***July 2019 Mummies***

Does anyone know about Mat Pay ( for those who this isn't the first baby). I'm trying to work out mine as I can have it on the schedule they set, or they can average it out over the year (which makes more sense otherwise there is 3 months where I get nothing at all).

I qualify for statutory maternity pay. Does this get paid in addition to work maternity pay? Or is it maternity pay then I get the stat when my work maternity pay runs out? I think it's the latter but I hope to god not as now I'm freaking out about how on earth we are going to survive

That's nice if they have the option to average it out over the year, didn't realise that was an option anywhere! My work certainly don't do that, so I'm planning to only take 9 months off as we just can't afford the last 3 months unpaid.

I think you'll have to check with your HR department how their maternity pay policy works. Usually most places have SMP included in their work maternity pay already, so it's not extra. But you should check what it is exactly at your work, as it could be different.

For me, my work do an enhanced mat pay, which is 90% of salary up to 6 weeks, 70% of my salary from 6 weeks up to 6 months (this 70% includes the SMP of £145 per week, i.e. I don't get that extra). And then up to 9 months I get just SMP, and the last 3 months unpaid.

We'll manage the 3 month SMP I think, but like I said, don't think we can do the 3 months unpaid so I'm only planning 9 months off, plus any holidays I have accrued which I haven't used yet.
It's weird how much it varies from place to place. Mine is 8 weeks full, 18 half, 13 stay they 13 big fat zero. I’m sure we will be able to manage but it is definitely freaking me out, especially as I won't be going back full time as childcare for two would work out as much as my full time wage so that's just not an option.
We have everything we need, its just quite scary to drop down so much money. It's not like we are frivolous, far from it!

Why is it come evening I feel like my belly is gonna burst? Cannot get comfy

Oh and today, my boss told me I look huge. Thanks. Thanks very much
That's nice if they have the option to average it out over the year, didn't realise that was an option anywhere! My work certainly don't do that, so I'm planning to only take 9 months off as we just can't afford the last 3 months unpaid.

I think you'll have to check with your HR department how their maternity pay policy works. Usually most places have SMP included in their work maternity pay already, so it's not extra. But you should check what it is exactly at your work, as it could be different.

For me, my work do an enhanced mat pay, which is 90% of salary up to 6 weeks, 70% of my salary from 6 weeks up to 6 months (this 70% includes the SMP of £145 per week, i.e. I don't get that extra). And then up to 9 months I get just SMP, and the last 3 months unpaid.

We'll manage the 3 month SMP I think, but like I said, don't think we can do the 3 months unpaid so I'm only planning 9 months off, plus any holidays I have accrued which I haven't used yet.

I get 90% + SMP for 9 weeks. Then half + SMP for something like 19 weeks. Then it’ll just be SMP. I’m planning on only having 9 months off. If I have to go back to work early because we can’t afford me to be off then so be it because it’s a need that will help to look after baby and will be what’s best for him in the long run. I never thought I’d have a baby so literally had 0 savings for him! Luckily for us, he won’t be going to nursery as my mum, MIL and Nan will share him through the week.
Why is it come evening I feel like my belly is gonna burst? Cannot get comfy

Oh and today, my boss told me I look huge. Thanks. Thanks very much

I have that most evenings too! Last night baby must have been lying so low because I felt so heavy and heavy pressure down low... but then again I could feel him kicking quite high up, so not sure. But it was so uncomfortable I couldn't get up and was waddling around all evening.

Ignore people's comments about bump or weight etc... I've had a woman tell me one day that she thought I was having a boy because I've put on a lot of weight from behind! And then a few days later she commented on how "small and neat" my bump looked... I feel so self conscious walking by this woman at reception every day now because I just have a feeling she's staring at me and assessing my body.

