and ended up doing quite a bit of online shopping haha. In my defence, it was all baby things we needed to get anyway though, and almost all of it was on sale!

Is it bad that im thinking to get up and eat something to help me fall asleep now?
So I took my bra off and my nipples were sticky. WTF?! Ha I googled and Apparantly it’s normal??
So I took my bra off and my nipples were sticky. WTF?! Ha I googled and Apparantly it’s normal??
Yep. I get that. And in the morning I seem to have dry crusty bits where stuff has come out over night

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