***July 2019 Mummies***

Got my whooping cough vaccine just now. And I've just felt baby hiccuping for the first time! Didn't realise the hiccups would be so fast, like one every 2 - 3 seconds.
Got my whooping cough vaccine just now. And I've just felt baby hiccuping for the first time! Didn't realise the hiccups would be so fast, like one every 2 - 3 seconds.
My vaccine spot hurt for a few days! Was actually really sore to touch!
I've just had my 28 week growth scan and all looks good. He is est 2lb 10oz and she is est 2 lb 7oz.
So carrying over 5lb off baby, plus 2x placenta and fluid would explain the backache!
Both have turned head down so I now have the option of delivery method! Yay.
They are good sizes! How exciting. Can't wait for mine next week Xx
I'm guessing what I've been having is Braxton hicks... my bump gets all hard everywhere suddenly, like he's pushing outwards everywhere. and only last about 30 seconds or until I change position. Seems to happen more when I'm really tired or been on my feet all day, which is most days I guess.

We've been given a moses basket for baby's first few weeks, but still need to look for a cot bed. I'm very last min with things so although I have a list sorted, I haven't bought much at all yet! Only have what I've been given so far really, and less than 13 weeks to go now!

Don't think I'll get a changing station either, will just make do with changing mat on different surfaces, also thinking to get one for upstairs and one downstairs. Baby's room is quite small, so will probably just have cot bed and chest of drawers in there really, and there's a built in wardrobe already.
Wondering if I'm having braxton hicks as well. Bump has gone rock hard. No pain but weird.

Do you get then every night?
My vaccine spot hurt for a few days! Was actually really sore to touch!

I was half convinced she didn't give me it actually because she barely touched me with the needle before walking away... but my arm has started hurting now so I definitely got it!

Wondering if I'm having braxton hicks as well. Bump has gone rock hard. No pain but weird.

Do you get then every night?

I think I'm getting them most nights, haven't really been keeping track though. It just suddenly goes rock hard all over, especially low down. it's not painful, but just a bit uncomfortable. And then around 30 seconds later back to being normal and squidgy.
Haven't slept properly in two nights now... think I've hit the insomnia stage now. I woke up at 1.30am last night and couldn't sleep again until 5, and up at 7 for work :( It wasn't that I wasn't comfortable, I just couldn't fall asleep for some reason. DH wasn't home, so I even tried sleeping on his side of the bed.. no luck there either! Glad I am off work tomorrow so I can get a proper lie in (I hope!)
Haven't slept properly in two nights now... think I've hit the insomnia stage now. I woke up at 1.30am last night and couldn't sleep again until 5, and up at 7 for work :( It wasn't that I wasn't comfortable, I just couldn't fall asleep for some reason. DH wasn't home, so I even tried sleeping on his side of the bed.. no luck there either! Glad I am off work tomorrow so I can get a proper lie in (I hope!)
Poor you, you must be knackered. It's horrible when you can't sleep. My mind starts mulling over all the things we still need to do if I wake up or can't get to sleep.

Woken feeling rubbish today in spite of a good nights sleep. I've had a dry cough for about 3 months now, feels like I can't clear my chest (although my chest is clear). And even coughing up all sorts of grimness every morning as cleaning my teeth still makes me wretch. Hoping this is it finally coming out now and it will go away, rather than just staying as a ’you’re pregnant and your immune system is low so you'll have this forever’ type thing. It kills when I cough, have to hold my chest and my bump too now. I feel like a wreck sometimes!

Hope you enjoy your day off, weather is lovely so it's going to be a good weekend. Think im stuck in the sofa trying to shift this cold :(
Got to persuade dh to do my toes for me. I use a home gel kit but can't lean over now as its uncomfortable. He did them once when I had a bad back but is refusing now. I said it's either that or he pays for me to get them done! Cheeky bugger
Got to persuade dh to do my toes for me. I use a home gel kit but can't lean over now as its uncomfortable. He did them once when I had a bad back but is refusing now. I said it's either that or he pays for me to get them done! Cheeky bugger
Haha love it! Im lucky that my hubby helps me out with my nails. I am good with my right hand but my left hand is literally useless so hubby always helps. I have a at home Gel set too but up until the last week or so my nails have been breaking easily. Definitely noticed a change in this last week though so I'm hoping this glow that people talk about is on its way??