I get 90% + SMP for 9 weeks. Then half + SMP for something like 19 weeks. Then it’ll just be SMP. I’m planning on only having 9 months off. If I have to go back to work early because we can’t afford me to be off then so be it because it’s a need that will help to look after baby and will be what’s best for him in the long run. I never thought I’d have a baby so literally had 0 savings for him! Luckily for us, he won’t be going to nursery as my mum, MIL and Nan will share him through the week.

Sugarpop, that's handy you have childcare sorted with family! I've been told to go book baby a place in the nursery soon as they have a long waiting list apparently. I've just been putting it off as I'm not looking forward to finding out exactly how much childcare is going to cost us...

I have my 25 week appointment this morning! Looking forward to it as it's when they start measuring bump, and also heard that it's when they let you hear the heartbeat over here!
Midwife said she'll start measuring bump from next appointment, but we got to hear the heartbeat! And she even noticed that every time my husband spoke, the baby would move lots and heart rate increased suddenly! And I was like yep, he always wakes up when husband talks.

It was also weird when she was checking baby's position, and she was like "I'm holding his head right now and moving it from side to side"... kinda creepy! He's head down now, and hopefully stays that way.
I didn't know that's when they start measuring the bump. I have my 25 week app with the gp tomorrow.

Also, went to the pgp clinic - was so useful.have a belt to order to help me and some exercises to do to help with the pain so helpfully it will improve :)

Oh, and another thing that may be useful for people, an app called squeeze for pelvic floor - you get reminders to do your daily squeezes, lol
Does anyone know about Mat Pay ( for those who this isn't the first baby). I'm trying to work out mine as I can have it on the schedule they set, or they can average it out over the year (which makes more sense otherwise there is 3 months where I get nothing at all).

I qualify for statutory maternity pay. Does this get paid in addition to work maternity pay? Or is it maternity pay then I get the stat when my work maternity pay runs out? I think it's the latter but I hope to god not as now I'm freaking out about how on earth we are going to survive

Do you work for the nhs?
If so it's 8 weeks full, 18 half then smp for 3 months.
They give you the option of spreading it over 6,9 and 12 months. Accruing annual leave as you go. You can do up to 10 kit days whilst on mat leave and then agency on the annal leave you accrue.

Glad to hear everyone is getting on well and movements are keeping everyone awake!

We had a 4d scan and it was amazing.
The little girl is still folded completely in half with her feet on her head. So she will need her hips checked when she is born. Other than that very active and growing well.
We have to for the maxi cosi car seats as its so handy to have one that goes in and out of the car for our lifestyle. It very much differs family to family what car seat works.

How' everones bumps? Mine is huge and measuring the same size as when I was 40 weeks with my son. It scares me as I have a rather long way still to go!!
Yes, that's the deal I think. Will get it split out to hopefully be able to manage a bit easier.

Had my 25 week app today. I'm 25+1 and measuring 31! I thought I was big, lol
I feel huge and only have one in there! Just booked our 4D scan for the same day as we have our 28 week one at the NHS. Hubby will be home that day so it’s a good day to do it I think. Plus it’s cheaper during the week than on the weekend :lol:
Yes, that's the deal I think. Will get it split out to hopefully be able to manage a bit easier.

Had my 25 week app today. I'm 25+1 and measuring 31! I thought I was big, lol

Good growing babies!!! When is your first growth scan? I loved mine as they were estimated at 630 and 660 grams.
Then I went into work the next day and looked after a 600g baby! Very surreal.
Mat pay is crap, however I have to remind myself you never get that time back so I will stretch it out as long as possible.
I feel huge and only have one in there! Just booked our 4D scan for the same day as we have our 28 week one at the NHS. Hubby will be home that day so it’s a good day to do it I think. Plus it’s cheaper during the week than on the weekend :lol:

4d scans are great. Make sure you have a cold sugary drink before. Sent mine crazy and was so funny watching them move and fight!
I keep seeing people saying about growth scans. I was told you only got sent for one if the midwife thought you were measuring small or large for your number of weeks. But the way I read posts on here people seem to suggest you definitely go for growth scans? I'm only expecting to go if I'm not measuring same as my weeks
I keep seeing people saying about growth scans. I was told you only got sent for one if the midwife thought you were measuring small or large for your number of weeks. But the way I read posts on here people seem to suggest you definitely go for growth scans? I'm only expecting to go if I'm not measuring same as my weeks

I only have them scheduled because I had low papp-a (should restrict growth) but baby was measuring big at anomaly scan. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be having them. I've got 4 scheduled starting from 28 weeks.

