I have an iron deficiency on and off normally, so got my iron checked this week. GP just called me today with results saying I have low iron again, so I've to go back on the iron tablets.
She also said that because I'm from a Mediterranean ethnicity, having a history of iron deficiency might mean I'm a carrier of thalassaemia. Apparently if both me and husband are carriers of it then there's a 1 in 4 chance of baby actually having it. We've to both get bloods checked for it next week, but results could take 6 to 8 weeks to come back. I had no idea what thalassaemia even is, but looking it up on his website says that the treatment for it is regular blood transfusions, up to once a month in severe cases, and the only cure is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. I know it's a very slim chance that both of us are carriers of it, and the GP said not to worry and she just wants to rule it out, but it's still really scared me thinking our baby could have this serious condition. I thought once you get past the 20 week scan the worrying that something could be wrong is supposed to get less.