I am struggling to get comfy because of my left side. It hurts and as I can't lie on my back now I have to keep swapping sides. Not sure how to solve it as I've tried to sleep with padding / support but it doesn't seem to do anything.

The weather is meant to be amazing this weekend! I am already considering wearing my maternity dress I got (I don't wear dresses - ever) because I know I'm going to struggle with the heat! My body is an oven as it is!

Hubby and I have maybe stupidly booked a glamping weekend for when the baby will be 7 weeks old. Our friends are camping and we always go with them but didn't want to risk him in a tent overnight. The pod has all the necessities + heating + kitchen appliances so I think it's a good solution. It's the only holiday were going to have this year! Hubby has got a new job yesterday which should start in around 8 weeks (just before baby) and we are moving house hopefully in the next 8 weeks (just before baby). Life will be BUSY.
Wondering if I'm having braxton hicks as well. Bump has gone rock hard. No pain but weird.

Do you get then every night?

I've been getting Braxton hicks since 21 weeks. They were so bad Tuesday night - 15 per hour that I had to go in for monitoring. I had loads on the monitor and it seemed to co inside with movement so they said I have an irritable uterus and it goes into spasm with movement. Great! But as long as they arent painful it's fine.

Got my 28 week bloods back with an in of 89! So I've just started ferrous sulphate and hopefully will have not energy soon!

Has anyone else struggled with iron levels?
I've been getting Braxton hicks since 21 weeks. They were so bad Tuesday night - 15 per hour that I had to go in for monitoring. I had loads on the monitor and it seemed to co inside with movement so they said I have an irritable uterus and it goes into spasm with movement. Great! But as long as they arent painful it's fine.

Got my 28 week bloods back with an in of 89! So I've just started ferrous sulphate and hopefully will have not energy soon!

Has anyone else struggled with iron levels?

I have an iron deficiency on and off normally, so got my iron checked this week. GP just called me today with results saying I have low iron again, so I've to go back on the iron tablets.

She also said that because I'm from a Mediterranean ethnicity, having a history of iron deficiency might mean I'm a carrier of thalassaemia. Apparently if both me and husband are carriers of it then there's a 1 in 4 chance of baby actually having it. We've to both get bloods checked for it next week, but results could take 6 to 8 weeks to come back. I had no idea what thalassaemia even is, but looking it up on nhs website says that the treatment for it is regular blood transfusions, up to once a month in severe cases, and the only cure is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. I know it's a very slim chance that both of us are carriers of it, and the GP said not to worry and she just wants to rule it out, but it's still really scared me thinking our baby could have this serious condition. I thought once you get past the 20 week scan the worrying that something could be wrong is supposed to get less. :(
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I have an iron deficiency on and off normally, so got my iron checked this week. GP just called me today with results saying I have low iron again, so I've to go back on the iron tablets.

She also said that because I'm from a Mediterranean ethnicity, having a history of iron deficiency might mean I'm a carrier of thalassaemia. Apparently if both me and husband are carriers of it then there's a 1 in 4 chance of baby actually having it. We've to both get bloods checked for it next week, but results could take 6 to 8 weeks to come back. I had no idea what thalassaemia even is, but looking it up on his website says that the treatment for it is regular blood transfusions, up to once a month in severe cases, and the only cure is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. I know it's a very slim chance that both of us are carriers of it, and the GP said not to worry and she just wants to rule it out, but it's still really scared me thinking our baby could have this serious condition. I thought once you get past the 20 week scan the worrying that something could be wrong is supposed to get less. :(

Any advice witg the iron tablets in regards to nausea?? It' horrible!

Awh try not to worry. I know easier said than done, but like your dr said it would be rare AND there are treatments in place if needed.
Try not to worry unless it becomes a reality, as you don't want to be stressed in ypur pregnancy x
Any advice witg the iron tablets in regards to nausea?? It' horrible!

Awh try not to worry. I know easier said than done, but like your dr said it would be rare AND there are treatments in place if needed.
Try not to worry unless it becomes a reality, as you don't want to be stressed in ypur pregnancy x

I've never had a problem with the iron tablets I get causing nausea or anything, but then again haven't taken them while pregnant before! Guess ill find out if it affects me differently now, but I hope not as I really dont want to feel nauseous again. I think the advice though is to try and take them with a meal and never on an empty stomach.