(although secondary to that new midwife has me down as pre pregnant obese using my weight at 21.5 weeks when actually I was only overweight at my original booking in at 8 weeks. Bmi over 30 triggers growth scans too. Kinda angry over this as losing so much weight pre pregnancy and seeing the word obese on my paperwork is triggering.)

So unless you've got something to trigger them they won't happen. Maybe there's just a higher concentration of us that need extra monitoring in this group than normal?

I only have them scheduled because I had low papp-a (should restrict growth) but baby was measuring big at anomaly scan. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be having them. I've got 4 scheduled starting from 28 weeks.

(although secondary to that new midwife has me down as pre pregnant obese using my weight at 21.5 weeks when actually I was only overweight at my original booking in at 8 weeks. Bmi over 30 triggers growth scans too. Kinda angry over this as losing so much weight pre pregnancy and seeing the word obese on my paperwork is triggering.)

So unless you've got something to trigger them they won't happen. Maybe there's just a higher concentration of us that need extra monitoring in this group than normal?

Ah ok I see. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah I was also told they take loads of blood throughout pregnancy but so far I have had one blood test at 8 weeks and then one at my 12 week scan as part of the 3 syndromes screening. Last saw midwife at 16+3 and not seeing her again until my 26 week appointment in a couple of weeks. So I dunno if I will start having tests done then or what. No one has taken my weight since my booking in appointment either. V strange.
Ah ok I see. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah I was also told they take loads of blood throughout pregnancy but so far I have had one blood test at 8 weeks and then one at my 12 week scan as part of the 3 syndromes screening. Last saw midwife at 16+3 and not seeing her again until my 26 week appointment in a couple of weeks. So I dunno if I will start having tests done then or what. No one has taken my weight since my booking in appointment either. V strange.

From what I've heard, they don't typically weigh you again after booking in and they also don't take blood again unless there is a reason. My sister had to convince them to test her blood again as she was feeling so faint in third trimester, and they didnt want to test. they did eventually and turns out she was very aneamic... I think regular blood tests to check for that is important, but they don't do it for some reason.
Ah ok I see. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah I was also told they take loads of blood throughout pregnancy but so far I have had one blood test at 8 weeks and then one at my 12 week scan as part of the 3 syndromes screening. Last saw midwife at 16+3 and not seeing her again until my 26 week appointment in a couple of weeks. So I dunno if I will start having tests done then or what. No one has taken my weight since my booking in appointment either. V strange.

Regardless of anything else both trusts I've been with do some general bloods again at 28 weeks. The big concern both trusts told me that's for is anemia as baby can steal all your iron by then. I'll also additionally.get gestational diabetes test then because of family diabetes. It may vary between different trusts though.

Also she only took my weight because I was booking in at this trust, but that weight is now being used as the weight for my BMI calculations ect. If I wasn't having to book in again my weight would never been done again.
Regardless of anything else both trusts I've been with do some general bloods again at 28 weeks. The big concern both trusts told me that's for is anemia as baby can steal all your iron by then. I'll also additionally.get gestational diabetes test then because of family diabetes. It may vary between different trusts though.

Also she only took my weight because I was booking in at this trust, but that weight is now being used as the weight for my BMI calculations ect. If I wasn't having to book in again my weight would never been done again.

Do they not realise that by 21 weeks you would obviously have put on weight since pre pregnancy?! I had put on just over a stone at 21 weeks. Anyway, just ignore them and enjoy seeing baby at the extra scans!
Do they not realise that by 21 weeks you would obviously have put on weight since pre pregnancy?! I had put on just over a stone at 21 weeks. Anyway, just ignore them and enjoy seeing baby at the extra scans!

I'm fighting it because it's making all my paperwork wrong and unnecessarily puts me into a higher risk category. I literally have a wad of paper I wasn't expecting in my notes about how I'm more likely to have a c section, can't have a water birth or home birth, will have an increased chance of having a baby delivered with forceps, increased chance of thrombosis and that I need to have a healthy eating book issued to me among other things. Not being funny but I lost nearly 100lbs before getting pregnant. I know how to eat healthy and be active now (I just couldn't hit goal before our surprise). I knew I would gain weight going off diet and I knew I would gain quickly because of my PCOS and my body not agreeing with carbs. I'm also naturally bigger boned. For 24 weeks you wouldn't think I had a baby measuring big in there.

It may seem silly but the labels mean something to me after my weight struggle. I also think it's a waste as increasing assessed risks increases care given unnecessarily by an NHS with an overstretched budget as it is.
I'm fighting it because it's making all my paperwork wrong and unnecessarily puts me into a higher risk category. I literally have a wad of paper I wasn't expecting in my notes about how I'm more likely to have a c section, can't have a water birth or home birth, will have an increased chance of having a baby delivered with forceps, increased chance of thrombosis and that I need to have a healthy eating book issued to me among other things. Not being funny but I lost nearly 100lbs before getting pregnant. I know how to eat healthy and be active now (I just couldn't hit goal before our surprise). I knew I would gain weight going off diet and I knew I would gain quickly because of my PCOS and my body not agreeing with carbs. I'm also naturally bigger boned. For 24 weeks you wouldn't think I had a baby measuring big in there.

It may seem silly but the labels mean something to me after my weight struggle. I also think it's a waste as increasing assessed risks increases care given unnecessarily by an NHS with an overstretched budget as it is.

Sorry, I didn't realise it affects so much and didn't mean to make it sound like it was a silly thing. If it's affecting that much then you should definitely fight it. They have your weight from your first booking in appointment in your notes, surely it's just common sense to just use that as pre pregnancy weight? Like i said, it's obvious that anyone would have gained weight by 21 weeks. I really hope you manage to get it all sorted out.
I keep seeing people saying about growth scans. I was told you only got sent for one if the midwife thought you were measuring small or large for your number of weeks. But the way I read posts on here people seem to suggest you definitely go for growth scans? I'm only expecting to go if I'm not measuring same as my weeks

There are a few twin mums in this group and they routinely do growth scans every 4 weeks.
High risk or pregnancies with possible complications are also given growth scans. A normal low risk singleton pregnancy is scanned twice the whole pregnancy unless there are concerns.

I'm fighting it because it's making all my paperwork wrong and unnecessarily puts me into a higher risk category. I literally have a wad of paper I wasn't expecting in my notes about how I'm more likely to have a c section, can't have a water birth or home birth, will have an increased chance of having a baby delivered with forceps, increased chance of thrombosis and that I need to have a healthy eating book issued to me among other things. Not being funny but I lost nearly 100lbs before getting pregnant. I know how to eat healthy and be active now (I just couldn't hit goal before our surprise). I knew I would gain weight going off diet and I knew I would gain quickly because of my PCOS and my body not agreeing with carbs. I'm also naturally bigger boned. For 24 weeks you wouldn't think I had a baby measuring big in there.

It may seem silly but the labels mean something to me after my weight struggle. I also think it's a waste as increasing assessed risks increases care given unnecessarily by an NHS with an overstretched budget as it is.

I would definitely query and get them to change this, as you say it takes away a lot of your birthing options. Good luck
Seems a lot of us get additional scans. I get them too as they suspect I have Gestational Diabetes due to having it last time. Although it’s a faff testing my blood 3 times a day I look forward to seeing our little man on screen again<3

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