I know it's such a slim chance, but scary to be told something like that I guess. My mum said the same to me, not to stress as it's not good during pregnancy.
Anyone else find their hips/thighs ache so badly in the night when sleeping on their side? I've had it for weeks on and off. The only thing that I can do to get rid of it is to get up. I have a pregnancy pillow but it doesn't help at all
Anyone else find their hips/thighs ache so badly in the night when sleeping on their side? I've had it for weeks on and off. The only thing that I can do to get rid of it is to get up. I have a pregnancy pillow but it doesn't help at all
Yes, particularly on one side! Hubby reckons it’s just your stretching the muscle / ligaments on that side. It’s getting harder and harder for me to sleep. I am spending a lot of time tossing and turning!
Anyone else find their hips/thighs ache so badly in the night when sleeping on their side? I've had it for weeks on and off. The only thing that I can do to get rid of it is to get up. I have a pregnancy pillow but it doesn't help at all

Yes, my hip starts to really hurt especially if I'm sleeping on the left side. I've still been waking up on my back every morning as well. I can't wait until I can sleep on my front again!
Anyone else find their hips/thighs ache so badly in the night when sleeping on their side? I've had it for weeks on and off. The only thing that I can do to get rid of it is to get up. I have a pregnancy pillow but it doesn't help at all
Yep, both sides but worse on the right. And rolling over almost needs a crane as my pelvis hurts too. We got a mattress tooper which has reduced the pain a bit and the bed is far more comfy. Takes the pressure off the hips a bit.
I'm going to get some inco sheets from work soon and put under the sheet, ill be gutted if my waters break and ruin my topper!
I have an iron deficiency on and off normally, so got my iron checked this week. GP just called me today with results saying I have low iron again, so I've to go back on the iron tablets.

She also said that because I'm from a Mediterranean ethnicity, having a history of iron deficiency might mean I'm a carrier of thalassaemia. Apparently if both me and husband are carriers of it then there's a 1 in 4 chance of baby actually having it. We've to both get bloods checked for it next week, but results could take 6 to 8 weeks to come back. I had no idea what thalassaemia even is, but looking it up on nhs website says that the treatment for it is regular blood transfusions, up to once a month in severe cases, and the only cure is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. I know it's a very slim chance that both of us are carriers of it, and the GP said not to worry and she just wants to rule it out, but it's still really scared me thinking our baby could have this serious condition. I thought once you get past the 20 week scan the worrying that something could be wrong is supposed to get less. :(
Easier said than done when people say don't worry. It really is impossible not too. At least your gp is on the ball with it and when you find out the results you can prepare if you need too. I'm sorry you have to go through this, its shit
Haha love it! Im lucky that my hubby helps me out with my nails. I am good with my right hand but my left hand is literally useless so hubby always helps. I have a at home Gel set too but up until the last week or so my nails have been breaking easily. Definitely noticed a change in this last week though so I'm hoping this glow that people talk about is on its way??

I am struggling to get comfy because of my left side. It hurts and as I can't lie on my back now I have to keep swapping sides. Not sure how to solve it as I've tried to sleep with padding / support but it doesn't seem to do anything.

The weather is meant to be amazing this weekend! I am already considering wearing my maternity dress I got (I don't wear dresses - ever) because I know I'm going to struggle with the heat! My body is an oven as it is!

Hubby and I have maybe stupidly booked a glamping weekend for when the baby will be 7 weeks old. Our friends are camping and we always go with them but didn't want to risk him in a tent overnight. The pod has all the necessities + heating + kitchen appliances so I think it's a good solution. It's the only holiday were going to have this year! Hubby has got a new job yesterday which should start in around 8 weeks (just before baby) and we are moving house hopefully in the next 8 weeks (just before baby). Life will be BUSY.

We've got a wedding when they will be about 7-8 weeks then goodwood revival the week after. No idea if I will make good wood. Its a brilliant day but noisy and exhausting and with two little bubbas who feed constantly at that age I think it may be a bit of wishful thinking to go. Shame as i’d love to dress them up in vintage little dresses (and if we didn't win best dressed I would demand a recount!)
Has anyone packed a hospital bag yet? I know there was a list on here somewhere but no idea where.

Cot mattress came today. Standard size for standards cot bed. Does it fit - how is that possible?!

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